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There are an awful lot of soy boy communists out there as anti-gun 'influencers' just as they were in Russia, China, Balkans, Cambodia.


As Ertman was murdered, Peña was forced to watch her friend's death as other gang members held a ligature around her neck. At first, Peña desperately attempted to appease her abusers as she wept, offering her phone number so they could "get together". She then attempted to flee. In response, one of the gang members, Peter Cantu, tackled and repeatedly kicked the girl in her face and body, dislodging three teeth and fracturing several ribs.Cantu, José Medellín, and Efrain Pérez then strangled Peña to death with shoelaces. The gang members stomped on both girls' throats to ensure their deaths.
Peter Anthony Cantu, José Ernesto Medellín, Derrick Sean O'Brien, Efrain Pérez, and Raul Omar Villarreal were sentenced to death. Venancio Medellín, brother of José Medellín, testified against four gang members (excluding his brother). He was given a maximum 40-year prison term, applicable to juveniles, for the sexual assault of Jennifer Ertman.
Blacks Create Their Own Haiti and Africa in Every Place They Inhabit.Every place worldwide inhabited or governed by blacks and brown races is quickly ruined. When they inherit cities built by whites, they quickly destroy them.The sign and proclamations of 1619, the black holocaust are foolish. Blacks imported into North America in 1619 were saved from being enslaved, killed and eaten by other blacks because cannibalism and permanent stone age warfare was waged between blacks as chimp groups do then and now.The living conditions of black slaves were higher than whites as late as the 19th century because as valuable property, masters had to feed them well, provide cabins for each family to avoid plagues killing their property and slaves were provided with the best medical care. It's obvious that a slave that was worth about the price of an average car today, would be cared for.Black slaves worked Monday to Saturday noon because owners did not want to work their property to death. In 1853, Southern University professors published a book:"The Pro-Slavery Argument" that proved using U.S. government census statistics and British Empire statistics, that black slaves in Southern States had a higher standard of living than workinng class whites in Northern American States and in the British Empire.The book proved their case using irrefutable statistics including expected life span of people, infant mortality, deaths from any cause including malnutrition, bad housing etc.

1:14 PM · Jan 15, 2025

1933 Chicago World's Fair.

33 Moloch Baal Ceremony @ Soldier Field 1933 (Worlds Fair)​

You'll find the Jewish woman telling that historical story here at 16 minute point

100,000 OF THEM HELD A MOCK CHILD SACRIFICE TO MOLOCH DURING THE WORLD’S FAIR OF CHICAGO IN 1933, the carriage was pulled by 200 slaves.

I have an acquaintance who spent his entire life in Malibu. Inherited money. Never worked much. Ultra, ultra liberal. NPR liberal. He had to move down to Long Beach for financial reasons after his mother died, and after three months he sounded like David Duke.
9:54 PM · Jan 16, 2025
I think we ought to re-define WIGGERS.
Instead of White-niggers, it should mean Wig-niggers.
Black women always have fake glued on wigs for 'hair' or 'locs' knotted onto stubs of kink hair.

Assault & battery with bodily fluid, federal legislation is
"United States v. "defendant".
I would have pressed charges and dragged her blackfatass through court.

Is Spitting on a Person an Assault?

  • United States v. Lewellyn, 481 F.3d 695 (9th Cir. 2007) (“ntentionally spitting on another person is an offensive touching that rises to the level of simple assault under the theory of assault as an attempted or completed battery.”)
    [*]United States v. Frizzi, 491 F.2d 1231 (1st Cir. 1974) (“We do not think it could be ruled that spitting in the face is not forcible assault, or, more exactly, a battery . . . . Although minor, it is an application of force to the body of the victim, a bodily contact intentionally highly offensive.”)
    [*]Ray v. United States, 575 A.2d 1196 (D.C. Ct. App. 1990) (noting that “the injury resulting from or threatened by an assault may be extremely slight,” the court ruled that “we find ourselves in full agreement with courts in other jurisdictions which have held that spitting on another person is indeed an assault”)
    [*]People v. Terry, 553 N.W.2d 23 (Mich. Ct. App. 1996) (“Because spitting upon a person is a battery, which is a consummated assault, spitting falls within the prohibitions of the [assault] statute.”)
