Tip Of Conspiracy Iceberg: More Than Just Bush


Official Poster for email reporters
Tip Of Conspiracy Iceberg: More Than Just Bush
(Apollonian, 20 Dec 05)

To Rich (WhiteAlert.com): I show u below story copied fm the 19 Dec. WhatReallyHappend.com website to iterate what I've urged fm nationalisticals: Anticipate Impeachment, hence CIRCUMSTANCES thereto. Make optimum use of and extoll Inductive logic of the volk-mentality-culture, resurging against the heretofore so tragic Spenglerian Decline of the West, eh?

Lynx and Lamb (PrussianBlue.net) could do something here too, eh?

Thus Rich we must maintain and enhance if possible present dialectic regarding such impeachment-removal activity and circumstances. The Constantinian (Christian) revolution is another motif to be utilized as backdrop analytic.

Nationalistics like urself, Birdman (theBirdman.org), and Linder/VNN (Vanguard News Network.com) should say something significa

nt for cultural implications of coming
impeachment-removal proceedings and Jews-media diversions. Will these traitors perpetrate yet another terrorist incident?--and will it be successful as the last, like 9-11? How are patriots and citizens to proceed? Note they and we need ur advice and commentary intrepid website editor, comrade Rich. U must expand upon Degrelle's advice.

For dialectic helps form mentality for culture. With the right info we provide citizens-patriots the NECESSARY VISION. And we are ORIGINATORS for this vision, unlike mediocrities like Linder/VNN who is actually part of a Pelagian heretical complex, idolizing Hitler, for example, a Pelagianistic victim who tried however heroically, but failed. U MUST MOST FULLY ADDRESS THESE FACTS, comrade Rich, for good and info of "NATIONALISTS."

Willis Carto, Prof. Kevin MacDonald, and Ernst Zundel may not so much idolize Hitler, in exactly similar manners, but they also are significant parts of the neo-P
ian heresy network which still fascinates too many
white people and gentiles in general, subverting the real and fundamental patriot movement.

Denouncing HERESY then is key tactic-stratagem by which we target the Jews and associated "Sadducean" conspirators behind such facade for MAMMON, eh? Thus we improve upon Hitler's inconclusive effort. U Rich just must emulate ur own accomplishment already for ur famous letter to O'Reilly, surpass it if possible.

And the point is to emphasize the Jew-conspiracy behind Bush: (a) Larry Franklin fm Jew Feith's office at Dept. Defense spying for AIPAC Jews and Israel, (B) Jew Abramoff's bribery of Congress (Delay and others)--as well as amazing association with "M. Atta," reputed Al Qaeda terrorist; © The "neo-con" Jew Lewis Libby's
nt for lying, perjury, false statements regarding a related scandal, Libby covering for VP Cheney, no less. Rove covers for Bush himself, the dolt.

(d) And now lately, as we see by below-copied article fm AP, it turns out Bush is caught red-han
ded in yet ANOTHER arbitrary breaking of law. Spic Gonzalez (Attorney General) explains, hey, u know he's prez, and he can do it, al right?--come on. And of course comrade Rich, this is as Bush continues to work to keep the alien race fm the south pouring accross borders, as I can attest fm my little vantage pt so close to the "border" here in Tucson, Az.

I continue to remind patriots about the large conspiracy best characterized by the heretical nature of the culture in general, Bush being large part of it, getting such idiotic support fm "Judeo-Christians" (JCs) and the "Sadduceans" of modern-day, co-conspirators with the Pharisees and Jews, these topmost "Sadduceans" such as Falwell, R
obertson, Li
mbaugh, O'Reilly, et al., the topmost establishment gentiles, actually. Thus the Roman pope even preaches holohoax lies and HERESY, good comrade Richard the Rich.

Remember (in historical sense) for another thematic subject-matter, it was at one time understood RACISM WAS "NORMAL," THE
"GIVEN," MOST NATURAL in terms of mentality for the people of our nation and culture. Of course we're all racists--inasmuch as we're human beings, subject to sin. Racism is virtue, the virtue of loyalty, right?--so what's the big deal?--what happened historically, culturally, psychologically?

Due in great part to Jews, Racism came to be professed and actually understood, evidently, as something that was wrong, unethical, even "evil." After that, and along with such anti-racism came other things like "female liberation," etc.--so what was that all about regarding culture and mentality?--MORALISM, especially an indulgence in GUILT,
quite evidently.

Jews (primarily) convinced people it was cool to feel guilty.--a component of "moralism," worship of means as end (it being "good" to contriving a "good-evil," subjectivistic, dualistic-styled reality). Note even how we used to detest Jews, those scum whose ancestors so willingly murdered Christ.

And observe nowadays, unlike yore
, gee whiz, but did u know Jews were and are soooo persecuted?--those poor Jews. And so such moralizing (and stupid lies) started out with PITY. Indulgence in guilt led to pity--all part of a large mental-cultural complex, even then a political tendency--LIBERALISM? Thus did the Spenglerian Decline of the West progress and proceed, surely.

So the point is our history--and mentality--rather seems to have degenerated in a kind of Spenglerian cyclic manner: the Jews won WWII and have been consolidating ever since. Now we have G. W. Bush president--he sure is doing good destroying the nation and it
s Constitutional Law
, eh?--and so conveniently for who? CUI BONO?

Hence we see the virtue to a patriot movement anticipating and consistent with these times of Bush impeachment for treason, the criminal conspiracy to destroy the nation and its law in service to . . . who? CUI BONO? Note comrade Rich how one's INDUCTIVE LOGIC MUST BEGIN TO CLICK IN here sometime.

Consider then Ed S
teele's masterpiece, "It Wasn't The Arabs...."

And so my point then is we can well address the patriot dialectic regarding this GENUINE CONSTITUTIONAL Crisis, impeachment, etc. of Bush, by means of NEW TESTAMENT (NT) Conspiracy Theory-template-analytic. Thus we dialecticians comrade Rich, like u and I, help place these necessary thoughts and ideals in most informative perspective for the volk.

And look, again, how much better we do this dialectic-perspective than Linder/VNN who can't seem to grasp Christianity for its plain literary value, purpose, plac
e, and use.

The heretical complex subject is then well indicated, and we easily point out the anti-racism heresy. Cui Bono? And again note how our inductive logic naturally and easily works. Thus by means of HERESY do we provide CONTEXT for such explicitly false religion of holohoax as preached by so many idiots and dupes of the anti-Christ.

Parallel with this very abstract heresy/Nt Consp. theory-template subject is
the impeachment-constitutional crisis resort to reversion of US Senate election to original method which is simple to understand and enact--this then leading most directly and purposefully to indicated overthrow of Jew-"Sadducean" conspiracy. For present US Senate is one great component of present Jew-"Sadducean" conspiracy.

And otherwise, if we don't do the indicated thing for cultural campaign, we risk LOSING MOMENTUM/initiative to oligarchs, "Sadduceans," and Jews to springing another terrorist event and martial law--C
quot;PERPETUAL WAR FOR PERP. PEACE." Thus we patriot dialecticians contrast the two cultural possible continuations for the future of the white race--and indeed all humanity against these Jew-"Sadducean" conspirators--who rely upon heresy in all its significant forms.

CONCLUSION: Thus we continue the original cultural dialectic: we can anticipate the Spenglerian cycle by broadening the impeachment by not only impeaching just Bush but the e
ntire clique of conspirators, this by means of heeding NT consp. theory. Reform of US Senate elections is most simple and immediate possible tactic: this is genuine information. Honest elections and death to the Fed.

Apollonian, combat-scholar/theologian, part-time exorcist, Christian patriot

--------copied 20 Dec 05------------------

Congressman calls for Bush impeachment
The Associated Press - ATLANTA
U.S. Rep. John Lewis said Monday in a radi
o interview that President Bus
h should be impeached if he broke the law in authorizing spying on Americans.
The Democratic senator from Georgia told WAOK-AM he would sign a bill of impeachment if one was drawn up and that the House of Representatives should consider such a move.
Lewis is among several Democrats who have voiced discontent with Sunday night's television speech, where Bush asked Americans to continue to support the Iraq War. Lewis is the first major House figure to suggest impeaching Bush.

"Its a very serious charge, but he violated the law," said Lewis, a former civil rights leader. "The president should abide by the law. He deliberately, systematically violated the law. He is not King, he is president."