Ranch Confiscation Outrage: Desperately


Guest Columnist
Ranch Confiscation Outrage: Desperately
Needing A "Monetary Collapse"
(Apollonian 5 Jan 06 [fm original, Aug 05])

I saw VanGuard News Network's (VNN) mainpage story for 20 Aug 05 about
the Arizona ranch being given away at behest of Jew, Morris "sleaze"
Dees. Yes, war is being waged against us, and another terrorist
incident is being prepared to hurl us into perpetual war for perp.
Orwellian "peace," undoubtedly. Thus we are attacked and beset, most
truly and verily. VNN well informs and alerts us to the grave danger.
"Monetary collapse" to bring down present-day mammon empire IS JUST WHAT

Oh well, it's just not enough people have died for the other people to
get serious, and it's all part of conspiratorial design--as I see the
anti-Christs acting here nowadays in C

rpus Christi, Texas, where this
weekend (20 Aug 05) we host the "Franklin Graham
," Graham, son of
famous "Billy Graham," evangelistical for Judeo-Christianity and Israel,
George Bush, et al.

What to do? Fight back in cultural manner so as best to fight
outrightly militarily when the crucial time does come in the Spenglerian
historical and cyclical moment. Observe the salvation of the US depends
most crucially upon a "monetary/economic collapse"--which is what the
traitors (Bush, et al.) want to scare and exhort the old folks with,
especially. "Elders" were also integral to the conspiracy against

Hence here in Corpus Christi I act by informing fellow Christians and
company about the anti-Christ nature of such as aforementioned
"Judeo-Christian" like Graham and George Bush. It's real matter of art
and artful rhetoric: Christ taught "truth" of whi
ch t
don't and can't have or know (Gosp. JOHN 8:44, among other neat "truth"
quotations). Truth will set one free, but is freedom what we want?
ianity is then ultimate artistic medium by which we must fight and
meet the anti-Christ, Pharisaic, Talmudistic enemy/devil. Theology and
rhetoric are the artistic devices to be mastered, and it is well done
in, by, and with Christianity, a most sublime artistic medium. Thus we
attack lies and fraud, and the "monetary crisis" by which the Federal
Reserve bank (Fed) scam is overthrown will be salvation, contrary to Jew

In the "mission" where I presently live [back in Aug 05, again], I come
up against all kinds of con-artists who spin all kinds of conspiracies,
like being beset by demonic two-bit whores, as I was last night, the
19th, alas. (I survived, thankfully.) So I have to suffer, reminding
my comrades that we&#3
9;ll sur
ely have
to endure yet another terrorist
incident. Meantime I preach the gospel and exorcize demons, like the
holohoax obsession with the idea Jews were murdered by Unc' Adolf. I
tell folks, "hey, we (Christ
ians) LOST
World War II, suckers." Thus the
truth will set one free--if one wants.

CONCLUSION: The New Testament, as in Gosp. of JOHN, contains a serious
exposition upon truth (thus Aristotelian objectivity by direct
implication, art expositing scientific truth and logic) which Pharisaics
and anti-Christs have none, a handy thing to know and preach. Thus I
act "locally, while thinking globally," doing my patriot's, Christian
best, most effectively as possible, upholding Christian truth, health,
and freedom against Judaic-Talmudic lies, insanity, and Morris Dees'
Orwellian fascism. What we desperately need most is a
"monetary-economic collapse"--that's the only way we'l
l survive.
o the Fed.

Apollonian, combat-scholar/theologian, part-time exorcist, Christian