Fundamental ideological schism in the WN movement


Originally Posted by Photon Torpedo
There is a fundamental ideological schism in the WN movement that cannot be resolved by appeals to "unity" - and that schism is the Nazi/Non-Nazi schism. Though I am a WN, I do not support Nazism, "National Socialism", or any variant thereof. I will not stand beside Nazis, costume Nazis, Neo-Nazis, Hollywood Nazis, or anyone else who wears a swastika in public, or waves a Nazi banner. I consider all forms of Nazism as anathema to the achievement of a white-dominant
merica, and view those who are Nazis as enemies to be hunted down at gunpoint and locked away, should a WN government of the kind I envision ever take power.
Don't get too hung up on the labels. Indeed there is a fundamental ideological schism in the WN movement, and I agree that it cannot be resolved by appeals to "unity" - but I
also think that you mischaracterize the nature of the schism to some extent in your overly strident denunciations of "Nazism."

The fundamental schism in the WN movement is not found in distinguishing so-called "WNs" and "Nazis". The schism is found in the distinction between the few who abstract the Symbol from the Ideal and those who substitute the Symbol for the Ideal. I believe that Edgar J. Steele, Yggdrasil, Linder (if you look beyond the outward style) and similar are good examples of the former (henceforth "idealists"). The recent catharsis-indulging NSM rally participants, among others, are classic examples of the latter ("symbolists" or "totemists").

The idealists usually appear conservative. They eschew the trappings of the typical "Movement" loser. They don't collect tattoos and piercings for fun. They don't dress weird. Sex and drink are had, but not esteemed above sobriety, marriage, family and other traditional White values. They try to advance themselves in a trade or profession. In sho
rt, the idealists are committed to the ideal of Living White.

The totemists don't see things very deeply. To them the envelope is the message. I am trying to be sympathetic here, but I feel they do latch on to White Power and Third Reich symbolism more in a desperate attempt to cover up their feelings of nihilism and alienation than in any real understanding of the subject. Often high on their list of priorities is piercings, tattoos and other signs of social marginalization. Totemists don't think a lot about Living White, but when they do they tend to nervously sneer at it.

The truth is complex. I admire Hitler as a great hero even while agreeing that waving the standards of the Third Reich in public is breathtakingly idiotic. But those who separate the Symbol from the Ideal should consider the idea that the true nature of National Socialism and that of White Nationalism are really one and the same.