"Popularization" Must Be Absolutely Thoroughgoing


Official Poster for email reporters
"Popularization" Must Be Absolutely Thoroughgoing
(Apollonian, Nov 05)

Following the essays previously sent by me on "popularization" theme, first invoked by redoubtable Rich Brooks of WhiteAlert.com, we should note we don't want to "succeed" like the German nazis, only to fail and be assassinated, set up to be then knocked-down as during World War II. Our philosophic objectivity must be firm, solid, and well-founded, perfectly logical and deterministic, paralleling the New Testament mythopoetic aesthetic.

Again, we must feature a Constantinian revolution. So "popularization" must be global for effect, not merely confined to one nation as in Hitler's Germany, so isolated the American dupes and goyim were enabled to subsequently blindside the German heroes.

And one thing to be affirmed, at least eventually, by a

ll, not only patriots, is present (cultural) system cannot be merely "refor
med"; rather it must be totally junked and revolutionized; Spengler's "Decline of the West" must be reversed. Jews and Sadducean maggots and disease are too pervasive.

Indeed this revolutionizing task is not difficult to fathom as we observe people evermore getting wise to the numerous Jew-Sadducean frauds and scams, perhaps the greatest one being the present attempted replacing of Christianity with holohoax fraud-religion, presently preached even by such as the Roman Pope.

Thus we observe the criminal indictments recently of "Scooter Libby" fm VP's office, the Jew-lobby (AIPAC) spying scandal, and the Jew Abramoff indictment, Abramoff now having been shown as so startlingly close to the mysterious "al qaeda," Mohammed Atta.

Notice now 100 illegals (or so) detained in Allentown, Pennsylvania (AP, Mike Rubinkam, 18 Nov)--that will surely raise Bush&
s approval ratings if he does more of such alien-rounding-up. So we see how things are thus staged for the benefit of the el
ders and mammonists by the Pharisees and "Sadducean" conspirators of modern-day, like Falwell, Robertson, et al.

And the illegal alien invasion is one irrefutable indictment and condemnation of the "greatest generation," the hubris of present elders and establishment, which continues to prop up the present day Pharisees, Jews, and Sadducees. It's these elders now who must be targetted and isolated; they must admit their apostacy by which they've been defrauded so grossly, betraying Christianity, murdering the German heroes, selling out their own offspring to the Jews, etc., veterans of Iraq war coming back with depleted uranium dust in their blood.

Thus we patriots must be patient as we watch Mammon continue to wiggle, shake, and maneuver--as again, with the round-up of the illegal aliens in Pennsylvania--how astute and so dra
y effective--what a brilliant stunt, indeed. For the fraud and scamming Pharisaic-Sadducean enemy will always ultimately favor fascist politics and he
nce those who swear to upholding such as the Federal Reserve Bank (Fed) counterfeiting fraud, the "jugular" to all their practical power upon earth which they've set up and cultivated so carefully over so many years.

Like the Christians who had to suffer persecution first, so now such as revisionists, Ernst Zundel and others, suffer. But Mammon is still strong, and we need patriots to lead the way with rejection of that basic SUBJECTIVITY of Pharisaism and Judaism which lies at the root of Mammon, this most active, manifest, and palpable in form of moralism and neo-Pelagianism ("good-evil" fallacy-delusion) by which the Jews-media has persuaded the "greatest generation" of dupes to back the Jews, communists, "Sadduceans" and Fed frauds in such as the murder of the German heroes of WWII and the
present ill
egal alien invasion.

Hence all the present patriot "leaders," so-called, like Zundel, Carto, Faurisson, et al. must take heed of this fundamental cultural necessity for Constantinian
revolution: neo-Pelagianism must be denounced as the tool of the Pharisees and Sadducees by which they delude, dupe, and defraud the elders and "greatest generation."

Thus the patriot cause is so sublimely fundamental for culture, the real battlefield being in the realm of such as subjectivism versus objectivity symbolized by the "good vs evil" fraud, thus the necessary attention and emphasis on Christian versus Pharisaism-Sadducean conspiracy. Thoroughgoing antisemitism is thematic--hence one must emphasize the enemies ideal, subjectivism, which manifests as Pelagian-styled moralism, defended and seconded by "Sadduceans."

CONCLUSION: Thus we must exorcize this neo-Pelagian demon from the "greatest generation," for foremost exam
ple, exposing th
em for the murdering traitors and apostates they really are. Thus we emphasize most rigorous Christian aesthetic in accord with purest, most perfect logic. Along with rounding-up the illegal aliens we should round-up the Jews-Pharisees and th
e Sadduceans too. Honest elections and death to the Fed.

Apollonian, combat-scholar/theologian, part-time exorcist, Christian patriot