Repetition: Necessary Prop.--Requires Art


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Repetition: Necessary Prop.--Requires Art
(Apollonian, Dec 05)

Dear Rich (, You've been neglecting ur part as
dialectician--mum's the word, eh? Okay, but that's not the best sort of
"dialectic"--our patriot comrades desire serious information of which u
deprive them, along with Linder/VNN (Vanguard News
Actually what happened was u just hit kind of a "plateau," eh?

I remember one of the womanly complaints against me, made several
"repeated" times by u and/or Linder/VNN, was/is my willingness to repeat
some things sometimes. But repetition is a rhetorical art. The reason
is that human INDUCTION begins upon the start, the promptings, of
natural REPETITION. Thus we strive to harness the great power of human
repetition, I think.

My answer then is r

epetition is necessary to humanity and which is well
founded (as technique) and veri
fied fm history. After all, in nature if
something serves one's pleasure, we're wont to do it again, or at least
try. To be human is to be repetitious, as well as sometimes "erring"

And it's (repetition) how ideas come to our brains: things happening
repeated times, thus instigating that natural human function of
INDUCTION, as in LOGIC. Note induction precedes deduction--which u're
pretty poor at (like we all are sometimes) too, eh Rich?

Thus small mentalities think it so monumental, evidently, to note I've
"repeated" a few things a few times, hey. But I understand I must only

Consider the great power of Ed Steele's poem, "It Wasn't the Arabs...."
Steele's brilliant inspiration is the power of INDUCTION, the very basis
of human thought (thus logic). Now Ric
h, m
y latest artistic inspiration
is that our heroines Lynx and Lamb ( could actually put
Steele's poem TO MUSIC and sing it quite effectively. Do u
have any
thoughts whatsoever upon this artistic-patriot subject of
expression?--after all, u're supposed to be an "editor," is that right?

Note further the artistic manner in which I've (dialectically) repeated
the theme of Lynx and Lamb, now for several successful and exciting
instances in space of longer than a week. Maybe u should take up
drinking in order to jump-start ur dialectical brain. With "patriots"
like u to dialogue with, no wonder we have such little and miniscule
dialectic progress, eh? U and Linder/VNN--and the man of birdness
( too--must break out of ur sullen silence and begin to
attempting in serious manner to think, analyze, and dialogue for serious
purposes of (a) information, acting according to (<!--em
img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='cool.gif' /> plan, and â┚¬Ã…¡ÃƒÆ’”�šÃ”š© then
generating an INITIATIVE. Come on.

How then do we pa
triots get an (political-cultural) initiative started?
Well, we could make use of the excellent and historical example of Lynx
and Lamb--especially compared to the "Bob and Tom" of nationalistic
white-ism, A Linder/VNN and Rich Brooks (for a good couple of now
historical examples over a substantial period of time). Linder/VNN and
Rich have stagnated and presently rest upon proverbial laurels,
according to "Peter Principle."

Honestly Rich, I think u feature far too much self-congratulations,
desperately needing much more serious criticism--now aren't u thrilled u
got (critic) such as me? The ways of patriotism and patriot heroes are
wondrous in their magnificence, aren't they?

Lynx and La
mb are so much more honest, not to mention lots cuter than
curmudgeons, Rich quite accomplished thereto, and Linder/VNN an ardent
wannabe, "artists" who've sold out to Pelagianism (this then is crucial,
yea or nea issue). Such was Martin Luther's noble complaint of
rganized, so-called "anti-Pharisaism" of official Roman sort.

this to be done, in fact? Is there a thought within the
"nationalistical" brain, comrade Rich? There is opportunity if not
urgency, for it appears presently oligarchs will make Cheney, the US VP,
a primary or major diversion--like Agnew was for Nixon way back when
(about 73 or 4, I believe). Observe how gossippy personalities like
Rove, Cheney, and prostitute Miller (and lately Woodward too), are used
to cover for the treason to Israel, most simply.

One good way for thematic initia
tive is to begin the r
eform of US
Senators--which should be elected by state legislatures, as
originally--and which reform is so easy, both in practice and concept,
that it could be enacted tomorrow, for example. Present crew of
"Senators" is plainly totally corrupt and sold out, like "Lieberman,"
yet another stupid Jew, who is offered as "replac
ement" for Rumsfeld--is
that a disaster or what?

And the strategy is simple: if we patriots don't begin to doing
something (constructive), the oligarchal enemy will widen the Orwellian
"perpetual war" against us w. another terrorist-incident, making things
worse for martial-law pretexts to assassinate the people as the Israelis
steadily do to the Palestinians, for another example.

But Linder/VNN takes orders fm idiots (Pelagian heretics), and Rich
Brooks is a gross wanton artist more involved with stylisms like the
rhetorical complaining abou
t "repetition";
losers and burnouts. Thus
honesty of Lynx and Lamb theme conquers perversion and hubris of
"artistes," Linder/VNN and Rich, once great artists, yes, but who
actually lack full ethical integrity for utmost effect, including then
artistically. What an episode within the history of nationalistical
white-ism. Simple patriotism is best ("Occam's Razor").

This honesty then is precisely how Lynx and La
mb, with enough artful
"repetition" could help advance our cultural cause by means
(specifically) of Ed Steele's incredible, powerful poem, "It Wasn't the
Arabs...." Advocating this sort of
cultural-artistic-philosophic-journalistical advance-campaign is
something u as editor should consider more, comrade Rich.

Anyway, the point is Lynx and Lamb might well help to generate a (real)
revolution, beginning with a modest initiative ("enough" is all we
eally need, u know) within th
e white race and perhaps even the entire
GENTILE CULTURE, resuscitating it in resurgence, reversing Spenglerian
"decline...," like dear Saint Constantine-the-Great of 4th century.
Again, a significant initiative might well be gained by means of reform
of election of US Senate--it only has to be significant enough, as well
as do-able.

CONCLUSION: Thus comrade Rich, I propose to have demonstrated herein the
great nature and value of REPETITION, a form and a style, which only
eds some artistic SUBSTANCE, like dear Lynx and Lamb, for examples,
heroic 13 yr olds who might even improve upon gross burnouts, Linder/VNN
and Rich, resting upon laurels, having lost that youthful and romantic
zest for utmost cultural struggle--how tragic. Note we need to
demonstrate an INITIATIVE; what have u so-called "leaders" of
nationalistic white-ism done lately? Down w. heresy (like idiotic
let me repeat. Honest elections
and death to the Fed.

Apollonian, combat-scholar/theologian, part-time exorcist, Christian