Nuclear Link Alleged in Australia Arrests

José María

Nuclear Link Alleged in Australia Arrests
SYDNEY, Australia (AP) - Police believe a nuclear reactor in southern Sydney was a possible target for an Islamic terror cell there, according to details of an Australian counterterror investigation released Monday.

Police previously stopped and questioned three recently arrested Sydney terror suspects near Australia's only nuclear reactor in December last year, according to an outline of police allegations made public Monday.

The document also outlined what it said were plans by the men to stockpile chemicals for making explosives and that they "obtained extremist advice
and guidance" from a firebrand cleric arrested along with them.

The three men stopped near the nuclear reactor were among 18 terror suspects arrested in Sydney and Melbourne last week and accused of plotting to carry out a "ca
tastrophic" attack in Australia. The police document recounted the December incident under the heading, "Possible targets for terrorist attack."

I am afraid that some islamic terrorist will finally nuke some western country, which should be western response?
If the answer is nothing then more nukes would follow.
If the anser is to nuke back then where? The whole islamic world?
Difficult choices our peoples have to face.