Student, 19, Charged W/Sexual Assault On Girl, 14

The Bobster

Senior News Editor since 2004

It appears this NYC nigger predator was invited to this exclusive school as a charity case to make it more "diverse." Well, they reaped what they sowed.

Former Student Charged With Sexual Assault On Girl, 14
Girl Allegedly Assaulted In School Photography Studio

POSTED: 12:23 pm EDT April 12, 2005
UPDATED: 12:41 pm EDT April 12, 2005

POTTSTOWN, Pa. -- A New York man has been charged with the sexual assault of a student at a prestigious boarding school.

Now, Vaughn Buncamper, 19, is considered a fugitive for not appearing in court. Montgomery County District Attorney Bruce Castor said the incident allegedly happened in February at the Hill School in Pottstown, Pa.

Castor said Buncamper walked into the school's
photography studio and performed various sex acts on a 14-year old freshman girl afte
r being told to stop. She reported the alleged attack to a friend and to a teacher.

Buncamper is no longer a student at the school. The school is cooperating fully in the investigation.

If niggers are admitted to any white institution, the TNB can be counted on to bring it down to the level of the nigger. NIggers are not human in the sense that whites are human, the two are not really compatible at all. Trying to become more "diverse" is just a bad idea, we should become less diverse and let nature take it's natural course. Niggers are a curse upon this earth!!
