No Such Thing As "Good" J*w--For Jews Are Jews


Guest Columnist
No Such Thing As "Good" Jew--For Jews Are Jews
(Apollonian, 28 Dec 05)

Thanks Rich ( for ur latest fm "Mark Farrell," the ponderous "Good Jew/Bad Jew Paradigm," copied below. I believe I know Farrell fm earlier communications; hence I'm quite happy to be able to criticize his work, like present aforementioned regarding Jews, "good" or otherwise. But there is no "good" Jew for Gentiles, I'd say--unless u think Typhus is good for humans as it leaves only the "healthy" and eliminates the weak and defective.

HERESY. Most topical about Farrell's work is he struggles to engross the problem of HERESY (whether Farrell realizes it or not, probably not, to judge by his "conclusion") by which the Jews rule and seek to increase and consolidate their absolute God-like hubris and hegemony b

which they persecute, terrorize, and de-populate the world of humanity, reason, and health.

Jews consider since someone has to do it--dominate the world, humans being the sinners they naturally are--they may as well be the ones, it being better, given the choice, to oppress rather than be oppressed.

And that's Judaism: a war strategy in accord with and worship of their god, a war god--who then made a covenant with them as we learn fm Old Testament (OT) literature. Thus Judaism (or Talmudism, Talmud being their main textual authority, like New Testament (NT) is for Christians) is a way to being "one-up" so they can get in the first hit for any prospective warfare.

Judaism then is like doing drugs to make u stronger or more mentally alert, like amphetamines--but there's a drawback, as Christ warned, for there's always a down-cycle as we know fm basic cycle (or wave) theory. Judaism leads to hubris, narcissism, hystericism, and insanity.

us Judaism in practice merely and actually entails just a large criminal conspiracy in which all racial Jews parta
ke to one
degree or another whether they admit it or not--which criminal conspiracy Jews want to deflect upon other races, like Italians, by means of their propaganda machine in Hollywood, for one notable example.

The crux and existential center then to this large earthly Judaic conspiracy is the present Federal Reserve Bank (Fed) counterfeiting fraud by which Jews so effectively control and corrupt the previously more healthy gentile culture and civilization, now again, in Spenglerian "Decline...."

Christianity is the recommended improvement, an aesthetic corresponding to the objective (Aristotelian) view of reality against Judaic/Talmudic subjective, narcissist, hubris, and great encompassing cultural-mental "antidote" to such Judaist madness, bringing possible ideal of "peace of mind." Judaism is the kind of hysteria necess
ary in w
ut it turns to insanity and hubristic worship of lies for the sake of lying as we understand fm Gosp. JOHN 8:44.

First, Farrell'
s work (a
bove-cited) suffers for clear definitions, like specifically "Jew," and another great problem is context--like for example, Oswald Spengler's "Decline of the West." The problem of "heresy" never seems to occur to Farrell.

Note "Jew" by definition, confession, and profession is follower of Pharisees, a middle class religious-style faction which made up no more than 15%, at most, of Judean population at time of Christ, which Pharisees led the conspiracy against God and truth in NT and Gosp. JOHN. (Note banking is a middle-class profession-racket.)

Jews follow Talmud which condemns Christ as heretic-blasphemer, also rebel-sorcerer to get Romans to go along with execution (and then to serve as "fall-guys"). And Jews hold themselves above everyone else as God
worships the
m "jealo
usly," Jews judged by God collectivistically--all of this pointedly rejected by Christ and Christianity. And Christians are necessarily "antisemitic" by definition given, professed, accepted, and
d upon most hysterically by Jews. So be it.

And this is probably, surely, the greatest heresy suffered today by so-called "Christians," in the US and the West, who don't seem to realize they are necessarily ANTISEMITIC. And if they're not antisemitic, they aren't Christian.

In the large scheme of things historically, as according to Oswald Spengler, we see humanity always in strife and warfare, so the political-sociologic fortunes seem cyclic when judged in large abstract terms of Jews and Gentiles. We know, for example, Jews were so feared by the Roman emperor Constantine the Great, he found it necessary to invoke this Christianity to gain a respite which actually then corresponded with a great resurgence for the
Roman empire.<b
ogically, we then see Jews as disease of humanity and its mentality by which the weak gentiles are killed off in wars they fight for fun against each other, all organized by Jews who make money in the middle--as they se
ek to do righ
t now in Orwellian "Perpetual war for perp. peace" of Westerners against Islamics, as in Iraq and Afganistan. There's no "good-evil" except for children, but Jews and Judaism are lethal and horribly toxic for gentiles; that's for sure.

This Orwellian war is the only purpose and reason, for example, for the posed Abu Ghraib prison torture graphics and photographs deliberately spread by the Jew-dominated mass-media to stoke Islamic hatred for Christian West and Americans. Note there were no prosecutions for these war-crimes and prison torture outrages except for the lowest level footsoldiers used and "spun" again as "fallguys" and decoys.

Thus it was the hubris of the fo
rmerly healthy genti
le civilization of th
e West, so secure fm Jews for so many centuries, fm Constantine the Great, that finally they, Western Christians, became too successful, too numerous in population, too weak of constitution--we thus arrive at the (cyclic) Spenglerian "Decline of the West"
in gross HERES
Y by which, for example, the present Roman pope preaches holohoax lies and heresy--actual anti-Christ slanders of most outrageous sort.

Historically we note this horrific HUBRIS AND HERETIC COMPLEX arising in the West towards end of "Enlightenment" era, especially in the hoax philosophy of moralism presented by Immanuel Kant. What followed in the "modern era" through the nineteenth century was rise of Jew bankers and corresponding economic system along with the rise of horrific, mass-murdering, fascist, especially SOCIALIST "totalitarian" political system presently epitomized in the world-wide "United Nations" monstrosity-beast.

Thus at fundament
al cultural-mental level,
this HERETIC COMPLEX entails yet another resurgence of that basic Pelagian heresy first encountered, noted, and dealt with by the great Christian fourth and fifth century saint and theologian, Augustine, the same heresy again re-incarnated and encountered by the German hero, Martin Luther. The latest
, modern ve
rsion of this ever-persistent HERESY, consistent with Kant, foremost precepter, and the following German Transcendental Idealism (GTI) contains these primary tenets: (1) That Christianity is somehow NOT antisemitic; (2) That "morality" is and end, not means; (3) that there's such thing as "good-evil"; (4) that it is "good," possible, and necessary to be anti- or non-"racist."

Finally, note heresy then is a kind of nihilistic, even hysterical sort of INDIVIDUALISM gone berserk, a delusion, a flaw in the great social fabric for integrity and health. Heresy then, in general, is the very pictu
re of narcissistic ("in
dividualist") kind of hu
bris which now so intensively afflicts the Western gentiles and descendents of the original Christian revolutionaries and heroes who once, long ago, thought they'd almost solved the problem of the Jews--which Jews have now come back with a great vengeance, the DISEASE OF OPPORTUNITY, capitalizing upon the hubristic heresy, indulgence, and
addiction of W
estern gentiles too busy now fighting one another to be effective against resurgent Jews, this above-described great heretical COMPLEX entailing what should surely be called, "neo-Pelagianism," that fundamental, internal flaw, delusion, fallacy which so afflicts the modern West and gentiles, rendering them victim to the Jews who now dominate so ruthlessly and remorselessly,
a disease worse than anything else imaginable, a veritable madness, the very picture and essence of Spengler's "Decline of the West."

So Farrell adduces some worthwhile observations o
nly in rather muddled form--I ho
pe my own formulations, above-ren
dered, are more clear and conclusive, thus useful to and informative for our volk for the Spenglerian historical resurgence of race and culture.

We white, Western gentiles have suffered enough fm this great scourge of Jews, all necessarily bad for us Christians, by definition and necessity--this because hey, we've suffered enough of that lethal
hubris, indulgenc
e, and narcissist HERESY, the original malady which makes us weak in the first place and thence subject to Jew disease-of-opportunity.

Thus we gentiles, Christians, and Westerners await that epiphany, that moment of "Pentecostal" inspiration which first affected the original Apostles of St. Luke's Acts..., then Constantine the Great, by which they took heart and courage against that opportunistic disease of Judaism, exploiter and profiteer of human sin and hubris.

In general for large cultural-mentality reform purposes we must
emulate Constantine and the original
American founders by any means neces
sary--one easy step to take is reversion of election of US Senators to original method by state legislatures, this most simply removing one group of conspirators in an easy stroke. Impeaching Bush is obvious.

More specifically we should observe and not fail to criticize most pointedly so-called and reputed "patrioticalists" and "nationalists"--who suffer fm g
ross Pelagian he
resy--like Alex Linder of Vanguard News (VNN), Prof. Kevin MacDonald of U. of Cal-Fullerton (I'm pretty sure), Willis Carto, Ernst Zundel, and many others. Lynx and Lamb ( could sing to us about the stupidity of heresy and hubris.

CONCLUSION: Things probably haven't gotten bad enough yet for enough people, evidently. But epiphany and "Pentecost" can still happen for some, and that's all we can be concerned with at the moment, eh? Hang in there. Honest elections
and death to the Fed.

nian, combat-scholar/theologian, part-tim
e exorcist, Christian patriot

---------below essay copied fm Rich Brooks'

The Good Jew/Bad Jew Paradigm:
The Mindset that Impedes Civilization's Healing Process by Mark Farrell