White woman commits suicide after negro rapes her

Tyrone N. Butts

APE Reporter
Jacquelyn Moore, middle

John Arnold Brinson, n-gger rapist

A life violated

Jacquelyn Moore didn't die at the hands of her rapist.

As the big man's fingers tightened around her throat, she thought about death. As he called her names and threatened to kill her, she thought of giving up, drifting away. As the hours cr
wled by her fantasies traveled from revenge to insanity to murder. His and her own.

"Where are you God?" Moore asked as the attack continued. "Aren't you supposed to be on my s
ide? I'm a good woman. Please! My children and grandchildren need me still. Don't let me die this way. Who will find me?"

Moore lived through that night. She faced her
attacker at trial and put on a brave face as he was sentenced to life in prison.

But something inside her died in those hours she laid helpless in her own bed. She existed for the next four years, but she didn't really survive.

On July 5, Jacquelyn Moore, 63, killed herself.

She left behind victims of her own - grown children who will forever blame themselves for not doing more to save her and other crime victims who looked up to Moore as a symbol of strength.

The rape that stunned a quiet North Forest Beach neighborhood shattered Moore's life and brushed so many others

The woman is a study in contradictions - a victim who demands that her name and story be heard only to go home and cower behind closed blinds. A mother who let her daughter find her lifeless bo
dy after all. A sister who delivered a harsh blow as her brother was suffering the loss of his wife.

She was many women, but she wasn't the real Jacque Moore.

Jacque Moore died Dec. 2, 1999.

Life, B.R. (
before the rape)

Jacque Moore loved the spotlight.

It wasn't easy raising five children alone while juggling two jobs and she didn't see them as often as all would have liked.

"She was working all the time," said her son, Dobbie Green, now a Hilton Head Island fireman. "We didn't really have a curfew but she was happy. We were happy."

Moore even found time to perform in community theater. She loved being a star.

Eventually her children grew up and moved out.

The oldest, December, is a college professor. Whit moved
to Dallas while his twin brother, Dobbie, settled in Bluffton and raised five children of his own. Jennifer became a nurse and the youngest, Pete, works for a hotel.

If there was a void in her
empty nest, Moore's grandchildren helped fill it when they visited her Hilton Head home. That was before she became obsessed with a topic unsuitable for young ears.

Before Moore learned to lock her door.


She wasn't scared when the shadow first jumped on her b

That's what children and grandchildren do - they play. But it was the middle of the night and Moore was supposed to be alone.

She woke to a nightmare as a stranger crawled on top of her.

"You gonna die, b*tch," he said in a scary yet oddly soft voice.

John Arnold Brinson, then 42, had raped before. Half his adult life had been spent in and out of prison for crimes involving sex and drugs. He was a convicted
peeping tom, burglar, rapist and thief out on parole.

For the next six hours, Moore was his prisoner.

Three years later she recorded he
r memories of that night in a book about the rape. The words are brutal. Brutal and ugly because what Brinson did to her was brutal and ugly.

"I am passing out," she writes. "Maybe I'm dying. I come to as he beats me and shrieks, 'Don't die yet, b*tch! Don't you die on me yet! I'm not through wid you yet.' I do whatever he says ... "

Brinson is bigger than Moore but she soon realizes she is smarter.

Still fully expecting to die, she puts on the performance of her life.

"You need to leave. The sun is coming up," she says. "You don't want anyone to see you leave my house."

She promised not to call the police.

And then he did the unthinkable.
br>He left.

Life, A.R. (after the rape)

Dobbie Green wrapped his arms around his mother as she sobbed and deputies searched her home for clues.

Despite her tears, Moore se
emed strong. She described her attacker the best she could - his speech impediment, bald head and muscled body.

Investigators immediately had a suspect in mind. They knew about Brinson's history and compared a fingerprint found at Moore's home to his sex offender registry. The prints matched.

Meanwhile, Moore's family packed up her belongings. She would never spend another night at the Robin Street home where she'd been raped.

"She seemed strong and mad and (
determined) to get the guy and do whatever it took" to convict him, Green said.

Moore's family rallied beside her as she faced Brinson in court 10 months later. He was convicted of criminal sexual conduct, burglary and kidnapping. Under the state's three-strikes law, he was sentenced to three ter
ms of life in prison with no possibility of parole.

Moore's family was ready to put the case behind them, ready for their mother to move on.

d]But Moore couldn't get on her with life. It had already been ruined.[/color]


"I know the woman on the bed is me, but my mind still won't accept it," Moore wrote in her book.

"I want to shout, 'No! No! I refuse for this to happen to me.' People say I am lucky to be alive, but I am not sure. Did I live? Is this living? You see, my mind and body can't let go of reliving this night over and over and over. I am trapped inside a nightmare. I pretend to live in the world, but I don't do a very good job."

e thought writing about her attack and speaking publicly would make her stronger, Green said.

"I thought the best thing for her was to move on, but she refused to," he said. "She pretty much locked herself up in
(her) apartment and was afraid to go outside."

She became convinced that Brinson would get out of prison. She believed he belonged to a gang and members were stalking her in
hopes of raping her again. She bought a gun for protection, kept her blinds closed and locked her door.

She visited her family less and slept more. A gulf opened between Moore and her children as she obsessed about the rape year after year, Green said.

Her paranoia eventually led to depression, he said.

"We knew something was wrong but she didn't want to hear us," he said. "She said she was strong. She thought she was being strong for all rape victims. She thought she was their voice."

About a year ago, Moore stopped working and decided to stay home and sleep, he said.

She took medication for depressio
n and anxiety, although her family isn't sure if that helped her or made matters worse.

In May, two of Brinson's convictions were overturned in the Moore c
ase because of a simple trial error. The kidnapping conviction was upheld and he still faced life in prison with no possibility of parole.

Moore wasn't so sure. She worri
ed about having to go through another trial even though prosecutors said that would probably never be necessary.

And so she slept even more.

Eventually she didn't want to wake up.


On July 4, Moore told one of her daughters that she had taken pills the night before in a failed suicide attempt. Instead of dying, she woke up to the news that her sister-in-law had died of cancer.

She said she wanted to go to the funeral and offer her brother support. She said she wouldn't kill herself because he needed her at his side.

Moore's daughter called Green in tears. Should they commit their mother to a hospital right away or wait until after the fune
ral? The trip might give them a chance to really talk to her, to set her straight.

"I didn't think she was going
to do it," Green said. "I thought that bought us some time. ... We were going to talk to her after the funeral."

That night Moore sat down at her computer
and wrote about the rape one last time. She finished her last suicide note at about 3:30 a.m., took her gun and went to bed.

The phone rang the next morning as her daughter rushed to Moore's apartment after getting her mother's e-mail.

She found her mother in bed, a small revolver gripped in her right hand.

After four years of looking over her shoulder, four years of fear, Moore died with her door locked.

Now it's her family who suffers.

"My sister called me crying, saying that we needed to have her committed and I say no," Green said. "Yeah, we blame ourselves."

Most of all, Green blames the man who took Moore's soul, if not her life.

"I think John Brinson killed my mom," Green said, even tho
ugh Brinson remains
imprisoned. "She was a happy, trusting, positive person (before the rape). I want my old mom back, smiling and happy."

Eventually she didn't want to wake up.

g*ddamnit America, wake up and smell the negro!

Hi Tyrone and all my white brethren,

I am almost at a loss for words after reading this post. What a tragic story!! What a reminder to me why I hate the n-gger race. The horror this white woman went through is beyond comprehension. This n-gger should have been given deadly justice long before this rape even happened yet he was still free to roam about and inflict his dark hellish self on an innocent white woman. n-ggerS ARE HELLHOUNDS THAT SHOULD BE PUT DOWN LIKE RABID DOGS !!!!
All white diversity celebrators should be forced to read this story. Perhaps a glimpse into the dark soul of the n-gger rapist would awaken them to th
evil of the n-gger race.

Tyrone, great post but very disturbing. After reading this post I am going to spend extra time at the shooting range today. Cocked and locked for violent n-gger primate

"Mad Dogs must be shot!!!!!".........Boris Yeltsin after 1 of the interior Ministry's strikes against chechen terrorists; Same goes for the savage primates in this part of the world !!!!
Eventually she didn't want to wake up.

This story is being repeated globally every

three seconds as we read here.

Most survivors nevver become whole again,

they muddle on or act like everythings cool,

but imagine how great they would be if the terrorist/s

had never killed their spirits??

My question is

<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>WH

have allthe MEN thru history allowed this to continue??



dont ALL men start right now

taking little kids in hand and TEACHING

them that reap/bully /terrorist is NOT a role to play.

Remember the good ole days when n-ggers were (given a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury) for so much as staring too long at a white woman? We need to return to those days a.s.a.p.
Brinson needs to die an extremely slow and agonizing death, one which could be drawn out over the course of several days. Torturing this beast for days at a time until he finally perished would be a sheer delight. Since that won't happen, let's hope his trip to hell comes soon with a shank to the back or a cut throat in prison.
It's actually too good a way for him to go but the sooner he's burning for all eternity, the better.
Remember the good ole days when n-ggers were
(given a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury)
for so much as staring too long at a white woman?
We need to return to those days a.s.a.p.

Elegantly on point Rick.

Remember Emmet Till ! http://www.newnation.co/

forums/images/smilies/NNN/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif' /><!--endemo

when I was a kid I remember one day

my daddy had just got home from work

Some men came in front in a pickup truck and a car.

Some got out and called Daddys nam
e. HENRY !

Mom went to the stairs and called up to him

that some men wanted to speak.

He came down, he was 6'2" and a Clark Gable type.

He went out on the porch and spoke and came

back and told us all to stay indoors away
from the windows.

He took his huting rifle down from its hooks abov
e the

little gas stove mantle.

He said only

" We have to go find a Negra who is on the run"

He came home safe and sound.

There were stories the next couple of days.

We kids did not ask directly as what my

Daddy and other MEN did sometimes was

not for talking about.

EVERYONE knew that.

Just as EVERYONE knew the K was alive and well.

The Negra had done
something in town and it

was an attempt to steal or he stole and got caught.

He was a migrant and not

"one of our Negras"

as all the local blacks were.

nd the ones who behaved got protected

by the K just as any WHITE person.

The K was law and order without all the red tape

and legal razamataz.

We had a sheriff and court and clerks inthe courts

and lawyers and all that stuff that has to

be used mostof the time.

But there were times when none of that would work.

Thankfully we had the K.

The result was we had very little crime.

The men had a duty and did
it without hesitation.

They were UNIFIED in their response to any infraction

into their homeland, even if it was only

our small Mississippi city.

The Negra was NOT killed, he was taken to the

outskirts and forcibly persuaded to

"not look back "

We did ask Mo
m if he got TAR & FEATHERS

She laughed and said no one does that sort of thing.

Its just old tales, they just run them out of town

with FEAR not to ever come back.
r>Kids could ride bikes and go to the corner store

in safety..

We never had a rape in any school.

Or in town that I knew of.

Not by black OR WHITE.

Whatever a persons color,

we ALL knew the K was everywhere.

People had a lot more respect for each other then.

That was about '40 or '41.

EXACTLY Bobster,

The J*w agenda has been to use PR as in movies and TV, music and

print to condition all males that RAPE is cool and the

RAPE of WHITE WOMEN is to be expected

as some proof of having a big penis.

Compared to the "dumb blonde" jokes.

When and where did THAT smear start?

And by whom?

See how many movies show WHITE women and/or girls

running for their lives and being chased by some insane male.

Often the male is WHITE !

Sometimes it is black and even gangs of all sorts.

Or alien monsters.

Or King Kong.

Always a terrifying action A

This conditioning has produced the wanted results.

WHITE WOMEN are the target and do not feel safe.

They impart the FEAR to their children unwittingly,

rfect for ANY tyrant.

Poison from the cradle to the grave.

The mindless ones of any color will do as the PR machine

has programed them to do,


This has many rewards for the alien/asian desert dwellers

who control of this planet.

1) it makes WHITE WOMEN live in constant FEAR

whether they allow it into their conscious mind or not.

2) it constantly denigrates the MANHOOD of WHITE MALES

as the J*w written laws prevent the WHITE MALES form

doing their duty and protecting the WHITE FEMALES.

Thus this ongoing encoragement and conditioming to act on


a deliberate , systematic undermining of the

HONOR, and SENSE of DUTY in our RACE.

Women accept the "Way things are ..." as the norm

and no longer even see that it is ABNORMAL

and SICK.

A society that allows, even promotes the

systematic terrorizing of a gender or RACE

is a TYRANNY to be removed.

The tyranny here is originated by a demon among us

who hides behind entertainment and "fun'" .



Legislate new laws to prevent such movies ,

music, TV, games, and every media, from showing


Show no RAPE.

Show no denigration by gender.

Create films and TV that HONOR WOMEN

and show the women that hold themselves

in an honorable manner,

instead of the sleaze of Brittany or Beyonce.

Take back our entertainment arena from the

destroyers who use WOMEN and children a

to program our minds in preparation for bloody revolution.

Dont seek MORE violence.

Work in your communities to BAN any movies, TV, music

and any other ou
tlet for the purveyors of evil mind control.

Todays WARRIORS are working in groups to change laws and

edit what they allow in their OWN COMMUNITIES.

We can still do this and it is indeed being done more and more.

Get out in the forefront in your neigborhood and STOP

the music that denigrates WOMEN and WHITES

and glorifies violence.

Stop the local theater from showing films that poison our minds.

Microsoft is using a nasty boy to promote product.

judakiss (?)

Contact Microsoft and TELL THEM you will no longer buy their products.

So many people contacted Slim-Fast that they

dropped that excuse for a human Whoopi as a representative.

There is a great new energy moving across America.

People ARE sta
nding up.

We can locate the home office of almost any manufacturer

on the net.

we can email, phone and who has time ,can write.

We can control what we allow
into our homes and communities.

This is an action that is contagious.


and see how many others will join.

even the strongest genes will have a problem

not succumbing to the mind control

if they are bombarded with a steady stream


and must LIVE IN FEAR.

FEAR causes some awful changes to

take place in the mind.

Remove all
the constant fear mongering.

Allow women and children space to live without

the shadow of imminent TERROR overhanging

every breath every day of their lives.

When the purveyors see we have regained the mass audience

they will have to join or lose mo

Producing wholesome and uplifting entertainment will

cause a sea-change in the total social construct.

We will run the tyrants out of town without violence.

Please read the post that tells us how to retake our


and work it every day.

See the incredible changes that take place and how

the changes encourage others,

so we are all creating the social construct WE CHOOSE

and not what the tyranny wants us to have so as to maintain control !

Crawl out from under the BEAST !

Stand up and see how TERRIFIED it is of US !

Heil Hitler !





Posted By: Esclarmonde <Send E-Mail>
Date: Sunday, 18 July 2004, 11:17 p.m.

In Response To:


Here is an answer from a favorite reader:

Thanks, Brook! Simply awesome!


American's Decapitation Shown on Internet

CAIRO, Egypt (AP) - Images of an American hostage
being decapitated surfaced Saturday on an Internet site
known for carrying the statements of Islamic militants.

The gruesome videotape appeared three days
after U.S. authorities announced the search for the
body of Paul M. Johnson Jr. had been called off.



we are being saturated with these images s
o as to


In esoteric practice what we want to manifest

we first make vision in the mind.


eep planting these images in

all our minds our ONEMIND is manifesting these images

in this 3D here and now.

If every time we see one of these images we


and call up peaceful, pastroral scenes with happy people

free of war and burdens


By our own thinking we are setting ourselves free of the enemy,


Take back YOUR mind.

Spend time daily mentally conjuring peace and tranquility.

Every time you hear of more atrocities,

THINK of peace and love.

Be constantly vigilant of the HATE, FEAR, WAR, gremlins

and keep deleting all such from your consciousness

and replacing with gentle interactions and openminded


This is magic at its most basic.

And YES ! it works !

If it did not work,

TPTB would not have invente
d religions to make us think

1- there is NO SUCH THING as MAGIC

2- all magic is from the DEVIL and is EVIL so do not go near it

HA !

If there is no such thing what is it we are not supposed to go near

and why do TPTB have secret societies and rituals that create

the wolrld as THEY want it while telling s we cannot do any such?

It is a SIN and eveil for us but O.K. for them ??


and we must, now ,

every day,

each time our minds are invaded with nasty pictures

in movies, TV, magazines, papers and any other media.

Practice cancel, delete.

ONLY allow into your mind pictures of joy and light.

It is YOUR mind,

Choose carefully what you allow in as it becomes YOUR reality.


Messages In This Thread

: 946)
Esclarmonde -- Sunday, 18 July 2004, 10:39 p.m.
Esclarmonde -- Sunday, 18 July 2004, 11:17 p.m.
NEW: YES! VERY GREAT POST (views: 310)
Freedom4ever -- Sunday, 18 July 2004, 11:38 p.m.
TruthPassion -- Sunday, 18 July 2004, 11:47 p.m.
Esclarmonde -- Monday, 19 July 2004, 12:27 p.m.
Esclarmonde -- Monday, 19 July 2004, 12:29 p.m.
Originally posted by Gman@Jul 19 2004, 05:11 AM
Hi Tyrone and all my White brethren,

I am almost at a loss for words after reading this post. What a tragedy!! What a reminder to me why I hate the Vandal n-gger race. The horror this White woman went through is beyond comprehension. This Vandal n-gger should have been given deadly justice long before this rape even happened yet he was still free to roam about and inflict his dark hellish self on an innocent white woman. <span style='color
All white diversity celebrators should be forced to read this story. Perhaps a glimpse into the da
rk soul of the Vandal n-gger rapist would awaken them to the evil of the simian n-gger race.

Tyrone, great post but very disturbing. After reading this post I am going to spend extra time at th
e shooting range today. Cocked and locked for violent Vandal n-gger primate rapists!!!!!

A Texas Expediency Justice Meet is hereby authorized! Bring the articles of judgment, boys! This Vandalobabookari has got to pay for the crimes he has committed! As for me...


has got to pay for the crimes he has committed! As for me...


As for you

go bring back Jim Crow now !

Please lead the way !

What action are YOU prepared to take to

do just as you say "as for you......."

? ? ?

Tell us how you intend to proceed,

we want to know so we can possibly do the same !

What are
ou plannig to take action to

bring back Jim Crow,? mmmmmmmmmm??
This is another very sad story about a white woman violated by a black n-gger savage beast.I am so betrayed by our politicians and goverment for not protecting us from the beast.I feel just like xuxa about bringing back jim crow.Unfortunetly I know ,in reality, this will never happen.The golden years of America are history.The days when n-ggers knew their place are history.It just comes down to survival.The more expensive the neighborhood the better.Even then sometimes a few come in.Hypocrite n-ggerlovin liberals did a great job destroying this country.The filthy beast they love to treat like the goose that laid the golden egg doesn't live in their neighborhoods.Doesn't go to their school
.Some good news , the combination of black on black murders,aids in africa and black abortions will serve as a powerful population control for darkies :guns: :suspect: