Most 9/11 Terrorists Carried FL Drivers Licenses

Rick Dean


Most 9/11 Terrorists Carried Florida Driver's Licenses, Says FAIR

April 12, 2004

Gov. Bush's Proposal Would Endanger American Lives Again

(Tallahassee, FLApril 12, 2004) Most of the 9/11 terrorists carried a Florida Driver's license or ID card, the very identification documents that Governor Jeb Bush recently endorsed giving to illegal aliens in Florida, says the Federation for American Immigration Reform. According to FAIR, 12 of the infamous hijackers possessed the coveted documents, which illegal aliens and would-be terr
rists use to establish residency, open bank accounts, get a job and board airplanes, and even re-enter the U.S. from Mexico, Canada or the Caribbean.

FAIR is holding a press conference today in Tall

see just prior to testimony before the legisla
ture. The press conference will begin at 2:30 at the Waller Park area, just behind the Capitol by the fountains.

Jim Staudenraus, Eastern Regional Field Director of the Federation for American Immigration Reform, urged Governor Bush to rethink his decision to support giving driver's licenses to illegal aliens in Florida. Florida is once again making itself a terrorist friendly state. Not only did most of the 9/11 assassins carry the state's drivers license, but three of them attended flight school there, said Staudenraus.

In his statement endorsing the idea of giving illegal aliens driver's licenses, Governor Jeb Bush said that the bill he is backing has enough safeguards that it would ensure terrorists would not get licenses. That's
outright untrue, says Staudenraus. The bill's security measures are entirely bogus. Virtually all of the 9/11 hijackers would have been eligible for a Florida driver's license under the propos
ed n
ew r
ules, he a

Nationally, the state driver's license is very coveted among illegal aliens, who use the universally accepted identifier to establish themselves as legal residents in the U.S. Our chain of enforcement against global terrorism is only as strong as its weakest link, said Staudenraus. And Governor Bush has decided to announce to the world that Florida is laying out the welcome mat for illegal aliens and would be terrorists, he added.

The 9/11 hijackers who carried a Florida driver's license or identity card included:

Nawaf al-Hamzi;
Waleed al-Shehri;
Wail (or Wael) al-Shehri (ID card);
Abdulaziz al-Omari;
Marwan al-Shehhi;
Ahmed al-Ghamdi (ID card);
Hamza Saleh al-Ghamdi;
Ziad Samir Jarrah;
Saeed al-Ghamdi (ID card);
Ahmed Ibrahim
A. al-Haznawi;
Ahmed Abdullah al-Nami (ID card); and
Mohammad Atta

The bill that Governor Bush has endorsed, SB 1360, lets illegal aliens use third party affidavits t
o prove
in Florida. Affida
vits have bee
n banned by other states after it was discovered that they were sold to several 9/11 terrorists to help them obtain driver's licenses. "f enacted, this bill would constitute a gold plated invitation to illegal aliens to live and work illegally in Florida at the taxpayers' expense, added Staudenraus. This bill is bad for public safety, bad for immigration enforcement, and bad for Homeland security, he added.