survivors of the Nazi Holocaust who believe



Nationally, 16,000 survivors and heirs will be receiving these $1,000 checks.

Holocaust humanitarian payments
The check is in the mail for at least 52 Washington survivors of the Nazi Holocaust who believe, but were unable to prove, :rolleyes:

they or their relatives held insurance policies that were rendered void during World War II.<b
Survivors who filed for these unpaid insurance policies will begin receiving "token" payments of $1,000 each this week from the International Commission on Holocaust Era Insurance Claims

Nationally, 16,000 survivors and heirs will be receiving these $1,000 checks.

The deadline for filing Holocaust-era insurance claims to the ICHEIC expired Dec. 31, 2003. More than 400 claims for unpaid insurance policies were
filed by 194 survivors and their heirs in Washington. Most claimants knew the names of the insurance companies or had traced documents proving they owned policies.

The ICHEIC predicts a resolution of all Holocaust-era insurance claims by the end of 2004, and expects all appeals to be decided by the middle of 2005.

The Humanitarian Fund was established by ICHEIC and is funded by companies participating in the ICHEIC process along with the German Foundation "Remembrance, Responsibility and Future." The process was established to acknowled
ge that many insurance claims from the Holocaust era cannot be matched or settled due to the ravages of war and the passage of time.

The Insurance Commissioner's Holocaust Survivors Assis
e Office
has been designated as ICHEIC's official contact and outreach site in Washington State. Claimants may contact the Holocaust Survivors Assistance Office at (206) 464-6828 or statewide toll free at 1-888-606-9622.

Posted by Candace Heckman at March 31
, 2004 05:04 PM
Do you remember when Clintons acolytes were trying to deflect

attention from his womanizing,

and james Carville said on an TV show, in referencing the

Paula Jones accusations ??


PAHAK AND SEEE WHAT IT PICKS UP" ( he speaks that way :blink: )

Well the J*WS are the same way wen ever they smell a giveaway

They all come running like a bunch of chickens in the barnyard when you

swirl the chicken feed around in the p
n !!

Always hands out.

I know something we could stick in their hands !

Its about five inches long and made of rubberplastic and

looks real.................h



I know my relatives here are not shocked by this thinking,

and if anysurfers are offended, too bad.

I am PAGAN, we think that way.