Have You Noticed That White Dudes Keep Mass Murdering People?" No, We've Noticed You Promoting It


Junior News Editor
Have You Noticed That White Dudes Keep Mass Murdering People?" No, We've Noticed You Promoting It


Here's what's being promoted by one of Nick Denton's GawkerMedia websites:

Have You Noticed That White Dudes Keep Mass Murdering People?

Katie J.M. Baker [Email her] writes

When anyone who isn't a white and relatively well-off man strides into a public place and guns down innocent civilians, we attack his race and/or religious beliefs before we bury his victims in the ground. But when yet another privileged white guy storms into a school or movie theater and kills dozens of people, we assume there's something wrong with his brain instead of wondering whether his murderous rage has anything to do with good ol' American macho entitlement. Are we ready to talk about it yet? Let's.

Of course, no one in the American mainstream is willing to attack the “race and/or religious beliefs” of a mass murderer, even if it’s totally relevant. George W. Bush’s response to 9/11 included a quick visit to a mosque, General George Casey’s response to the Fort Hood Massacre was to say “as horrific as this tragedy was, if our diversity becomes a casualty, I think that’s worse.”

We actually do mention these things at VDARE.com, but no one else does.

This is hardly the first time we've questioned what makes white middle-class dudes more prone to shooting up public spaces; last summer, after the Aurora movie theater massacre, Hugo Schwyzer wrote that "the fact that these white male mass murderers felt so confident choosing public spaces to commit their crimes reflects a powerful truth about the culture in which they were raised.”

It’s nonsense. Have I noticed that white dudes keep mass murdering people? No, I've noticed that when there is a rare crime committed by a "White Dude" it's massively promoted in the media. Crimes of the same kind, committed by blacks or Asian and Hispanic immigrants, do not receive this promotion.

This applies to black serial killers:
•Grim Sleepers? MSM And Hollywood Shut Eyes To Black Serial Killers
•Black Serial Killers: "It Is One Of The Mysteries Of Modern Criminology..."
•New Book on Black Serial Killers

It also applies to black mass shooters. Here's a Mother Jones page that promises A 30-year timeline of mass shootings, with photos of the killers.[By Mark Follman, Gavin Aronsen, and Deanna Pan, December 15, 2012 ]

But it doesn't have photos for all of them, and there is only one black face. Here are eight photographs omitted from the Mother Jones page, which would have made it look more like America as it is today.(Victim numbers include wounded.)


Maurice Clemons +5 victims


Charles Lee Thornton +8 victims


Colin Ferguson +25 victims


Clifton McCree +5 victims


Hastings Arthur Wise +7 victims


William D. Baker + 9 victims


Nathan Dunlap +4 victims


Omar Thornton + 11 victims

Also omitted by Mother Jones—photographs of four Asians, three Hispanics, and two immigrant Muslims.(Most of these fall into our Immigrant Mass Murder Category—the exception being a Japanese-American in Hawaii.)

None of these have pictures on Mother Jones:

Abdelkrim Belachheb

Colin Ferguson

Arturo Reyes Torres

Silvio Izquierdo-Leyva

Sulejman Talovic

Jiverly Wong

Eduardo Sencion

(Immigrant mass murderers Gian Luigi Ferri and Nidal Malik Hasan are mentioned and pictured.)

Included by Mother Jones: pictures of 16 white people, one with orange hair, and one posed in front of a swastika.

The guy backed by a swastika is Wade Michael Page, the Sikh Temple shooter. He's notable because he's the only white shooter apparently motivated by racism.

Every other white shooter on the list was motivated by something else.

Black shooters who definitely gave race as their motive.
• Omar Thornton
•Charles "Cookie" Thornton (No relation)
•Clifton McCree
•Hastings Arthur Wise
•Colin Ferguson

Notably, Omar Thornton's victims were investigated posthumously by the media and by the Manchester Police to see if they were racist—as he claimed before murdering them. They were posthumously cleared.

Even more notably, Colin Ferguson, an immigrant from Jamaica, tried to use his racial motive as a defense in his trial. He called it the "Black Rage" defense.

So yes, Gawker Media, we have noticed something. But it was something you didn't want us to notice.
Re: Have You Noticed That White Dudes Keep Mass Murdering People?" No, We've Noticed You Promoting I

Vdare has a table where 411 total victims from non white mass murders.

Pat Buchanan lists about 20 of them in article.

The 1993 bombers of the World Trade Center and the killers of 9-11 were all immigrants or illegals. Colin Ferguson, the Jamaican who massacred six and wounded 19 in an anti-white shooting spree on the Long Island Railroad, was an illegal. John Lee Malvo, the Beltway Sniper, was flotsam from the Caribbean.
Juan Corona, who murdered 25 people in California to be ranked with the likes of Ted Bundy and John Wayne Gacy, was a Mexican.
Where does one find such facts? On VDARE.com, a Website that covers the dark side of diversity covered up by a politically correct media, which seem to believe it is socially unhealthy for us Americans to see any correlation at all between mass migrations and mass murder.



Office of Justice Programs

African-Americans and Serial Killing in the Media: The Myth and the Reality​

NCJ Number

Homicide Studies Volume: 9 Issue: 4 Dated: November 2005 Pages: 271-291

Anthony Walsh
Date Published
November 2005

21 pages

This study documents an overrepresentation of African-American serial killers in the period from 1945 through the first 6 months of 2004 and then examines why so little media coverage has been given to African-American serial killers.

The major source of information on serial killers was the encyclopedias of serial killers written by Newton (1990, 1992, and 2000) and by Wilson and Seaman (1983, 1990), as well as the works of other authors. Newspaper and Internet sources were used for cases that occurred after 1999. The study identified 90 African-American serial killers and 323 White-American serial killers within the time frame of the study. African-Americans were represented among serial killers at a rate approximately twice their average percentage in the population (approximately 10.5 percent) across the 58-year time frame. Why, then, does the media limit its coverage of African-American serial killers? In answering this question, this study suggests that the media's fear of racism accusations constrains its coverage of heinous crimes committed by Africa-Americans, compared with the zealousness of its coverage of such crimes committed by Whites. Also, African-American serial killers may have been more hidden from the mainstream culture when their victims were other African-Americans, particularly in the early 20th century. Criminological studies of serial killers also neglect to point out Black overrepresentation in crimes generally considered a White domain. The myth that serial killers are rarely African-Americans has had two detrimental effects. First, Whites tend to argue that Blacks are not sufficiently psychologically complex or intelligent to commit a series of murders without being caught. Second, police tend to neglect the protection of potential victims of serial killers in African-American communities. 1 table, 4 notes, and 64 references
Why, then, does the media limit its coverage of African-American serial killers?
Media blackout and continuous downplay of every day black violent crime is put into action by none other than arch-Zionist "President" and gun-runner to Israel, Lyndon B. Johnson, and his damned
Kerner Commission Report of 1968

www.eisenhowerfoundation.org › docs › kerner.pdf

PDF file is a 27 page SUMMARY Report of The National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders

The report of the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders, also known as the Kerner Commission, examined the causes and consequences of the racial riots in Newark and Detroit in 1967.


The Commission recommends that the media:
* Expand coverage of the Negro community and of race problems through permanent
assignment of reporters familiar with urban and racial affairs, and through establishment
of more and better links with the Negro community.
* Integrate Negroes and Negro activities into all aspects of coverage and content,
including newspaper articles and television programming. The news media must publish
newspapers and produce programs that recognize the existence and activities of Negroes
as a group within the community and as a part of the larger community.
* Recruit more Negroes into journalism and broadcasting and promote those who are
qualified to positions of significant responsibility. Recruitment should begin in high
schools and continue through college; where necessary, aid for training should be
* Improve coordination with police in reporting riot news through advance planning, and
cooperate with the police in the designation of police information officers, establishment
of information centers, and development of mutually acceptable guidelines for riot
reporting and the conduct of media personnel.
* Accelerate efforts to ensure accurate and responsible reporting of pot and racial news,
through adoption by all news gathering organizations of stringent internal staff
* Cooperate in the establishment of a privately organized and funded Institute of Urban
Communications to train and educate journalists in urban affairs, recruit and train more
Negro journalists, develop methods for improving police-press relations, review coverage
of riots and racial issues, and support continuing research in the urban field. .

Complete 724 page
https://archive.org › details › reportofnation00unit

Report of the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders

Report of the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders ... The Kerner report Includes index xxv, 654 p.,
Last edited:
LBJ radically increased funding & organization of hundreds of community programs for inner city youth, welfare for minorities, especially unmarried mothers. LBJ and admins hated segregation and uncontrolled White Flight.
Unfortunately, predictably, the colored communities did not live up to their required end of the LBJ bargain.
All that Kerner Commission did was stop marriages, leading to 'baby mommas' and then the black men became heavily involved in the drug trade across the entire USA. Causing the rise in numbers of black prison inmates, the more welfare dollars spent. The result was formation of more and more black and brown gangs, also Asian & Mexican gangs.
And, HERE WE ARE !!!

by Justin Cottrell



Rise of the Black Serial Killer: Documenting a Startling Trend|Paperback- @ Barnes & Noble

In Rise of the Black Serial Killers: Documenting a Startling Trend, Justin Cottrell expels the myth that serial killers in America are predominately white. On the contrary after sifting through a myriad of newspaper records and books, he's compiled a list of murderers that is equal too or...


Rise of the Black Serial Killer - American Renaissance

Blacks more likely than whites to be serial killers.


{snip} Historically from 1890 to present black serial killers have accounted for almost 26% of all solved murders from serial killers. In just the past three decades, the number rises drastically to 38.9%. This trend shows no sign of stopping anytime soon either.

Rise of the Black Serial Killer: Documenting a Startling Trend

In Rise of the Black Serial Killers: Documenting a Startling Trend, Justin Cottrell expels the myth that serial killers in America are predominately white. On the contrary after sifting through a myriad of newspaper records and books, he’s compiled a list of murderers that is equal too or greater than the number of white serial killers from 1860 to present. Few if any have ever heard any of their names or stories, until now. Based on his findings white serial killers have been underrepresented throughout American history when compared to the percentage of the population they represent by a factor of 1.79 on average.

On the other hand, black serial killers have been overrepresented 3 to 7 times their portion of the population, with a 150 year average of 4.44. Another startling trend he uncovered is black serial killers have never represented less than 30.23% of the number of serial killers in a given decade, despite their overall percentage of the population never exceeding 13.1%. This trend has steadily increased to the point that in our current decade they represent 77.27% of the number of serial killers apprehended since 2010, yet only account for 12.6% of the populace. Aside from trends, this book offers reasons most people assume black serial killers don’t exist—from the media prohibition on the subject, to general misunderstandings.

Comparisons of the lack of media coverage on violent black crim
e are pitted against the over coverage of comparable white crimes. Coupled with this is a look into the various factors that breed serial killers, with a look into why black serial killers are on the rise, while white serial killers are on the decline. To prove his research is valid, a full list of every black serial killer is provided, along with a brief description of their crimes. In addition to this the biographies of 35 of these killers are given, with detailed information about their crimes.