Press Release: Resisting Defamation


Sensitivity Toward European Americans: Diversity Within Diversity


Resisting Defamation (Sunnyvale, CA) announces the online publication of the 16th edition of its syllabus, "Sensitivity Toward European Americans: Diversity Within Diversity."

Lots of new content, analysis, and action steps from the European American movement syllabus...

...Accepting a label imposed by outsiders (e.g., WASP, gentile, Anglo, whitey, goy, gringo, righteous gentile, non-Hispanic white, cracker, h*llb*lly, lily-white, redneck, white boy, or white flight) is dangerous for our European American children as well as a distortion of our European American identity. European Americans have the right to name, label, and des

cribe ourselves. Stealing that right must be bitterly opposed.
Accepting another's label for European Americans disparages ourselves and undermines our right to exist. If you cannot name and describe yourself, you are seriously oppressed whether you know it or not.

...Slurring European Americans is a way for adversaries to claim the right to name European Americans, which is a claim of supremacy over European Americans. Fighting slurs is deadly serious. It's not based on "victimology," it's based on human dignity and decency, especially for young European Americans. Only European Americans have the right to choose a name, label, or description for themselves. It doesn't have to be "European American," either.

...Recognizing the real "white power structure" and its supporting organizations: ADL, SPLC, PAW, and ACLU. The only time the real "white power structure" came out of its closet and strutted its stuff on national TV for three days. Your US Senator is a mere figurehead and will not protect your dignity and decency. He or she dares not, even if willing. And
forget about the President.

...Limiting our identity to one word (e.g., White, Aryan, or Caucasian) is a dangerous acceptance of our adversaries' menacing desire to strip European Americans of our internal diversity and to describe us as an entity without variety. We must actively demand recognition for the wonderful variety of our histories, heritages, and cultures.

...Writers who use European American-bashing quotations in newspaper articles and TV shows are guilty of promoting the slurs themselves. It's not excusable just because it is a quote. Bash them back with your own Internet site...see how we do it.

...Why our adversaries' goal is to silence European Americans, not to "instill guilt."

...New explanations about, and examples of, slurs, negative stereotypes, hate caricatures, and white-baiting canards.

...Notion of "white skin privilege" deconstructed, and concept of "market dominant minorities" explained.

And much more EuroAm-centric analysis!

Bo Sears for Resisting Defamatio