Regain control of U.S. borders

Rick Dean


Regain control of U.S. borders

A recent editorial addressed the job-safety standards for Mexican immigrants, using the terms legal and illegal interchangeably. There is a great difference between the two. I am not opposed to job-safety standards imposed by the states (not the federal government) for legal immigrants. However, we do not need job-safety standards, Spanish-speaking labor investigators, training or outreach programs for illegal aliens. Regardless of all the rhetoric, they are here illegally
nd therefore should be arrested and deported.

In addition, employers should be held accountable for the hiring of these illegal aliens, and amnesty under any name should not be granted.

We mus

xpand the U.S. Border Patrol and Coast Guard w
hile instilling some backbone in our politicians to arrest this invasion and enforce the laws that are in place. Failure to respond is a slap in the face to the thousands of foreign individuals who apply for legal immigration and wait many years to enter America. In addition, most of these individuals assimilate and navigate the naturalization system to become citizens, and are proud to be called Americans.

Years ago, Mexican essayist Carlos De Mola, in speaking of America, stated that there has been a movement of an ant-like multitude invading our country that is unprecedented in any part of the world. One can see that it has accelerated.

Also years ago, Ronald Reagan stated, "The simple truth is that we have lost control of our border
s, and no nation can do that and survive."

While we are a nation of immigrants, we are above all a nation of laws. Surely the many "humanitarians" should understand that. <b