Kierkegaard's Aesthetic Alternative Inspiration


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Kierkegaard's Aesthetic Alternative Inspiration
(Apollonian Aug 05)

Hello again mighty birdman (John "Birdman" Bryant)--I saw ur essay regarding upcoming "revolution" on ur Birdman's Weekly Letter # 350: On Revolution: When Does the Shooting Start, Mommie?, and I'd say we should rather as strategists plot what's gonna happen as well as and following upon what's happening currently. Hence we adopt most Kierkegaardian aestheticism for rhetorical style, "turbo-charging" Christian inspiration, if u will, targetting the Pharisaic-"Sadducean" enemy's weapons against us, most notably that of the "big-lie" and its sublime practice/application, counterfeit

ing, as by means of the Fed (Federal Reserve Bank).

Further, we should continue consolidation of our Christian base of compatriots, emphasiz
ing our absolute rejection of Talmudism and subjectivist Pelagianism ("good-evil" fallacy-heresy-delusion).

For we can't count too much, so far, on a mass-movement as Mammon still produces "prosperity," phony and tenuous as it is, continuing to beguile the mass goyim. But we can still strive to appeal to more serious thinking folk, continuing to utilize our latest weapon, the mighty internet.

Thus In general, once again, we're in the Spenglerian "Decline of the West" and attempted "perpetual war for perp. peace" (Christians/West vs. Muslims, Jews benefitting). More specifically we're in midst of topmost oligarchs rather desperate "spinning" the minds of goyim followers, most critical of them being the elders and the "Judeo-Christians" led by modern-day "Sadduceans
t; (like Falwell, Robertson, and Limbaugh) who've so far supported Bush and the Jews so faithfully and effectively.

Honestly, I'm rather surprised oligarchal conspirators don't strike again with another "terror"-eve
nt to totally censor the I-net. No matter, evidently they themselves (oligarchs) fear too much possible over-reaching.

Thus if we consult history we see we must need to look for falling out among the conspiratorial oligarchs as (1) there's "no honor among thieves," this then especially under circumstances (2) of parasite Jews and "Sadduceans" threatening to consume the host.

Thus we observe, as presently, the oligarchal/Pharisaic masterminds trying to keep a step ahead of Bush's inexorable plummetting polls--observe "democrats," like Senators Kerry, Hagel, and Dodd, now second-guessing and pretending they were "misled" by Bush regarding Iraq (9-11 unmentioned and filed down the "memory-hole&q
Finally, another factor is these masterminds of conspiracy tend to start believing their own lies, hysterics, subjectivists, and narcissists as they really are--they're really nuts and will fall apart if we're only patient enough, as u wisely counsel in ur letter/essay #350.

Thus we aim to e
mulate, ultimately, the saint and emperor, Constantine the Great, who revolutionized society and provided for the eventual resuscitation of the West, the Germanics Christianized, taking over the West, leading to Charlemagne and (a little later) then re-introduction of Aristotle and the Renaissance.

Specifically now I draw ur attn to Kierkegaard and his psychologic analysis of mind entailing that dichotomy btwn "artistic" and ethicistic. For too long and too much have we emphasized that conscious calculation and ethicizing. The Christian mentality is primarily aesthetic (parallel with purest reason and logic), and that's how we must frame things for our Christian-oriented pe

We actually can't do much better for the ethicistic leadership than our illustrious Ed Steele (Conspiracy Pen who has, so ironically, produced such aesthetic gems as "It Wasn't the Arabs..." and You Knew I Was A Jew. We must rather now focus, in Kierkegaardian inspiration, on the aesthetic front even more
emphatically, to complement most effectively the excellent work and efforts of such as Steele and even Alex Linder of VanGuard News (VNN).

Thus by means of this aesthetic inspiration do we emphasize the power and effect of the Jew-scam known as the Fed by which simple COUNTERFEITING gives them such incredible existential and practical power--this power founded in turn by means of abstract notions, like "good-evil" fallacy/delusion and then such as holohoax, these lies arising upon the Spenglerian "decline...."

Observe such simple counterfeiting concept and effect actually demonstrates the true power of the "big-

Thus Jews-"Sadduceans" will terrorize the volk regarding a "monetary-economic collapse" if the Fed is abolished, for example. What we must do, as we're strategically and psychologically astute, is to emphasize the preferential respect-for-contract and -law which is the real basis for real economic, hence cultural, strength. Thus again, we n
eed emphasize the Christian, hence AESTHETIC Kierkegaardian mentality.

Thus my conclusionary recommendation is we treat our fellow revolutionaries in a most overt, conscious, even emphatic abstract "aesthetic" manner to point out the great "big-lie" effect of Fed counterfeiting and its horrific consequences. Observe even the Pope, that pathetic captive (if not outright traitor) preaches Jew religion in form of holohoax lies.

Countefeiting (actually) kills; by eliminating it we thereby have a great new revolutionary opportunity of a real, solid, and secure prosperity, t
his all founded u
pon our genuine Aryan/Western prejudice and tradition in favor of rule-of-law/contract, true basis of real wealth--this is what we gotta sell our volk.

Such as Ernst Zundel, Germar Rudolf, Faurisson, et al., would actually do best and most effectively if they not only followed my above-exposited recommendations regarding aestheticism and emphasis upon the lethality of such simple thing as counterfeiting, but
additionally, if they could point out the lethality of the neo-Pelagianism which set things up for the mass-murders and -kill offs of white folk in 20th century enabled by specific means of such as German Transcendental Idealism--but this is here and now just an ancillary side note I venture to interject in this basic essay/response to u and ur excellent essay # 350.

By emphasizing the Kierkegaardian Aesthetic method/mentality we can, for example, make use of New Testament Conspiracy analytic-template to appeal to people most effectively, exposing the Fed counterfeitin
g "big-lie"
and thus undercutting the "Sadducean" co-conspirators and allies of the Pharisaics, counteracting thereby quite effectively one of the great strengths of the Jews, their willing dupes among the gentiles who work for them so effectively, this while Ed Steele continues to crush and smash by means of ethicistical avenue/approach.

CONCLUSION: So far we've worked too hard as (Kierkegaardian-styled) ethicistics, I suspect
. Yes, "shooting" people must be last-resort defense--but "defense" of what?--defense of this "aesthetic" and Kierkegaardian method of exhortation, education (alternative), dramatics, rhetoric, and propaganda, I submit. Honest elections and death to the Fed.

Apollonian, combat-scholar/theolgian, part-time exorcist, Christian Patriot
Birdman's Weekly Letter # 350: On Revolution: When Does the Shooting Start, Mommie?
By John "Birdman" Bryant

Date: November 08, 2005
To: The usual suspects
From: John Bryant (
Re: Birdman's Weekly Letter #350: On Revolution: When Does the Shooting Start, Mommie?
Contents: Opinion (as always)
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On Revolution: When Does the Shooting Start, Mommie?

Every so often I get a letter from someone saying, "Hey, it's time to start shooting the bastards!" I can understand the frustration behind such a call, because the toilet that the white race and Western civilization is going down seems to swirl faster every day, leaving us less and less hope with every passing moment.

But if I understand the feeling of the Shoot-the-Bastards-Now crowd (SBNers for short), I don't agree with them, tho I am willing to qualify that slightly, which I will do shortly.

The main reason I don't agree with them is because there are relatively few people who 'know
score'. That means that when the shooting starts, there won't be much support for the revolutionaries, and THAT means that they are likely to get caugh
t quickly and spend the rest of their lives in prison, living out their meager existence as the toyboys of sweaty homosexual negroes. Or get killed. And like famous novelist Louis L'Amour once remarked, a cause worth dying for is a cause worth living for.

And on top of all this, shooting the bastards will just put more bastards in place, while bringing down draconian restrictions on the rest of us. We don't want that, not only because it is not pleasant, but because it makes it difficult to educate other people about what's really happening. And that is the main task we have to complete before we think about shooting the bastards. That is the task I am engaged in now. That is the task where we have an potential that is incredible, but a risk that is minimal. In fact, that is a way where we can do our duty and also have a lot
of fun
doing it.

Let me put it another way. A lot of us see the Jews as engaged in a long-term program of undermining the foundations of Western civilization. This is wha
t the Protocols reflect, but you don't have to believe in the Protocols to see that the program is in place and functioning -- on an unconscious level, if not a conscious one. In other words, Organized Jewry and their friends have been doing this sort of thing for years on end, and they have been fantastically successful. So maybe our strategy ought to be just like theirs -- a long-term effort to educate our people and inoculate them against the 'Jewish germ'. After all, our goal is long-term (the preservation of Western civ), so our strategy ought to be commensurate.

But there is yet another reason to reject the siren song of the SBNers, namely, that we want a society which is CIVILIZED, ie, where people settle their differences by means OTHER than violence. Once we take up violence, then we have given up the f
difference that separates us from the apes. Yes, violence is sometimes necessary, particularly against those who would use it; but it is something which the CONTRAT SOCIAL sho
uld avoid.

But of course the SBNers are going to reject all this. They are too angry to see past the end of their nose; they are too eager to try out all the sexy hot weapons they have stockpiled; they are too stupid to see the hell that will be brought down on their heads (and ours) once they start pulling the trigger. They say that we don't have the courage to fight; we say they don't have the smarts to NOT fight; and both may be partly right. But the bottom line is this: If they want to fight, then at least let them take the Louis Beam model of 'leaderless resistance'. That way, they can keep from involving us, at least directly. They don't have to call us names -- they can start the Revolution tomorrow if they want to. But my guess is that they are either too stupid, too angry, or just agent
s provocateurs
; and in any event I don't want to have anything to do with them.

As for the Opposition, I say this: We will kill them with the Internet; we will kill them with love; we will kill th
em with TRUTH. If we hold steady to our course, they won't have a chance.

(more at link) :flame: