Revealed: US professor was behind extremist site that spread conspiracies; Christian Nationalists: OH NO! THEY MUST BE STOPPED - THEY'RE NOT ALLOWED!!

Arheel's Uncle

Senior Reporter
Quite the thread, subversive busybody Ms Cohn has been chasing down, creating a dossier, then exposing online on XTwitter about a group of conservative White men & families who've been planning and in process of buying up land to build a Christian community, with RULES -- OMG.
And, OMG, some have guns!!
And, they seem to want an all White community, OMG!!
And, they talk about keeping watch and protecting their community.

That kind of thing gets the hard core Lefty Democrats con cohns upset. And, the Guardian picked up the story with details and the schmears of old dead history and they must be guilty by association, but the article is too long to post.


Revealed: US professor was behind extremist site that spread conspiracies​

Documents show Scott Yenor ran Action Idaho, which attacked LGBTQ+ people and Republicans deemed not rightwing enough
Jason Wilson
Fri 29 Mar 2024 06.00 EDT
Jenny Cohn
I write about elections & Christian Nationalism 4 @buckscobeacon; Spoutible = @jennycohn; Mastodon =; Donate:

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And, OMG, some have guns!!

They have the guns and therefore we are for peace and for reformation through the ballot. When we have the guns then it will be through the bullet.
Saul Alinsky RUSSIAN JEW
Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals (ed. Vintage, 2010) - ISBN: 9780307756893

How Saul Alinsky Took Lessons From the Mob and ... - The American TFP

A former Communist Party supporter and C.I.O. (Congress of Industrial Organizations) labor agitator, Saul David Alinsky (1909-1972) began to dedicate himself in the late 1930s to community organizing in his native Chicago.

History of the Communist Party USA - Wikipedia

The Communist Party USA (CPUSA) is an American political party with a communist platform that was founded in 1919 in Chicago, Illinois. Its history is deeply rooted in the history of the American labor movement as it played critical roles in the earliest struggles to organize American workers into unions,

Communist Party - Encyclopedia of Chicago

The American Communist Party was born in Chicago in 1919 and headquartered there until 1927, when its headquarters and newspaper, the Daily Worker, moved to New York. During the 1920s, Chicago's party members dealt with factionalism, reorganization, and police persecution. Before 1925,
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