White boy continually abused at nigger skewl by niggers

Tyrone N. Butts

APE Reporter
School attacks terrify Gary student at Bailly

In a black shirt, James Tokarski, a quiet, self-professed skater boy, sits on his sofa with nowhere to go.

Terrified to return to his new school in Gary, Tokarski said he fends off nightmares and is still healing from black eyes and bruises to his back.

The 14-year-old boy claims he enrolled at Bailly Middle School Feb. 3 and has been harassed ever since.

Since then, according to the Tokarski family, James has been beaten up by groups of kids on three

He says it's because he's white. School officials aren't confirming that.

They called me 'whitey,' 'white trash
,' 'trailer park trash' and 'h*llb*lly' while they were hitting me, James Tokarski said. The boy said he simply curled into a fetal position on the ground while he was punched with fists and kicked all over.

Another student confirmed he recently saw James get hit in the eye by the pop machine. He was talking mess and couldn't back it up, the student said. That eighth-grader claimed James was beat up three times because he has a reputation of not fighting back and is a softie.

James said he didn't want to fight back and make the attacks worse. He said he did not provoke the students.

Barbara Tokarski, James' mom, said on her son's second day at school --Feb. 6 --he was hit in the face in the gym after refusing to join a gang.

Then, on Feb. 15, according to Barbara and James, a group of kids assaulted him in a school hallway as he waited to enter his social studie
s class. He says he was knocked unconscious and had to be pulled into a classroom by a teacher.

On Feb. 22, James said he was attacked again while on the playground and also was knocked unconscious.

He said he had to be carried into the school by a group of girls.

->The family has filed two police reports and has sought treatment for swellings and discoloration to the left side of James' face at St. Mary's Medical Center in Hobart.

The official medical report listed injuries as blunt head trauma, facial contusions and acute sinusitis.

He's still in pain, the mother said. His neck and back are really hurting a lot.

" was lying on the sofa bawling. I didn't want to go back to school, James said.

He had been a student in Portage until they learned he was using his grandmother's address to go to that school
. Barbara Tokarski said Portage officials demanded tuition, which they couldn't afford. So, she put him in Bailly, which is within walking distance.

oro:#FF0000-->Barbara Tokarski said she is refusing to send her son back to Bailly because school officials, can't keep him safe.

The consistent bullying whether racially motivated or not, flies in the face of the district's new anti-bullying policy.

Gary Schools Public Information Specialist Charmella Greer said she spoke with Bailly Assistant Principal Lloyd Booth about the assaults. They did happen. I gathered incident reports and confirmed two. The third --we don't know if that happened on school grounds. There were at least two (attackers) in each encounter. We have not confirmed if these were racially motivated incidents, Greer said.

We have never had a history of any hate crimes or not accepting any students o
f other races,ÃÆ’­ÃƒÆ’”�Å¡¢
â┚¬��Ô�Å¡�ÃԠ’Ô� ’â┚¬��Ô�Å¡� she said.

One parent of a white child at the school said it is typical for the seven or eight minority students there to be called whitey or white boy.

She said they don't congregate on lunch hours, but instead ask for passes to the library.

Greer said three of the students who attacked James have been suspended for 10 days and could face Title XX, permanent expulsion.

Greer said the district has gone one step further to protect James. They are coupling him with a lunch buddy.

During the time he's not in class, t
his person or people will befriend him so he won't feel isolated or picked on. They will eat lunch with him. This will start immediately, Greer said, adding that school officials have held a conference with the family.

But that's not what Barbara Tokarski wants.

nShe wants Gary Schools to pay for her son to go to school elsewhere, if not Portage then Merrillville or Hobart.

Memo to Barbara Tokarski: Get a lawyer and sue this nigger skewl out of existence.
Memo to America: Wake up you dumbasses, and smell the nigger. And, oh yeah, Bailly Middle School is 97% nigger and less than one percent white.

I can surely empathize with that kid. While reading it, I saw my own jr high school years flash before my eyes. To the mother I would say sue the school because thoes scars you dont see now will fester and reopen later. I wished my parents had sued the school when the stuff was happening to me because now I would have had a nest egg to draw off of. Thoes events that happend to me as a child still affect/effect me today in the fact I dont have the social skills to hold down a job. It was because of thoes events that happend when I was young that if and when I have children I am going to make DAMN sure they dont go to public school AT ALL. They will not face what I faced.
It's a crying shame that there aren't enough decent white men left in Gary Indiana to take care of this situation.

Just called the school and said, "I wonder if we need to bring in the National Guard in there to protect this White student from being beaten up by the evolving racist black criminals at your school"

CLICK :unsure:
I would like to see a police undercover operation! At a nigger skewl like this, there is no telling what they could find.
