Sergio Martin Perez charged with "upskirting" for taking pics of 5 & 9 y/o girl

Expose Them All

Accused Sex Offender Shot Girls At Griffith Park

LOS ANGELES Los Angeles Police are asking the public to help them identify two girls who were photographed while playing in Griffith Park.

One victim is described as between 9 and 11 years old with blonde hair and blue eyes. She was wearing a dress covered with butterflies, mushrooms, fairies and dragonflies.

The other girl is about 5 years old and had cornrows in her hair. She was wearing a burgundy velvet dress and black cowboy boots with white stitching.

Sergio Martin Perez, 52, of Highland Park has been charged with four misdemeanors in connection with taking more than 200 pictures of girls while they played in the pony ride area of Griffith Park.

The pony ride operator s
aid he saw Perez blatantly trailing several girls around the ride on January 28. The ride operator called police, who seized Perez's camera
and found the photographs, which included the girls' midsections, undergarments and genital areas.

Perez and his attorney declined comment after Perez's initial arraignment hearing. The hearing was postponed until April 19.

Perez is charged with one count each of child annoying, "upskirting," which is using a concealed camera to photograph someone's body or undergarments for sexual gratification, sexual exploitation of children and possession of child pornography, according to Deputy City Attorney Lara Schwartz.

If Perez is convicted of any of the counts -- except upskirting -- he would have to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life.

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AB's trying to help, this isn't one of em' is
it officer's? --------- >
