NAZI VIEW of christian and church teachings






Martin Bormann, who became Hitler's secretary and deputy after Hess' abortive peace mission to England,
like Himmler, Rosenberg, Heydrich, Hitler and most of the others at the top of the Reich hierarchy,
also had a clear perspective on Christianity.

The following is taken from Kirchliches Jahrbuch fur die evangelische Kirche in Deutschland:

"National Socialist and Christian concepts are incompatible.

The Christian churches build upon the
gnorance of the men and strive to keep large portions of the people in ignorance because only in this way can the Christian churches maintain their power.

On the other hand, National Socialism is bas
ed on scientific foundations.

Christianity's immutable principles, which were laid down
almost two thousand years ago by J*ws,

have increasingly stiffened into life-alien dogmas.

National Socialism however, if it wants to fulfill its task fu rther, must always guide itself according to the newest data of scientific researchers.

"When in the future our youth no longer hear anything about this Christianity,

whose doctrine is far below our own,

Christianity will automatically disappear.

"When we National Socialists speak of God, by God we do not understand,

as do naive Christians and their clerical beneficiaries,

a manlike being who is sitting around in some corner of the spheres.

Rather, we must open the eyes of manki
nd to the fact that in addition to our unimportant earth there exist countless other bodies in the universe,

many of them surrounded, like the sun,

by smaller bodies, the moons.

he force which moves all those bodies in the universe, in accordance with Natural Law,
is what we call the Eternal, the Allfather or God.

The asserti
on that this world- force can worry about the fate of every individual, every bacillus on earth,
and that it can be influenced by so-called prayer or other astonishing things,

is based either on a suitable dose of naivete or on outright commercial effrontery.

"In contrast we National Socialists call upon ourselves to live as naturally as possible - that is, in keeping with the Natural Laws of Life.

The more thoroughly we know and attend to the Laws of Nature and Life,
the more we adhere to them,
the more do we correspond to the will of the Eternal;

the deeper our insight into the will of the Eternal,
greater will be our success.

"It follows from the incompatibility of National Socialist and Christian concepts
that we must oppose any strengthening of existing Christian denominatio

and must refuse to give them any assistance.

We can make no differentiation between th e various Christian confessions.

Any strengthening of the Christian concepts would merely work a
gainst us.

"To an ever-increasing degree the Folk must be wrested from Christianity and their agents, the pastors.

Obviously, the Christians, from their standpoint, will and must defend themselves against this loss of power.

But never again must Christianity regain an influence in the leadership of our folk.

This must absolutely and finally be broken."


Despite the pragmatic and relatively cautious approach the times required, the regime did begin preliminary measures against Christianity.

