Negro arrested fo' watching chilluns play

Tyrone N. Butts

APE Reporter


Sex offender arrested near park allegedly impersonating officer

(Columbia) Oct. 1, 2004 - Police say Anthony Miller lied to children and parents in a Columbia neighborhood. The 33-year-old is charged with impersonating an officer in the Lorick Park area.

Donald Priester was coaching little league football Thursday night when he ran into the suspect, "A guy walked through the field, I asked who he was, he said he was the police. I asked for an ID and a badg
. He said he didn't have it. He said he left it at home."

Priester was suspicious and told the real police. They arrested Miller within minutes.

Police then discovered Miller
is a registered sex offender, convicted of third degree criminal sexual conduct.

say Miller has been hanging out around Lorick Park, watching children play, talking with park employees and pretending to be an officer.

Columbia PD spokesman Skot Garrick says when parents found out they called police, who then stepped up patrols in the area, "The alarm bells went off right away. They weren't fooled for a minute. They knew right away that something was up with this character."

Miller is behind bars at the Alvin S. Glenn Detention Center.

Wake up America, the negro is watching yo' chilluns!
