Lynx And Lamb Defeat Lamenting Billioniare


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Lynx And Lamb Defeat Lamenting Billioniare Zuckerman
(Apollonian, Nov 05)

What do we make of Jew Zuckerman for below-copied text ('sour grapes fm the Jew') fm his paper (NY Daily News)? I submit a good thesis sentence of Zuckerman's is to be found 3rd paragraph, 2nd (long) sentence. Jew says Lynx and Lamb didn't do this on their own (the little twerps). No, not at all, these little vixens were put up to it, conspiratorially no doubt, by masterminds surely and indubitably. Furthermore these people are "racists." Hey we must put strict stop to this activity, immediately, says big Jew.

By golly, I'll bet their mom had a lot to do with all this suspect activity--which Zuckerman so disapproves he wants especially to express his disgust--and if there are any decent gentile people, why they'd denounce such antisemiticalisticism too.

For Zuckerman operates on principle he Jew will say whe
ther mom has rights, whether the kids as individuals have rights. Hey Jew says these aren't even humans with wills of their own, little Lamb and Lynx.

And so anyway, dear comrade Rich, I submit this then is subjectisticalistic behavior and thought of a Jew who really wants to express himself on the issue: he, Jew, does not approve Lynx and Lamb--or their Mom--or white folk in general, actually, especially "nationalists" who are really racists, the scum.

I mean like who do these scum, these "white nationalists" (who are really racists, don't forget) think they are anyway? "Rights"--did they pretend they got 'em?

Thus Zuckerman reveals himself a simple puke fascist bolshevik, pure and simple--a gross outright anti-Christ. Jews enjoy acting this way too, u see, so "subjectivistically"--expressing moral outrage, u "unnerstan," u know. So it's a k
nd of back-handed appreciation we effectively get (well at least Lynx and Lamb, surely), aesthetically, fm big Jew Jew, Mr. Jew
erman, I mean, Zuckerman.

And this Rich is, I submit again, the sort of insanity, thus subjectivism couched in moralism, the Jew psyches himself into--and note he refuses to admit Lynx and Lamb are their own girls, even if limited by age and circumstances as are we all. Impossible, insists the Jew--why Jews wouldn't ever dare to do it themselves (such individualist expression or at least convincing acting like such)--they, Jews, wouldn't even think about it, incapable of even beginning to imagining....

And the point is psychologically, hence artistically, Zuckerman betrays his mentality--unable (and unwilling) to grasp an OBJECTIVE reality or nature, a natural free market, a political culture of individual rights wherein white folk can be racist as they like, Zuckerman the anti-Christ hysteric, fulminating in Bolshevism and hatred of little Lynx a
nd La
mb--how dare they, "pyres of bigotry and stupidity"? Note we no longer have right even to be stupid.

But Lynx and Lamb are t
he very opposites of "monsters" as Zuckerman insists (well, at least it is my preliminary thesis, anyway). Thus Zuckerman reduces himself to insanity, hubris, etc.--but he doesn't care as it is yet sustainable and possible, as mode of behavior and thought, psychopathic as it may seem, even lucrative and rewarding in its way, a proven and successful way from history past and present. (Spengler.)

Zuckerman wants to pretend he has right to be so anti-Christly treasonous. And question is regarding US as of its Constitution, yea or nay?

Nonetheless these Jews are successful in all their subjectivistic moralism, at least in other ways, as it affects the "Sadduceans" (like Falwell and Robertson of present-day) among the gentiles including whites. There are also the crooked lawyers ("scribes"), integral
torial parts. Additionally there are the "elders" as we're taught fm New Testament (NT) conspiracy theory.

How long can Christians tolerate such Anti-Christ activity, as
by Jews and Zuckerman?

And observe Zuckerman's berating and babbling is typical of Jews-media in general--traitors and anti-Christs.

Thus the question is answered: Christians cannot tolerate Zuckerman and suchlike Jews without suicidal death. Zuckerman provokes us again so cruelly like Jews have been getting away with so far, at least since 9-11.

So far Christians were weak and dying (as in Vietnam and "Gulf-war I") but aren't they running out--of suckers willing to die along with patience for such as Zuckerman?

Thus we see Zuckerman demonstrates Jew disease (insanity), a disease of opportunity taking advantage of a prior weakness among the gentiles, hubris, and their pelagianist (hence heretical) willingness to fool themselves subjectiv
istically on
grounds of "morality" and childish "good-evil"--it can only burn itself out like a forest-fire, parasite consuming the victim.

CONCLUSION: Thus we as artists, like u, me, and A. Linder of VNN (VanGuard News Network
.com) try to calculate the Spenglerian upsurge against the heretofore "Decline of the West." Will Lynx and Lamb help us patriots, artistically and inspirationally?--well we speculate anyway as to how. Lynx and Lamb surely inspired Jew Zuckerman, as VNN pts out. Honest elections and death to the Fed.

Apollonian, combat-scholar/theologian, part-time exorcist, Christian patriot