The Virtue Of Simplicity--At Least To Begin...


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The Virtue Of Simplicity--At Least To Begin...
(Apollonian, Nov 05)

Rich (, first let me say it's outstanding u got ur site back up. And I was tremendously gratified to see u'd so kindly printed my response letter to u regarding "Gene's" original letter dated 29 Sep 05 in ur "letters" section.

So let me here elaborate just a little more upon my exposition given in regard to "Gene's" original letter, and in further response to ur criticisms noted below (copied). For it's not an exclusive "simplicity" I strive to feature for u and "Gene." Note complexity so often results and ensues fm beginnings which are simple, and even the most complex can be reduced in analysis.

(Oh yes, another note I'd like to interject is discovery of an incredible, brilliant website at; Lin

der at Vanguard News (VNN) ought to take note too--it's just tremendous f
or the pure facts, details, and inductive logic presented--u just gotta put it on ur "links" list, old bean.)

Existential foundation. Note comrade Rich I strive to relate the various details and circumstances regarding the "Fed" fraud (the Federal Reserve Bank counterfeiting scam/racket). Existentially, the practical power of the Jews MUST begin there as it is the foundation and ultimate source for all their financial power, surely u'd agree and admit. Yes, the financial power must itself have a derivation, but this then is ABSTRACT and psychological: their ability to scam and con the stupid hubristic gentiles, obviously, which however we can analyse too.

But (again) as far as most down-to-earth tangibility and real-life practicality is concerned, "Jew power" must begin here at the Fed with this amazing ability to legally COUNTERFEIT billions and billions of dollars
. O
ver the years now, since 1913, trillions and trillions of such "inflationary" dollars have actually and effectively been c
reated--there couldn't be anything else of tangible and verifiable nature to account for their power, surely u'd admit.

If u had a few trillion dollars, do u think u'd be powerful?--do u think u'd perhaps own a few newspapers and TV networks?--a few movie studios? Do u think, under such circumstances, u'd probably control a few politicians and judges?--that u'd be able to hire legions of assassins and enforcers? With such exclusive power to so counterfeit such incredible masses of funds, do u think u'd be able to control public "education"?

And yes, note the Jews can only do this counterfeiting, especially at first, with the collusion of the topmost oligarchs among the gentiles, for example, the great politician Henry Clay in American history, he following such as Alexander Hamilton, an agent-of-influence for the Ban
k of Eng
land. (See G.Edward Griffin's Creature From Jekyll Island.) And then Jews always gotta have gentile fronts and mouthpieces to scam and divert the lower-level go
yim who are so taken otherwise and additionally with "bread and circuses," nowadays these taking form of recreational drugs, pornography, T.V., football games, etc.

The gentile cohorts. So aside fm this basic scam-fraud, the Fed, there's nothing but abstract conditions of culture and psychology to account for Jew-power, these Jews never capable of anything, don't forget, without the willing collaboration of co-conspirators among the gentiles, especially the oligarch class--modern-day "Sadduceans," as I've come to call them, like Falwell, Robertson, and Limbaugh. These gentile conspirators nowadays are actually well identified by such as the John Birch society (ck, among others, as the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), et al. Of course the CFR also has a lot of Jew members too--whic
h Birchers f
ail to note.

Oswald Spengler, in his classic "Decline of the West," additionally, describes the general cultural/historical conditions and characteristics which must be present in order f
or the Jew-disease to take hold and effect. Thus the Jew vermin are then seen and well understood as a "disease-of-opportunity" which afflicts a culture and society in hubristic "decline."

The definitive MAMMON. The effects then of such degenerate culture in Spenglerian "decline" are brilliantly dramatized by George Orwell in his classic 1984 which shows the naked MAMMON without all the false "prosperity" and "wealth"--"perpetual war for perpetual peace."

You see, Jews want to persuade us as by means of their mass "Jews-media," relying upon, for example, the simple technique of incessant REPETITION, that our culture, mammon, is so advanced and "progressive" to tolerance of such "wonderful&qu
ot; Jew hysteric
s and psychopaths, who now manipulate things so expediently with their Fed instrument which has practically abolished such as "poverty," "hatefulness," ignorance, and "racial inequality," eh?--mammon, in all its "liberal" glory of "diversity."

Decline characterized definitively in "mor
alism." Note then the Jews can really do nothing without gentiles inviting them, allowing the Jew-disease to take hold evermore firmly and fatally. Thus the gentiles in their corruption and hubris begin to pretend they're God, creating reality, pretending to "goodness" and "moral virtue" within a pretended universe of Kantian-style "morality," this constituting nothing other than yet another round-cycle-outbreak of such as the original "Pelagian" heresy whence deluded, hubristic, and heretical people pretend to "good" and "good-works" placing an obligation, no less, upon God, &
quot;earning" a
place in heaven which God is required (somehow) to honor. Note that great German, Martin Luther, was required to denounce an earlier outbreak of such Pelagianism prior to Kant.

But the Germans then, historically, fell victim to their "German Transcendental Idealism" (GTI) which never let go of them--and which afflicts the entire West even to this very day, evidently. The hubristic Westerners just have to
be addicted to this idiotic "morality" of utterly brainless, unfounded, totally contrived, and infantile "good-evil" delusion. And unfortunately, evidently, nothing will change until these insane addicts to such "good-evil" die out. Things must get worse, evidently, before having realistic chance to get better. Elders on social security will vote to continue such fascist tribute payments and ransom fm the youth--hey it's only right and moral, u understand.

Thus it was, according to our mythic tradition and literature, th
at it took God himself,
in form of God-the-son, to actually come down to appear among us humans to instruct us as to identity and techniques of these earthly devils, the Pharisees and their Jew descendents, who always end up ruling, this happening in manner of historical cycles as Spengler so brilliantly demonstrates and provides, once again.

Thus New Testament (NT) gives us the definitive conspiracy theory analytic-template, identifies the culprits (Jews [Pharisees], oliga
rchs [Sadducees], elders, lawyers ["scribes"], and mammonist imperialists[Romans]), and actually exposits the problem: (1) first, as in Gosp. of MARK ch. 7 verses 1-8, the Pharisees re-interpret the natural law (law of Moses) as demonstrated so perfectly in their present-day Talmud, these "interpretations" always serving the narcissistic interests of these scum who pretend to be "chosen" by a "jealous" God which "lusts" after them, "apple" of God's "eye," a
s in Biblic Song of Songs a
nd Books of Hosea and Ezekiel.

Such Pharisaic SUBJECTIVISM, brother Rich, is then specifically addressed in Gosp. of JOHN ch. 8 by which the objective truth (verse 32) will set us free, the subjectivism of the k*kes re-affirmed in verse 44. My own Bible quotes these words for the third sentence of this absolutely definitive verse (no. 44): "[w]hen he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it." Observe again, brother Rich, the second phrase of that monumental sentence, "...of his
own"--this unquestionably refers to the definitive subjectivism, narcissism, and hubris of these insane Jews/Pharisees, though again, it is a marvelously sublime insanity, as it only, but always, works upon the prior and enabling hubris of stupid goyim willing to fool themselves. Lying is just a form of extreme subjectivism, u see?

Well hey, the Jews will help and lead u and us to fool ourselves, truly--all the way until we'r
e all dead, even many of the Je
ws dying to to make damn sure of it all, the lower-level Jews so willingly dying for their masters at the top to help ensuring them to get away to eventually start up another cycle of fraud for another era of history. It's why antisemitism is so precious to Jews--it gives them the attention they crave.

Thus the Roman emperor Constantine the Great so decisively crushed the Jews in the fourth century A.D., but nonetheless the Jews came back to control European banking by the fourteenth century as we're instructed and informed by the Jew hi
mself, the amazing Bernard Lazare, who published his book, Antisemitism, way back in 1894.

Thus u Rich, are actually well borne out for ur note about effective Jew banking power having been so well-established even before 1913 and the American phase of their great cultural and historic conspiracy, but then again, I never really denied this knowledge and specification you so astutely make, did I?

Hence Rich I r
eiterate the necessity of our emula
ting the great saint and emperor Constantine for the prospect of a Spenglerian resurgence of our so fatally affected culture presently in such horrific decline--our soldiers coming back fm Iraq w. depleted uranium dust in blood of their veins. And thus I denounce the idiotic anti-Christianity of that perverted and mad artist, Linder/VNN, even though he's so brilliant with his unyielding, forthright, and upstanding antisemitism--he and his sort, so presently mindless and anti-intellectual, in all truthfulness, must emulate u and I, brother Rich.

s, once again in conclusion, I exhort our people and culture to overthrow that fundamental and definitive fraud which we can point out with forthright clarity and simplicity, the Fed. To accomplish this overthrow we must preach and express a distinct Christian AESTHETIC, perfectly parallel with purest reason and logic and in accord with the historic cyclic circumstances. (Religion then is merely the aesthetic put
to practice.) In turn we need merely
emulate our founding fathers, for sustaining inspiration, who emphasized primacy of state and local government against the putrid empire of subjectivism, funny money, and "hate crime," eh?

Linder does and did well as far as he goes, but u Rich have achieved a recent inspiration, I seriously believe, and now we gotta take it further: we preach to the "Judeo-Christians" (JCs), the victims of the modern-day "Sadducees," those crucial cohorts of the Pharisaic conspirators and murderers. Thus we subvert those scummy and insidious subverters, eh?

LUSION: Thus we need to generate a serious, substantial, and most informative DIALECTIC among our volk--something which Linder/VNN almost seems he might do, but at which he ultimately fails. Honest elections and death to the Fed.

Apollonian, combat-scholar/theologian, part-time exorcist, Christian patriot