Letter From a Military Mom: Domestic Spying


Official Poster for email reporters

P.S. Letter below I just saw today; this is honest info, folks; isn't it
pathetic as well as typical. All I can say is more people gotta start
getting serious about life. Fools die. Take good care. A.

-------------below copied fm WhatReallyHappened.com site 24 Dec 05------

Letter From a Military Mom: Domestic Spying & Incident of Intimidation of Military Families

It wasn't that long ago that the military command in Iraq started pulling computer access to various units. Seems some of the troops were writing emails home to family, to friends, to various anti-war groups and the like, and the military was getting a bit disconcerted by that. After all, can't have your own troops pretty much turning the official news on its

head now can you? So what do you do? You shut them u
p and any way that you can. Let them know they are monitored works pretty good.
But, what about the moms back home that are writing on the internet? Moms like Robin Vaughan, whose letter detailing her recent experiences with the Department of Defense and the Army is below.

(more at link)