Purple Emmett Jigger Sign Full of Holes


Senior Reporter
Emmett Till sign in Mississippi vandalized with bullet holes -- again


Vandals shot up a sign in northern Mississippi memorializing Emmett Till, a black teenager whose lynching in 1955 was a catalyst for the modern civil rights movement.

The historical site marks the area where Till’s body was recovered from the Tallahatchie River three days after he was murdered. At least four bullet holes pierced the marker on July 26, just 35 days after the sign was replaced a second time.

In 2007 the Emmett Till Memorial Commission erected eight markers, including the river sign, around Tallahatchie County to commemorate Till’s death. The first riverside marker was stolen in 2008 and was never recovered. The sign was replaced later that year but was repeatedly vandalized by gunfire until it was taken down in 2016. The third sign was rededicated on June 21 this year.

Till was 14 years old when he was kidnapped, beaten, tortured and shot after a white woman accused :eek: him of making sexual advances toward her in her husband’s store in Money, Mississippi.

