Apo essays for Feb 2019

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Of Course Christians Hate Jews--Why Wouldn't They?
(Apollonian, 23 Feb 19)

Thou are absolute, brainless morons: the natural Christian hatred of Jews/Judaism is not only logically necessary but apparent and manifest throughout history, for goodness sakes. (a) First humanity has ALWAYS hated Jews--always, fm very first of Pharisaic appearance in 3rd to 2nd cent. BC--EVEN AMONG JUDEANS.

(b) Subsequently humanity, including Christians--especially Christians--has and have hated Jews, Jews being kicked-out of nearly every country, numerous times. Ho ho ho, one Jew wrote in and told me, "but Scotland never kicked-out the Jews," ho ho hoho--and I looked, briefly, and indeed, could find no record of Scots kicking out those hated Jews.

For didn't Jews have Christ executed, even intimidating Pontius Pilate, the Roman procurator, and the Romans to doing the dirty-work, according to the Gospels?--so why wouldn't Christians naturally and justifiably hate Jews?--of course they did and still do and should do. Even St. Paul complained about the Jews who persecuted Christians and had the Romans persecute the Christians when Christians were still few in number within the empire.

For isn't Christ = TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), and isn't truth anti-thesis and antithetical to lies, lying, and Satanism?--see Gosp. JOHN 8:44.

Don't Jews say in their Talmud that Christ was heretic and blasphemer?--that Christ's mother was harlot who mated w. Roman centurion, "Pantera" for the birth of Christ who now, according to Jews and Talmud, sits in vat full of excrement? See Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for expo.

So of course Christians and all humanity, rightfully and properly, hate Jews, the sons of satan, who do the work of satan, Jews foremost criminals and mass-murderers, and Christians SHOULD hate Jews--and ought to do something practical about it, I'd say.

What a couple of brainless, ignorant, lying morons thou two are, "Iris" and "miggle," ho ho ho ho ho ho ho--lying idiots.

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# 611, Iris says:
February 24, 2019 at 2:28 am GMT

“The Christians have never hated the Jews, but the Jews have always hated the Christians.”

A sample of Christ-hating shows broadcast on Israeli TV channels.

Below-copied by ap submitted at comments, but CENSORED/deleted kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/the-growing-anti-semitism-scam/#comment-3050337

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Islam Is Religion Of Command/Obedience; Christianity Worships TRUTH Above All
(Apollonian, 23 Feb 19)

Indeed: Islam is the religion of COMMAND and obedience ("submission")--Allah says (and commands), through his prophet Muhammud, whom thou MUST obey upon penalty of being be-headed, etc.

Whereas Christianity is a genuine PHILOSOPHY, Christ = TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) in contrast to Satanism (making oneself God, the creator) and lies (Gosp. JOHN 8:44). Thus TRUTH requires necessarily the OBJECTIVE reality as foundation/criterion for TRUTH--against Satanism and subjectivism, subjectivism the philosophy holding reality is product of mind/consciousness, making subject to be God, the creator--Satanism, by definition.

And Christianity REJECTS childish "good-evil" because as reality is OBJECTIVE, it is DETERMINED (absolute cause-effect), there being no perfectly "free," hence God-like, human will, humans being sinners, creatures of self-interest, due to will, though this will not perfectly "free." So for the real Christianity, there's no "good-evil" as that would depend upon perfectly "free" God-like (hubristic) will, which perfectly "free" will doesn't exist for humans, though they might foolishly wish and "beeeeleeeeeeeeeeeev."

Note then, Christianity is worship of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), hence adherence to objective reality, anti-thesis being Satanism, (extreme) subjectivism, and lies which leads to self-destruction. There's no "burning" or "bombing" for Christianity except in rational self-defense, following philosophy of objective reality (Aristotle) and reason.

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# 228, Yee says:
February 24, 2019 at 1:56 am GMT • 100 Words

“Asia is a decent place, but it does not have the answers.”

No, Asia doesn’t have the answers for the whole world. The West and Islam do, both have the universalism for the whole world.

Although the West change their universalism from “Christianity” to “Democracy”, their mindset is still monotheism – from “if you’re not Christian you’re evil, it’s good to burn you” to “if you’re not Democracy you’re evil, it’s good to bomb you”.

If you want “answer” for the whole world, only 2 groups of people provide it…
Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/the-growing-anti-semitism-scam/#comment-3050337

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JCs ("Judeo-Christians") Are Not All Totally Hopeless; Central-Banking Key To Economic Collapse And "End-Times"
(Apollonian, 23 Feb 19)

Thanks for thy comments: I'd like to refer and respond esp. to thou to "folly of war," # 583, and # 577, "R. T. West," regarding the "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo) heretics.

Note JCs are gross, horrific heretics, and they're no less than the "Praetorian Guard" to thou-know-whos, JCs being several million strong, w. many stupid, brainless scum, but they can very much be genuinely affected simply by means of reference to New Test., speaking their own lingo. I could and should go on for exposition on this subject (regarding JCs), but Unz will not allow it, deleting/censoring nearly all my previous expo, wanting to keep the subject-matter secret, obscure, and confused--and it isn't hard to understand why.

These moronic JCs seem to imagine Judaism and Christianity are mere versions and variants of one another when they're actually absolute ANTI-THESES, Christ carrying on a distinct and actually elaborate dialectic w. Pharisees. And JCs are snake-bitten at very start, working w. false definitions, pretending Christianity is primarily about "love" (or whatever) and "beeeeeleeeeeeeeeeevin'," as if beeeeeeeeeeeleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevin' makes anything true.

Thus Christianity for the dumb JCs is turned into moronic, putrid mysticism, the real philosophy of it is totally obscured, mis-represented, and traduced, the poor, brainless fools. But like I say, JCs can well be treated, and this without too much difficulty--one only needs understand the REAL Christian philosophy, esp. in way of literature, not diff. in certain ways and purposes fm philosophy of Illiad and Oddysey, the previous guides for Western culture and humanity.

Regarding thy # 583, note the KEY is the central-bank which is literally legalized counterfeiting, simply a criminal enterprise, which is capable of putting-out nearly INFINITE fiat currency, NOT real MONEY. See Mises.org for expo on central-banking.

Problem is subject-matter of money and banking is abstract, hence easily confused, which automatically rules-out 90-95% of these stupid goons fm clear understanding what's going on--central-banking the curse of humanity, truly--it's been the bane of USA since the beginning and 1791 first Bank of US (BUS) of Alex Hamilton. The "hero" who destroyed the 2nd BUS, Andrew Jackson, was a psychopath who was ready to mass-murder the good people of S. Carolina over "nullification" issue.

So when one adds everything up, the odds against seemingly dwindling rational humanity appears daunting indeed, but it's simply what naturally and typically happens when things all begin to converge and falling-apart at same time in Spenglerian "Decline of the West."

Stupid, TV-addicted goons who have to compulsively watch their idiot football games must simply die-out and be killed-off--it's impossible for them to suddenly begin thinking, even to saving their worthless lives--real patriots must realize the gravity of the situation, separate themselves, watching and waiting for their opportunities.

One thing to observe closely is status of the central-banking system--which is in serious trouble and seems to be on last-legs, on cusp of hyper-inflation. Hence the powers will work to starting wars by which to muddy the waters and make their escapes to safe havens, even hoping for actual nuclear exchanges.

But for Americans, we should emphasize idea and virtue of REAL MONEY, gold/silver being best, states-rights, nullification, and secession by which means we can really quite easily improve things, all of this accompanying genuine Christian revival featuring the real philosophy, Christ = TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), above all. Amen

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# 583, Beefcake the Mighty says:
February 23, 2019 at 9:02 pm GMT • 100 Words

Again, they’re not the money-bags, Organized Jewry is. And if the Bible-thumpers couldn’t get the Repubs elected, it’s not as if the Dems aren’t every bit as subservient and obsequious towards Israel. The primary role of the Repubs in the American political system is to pose as phony opposition. (They’re incompetent and can’t even do that right, but that’s a different issue.) The evangelicals are useful only in this regard. With the rise of faux-populism like Trump (which either eschews social issues or has come to terms with modern mores), evangelicals will become increasingly insignificant.

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# 577, Beefcake the Mighty says:
February 23, 2019 at 8:25 pm GMT
@Ronald Thomas West

This has been covered before. The Christian Zionists are a big problem, but they’re not the main problem. It’s not Evangelical money that controls the American political process, to use but one example.
Below-copied by ap submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/freed/the-empire-now-or-never/#comments

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Thug Admits He Admires "Force"
(Apollonian, 23 Feb 19)

<blockquote>"He forced the redistibution of wealth...."</blockquote> Yes, that's typical of punks and scum like thou: thou are sooooo fascinated w. other punks, thugs, and scum who go about "forcing" things, eh? And we now know what's worth of thy stupid web-sites, run by punk filth like thyself.

Note there's economics and then there's such thing as "socialism" which is just "moralistic" excuse for dictatorship and GENOCIDE, sucker, as featured in Agenda-21 and -2030 addendum. Economics is actual science (which some dispute) by which human production is understood, humanity being most important, humanity being motivated by self-interest, guided then by reason. Thou can't figure-out thy motivation is no different--self-interest--thou are just a murderer at heart.

So why is thy self-interest for purpose of mass-murder, dictatorship, and GENOCIDE?--obviously, thou are the typical "humanitarian," like Elsworth Toohey of Ayn Rand's "Fountainhead," eh?--thou just envisions a diff. "humanity"--more like robots, doing what thou say, what thou wants. But humanity is ONLY self-interested ("sinful," according to Christian philosophy)--anything else perishes--cannot survive.

It doesn't matter to thy sort that "socialism" is anti-economics, is mere crass dictatorship "forced" upon people, as thou admits, and it NEVER ever works except for destruction and ruin--and this is what thou wants--GENOCIDE. Such are the motivations of "humanitarians" like thou, not only not knowing, but not even caring how economics and actual human nature (self-interested, necessarily, following human will) really works.

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# 224, JNDillard says:
February 23, 2019 at 7:37 pm GMT • 100 Words

Rats. My noteriety precedes me. My websites are dreamyoga.com and integraldeeplistening.com. I get really tired of people slamming socialism. From my perspective the finest president the US has ever had, by a long shot, was FDR. He forced the redistibution of wealth into public goods and welfare and made the pigs at the trough pay for it.

• Disagree: apollonian
Below-copied by ap submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/freed/the-empire-now-or-never/#comments

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"James" Part Of The Conspiracy, Just Not Bright Enough To Know It
(Apollonian, 23 Feb 19)

<blockquote>"If you have to dismiss all of these scientific organizations to reach your opinion, then you are by definition denying the science. If you have to believe that all of these organizations, and all of the climate scientists around the world, and all of the hundred thousand published research papers, and physics, are all somehow part of a global, multigenerational conspiracy to defraud the people, then you are, again, a denier by definition."</blockquote> WRONG, sucker.

James, buddy: thou are just a moronic liar, eh? Thou doesn't even understand what science is. Thou says, "...dismiss all of these scientific organizations"?--HOW do thou know they're "scientific"?--because someone told thou, thou dumbass?--because they have "degrees" given by idiot factories who produce trained, babbling morons?--ho ho ho ho ho. James thou are just an idiot.

Thou says and recites, "...all of these organizations, and all of the climate scientists...," but MOST of them are just fools and goons sucking up public funds because they won't work an honest job which actually produces anything. And the "leaders" of these goons and fools are outright criminals and known for taking and following orders--that's all it takes for the present "climate-change" fraud, sucker.

"[H]undred thousand published research papers"?--and WHAT do thou actually KNOW about them?--NOTHING, because thou are just another brainless, lying moron thyself, as we see. So it takes a hundred thousand--or even just a hundred "published research papers" to "prove"--what? For if there's a problem, why not just say what it is in a sentence or two?--thou CAN'T because thou are a lying, babbling fraud, that's all, even if thou thyself "beeeleeeeeeeeevs" it all, fooling thyself, no less than the dumbest "religious" moron.

"[P]art of a global, multigenerational conspiracy to defraud the people"?--yes, thou poor, brainless fool, it's called CENTRAL-BANKING, otherwise known as legalized counterfeiting, putting-out practically INFINITE fiat-currency, sucker--it's what they do and have done since the earliest Babylonians--see the "Babylonian Woe," by David Astle. See Mises.org; use their site search-engine.

Newsflash, moron: HUMANS ARE SINNERS, and they seek and work to institutionalize their lies and lying, making entire RELIGIONS out of their lies, pretending they're "chosen" of God, above other people, etc., just for one simple example. Ever hrd of the holohoax?--ho hoh o ho ho. "Climate-change" is just another one of these elaborated lies, sucker--so impressed thou are w. complexity and crap thou don't understand, eh?--ho ho o ho ho ho ho.

James: thou are just an idiot, buddy--and thou just want others to GO-ALONG w. fool like thyself to make thyself feel better, eh?--to feel less like a fool, and to think, "well, everyone else is a fool no less than me," hoh o ho ho ho.

Doesn't it occur to a fool like thyself, "climate-change" is just ANOTHER elaborate fraud, like the other elaborate frauds, the elaboration and seeming complexity of which impresses shallow-minded idiots like thyself? And then scum like thyself wants to pretend along w. other morons that thou are superior by bleating like sheep that others, who are more honest than a self-deluded moron like thyself, are--what?--"deniers"?

So thou see, Jamesy, buddy: thou are just an ignorant fool, in the first place (a), and (b) NOW thou wants to intimidate others like the punk bully thou really are, calling them names ("denier"), pretending a hundred moronic lying fools like thyself knows better than those fewer, wiser folk who don't want to go along w. scum, suckers, weaklings, and inferiors like thyself. That's what's going on, in all truth. Idiots and morons like thyself are just a PART of the overall conspiracy--thou just don't know it and won't admit it--now do thou get it?

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# 178, james charles says:
February 22, 2019 at 8:37 am GMT • 200 Words
@Paul C.

“For climate change, there are many scientific organizations that study the climate. These alphabet soup of organizations include NASA, NOAA, JMA, WMO, NSIDC, IPCC, UK Met Office, and others. Click on the names for links to their climate-related sites. There are also climate research organizations associated with universities. These are all legitimate scientific sources.

If you have to dismiss all of these scientific organizations to reach your opinion, then you are by definition denying the science. If you have to believe that all of these organizations, and all of the climate scientists around the world, and all of the hundred thousand published research papers, and physics, are all somehow part of a global, multigenerational conspiracy to defraud the people, then you are, again, a denier by definition.

So if you deny all the above scientific organizations there are a lot of un-scientific web sites out there that pretend to be science. Many of these are run by lobbyists (e.g.., Climate Depot, run by a libertarian political lobbyist, CFACT), or supported by lobbyists (e.g., JoannaNova, WUWT, both of whom have received funding and otherwise substantial support by lobbying organizations like the Heartland Institute), or are actually paid by lobbyists to write Op-Eds and other blog posts that intentionally misrepresent the science.”
Below-copied by ap submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/gdurocher/in-fac...ics-france-moves-to-criminalize-anti-zionism/

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McDonald Is Extremely Poor, Miserable Analyst Of Ideals
(Apollonian, 24 Feb 19)

Karlin should be reminded exactly who/what Kevin McDonald is: he's gross accommodationist to Israeli terror-state, BEGGING those Zionists and Jews to thereby endorse white nationalism (WN)--not that WN is bad, but McDonald sucks up to criminal murderers, monsters, and psychopaths, Zionists, and Israel advocates (a) in miserable attempt to bolster WN legitimacy, (b) which is betrayal of the ideal of WN, as Zionists and Israel are enemies to all humanity, and McDonald thus wants to enlist WN on side of these criminals and murderers, thus obviously degrading WN. McDonald is fundamentally corrupt, and even demented, don't doubt.

McDonald thus totally fails to grasp the strength of full-fledged WN which entails that CHRISTIAN component, Christianity properly understood as thoroughly, totally anti-Semitic, Christ standing for TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) against Jew lies and Satanism (JOHN 8:44).

So one sees McDonald doesn't fully understand WN, and doesn't grasp the satanic anti-theses to WN which are Israel, Jews, and Judaism. See also, Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for best expo on Judaism.

Don't doubt or forget the real, fundamental issues involved: TRUTH vs. lies, OBJECTIVE reality vs. subjectivism, and Christ vs. satan--which McDonald wants to compromise and confuse--as McDonald is so putridly compromised and confused himself.

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# 7, Anatoly Karlin says: • Website
February 24, 2019 at 10:05 pm GMT

Another story of how Jewish ethnonationalism is all kosher, while European nationalisms are a ” betrayal of patriotism” (in Macron’s own words).

Anyhow, excellent article.

Guillaume Durocher is the French Kevin McDonald, but even better in many respects, if I may be so bold.
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Thug Merely Exposes Gross Ignorance, Pushing Lies, Platitudes
(Apollonian, 24 Feb 19)

Good gravy, JN, but thou don't seem to grasp how dumb thou really are. Thou say, <blockquote>"I have been fed (and accepted) the MSM propaganda brain washing of “Capitalism = democracy and communism and socialism as Satin’s spawn since elementary school."</blockquote> But whose fault is this? Thou don't even attempt a serious, genuine definition of "capitalism"--generally, a socio-economic system built upon INDIVIDUAL freedom, hence rule-of-law, sanctity of contract, PROPERTY RIGHTS, and Constitutional republic--not mere "democracy," which is just moronic platitude--it's got to be more than just majority-rule, fool--why/how is that so difficult to grasp?

And FDR?--he helped start WWII to bring in world gov. dictatorship of United Nations (UN) and inevitable Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE--FDR genocided Germans and Japs. Millions of people starved in USA during 1930s--see https://www.infowars.com/researcher-famine-killed-7-million-in-us-during-great-depression/ .

Thou say: <blockquote>"Capitalism is about profit, not about welfare, where communism and socialism are primarily concerned with welfare."</blockquote> But capitalism (originally invoking the investing in capital tools of one's manufacturing plant) is about PROSPERITY for the entire society/economy, given the Constitutional rule-of-law and individual freedom. Communism and socialism are just about DICTATORSHIP, sucker--the excuse and pretext is "welfare," fool--and they have NEVER, EVER worked.

JN, thou are just tooooo stupid and ignorant, babbling moronic clichés, not even caring about actual, realistic definitions. But it's instructive to out and expose such ignorant creatures as thyself, lying and pushing thy platitudes, pretending thou are "MORAL," excusing robbery and cannibalization of the few upon pretext of giving a little to the poor, as thou ignores the difficult (for thou) economic science, human nature requiring incentives, and necessary foundation of law, sanctity-of-contract, and property rights

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# 238, JNDillard says:
February 24, 2019 at 7:48 am GMT • 200 Words

I have been fed (and accepted) the MSM propaganda brain washing of “Capitalism = democracy and communism and socialism as Satin’s spawn since elementary school. That ruse, essentially promoted to gain our sheep-like acquiescence in foreign wars that have killed some 20 million since WWII, has grown desperate, as we see in the pathetic schrieking of the McCarthyist revivalists, with Rachael Maddow as exhibit “A.” The possibilities of socialism can be judged more accurately by the enormous and multiple benefits FDR’s New Deal brought to the country. The social security check that I receive every month makes a huge difference, and the porcine money-grubbers at the banks and Wall St. certainly would never back such benefits. Capitalism is about profit, not about welfare, where communism and socialism are primarily concerned with welfare. Look at Putin’s recent address to his government and look at the realism and genuine value of his priorities; look at Xi’s most recent five year plan and ask yourself, “Does the US offer anything that in any way compares?” I am not a Marxist, but the ideas of economist Richard Wolf make sense to me. I am not a socialist, but the ideas of economist Michael Hudson make sense to me. If you are not familiar with these two, I recommend you take a look before you climb on what Noam Chompsky has called “the manufacturing of consent” train, because it is going over a cliff.
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Humans Are Sinners, Never Doubt--They're NOT Angels
(Apollonian, 24 Feb 19)

Joe: consider idea of (a) objective, (b) determinist (absolute cause-effect) reality, then (c) CYCLIC history, as according to Oswald Spengler's "Decline of the West," whereby a culture/society starts out in virtuous fashion, the founders of that society beginning as hard-working farmers, like ancient Romans and original Americans.

But as the society matures, being successful (or lucky), hence prosperous, that society becomes evermore corrupt, the following generations fm the founders becoming HUBRISTIC, imagining they're "virtuous" due to mystical, intangible -type factors--pretending to non-existent "good-evil," etc.

For then, the corrupt, aging society becomes outright SATANIC (featuring extreme SUBJECTIVISM, making the subject God, the creator of reality by means of mentality/consciousness)--the people (or too many of them) imagining they're possessed of nearly occultic, God-like powers, beginning w. moralism, and pretending to a perfectly "free" God-like will. THEN one can better understand thy description regarding "hard, isolate, greedy,..." etc.

So thou see, I don't necessarily dis-agree w. thy description and characterization; I only suggest thou are leaving-out a necessary part of the circumstances/conditions/context.

And don't doubt, lots and lots of Americans, esp. fm the southern parts, would verily agree w. thou, the northern part of USA, in 1860s, engaging in a war of horrific mass-murder against the southern part. USA was essentially destroyed by 1865, and one can precisely trace that destruction back to "Nullification Crisis" of 1832 when the psychopath, Andrew Jackson, threatened war against good and patriotic people of S. Carolina--a mere 44 yrs fm original founding and adoption of US Constitution.

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# 255, Joe Wong says:
February 25, 2019 at 12:03 am GMT

The essential American soul is hard, isolate, greedy, deception, false pathos, insincere heroism and killer, not stoic. Americans are spoiled whining school yard bullies.
Below-copied by ap submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/freed/the-empire-now-or-never/#comments

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When All Else Fails--Play "Who's Kidding Who?"
(Apollonian, 24 Feb 19)

Ho hoohoho ho ho ho, nice one, "alan2102": thou wants to play the "who's kidding who" little mind-game that thou leftists like to play, eh?--indeed, it's all thou have left, actually. But anyone can do a simple search-engine entry using "Agenda-21 depopulation" and come up w. numerous results--I got 393,000 on my first try, including several Jew-tube vids.

Socialism?--has NOTHING to do w. any actual economics, does it?--really--it's just the all-time champion pretext/excuse for dictatorship, upon the further pretext of "moralism," "brother's-keeper," non-selfishness, etc. For within strict democratic system, the majority could conceivably just vote to take the property of the minority, right?

"Socialism" is just a way of saying, "rip some people off," right?--like ripping-off the "rich," the underlying excuse being, "well gee, but the rich are mean people, so it's ok to rip them off,"

So "socialism" amounts to a kind of cannibalism, right?--one part, the larger part, the "poor," are allowed to eat and consume the "richer" part, eh? But then such cannibalism isn't likely in a healthy society which always begins w. a sociology consisting of most of the people, not rich, being led by a leadership, these leaders naturally being more able and capable.

Thus "socialism" consists of the weak cannibalizing the "strong"--eating the leaders of the society--it's conceivable if the people consider the "rich" to have betrayed them, except that in most cases, politically, the "rich" themselves lead diff. factions of other folks.

I suspect thou are a little late in the game now, "alan2102," as not only is Agenda-21 & -2030 Addendum well-known for literal GENOCIDE policy, but the actual tactics and measures to be used are also well-known, like poison vaccines, poison prescription drugs, poison GMO foods, and other poisonous food-additives, poison chemicals in the packaging, like "bisphenol-A," then there are the "chem-trails" containing poisonous barium and aluminum particulates within the atmosphere, the toxic electro-magnetic radiation, the poison glyphosates in herbicides, etc.

"[O]bviously-demented"?--but don't thou need to establish premises for that conclusion?--what actually is "demented," sucker?--for I've only spoken truth and easily verifiable facts. I'd say thou are demented, imagining thou will get-away w. thy outright lying and moronic pretending. Oh, wait--I get it--any opposition to "socialism" lies and dictatorship is itself, "demented," right? Ho ho o ho ho. I guess I may be "demented," then, ho ho ho ho.

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# 252, alan2102 says:
February 24, 2019 at 11:11 pm GMT

Joseph, you ought not bother with the obviously-demented like Apollonian, ranting and raving incoherent right-populist idiocies (“….SOCIALIST GENOCIDE… AGENDA 21…” blah blah etc.).
Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/gdurocher/in-fac...ics-france-moves-to-criminalize-anti-zionism/

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Reality: Is Objective, Determined, CYCLIC, In Accord With Spengler, "Decline of West"
(Apollonian, 25 Feb 19)

Harbinger, buddy: note reality is (a) OBJECTIVE (Aristotle), (b) determined (strict cause-effect, no perfectly "free" will), (c) CYCLIC, in accord w. Oswald Spengler's "Decline of the West."

Christians follow the objective reality, foundation of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6); Jews are SUBJECTIVISTS, following the "midrash" (interpretation) of Torah in "Oral Law Tradition" (Gosp. MARK 7:9 & 13). See Talmudical.BlogSpot.com, RevisionistReview.BlogSpot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for best Talmudic expo.

Note extreme subjectivism holds reality is product of mind/consciousness, making subject God, the creator--Satanism, by definition. So thou see, Judaism/Talmudism is Satanism, Jews following a COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivism, "group-think," Jews most dedicated, committed, organized, making them leaders of gentile subjectivists/Satanists even though greatly out-numbered by the goyim. Of course, there are Jews, more and less, by degrees, in accord w. the tenets of their religion/philosophy--many might disagree they're satanists.

So when gentile civilization remains rational, the gentiles thrive, Jews and Satanists suffer. As the gentiles at first thrive, they soon enough become hubristic and corrupt, pretending they're like God, w. "free" will, pretending to moralism and non-existent "good-evil"; the Jews and other subjectivists now begin to take advantage of this putrid, moronic hubris, and establish, for example, the central-bank, fiat-currency criminal-enterprise (legalized counterfeiting--see Mises.org; use their search engine), and soon the former civilization becomes hell-on-earth for victims of empire, Jews and Satanists now thriving evermore.

So thou see: it's a CYCLIC relationship in strict accord w. DETERMINIST factors and nature of the objective reality. Note Jews actually perform a certain socio-biologic function, exterminating the excess population of gentiles, Jews much like a disease, like plague, typhus, and leprosy--I'm sure Jews think we gentiles are similar, eh?

--------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------

# 93, Harbinger says:
February 25, 2019 at 6:50 pm GMT • 500 Words

You know, I’m just still trying to let all of this sink in. The Jews are lining themselves up for intense universal hatred when they are actively punishing people for disagreeing in Israeli murder of Palestinian men, women and children.
Are they mad?
Can they not understand that this is going to lead to a very probably chaotic future, where attacks on Jews and synagogues will explode?

This, somewhat, makes me wonder if all this is being done to deliberately create even more universal hatred of Jews, if that’s at all possible, as the first commenter Renoman notes. Either that or the Jews truly do believe they can bring in their world, communist state and start shooting non Jews, because they dare to disagree in their views, beliefs and actions whether at home or abroad.

It’s really incredibly hard not to loathe Jews. “But it’s not all the Jews, it’s only some Jews……blah….blah…..blah…” is the usual rhetoric we hear. One would think, that with the Jews being such a small population, those in control would be only a fraction and therefore one would expect an overwhelming backlash from ‘ordinary’ Jews and their condemnation of the wholesale slaughter of Palestinians would be prominent.
It, however, isn’t. In fact we don’t hear a peep from them, well, only a very small minority of Orthodox, anti Israeli Jews in NYC now an again, but as a collective, the majority of Jews remain blissfully silent on any condemnation of Israeli behaviour towards Palestinians.

This is really only going to go one of two ways – hell on earth for non Jews or hell on earth for the Jews. Either the people are going to wake up and stop the Jews from attaining their world, communist state, or else they’ll just sit back, chase the money, watch their indoctrination on TV and Hollywood and settle into the technological prison that’s being built around them, becoming incredibly more ignorant than they already are, fatter, with a chip in their arm that tells them what to do, what to buy and how to think, as well as switching off their money supply if they disagree with the status quo.

Absolute madness. Then again, Orwell did mention all of this, but then it wasn’t prophecy, merely putting down in book form what he had been told in his various meetings with NGO’s and globalist bankers. Orwell was not a man of the people. His job was to program society into accepting the future being built for them. You don’t work in the Ministry of Truth, as a propagandist for the BBC, telling lies about Germany and then have an epiphany realizing everything you did in the past was wrong. He was a socialist, ultimately believing in the state authority over the individual.

---------------Unz deleted my entry, just above, so I wrote up this, below-copied, but didn't post-------------------

(Apollonian, 25 Feb 19)

Ho ho hoh oho, what's problem, Unz, thou cowardly little kike punk?--ho ho ho ho--can't stand a little free speech and truth to effect thou are satanic little defender of thy fellow kikes, eh?--ho ho ho ho ho

But don't worry, Unz, after all is said and done, golly, but if folks can't figure-out what a stinking little Jew thou really are after reading thy "Open Ltr to Alt-right," they're not too bright, are they?--and they deserve what they get, eh?

And those are the people who LOVE "Unz Review," eh?--ho ho ho ho ho--the brainless suckers who think thou are such a great guy (even though thou are kike filth, hoh o ho ho), and gee whiz, but there are "good" kikes--like Ron Unz, for example, eh?--ho ho ho ho ho ho.
Below-copied by ap submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/gdurocher/in-fac...ics-france-moves-to-criminalize-anti-Zionism/

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All Humanity Is "Anti-Semitic," Naturally--Why Not?
(Apollonian, 25 Feb 19)

I agree, "skeptical": acknowledging one is anti-Jew by the understood language of "anti-Semite" is easiest, surely most truthful thing to say. Going on and about for long and needless explanation about "semite" referring also to Arabs is probably understood by most people anyway.

And most people surely understand the entire issue about "anti-Semitism" being so political and politicized--and if they don't so grasp it, it's surely useless to waste effort to explaining.

To speak the entire truth, one surely isn't necessarily all that much in favor of Arabs--unless one is Arab himself, so why bother? Easiest thing for me is to say, "heck yeah, I'm anti-Semitic, being a good Christian." Even if one isn't Christian, it's being good human being in general to be anti-Semitic, meaning anti-Jew--only confusion would be if one were Arab, and those are still so few, here in USA, at least, it would be waste of effort and breath.

Nowadays, of course, one must always stop and think if and when so confronted by word, "anti-Semitic"--esp. if one's job depended on it, as for many corporations, having to be "politically-correct" in this Jewified dictatorship we evermore live in and under.

Otherwise it should be understood all humanity is anti-Semitic, naturally--who isn't?--who wouldn't be?--OF COURSE I'm anti-Semite.

-----------------------above in response to below-copied---------------------------

# 136, Skeptikal says:
February 26, 2019 at 2:55 am GMT

I would just say:
You’re right.
I am an anti-Semite!
Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/gdurocher/in-fac...ics-france-moves-to-criminalize-anti-zionism/

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Unz: Bigget Troll On His Own Website
(Apollonian, 25 Feb 19)

Good gravy "renfro," but I had a response to "harbinger" too, and it wasn't nearly as long as thine, but Unz deleted it, like he deletes most of my responses/postings. I only tried to explain to "harbinger" that Jews and Judaism take a TOTALLY diff. view of reality--the SUBJECTIVISTIC view, based upon "midrash" (interpretation), following fm their "Oral Law Tradition," which "tradition" is mentioned in several places in Gospels, like esp. at MARK 7:9 and 13.

I suspect Unz is doing the typical Jew cover-up for Jews and their usual satanic Talmud and Talmudic doings, plottings, and conspiracies. Further, Unz doesn't want to admit Christianity--the real, basic thing, in New Test.--fully understands and opposes such Talmudic Satanism.

For that seems to be purpose of Unz Review--to deflect the goyim, in way of confusion and cognitive dissonance, Unz allowing these Jew-friendly trolls, including outright Jews themselves and then the usual Jew-friendly scum and subversives who insist there are SOME "good" Jews like there are good psychopaths, good child-molesters, and healthy lepers, pretending one can't judge all kikes based upon their satanic leaders or their satanic program laid out in Talmud, etc.

Of course, the big secret for most of the readers here is Unz is the biggest troll of all, trolling his own web-site, hood-winking the anti-semites, pretending he's all for "free" speech and expression, as he steadily, consistently deletes/censors (nearly) all my expositions on Talmud and Christian anti-Semitism, my placing these in sociologic/historical/philosophic perspective--but they get published elsewhere, so it's not total loss as in days before internet.

-----------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------

# 130, renfro says:
February 26, 2019 at 1:29 am GMT • 1,100 Words

Either that or the Jews truly do believe they can bring in their world

They do believe it. At least the Uber Jew leaders believe it because, to keep it simple to understand,……they are a Cult.
Zionism is a Cult. Judaism to a degree is a Cult due to its paranoid extremism and illusions of chooseness /grandeur, more so than Christian religions although some of those also are also cultish as we see in Christian Zionist doomday cult.

Identifying Characteristics of a Cult

1). Deception. Destructive cults are presented externally as traditional associations. These can be arbitrarily defined by their instigators as almost any banal group (‘religious’, ‘cultural’, ‘political’, ‘commercial’, etc. etc.). However, internally, they are always totalitarian (i.e. they are centrally-controlled and require of their adherents an absolute subservience to the group and its patriarchal, and/or matriarchal, leadership above all other persons). By their very nature, destructive cults never present themselves in their true colours. Consequently, no one ever becomes involved with one as a result of their fully-informed consent.

2). Self-appointed sovereign leadership. Destructive cults are instigated and ruled by psychologically dominant individuals, and/or bodies of psychologically dominant individuals, often with impressive, made-up names, and/or ranks, and/or titles. They steadfastly pretend moral and intellectual authority whilst pursuing various, hidden, criminal objectives (fraudulent, and/or sexual and/or violent, etc.). The leaders of destructive cults hold themselves accountable to no one.

3). Manipulation. Destructive cults employ coordinated techniques of social and psychological persuasion (variously described as: ‘mental manipulation’, ‘coercive behaviour modification’, ‘group pressure’, ‘thought reform’, ‘ego destruction’, ‘mind control’, ‘brainwashing’, etc.). These are designed to fulfil the hidden criminal objectives of the leaders by provoking in the adherents an infantile total dependence on the group, to the detriment of themselves and of their existing family, and/or other, relationships. Destructive cults manipulate their adherents’ existing beliefs and instinctual desires, creating the illusion that they are exercising free will.

4). Destructive cults can be of any size, duration and level of criminality. They comprise groups, and/or sub-groups, of previously diverse individuals bonded by their unconscious acceptance of the self-gratifying, but wholly imaginary, scenario that they alone represent a positive or protective force of purity and absolute righteousness derived from their leadership’s exclusive access to a superior or superhuman knowledge, and that they alone oppose a negative or adversarial force of impurity and absolute evil. Whilst this two-dimensional, or dualistic*, narrative remains the adherents’ model of reality, they are, in effect, constrained to modify their individual personalities and behaviour accordingly.

5). Pseudo-scientific mystification. The instigators of destructive cults seek to overwhelm their adherents emotionally and intellectually by pretending that progressive initiation into their own superior or superhuman knowledge (coupled with total belief in its authenticity and unconditional deference to the authority of its higher initiates) will defeat a negative or adversarial force of impurity and absolute evil, and lead to future, exclusive redemption in some form of secure Utopian existence. Cultic pseudo-science is always essentially the same hypnotic hocus-pocus, but it can be peddled in an infinite variety of forms and combinations

6). Monopoly of information. The leaders of destructive cults seek to control all information entering not only their adherents’ minds, but also that entering the minds of casual observers. This is achieved by constantly denigrating all external sources of information whilst constantly repeating the group’s reality-inverting key words and images, and/or by the physical isolation of adherents. Cults leaders systematically categorize, condemn and exclude as unenlightened, negative, impure and absolutely evil all free-thinking individuals and any quantifiable evidence challenging the authenticity of their imaginary scenarios of control. In this way, the minds of cult adherents can become converted to accept only what their leadership arbitrarily sanctions as enlightened, positive, pure and absolutely righteous. Consequently, adherents habitually communicate amongst themselves using their group’s reality-inverting jargon, and they find it difficult, if not impossible, to communicate with negative persons outside of their group.

7). False justification. In destructive cults, a core-group of adherents can be gradually dissociated from external reality and reformed into deployable agents, and/or de facto slaves, and/or expendable combatants, etc, furthering the hidden criminal objectives of their leaders, completely dependent on a collective paranoid delusion of absolute moral and intellectual supremacy fundamental to the maintenance of their individual self-esteem and related psychological function. It becomes impossible for such fanatics to empathise with non-adherents. Their minds are programmed to see the manipulation, and/or cheating, and/or dispossession, and/or destruction, of inferior outsiders (particularly, those who challenge their group’s controlling scenario) as perfectly justifiable.

8). Structural mystification. The instigators of destructive cults can continue to organize the creation, and/or dissolution, and/or subversion, of further (apparently independent) corporate structures pursuing lawful, and/or unlawful, activities in order to prevent, and/or divert, investigation and isolate themselves from liability. In this way, some cults survive all low-level challenges and spread like cancers destroying the lives of countless individuals in the process. At the same time, their leaders acquire absolute control over capital sums which place them alongside the most notorious racketeers in history. They operate behind ever-expanding, and changing, fronts of ‘privately-controlled, limited-liability, commercial companies’, and/or ‘non-profit-making associations’, etc. etc.

9). Chronic psychological deterioration symptoms. The long-term core-adherents of destructive cults are psychotic (i.e. suffering from psychosis, a severe mental derangement, especially when resulting in delusions and loss of contact with external reality). Core-adherents who manage to break with their group and confront the ego-destroying reality that they’ve been systematically deceived and exploited, are invariably destitute and dissociated from all their previous social contacts.

10). Repression of all dissent. The leaders of the most-dangerous destructive cults are megalomaniacal psychopaths (i.e. suffering from a chronic mental disorder, especially when resulting in paranoid delusions of grandeur and self-righteousness, and the compulsion to pursue grandiose objectives). The unconditional deference of their deluded adherents only serves to confirm, and magnify, the leaders’ own delusions. This type of destructive cult leader maintains an absolute monopoly of information whilst perpetrating, and/or directing, evermore heinous crimes. They sustain their activities by the imposition of arbitrary codes (secrecy, justice, punishment, etc.) within their groups, and by the use of humiliation, and/or intimidation, and/or calumny, and/or malicious prosecution (where they pose as victims), and/or sophism, and/or the infiltration of traditional culture, and/or corruption, and/or intelligence gathering and blackmail, and/or extortion, and/or physical isolation, and/or violence, and/or assassination, etc. etc., to repress any internal or external dissent.
Below-copied by ap first submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/the-growing-anti-semitism-scam/#comment-3050337

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Jews Deserve Nobel Prize--No Wonder They're "God's Chosen"
(Apollonian, 25 Feb 19)

Yes, perhaps, "little Marco" is POS, as thou say, BUT thou knows he's rich, powerful, fat and happy, w. access to all the boys and girls he desires, having sold his soul, surely.

But then again, think about it: the world is over-populated, as we see, w. Jew-friendly, Jew-serving scum, filth, TV-addicts who only want to watch TV and football games, beer-guzzling puke, and kikes merely take advantage of these losers, goons, weaklings, and inferiors--prior to exterminating them in all the various ways, war, famine, and pestilence--esp. heavy w. the pestilences lately, we observe.

We humans see Jews as scum, but then Jews see us as the scum--who's right and wrong?--and most of all, how and why is one side right, the other wrong?

Isn't the truth rather that things are CYCLIC, according to Oswald Spengler, "Decline of the West"?--so Western Civ. has had its day, it prospered and grew-up all these excess, over-populated puke sitting and worshipping before their Talmud-vision(s), so now they've peaked for "sustainability" and have to be culled-back, right?--all in the CYCLIC course of things, right?--why not?

One must hand it to the Jews--they've capitalized and prospered upon the stupidity the masses of dumb goyim, haven't they? Goyim are sooooooo desperate to think themselves "good" and "virtuous," and Jews gave them their opportunity.

Stupid goyim wanted a system whereby they'd have INFINITE currency--NEVER running out of it, NEVER running short--central-bank(s) just keeps pumping it out (see Mises.org for expo). And since "good" and "virtue" are all the rage, WHY NOT go to war?--to PERPETUAL WAR to see to it this "good" and "virtue" continue to reign supreme?--isn't it lovely?--isn't it just wonderful? So Jews deserve a lot of credit, I'd say--they're such wonderful people, un-questionably. In fact, I'm going to nominate Jews for the Nobel Prize for wonderfulness. We sure are lucky to have Jews, aren't we?

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

# 729, L.K says:
February 26, 2019 at 4:29 am GMT

Yeah, total POS this Marco Rubio. Typical neocon COWARD.
His tweet threatening Venezuelan president Maduro:
Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/gdurocher/in-fac...ics-france-moves-to-criminalize-anti-zionism/

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Jew Lies Never End
(Apollonian, 26 Feb 19)

<blockquote>"Strong allegations. If true, how do they excuse Germany starving 3.5 million Soviet POWs to death? 4.2 million Soviet citizens (mostly Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians)? Working 2.4 million foreign laborers to death in Germany ‘42-45? Homicidal policy in occupied areas? Ethnic cleansing, murder?"</blockquote>

"Incitatus," thou surely are the very picture of the smug, glib, lying, little kike, but where do thou get this above-quoted idiocy, thou little dumbass? Doesn't it occur to thou it needs citations for these idiot lies?--ho ho ho ho ho.

And though it doesn't seem like thou tries to pushing the usual holohoax lies of thou pathologic, lying, Jew monsters, thou covers that at the end of thy idiot quotation, "homicidal policy in occupied areas . . . . murder?" Thou tacitly admits holohoax is lies, but now thou just pushes others, eh?--ho o ho ho ho ho

For Germany was attacked, by France and Britain, and after having lost WWI, after the entente allies conspired w. Serbia to kill the Austrian Archduke, then declared war when Austria and Germany complained, Germany was essentially dis-armed, and only BEGAN to re-arming under heroic unc' Adolf.

So thou see, Germany in such defensive, inferior position, having been attacked by Britain and France, COULD not have pursued the absurd policies thou asserts--ESPECIALLY when one considers the furious attempts by Germany to making peace w. allies, esp. Britain, as after the fall of France. For HOW could Germans have expected allies to take German peace overtures seriously if they HAD followed such non-existent homicidal policies as thou lies they did?

------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------

# 164, Incitatus says:
February 26, 2019 at 9:40 pm GMT • 400 Words

“You’re forgetting that France declared war on Germany, not the other way around.”

Strawman. Didn’t say otherwise.

You opined France better off occupied, remember? Given contrary evidence, you change the subject.

“the western Allies were responsible for more French civilian deaths- and real atrocities- than the Germans were”

Enumeration and citations please.

“With respect to the diets of the “occupied” countries, don’t even go there…”

Already there and back. Sorry. Starvation rations are on record. So is Backe’s Hungerplan with its 20-30 million death estimate.

“the mass murder of German “disarmed enemy forces” in Eisenhower’s starvation camps and the deliberate efforts to starve the German people after the war”

Strong allegations. If true, how do they excuse Germany starving 3.5 million Soviet POWs to death? 4.2 million Soviet citizens (mostly Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians)? Working 2.4 million foreign laborers to death in Germany ‘42-45? Homicidal policy in occupied areas? Ethnic cleansing, murder?

Germany certainly suffered. 2.1 million perished in expulsions, 434,000 in Allied bombing, 5+ million in combat, flattened cities, etc. Genuinely tragic. Victims of criminally incompetent leadership.

“The so called “liberators” were far more destructive, homicidal and malign than the German National Socialists”

You’re welcome to believe that. Few agree. In any case, be consoled by good National Socialist policy direct from Mr. Big himself:

“He who wants to live should fight, therefore, and he who does not want to battle in this world of eternal struggle does not deserve to be alive.”

-Adolf Hitler ‘Mein Kampf’ Chapter 11 Volume 1, 1925

“If the German people are no longer strong enough and ready to sacrifice their own blood for their existence, then they should perish and be wiped out by another, stronger power. They are no longer worthy of the place they have won for themselves.”

-Adolf Hitler, remarks to the Danish Foreign Minister 27 Nov 1941

You might say the Allies took the Führer’s advice.

Reichminister Fritz Todt (one of the few capable Nazis) told Hitler “This war can no longer be won by military means…[it] can only be ended politically” 29 Nov ‘41. Failure to destroy the USSR by winter was as fatal as von Moltke missing the Schlieffen Plan timetable in September 1914, and Todt was honest enough to say it. He also warned direct US involvement would be terminal.

Hitler, ever messianic, declared war on the US two weeks later (11 Dec ’41). Reason? “We can’t lose the war at all; we now have an ally [Japan] which has never been conquered in 3000 years.”

Incompetent, suicidal leadership.
Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/the-growing-anti-semitism-scam/#comment-3050337

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Unz: Defender Of Jews And Satanism, Never Doubt
(Apollonian, 26 Feb 19)

<blockquote>"The entire Unz Forum needs to be put in a nuclear-proof time capsule, so that if any of our children and grandchildren survive zionist predations, they can have access to the antidote to the propaganda our generation has stewed in for all its life."</blockquote> Grace: thou NEVER learns, so how can, and why should, anyone take thy idiotic statements (as in thy quotation) seriously? UNZ IS JEW, he relates w. Jews, favors Jews, serves Jews, thou poorest of fools.

What does one get on "Unz Review"?--just Jew-serving, Jew-friendly lies and temporizations--WHAT else would thou expect fm Unz, the Jew?

I explain and expound the REAL problem and circumstances: massive and growing Satanism thriving, expanding, and steadily killing as we speak, the people poisoned and mass-murdered six-ways to Sunday, by means, just for example, of poison vaccines and prescription drugs, the drug corporations given license by means of monopolies and monopolizations, these monopolies feeding one another, drugs monopoly feeding the Jews-media monopolies and corporations--all determined by the leading criminal monopoly at the top, the central-bank of issue, US Federal Reserve, etc., literally legalized counterfeiting (see Mises.org for expo) steadily destroying (inflating) the currency, as we see and experience, financing the never-ending wars for Israel. Then of course, there's obvious satanic monument to Satanism, Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE.

Unz the Jew will not allow, and steadily, consistently CENSORS my expositions against this criminal system of monopolies and mass-murder being waged upon poor fools, like thou, Grace, who pretends Unz is against this Jew-friendly, Jew-serving criminal system of Satanist mass-murder.

Observe all the Jew-friendly trolls and liars Unz brings and allows on--and when I dispute these Jew liars, like "corvinus," "incitatus," and others, Unz DELETES and censors my notes, leaving the Jew liars standing. If any of my notes are published and then disputed by these Jew-friendly liars, Unz publishes them, but deletes and CENSORS my rejoinders--this is his consistent, Jew-serving policy, demonstrated time and again, most of my un-compromising notes being censored/deleted.

For Satanism, like human sinfulness, cannot be always and everywhere exterminated, and will always arise fm time to time, but Judaism, the most popular (ironic as may seem) and practical Satanism CAN be exterminated, but Unz will not allow, and always works to CENSOR my exposition upon Judaism, Judaism AS Satanism, including ESPECIALLY what exactly Satanism is, basically, and how it always starts out--(extreme) SUBJECTIVISM, idea that reality is created by mentality/consciousness, the subject then as God, the creator--Satanism by definition.

I further expound how Jews then lead and dominate the general Satanism by means of their signature COLLECTIVISM and "group-think" applied thereto, the gentile subjectivists/Satanists willingly following Jew leadership, even though Jews are vastly out-numbered.

Unz may SEEM to publish random, platitudinous anti-Semitism (as in the worthless, pointless babbling btwn "chuck orloski" and his buddies, including "Jacques Sheete"), but not a SERIOUS anti-Semitism which begins w. accurate definitions, as w. my exposition. Thou are a shallow-minded fool, Grace, an example as to how and why Satanism prospers and thrives, protected as it is by Unz, the Jew, defender of Jews and Satanism.

"Unz Review" is NOTHING but Jew-friendly, Jew-serving, and satanic psy-ops, Grace, but thou aren't bright enough to grasp--thou are a sad commentary upon the prospects of gentile survivability--it doesn't look good for the West and gentiles, if thou are any indication.

--------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------

# 745, Grace Poole says:
February 26, 2019 at 8:48 pm GMT

Top quality information.

The entire Unz Forum needs to be put in a nuclear-proof time capsule, so that if any of our children and grandchildren survive zionist predations, they can have access to the antidote to the propaganda our generation has stewed in for all its life.
Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/article/my-service-to-the-nation-of-islam/#comment-3062973

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Christianity, Worship Of Truth; Islam, Mere Command/Obedience Of Goons
(Apollonian, 26 Feb 19)

K14: Christians follow Christ = TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6). TRUTH IS GOD, what Christians worship, and then all ethics is what follows in logic fm this basic theme of TRUTH. Thus TRUTH is dependent and based only upon the OBJECTIVE REALITY created by God the Father.

Truth then is most often something to be discovered and understood, etc., and that's why Holy Spirit is so important and consists of REASON and HONESTY, honesty being that necessary receptivity for truth--WHICH JEWS DON'T HAVE and can't have, since Jews are essentially Satanists (extreme subjectivists) and liars (see JOHN 8:44) who insist they are COLLECTIVELY co-equal w. God, and the rabbis say what truth of Torah (and everything else) is by means of their MIDRASH (interpretation) and "Oral Law Tradition." See Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for best Talmudic expo.

Islam is simply a cult of COMMAND and obedience. God says so, this through the "prophet," like Muhammud, and if one doesn't obey, one is liable to have one's head chopped. Such is Islam, grossly inferior religion to Christianity, Islam actually an attempted throw-back and reversion to the command/obedience traditions of what they understand fm Old Test., evidently.

What does it actually mean, "total submission to . . . creator"?--for isn't humanity ALREADY subject to the laws of physics, biology, etc.?--and who would deny this sort of "submission"?--no one but a whack-job, eh?

Great and enduring power of Christianity (worship of TRUTH, above all) is its absolute resistance to Satanism (extreme subjectivism) in general, and especially then against Jews, foremost and leading practical version and application of Satanism--it's why Jews hate Christianity so much--far more than they hate Islam.

-----------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-----------------

# 128, K14 says:
February 26, 2019 at 9:32 pm GMT • 300 Words
@Johnny Rottenborough

Though I am not personally a fan of Farakhan you did not understand the depth of his statement. Since Jesus never claimed divinity and will disown those who ascribe him a divine nature when he returns on Earth, any Christian that tries their best to emulate the way of life of Jesus ( total submission to their Creator), just as Jesus did is indeed a Submitted (Muslim) to the will of God. Islam comes from the same root as salama (Peace) and when you put yourself in the hands of your Creator (hands not taken literally) you experience inner peace…a state all humans seek.

In response to your out of context quotes of translated verses from Quran by which you want to show the intolerance of Islam towards other religions, I am inviting you to click on the video link below:

When the CIA- Mossad unleashed ISIS on Iraq do you know how many Muslims lost their lives protecting Christians?
Do you know that the first “Je Suis…” campain of solidarity was created by Muslims in Iraq when ISIS painted the letter N on the door of Christians?

I will conclude by saying that next time you decide to quote a verse from Quran, first check the tafsir of the verse in question in a reliable book of tafsir such as Allama Tabatabai or S.V Mir Ahmad Ali.
With this good practise, you will find a treasure you never suspected!

All the best!