Hawaiian Pisses Inside Samoans' Truck At

The Bobster

Senior News Editor since 2004

The Mormons went down to Tonga to convert the savages. Unfortunately, they brought some of the headhunters back with them. Soon the fat, ugly savages were moving to Salt Lake City in droves.

There used to be White gangs in SLC, but no more. They were driven out by gangs of 12-yo Tongans who weigh 300 lbs.

Originally posted by Smedley Butler@Apr 22 2004, 06:30 PM
My last word on Cannibal pacific island savages, I could write of some really horrible stories, but I would make my self sick doing so.. Trust me, these savages are not your friends and the left wing self hating whites, have egged them on for decades now to get white women especially.. If Hawaii had justice there would be weekly hangings for a year are two, then savage islands would be peaceful, and then only need hanging's once or twice
year to keep it... Rope sales is a business to think of perhaps...
Can you tell me some internet links concerning the savage

of the Polyvandals?