Mithraism and Christianity




Most of the research into Mithraism,
a religion with many parallels to Christianity,
comes from two writers, Cumont and Ulansey.

Some Similarities Between Mithraism and Christianity
Among the recorded similarities are:

Virgin birth

Twelve followers

Killing and resurrection


Birthdate on December 25


Mankind's savior

Known as the Light of the world

The Legend of Mithra

We often hear about how many of the traditions,
rites and symbols of modern day "Christian" holidays
have their roots in paganism.

Recently I came across the writing of historian Franz Cumont,
who is consider by many to be the leading research authority
on Roman Paganism.<
br> I have chosen this issue to begin with the story of Mithraism' birth
because it coincides with the Yule/Christmas sea
I often wondered why December 25th was chosen
to celebrate the birth of Christ.
If the accounts in the Bible are correct,
the time of Jesus birth would have been closer to mid-summer,
for this is when shepherds would have been
"tending their flocks in the field" and the new lambs were born.
Strange enough I found an ancient pagan religion, Mithraism,
which dates back over 2,600 years that also celebrated
the birth of their "savior" on that date.
However, after the two enemy civilizations
had been in contact for more
than a thousand years, the worship of Mithras
finally spread from the
Persians through the Phrygians of Turkey
to the Romans.

The Romans viewed Persia as a land of wisdom and mystery,
and Persian religious teachings appealed to t
hose Romans
who found the established state religion uninspiring -

just as during the Cold War era
of the 1960's many American university students rejected
western religious values
and sought enlightenm
ent in the established spirituality
of Communist east-Asian "enemy countries".


This is the history of how men made a religion
to suit themselves and spread it from
the desert to the West and subjugated WOMAN
by this religion they invented so as to pretend to be superior.

They were guided to do so by a hidden tyrant who wanted
to create IMBALANCE
as it was the only way to take over and control
all the people.

All succedent religious teachings spring from this
womanhating origin
including judaic./xian,/ muslim
male originated/ male benefitting / belief systems
that promote war and the denigration
of woman and Earth Mother.
br>Today many people , men and women,
in many lands ,are aware of these old lies
and how much harm they have done for 6k years.

Thus the growth of the PAGAN Earth Centered beliefs
that see both male and female as GOD as they did
over 6k years ago before a few men
in the desert
decided to make a religion to glorify themselves
to the detriment of women and thus the Pandoras Box
of trouble was opened into this world.

The pendulum swings back.