"Pentecostal" Inspiration For Patriots:


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"Pentecostal" Inspiration For Patriots:
Exploitation Of Enemy's Falling-Outs--
Like Btwn JCs and "Sadduceans"
(Apollonian, 27 Dec 05)

So what are we patriots looking for now?--now that we've reconciled
ourselves to an opposition against the Jew-"Sadducean" conspiracy, a
broad opposition founded in Christian philosophy/style/aesthetic, within
which varying rationalistic approaches are entertained and welcomed,
coordinated and applied, say like "nationalists" and "libertarians," and
even Birchers (though Birchers must be taught most firmly and
uncompromisingly about "Judeo-Christian" (JC) contradiction-in-terms and

Obviously we're looking for that "Pentecostal"-type moment as when the
original Apostles became inspired like with those
little flickers of
flame which alighted on the tops of their heads, as we're taught from
Christian art and painting-illust
ration (especially for the kids) on the
topic (Pentecost).

Hey dude--so did u know Christianity is actually ANTISEMITIC?--hey, and
a lot of people are going to face that simple fact, and guess
what?--they will continue to consider what Christianity really is all
about (antisemitism!), without such fear of the Jews which they're
otherwise so brilliantly programmed with so pathetically from nearly the
beginning of their lives. Such is and was that Pentecostal
inspiration--people losing their "fear of the Jews."

Things economic, military, and political will have to get rather WORSE
than things are currently, I'm afraid, to rather startle folks fm their
apathy, but we'll be there ready as we have to to save the race,
eh?--the race along with all culture and civilization, surely.
And we can well understand that culture-civilization-mentality as we
understand the Hegelian Dialectic (thesis-antithesis), Christianity the
antithesis to Judaism-Talmud

Thus I submit (and rather assure, actually) that specific inspiration is
potentially but essentially already there just within that necessary
grasp, especially in the form of "New Testament (NT) Conspiracy
Theory-template-analytic." For that same basic conspiracy sociology and
political configuration given in NT is present here and now as it has
been throughout all history, and it's what our "Constantinian" Christian
revolution will eventually confront.

Thus regarding the NT conspiracy "players," they remain essentially the
same: Jews-Pharisaicals, "elders," corrupt lawyers ("scribes"),
Herodians (like the "neocons"), and Imperialist enforcers corresponding
with the NT "Romans," today
, surel
y the mammonistic, middle-class
mentalities, suffused in HERESY (like Pelagianistic moralism, TV-induced
"anti-racism" absurdity) who support, even if only tacitly and
mindlessly, Bush-Cheney, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), et al.,
like those who tole
rate such as the United Nations alliance-empire.

And of course the only little trick of art is to understand who exactly
correspond nowadays to the "Sadduceans" of Christ's time, but it isn't
difficult when one observes such as Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, Rush
Limbaugh, and Jim O'Reilly, and the deluded JCs who follow along so

Observe then again we dissidents must depend upon the topmost "players"
(at least those most thematic) to falling-out with one another,
something which is quite possible, especially when one looks at the
delicacy of such conspiracy-configuration, so dependent upon "consumer
For the Jews are so easily (and rightly) hated by the
other "players" in conspiracy, and the obvious weak-point is the
"elders," the JCs, and the mammonist imperialist enforcers who benefit
fm the conspiracy so little (the enforcers now coming back fm Iraq with
depleted uranium in their blood).

Observe again the elders, so vulne
rable (and pathetic), hang on in
conspiracy (mostly tacit in their addled stupidity which they use as
excuse) as they fear losing their social-security slave-payments fm the
youth, among the other "benefits." But then again, look at who, among
others, pays the taxes for all the Orwellian "perpetual war for perp.
peace"--again, the pathetic elders--they must just get a grip and face
reality: Jews and "Sadduceans" are not their friends. NT Consp.
theory-template is overwhelming for logic and persuasiveness--we just
gotta help it along with incisive referen
ce, integrity
, and honesty.

CONCLUSION: Thus it is we can only do what is humanly possible, being
there ready and waiting with the facts and theology when the Spenglerian
cyclic crunch takes place in history, upcoming, perhaps sooner than we
think, truly a dreaded moment. For what will happen--what we've got to
be most ready for--is ANOTHER TERRORIST INCIDENT instigated by the Jew
scum and oligarchal puke
--BUT IT WILL BACKFIRE, and instead of
submitting to more of the Orwellian police-state, the people led by
rationalistics and Christian aesthetes will resist and rebel. Then the
fireworks will really begin as the Jews desperately try to foment a
ruthless war against their erstwhile hosts. Thus we anticipate the
inevitable SHOWDOWN AT THE O.K. CORRAL--it's a matter of "vision," and
we must be brave. Visualize whirled peas. Honest elections and death
to the Fed.

Apollonian, combat-scholar/theologian, part-ti
me exorcist, Chri