Apo essays for Feb 2019

Below-copied by ap submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/article/holy-minority-day-holocaustianity-hysteria-and-the-hotel-of-hate/

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Jews Are Anti-Human, Necessarily, Based Upon Simple Facts, Education, Orientation, Etc.--Verified In Reality--Like Ron Unz, For Example
(Apollonian, 7 Feb 19)

Jews are execrable and deserving of hatred no less than are psychopaths--because that's what Jews are, raised and educated to being so--psychopaths--and Jews then only differ as to degree of this sociopathy and psychopathology. Ck their Talmud and its teachings; see Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com.

And there are no good Jews like there are no good psychopaths, Satanists, or child-molesters, "good," understood here as useful or worthwhile for humanity. For Talmud is war-plan against humanity.

Note Jews are defined as followers of Talmud and/or genetically related thereto, who identify as Jew (like Unz, the editor here), relate w. Jews, defending Jews, etc. No decent person calls himself Jew.

Thus Unz's purpose here is to gate-keep and "normalize" Jews, pretending to ignore the Talmud, as if Talmud doesn't exist, pretending Jews are like anyone else, that there are "good and bad," like among any other ethnicity, etc., ignoring simple fact of Talmud. After all, psychopaths are like anyone else too, eh?--ho ho ho ho.

Thus Unz lies like the typical Jew snake, pretending he's for "free speech," etc.--while he CENSORS and deletes my expositions consistently and intensively. For Unz is determined to inflect, manipulate, contrive, and distort the debate/discussion/dialectic to suit and serve Unz's Jew-friendly, Jew-oriented interest, never doubt.

And in case there is any doubt of Unz's typical, Jewwy contempt and anti-pathy towards gentiles, esp. whites, just ck his "Open Letter to Alt.-Right," which he published here at his own site.

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# 81, Commentator Mike says:
February 6, 2019 at 11:20 pm GMT • 100 Words

Just stating my opinion about that well know Patton’s quote. I’ve already been called a fascist based on another comment. Now implication of ? Jew perhaps? What next? Everybody gets called something when people start jumping to conclusions. So am I required to hate Jews viscerally just because I oppose their Israel, Zionist propaganda, financial, media, and cultural domination, etc.? Fine, it seems I also wrongly accused some contributors of being Jews based on some of their comments. Please yourself. And anyway I’m no big fan of Patton. Zhukov would have whipped his ass all the way back into the North Sea the arrogant Yankee prick if he’d tried to have a go, even with the help of what was left of the destroyed German army.
Below-copied by ap submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/article/holy-minority-day-holocaustianity-hysteria-and-the-hotel-of-hate/

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"Corvinus" Is One Lacking Basic Sense, Ignoring Reality
(Apollonian, 7 Feb 19)

Is it really a matter of being "scared" of kikes?--or is it more like being sensibly wary of typhus, plague, and/or other harmful diseases, maladies, and dangerous and poisonous entities and substances? Are Jews Talmudists, or not?--and are Jews by race, genetically related, naturally LOYAL to Talmudists, even if they pretend not to observe such anti-human religion?--like Ron Unz, for example, who lies and acts like the typical Jew.

Then there's the question of history, how Jews have actually acted, as in Israeli terror-state, which history CONFIRMS the effect of Talmud upon the race of practitioners. So Corvinus, buddy, we see thou are the one actually lacking in "common sense," thou poor fool.

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# 90, Corvinus says:
February 7, 2019 at 3:32 am GMT

Obviously you, like the author of this piece, are so scared of Jews that it has removed common sense from your brain.
Below-copied by ap submitted, CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/article/holy-minority-day-holocaustianity-hysteria-and-the-hotel-of-hate/

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Either-Or In An Objective Reality
(Apollonian, 7 Feb 19)

"Corvinus," buddy: don't thou get it?--it's either-or. Thou are either Jew--as after all, thou talks, thinks, lies, and acts like one, hence by inductive logic and scientific method, thou are Jew unless thou can prove thou are not Jew.

Or--thou are TRAITOR among goyim, always, lying, pushing holohoax, defending and speaking-up for Talmudist liars, including the pretended "non-religious," like Unz, who makes sure thou continue to posting while Unz steadily CENSORS and deletes my own postings for example.

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# 134, Corvinus says:
February 7, 2019 at 10:56 pm GMT • 200 Words

“Jews will always dispute. That does not mean that the subject is in dispute.”

You mean people will always dispute whether or not the Germans murdered six million Jews.

“It only means that the Jews and their lackeys (homosexuals, sell outs, cryptos, minorities, etc) are nattering again in an attempt to put off for a little while longer whatever inevitable consequences (see history) are coming for the Jews.”

You mean the Alt Right and their toadies (race realists, white nationalists, monarchists) are virtue signaling for the nth time that whites must rise up against Jewish machinations, lest they be overrun by their third world pets.

“Jewing us works only for as long as we listen to them. When we get tired of being lied to and gamed, the conversation is over.”

OK, the conversation is over. What next on your part?

“I think that there should be a permanent moratorium on listening to Jewish opinions on anything whatsoever,

I think that there should be a permanent crematorium on hearing Alt Right protests on this matter moving forward.

“prescribe our destruction as immutable basis for that decision. Motive strongly implies the crime.”

Who is being destroyed?
Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/a-passionate-attachment/

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"Artie-boy" Better Start Thinking, One Must Strongly Suggest
(Apollonian, 7 Feb 19)

<blockquote>"Beware — our “Heros” character is turning UR into an everyday garden variety race hate blog. Check out his comments – they are full of race hate.

"Now he champions Duke!

"David Duke is a racist – he is not a good guy – PERIOD.

"I doubt that Mr. Unz and his contributors are racists."</blockquote>

"Artie," buddy, let me explain some things to stupid scum like thou, sucker--ck a dictionary, thou P.O.S.--"racism" is a magnificent VIRTUE--virtue of LOYALTY and pride in people, ancestors, and culture (a). (b) This racist loyalty and pride is AXIOMATIC--it cannot be denied--for one is necessarily loyal to some race or other, and even if one pretends one isn't--like a stupid puke, like thou--thou still effectively expresses loyalty to the mixed-race by default, at least (thou are just soooo dumb, thou doesn't realize, eh?).

"[G]ood guy," thou say?--moron: there's no "good-evil" in a determined universe of absolute cause-effect, no perfectly "free" will, sucker--get a clue, scum. For we're all sinners in the eyes of the Lord, fool, and NO ONE is perfect in the eyes of the Lord--ONLY God's grace and mercy gets us into heaven, sucker. Everyone does best he can--we just strive to NOT allowing treason, such as thine.

Further, the race one is born into is the necessary circumstance for all and any future events, outcomes, and consequences, thou poor, brainless punk.

Regarding Ron Unz?--he's TYPICAL lying Jew snake, running psy-ops here on this site, determined to "normalizing" Jews within and among human beings, pretending Jews are no diff. fm anyone else, when the actual fact is Jews are NOTORIOUS throughout history as sociopaths, criminals, and general mis-anthropes, their Talmud teaching and exhorting WAR against gentiles. So it's only matter of degree as to the sociopathy of anti-Christ, anti-human Jews.

And even "non-religious" Jews, as Unz pretends to being, are obviously loyal to their fellow Jews, religious or not. Doubt Unz has nothing but antipathy for gentiles?--just ck his recent "Open ltr to Alt-right," filled w. condescension, contempt, and lies, Unz the TYPICAL Jew enemy of humanity, thou poor brainless sucker.

Ron Unz, typical Jew snake, CENSORS and deletes nearly ALL my comments and postings, Unz determined to promoting cognitive dissonance among gentiles, Unz seeking to inflect, manipulate, contriving, and distorting the patriot discussion/debate/dialectic.

Art: get a clue, sucker--there is fearful penalty for TREASON, scum. Racism is necessary virtue, and it's impossible NOT to be racist (hence loyal) to some race, ignorant moron. Think, sucker--it's the best policy, thou pathetic fool.

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# 370, Art says:
February 7, 2019 at 7:12 pm GMT • 100 Words

So if you can name a European who has fought so long and risked so much and been slurred badly as Dr. David Duke, please let me know, I write him in. Maybe after a life or death struggle over some beauty in a burka.

Beware — our “Heros” character is turning UR into an everyday garden variety race hate blog. Check out his comments – they are full of race hate.

Now he champions Duke!

David Duke is a racist – he is not a good guy – PERIOD.

I doubt that Mr. Unz and his contributors are racists.

Think Peace — Art

• Agree: annamaria
• Replies: @RobinG, @Talha, @ChuckOrloski
Below-copied by ap submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/jthompson/health...e-post-code-more-important-than-genetic-code/

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Reality Is Determined, Suckers (No Perfectly "Free" Will)--Following FM Objectivity (Aristotle)
(Apollonian, 8 Feb 19)

What's this?--"post code more important than genetic code"?--actually it's a trick question, right? So let's begin fm the beginning.

Thus reality is objective (Aristotle) or not. If reality is not objective, then anything goes--subjectivism (basically Plato) or outright mysticism. For note only objectivity gives the law of Identity, A is A, then non-contradiction, foundation of logic, science, and all and any reason.

Following objectivity is DETERMINISM, absolute cause-effect, no perfectly "free" will; everything happens the way it has to happen, determined fm the very beginning.

But subjectivists want to push the perfectly "free" will idea--for that is the golden method of controlling and manipulating the masses of people by means of guilt- and inferiority-complex--pretending there's "free" will, and one must feel guilty if one doesn't "choose" correctly, hoh o ho ho.

Weaklings and inferiors follow the "free" will fallacy as it makes them HUBRISTIC, to feel like God, capable of miraculously changing reality and suddenly becoming "good"--they have to, so obsessively, feel "good," because it salves their inferiority-complex.

So note "genetic code" merely follows determinism, "genetic" being practically synonymous w. racism, racially-determined, etc. So race matters--it determines, along w. all other basic circumstances, what happens later--there's no perfectly "free" will, which only God could possibly have.

So note again, non-determinism is impossible because otherwise no science or logic would be possible without objectivity, hence determinism.

Hence it doesn't matter the conditions examined in this article here, by James Thompson--it couldn't possible change the necessary metaphysics of objectivity, determinism, and racism. Regardless the conditions of infant equality of circumstances, the genetic, determinist code must kick-in somehow and sometime, as reality demonstrates.

And of course racism is hated by subjectivists and Satanists (extreme subjectivists, making themselves God)--it's easiest way to deny objectivity and determinism. For don't thou want to feel "good," to feel like God who's capable of changing reality?--thus over-coming inferiority-complex. And the inferiors and weaklings (of any race) endorse subjectivism and "free" will--it's the natural HUBRIS which so often and easily affects inferiors and weaklings, people who refuse to accept necessary reality.
Below-copied submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/a-passionate-attachment/

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Holohoax: Mere Adjunct To "Progressive," "Liberal" NWO World Gov. Empire
(Apollonian, 8 Feb 19)

Yes "anon" (see below-copied), what thou say is absolutely compelling, and note--there's more. For observe Germany lost WWI, and was in horrendous military condition for many yrs thereafter--in fact, all the way till the mid to late 30s. Brits of UK had superior navy and practically even-steven air force--combined w. the French, at first, the allies were preponderant against German forces. Even after French capitulated in 1940, Americans were supplying Brits w. Lend-lease and other measures. Note the war was begun in first place by West, the Poles harassing and encroaching Danzig, Poles threatening war, Brits having made offensive alliance w. Poles in March 1939. See "The Forced War," by David Hoggan.

Thus Germany was ALWAYS in inferior, DEFENSIVE position--WHY and HOW would they then determine upon a policy of mass-executions, for which there is and never has been any evidence?--no documentary evidence of notorious bureaucratic Germans, and no physical evidence, no death-certificates, no bodies or remains, etc., Germans constantly suing for accommodation w. Western allies, as after Dunkirk, etc.

Thus Germany carried an initiative against USSR, until the 1941 winter counter-offensive of Stalin/Zhukov, which staggered the German lines. Then in 1942, the German offensive in Russia was only active in the Southern theater, the Northern and Central theaters on an active defense, the Russkies steadily receiving absolutely essential, substantial US Lend-Lease supplies, especially of trucks and food, building-up the inevitable Soviet counter-offensive at Stalingrad.

Similarly, Germans kept a DEFENSIVE against Western allies, those allies conducting a fearsome and murderous bombing campaign against German civilians and cities. Germans wanted peace w. Western allies--HOW could this have been done w. massive execution policies as falsely alleged?

Even then in 1943, during the battle of Kursk-salient, even though Operation Citadel was going fairly well, unc' Adolf cancelled the offensive--why?--because he had to transfer units fm Eastern front to Italy where allies were making some progress, moving up the Italian peninsula after Italy surrendered. Gross DEFENSIVE posture of Germany all the way through militates against mass-execution policies while Germany urgently sued for peace terms w. West.

Germans urgently, even desperately needed all available labor and man-power, not only for direct military purposes, but for industrial production. Germans NEVER expected to over-run the entire Western allies, so why/how would they conduct mass executions against anyone if they expected to negotiate peace terms?

So one easily sees, the entire holohoax edifice is mere fabric of lies, false-hoods, and absurd premises all the way through, making no sense whatever, though riding upon the natural anti-Semitism of EVERYONE, not just Germans--and this is aside fm the proven, demonstrated lies noted in the work by Jew Prof. Finkelstein, "The Holocaust Industry."

WWII was simply Part Two to WWI effort of world-dictatorship and -gov. of United Nations (UN) empire, the USSR as template and model of gov. for Eastern Europe and Asia, China by 1949, N. Korea by 1953 Vietnam by 1954, and rest of world as we see now, under the EU, enforced by NATO, and the big kahuna, USA, USA suckers for the "leftist" "globalists" at same time as the recent "rightist" neo-cons of Israel-first, entailing the new religion of holohoax.

------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------

# 504, Anonymous[100] • Disclaimer says:
February 9, 2019 at 2:09 am GMT • 200 Words

Maybe you can say, No Holocaust = No Israel, who knows.

Some years back someone challenged holocaust author Jeff Herf; she said, “Would there have been a final solution had there not been a war?” Herf said, “No. No war, no final solution.”

But several Jewish authors have written that prominent zionist Jews began very early to agitate for war in/ against Germany. It must be assumed that they wanted a war.

If the formula is,
No Holocaust = No Israel; and
No War = No Holocaust (Final Solution),
then Algebra 101 says those Zionist Jewish leaders WANTED a war because they wanted Israel, and to quote Madeleine Albright, the price — a holocaust of Jews — was worth it.

Since we also know that there is no compelling proof that “6 million Jews were killed;” and there was and is abundant evidence that the zionist project in Palestine grew and prospered during the years of the war and afterward; and there was inescapable (though hidden) evidence that 70% of Germany was reduced to rubble and uncounted millions of Germans killed and/or displaced, it is reasonable to conjecture that the holocaust-of-Jews narrative was deployed as a smokescreen to prevent primarily Jews from discovering what their leaders had done — permitted or even arranged for the killing of “surplus” Jews — Jews unfit to people Israel. The story of Moses instructing the Levites to kill their fellow Jews is pertinent.
Below-copied by ap submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/a-passionate-attachment/

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"Deference To Israel" Naturally, Logically Follows FM Criminal Enterprise Of Central Banking, Etc.
(Apollonian, 8 Feb 19)

Note the very sub-heading of this article by Giraldi, right under the top heading, is <blockquote>"Deferring to Israel is "what we are.""</blockquote> So of course, Giraldi's logic is pretty indisputable as he develops it so well in his article. But there's a significant bit more to the internal reasoning rendering Giraldi's conclusion and sub-heading, I submit.

For note existence of that pernicious, satanic criminal-enterprise, the central-bank, fiat-currency system which is LITERALLY legalized counterfeiting--called "the fed," the US Federal Reserve Bank, which proliferates nearly INFINITE currency, not real MONEY, which real money must be some commodity which is finite, the best being gold/silver. See Mises.org for best expo; use their site search-engine for particular terms.

Observe then the literal God-like POWER of the central-bank which so proliferates currency, which necessarily allows it to owning and controlling practically everyone and everything. Even heroes like Ron Paul have to be careful, as the top powers, behind the central bank, control veritable armies of assassins, not to mention nearly all lawyers, judges, and politicians.

So the central-bank is the absolute topmost power of practical, "existential" sort--what then in the abstract realm lies behind and under that criminal enterprise?--it must have to do w. the power of persuasion over the masses of over-populated people, now numbering too many inferiors and weaklings, who are persuaded to have this horrendous, pernicious, criminal enterprise, the central-bank, pretending such central-bank is "good" and useful.

So the people are persuaded by satanic powers to consent to establishment of such criminal enterprise, this by means of non-existent "good-evil" and "free" will notions--the central bank then is a force for "good," and that's why the people allow it and have it.

And of course, the people allow and have such satanic criminal enterprise as the people are over-populated (a), in addition (b) to the natural HUBRIS and corruption of the society and culture in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler--what happened? Thus the people became HUBRISTIC and corrupt as the people were generated fm original heroes and victorious conquerors of the FOUNDING generation(s)--as in Roman and American examples fm history.

Note then the original FOUNDERS were objectivistic and determinist for their general philosophic principles, but as HUBRIS and corruption seeps into and dominates the people and culture in the following generations of a successful society, descended fm original founders and conquerors, these corrupt following generations become evermore SUBJECTIVIST, pretending to non-existent "good-evil," and perfectly "free," God-like, will, imagining they can change reality and become "good" and "morally virtuous," etc.

Thus the natural, inexorable, inevitable corruption of the society/culture/people and empire is DETERMINIST and hence CYCLIC, in accord w. Spengler's theory. And this CYCLIC corruption and determinist development of culture is the necessary back-ground and circumstances to Giraldi's "deference to Israel," and most to the pt., the definitive criminal-enterprise of central-banking, fiat-currency system of the satanic, HUBRISTIC empire in "Decline of the West."

"Deference to Israel" then, is symptom of that definitive criminal-enterprise of central-banking which develops in the corrupt empire, that central-banking then, in turn, the symptom and consequence of the inexorable corruption, hubris, and satanic nature, "Satanism" being product of extreme subjectivism which ensues fm original objective/determinist orientation of the original, most virtuous founding generations.
Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/a-passionate-attachment/

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Never Forget: "Vatican" And CHURCH Are NOT Same Things
(Apollonian, 9 Feb 19)

Grace: it's extremely important NOT to confuse the "Vatican" w. the Church--they're two TOTALLY diff. things. "Vatican" is simply a corrupt bureaucracy which pretends--pretending to have captured the people who make up the REAL Church.

After all, and never forget, heroic St. Martin Luther long ago denounced and exposed Vatican. Don't forget the Biblic injunction to beware of "false prophets"--see Gosp. MATT 7:15, “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves."

Observe further, none other than Rothschilds have had effective control of Vatican finances since 1822--see https://www.gods-kingdom-ministries.net/daily-weblogs/2016/06-2016/the-guardians-of-papal-treasure/ .

Didja' know Vatican is sole owner of "Austrian publishing company, Beltwild, (wholly owned by the Vatican) sells a range of 2,500 pornographic titles from which..." Vatican "profits handsomely." See http://freedom-articles.toolsforfreedom.com/catholic-church-pornography/ .

Wikipedia gives an extensive account of Vatican loans fm Rothschilds, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rothschild_loans_to_the_Holy_See .

So thou sees how Vatican is sooooo thoroughly, absolutely corrupt, endorsing terror-state of Israel, tolerance of homosexuals, invasion of illegal aliens, etc., but it must not be confused w. the REAL Church made up of the people partaking in the Holy Spirit and always refer to New Test. for the real precepts of Christian philosophy.

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# 622, Grace Poole says:
February 9, 2019 at 11:01 pm GMT • 400 Words

There is nothing in Bettalora’s book/video/frame with which I agree; I’ve “de-constructed” her thesis in my dreams (actually, instead of sleeping I composed a point-by-point refutation of her claims). I think she is dangerous inasmuch as she teaches young people at a Catholic college, and appears to have the approbation of the administration at that college, which, in turn, operates under the umbrella of the Roman Catholic institution/church.

In my late-night composition, I drafted the title, How the Sisters of Mercy Endorsed War with Iran.

From my perspective, sloppy scholarship paired with the strident, zionist/neoconservative-influenced ideological bent that Bettalora takes , tragically misinforms her students. They will be making serious decisions in the near future, and they are being misled.

Among the factors that drew me into this contentious topic of zionism, holocaustism, etc., was a passage in a 1950s textbook used at Yale, that mentioned the growing influence of zionists in USA. Among other things, discussion explained that there was no other force that was strong enough, or willing to, counterbalance their influence.

I immediately thought, Well, Roman Catholicism has a very large reach, deep pockets, numerous institutions and thinkers; Catholicism is the natural counterbalance for zionism.

Ever since, I’ve been looking for instances where Roman Catholicism has stood up to zionist projects: I haven’t found ANY. The closest the Vatican came was its delegation of Pio Laghi to plead with George Bush to refrain from waging war in Iraq. We know how that turned out.

It is deeply troubling to me that the power of the Roman Catholic Church is AWOL in matters of such importance.

Battalora works for a Roman Catholic college–St. Xavier University in Chicago https://www.sxu.edu/about/catholic-identity.asp founded by- and still run by an order of Roman Catholic nuns. Their web pages proclaim a gazillion times their strong Catholic identity and how committed they are to peace, love, mercy, social justice, etc., yet they provide a platform for this woman to advocate race-hatred, and to do so with scholarship that is so sloppy it should make them blush so badly their wimples would go limp.

I wish I had the talent and courage (and platform) to write an essay that would thoroughly shame the Sisters of Mercy for allowing the students at St. Xavier University to be influenced by a mediocre ideologue like Battalora.
Below-copied by ap submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/jthompson/health...e-post-code-more-important-than-genetic-code/

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Thompson Must Face Up To Metaphysics Which No "Science" Or "Experiment" Can Deny
(Apollonian, 9 Feb 19)

WHUT?--<blockquote>"One cannot disprove a general correlation by choosing one case."</blockquote> Well, ok, so HOW MANY does it take?--2, 3, 4--18?--ho ho ho ho. Here we see Thompson trying to submerge within the trees of the forest, hoping to get sooo lost within details that he's no longer responsible for the thesis regarding <blockquote>"post codes being more important than genetic codes,...."</blockquote> Thus it's just another moronic excuse-laden shambles of scientific-styled jargon and psycho-babble pretending to "nurture over nature," against the necessary determinism (absolute cause-effect), in favor of the usual, hubristic, perfectly "free" (God-like) human will, foundation of Satanism (extreme subjectivism--idea reality is created by mind/consciousness, making subject God, the creator--Satanism, by definition)--which Satanism humanity so desperately struggles with in this very day of Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE.

Thompson needs to face simple fact science by definition is founded upon (Aristotelian) objectivity, hence identity and non-contradiction (logic). Hence no possible "science" can conceivably demonstrate non-determinism (no absolute cause-effect)--like no science, necessarily built upon non-contradiction (logic) can prove reality is not objective, not in accord w. non-contradiction. Why?--and How is this (regarding inability of science to prove reality is not in accord w. non-contradiction)?--well, because it would be contradictory--ho ho ho ho ho.

And if "nurture" could overcome nature--THAT would be obviously contradictory, ho ho ho ho. For plainly, nature is the very basic thing which nothing else can overcome--for if it COULD so "overcome," then that would necessarily be built-in within the original "nature."

So race and racism are quite valid and of great importance, racial loyalty being the usual outstanding virtue as we racists have always held, racism known and understood as virtue to all races and cultures of all peoples throughout history. "Anti-racists" are simply SUBJECTIVISTS and Satanists, and they're the very people presently pushing Agenda-21 and -2030 genocide. Q.E.D.

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# 53, James Thompson says: • Website
February 9, 2019 at 11:21 pm GMT

One cannot disprove a general correlation by choosing one case. Furthermore, in measuring brain size at autopsy one may need to correct for age. More to the point, the actual correlation is about o.3 See Tim Bates’s interchange with Wicherts about the samples included in the latter’s meta-analysis.
Below-copied posted at comments, http://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/a-passionate-attachment/#comments

# 642, apollonian says: • Website
February 10, 2019 at 6:31 am GMT

Technically, Gabbard is a dink, self-identifying as Hindu–mulatto is close though.

Hey Artie-boy, do thou think thou are somehow better than Heros, or something?–that thou knows more, or knows better? I think thou are a twerp. What a guy!–right.

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

# 639, Art says:
February 10, 2019 at 4:49 am GMT
@Fatima Manoubia

DD Heros dismisses Tulsi Gabbard as a mulatto.

What a guy!

Think Peace — Do No Harm — Art

--------------------below by "art" in response to ap, above, top---------------------

# 663, Art says:
February 10, 2019 at 4:05 pm GMT • 100 Words

Technically, Gabbard is a dink, self-identifying as Hindu–mulatto is close though.

Hey Artie-boy, do thou think thou are somehow better than Heros, or something?–that thou knows more, or knows better? I think thou are a twerp. What a guy!–right.

“thou are somehow better than Heros” — absolutely – hell yes!

DD Heros is the scum of the white race! Trashing other races is scum work.

To whom much is given – much is expected!

Little white boy DD Heros has been given much – and he has failed his people – he is the bottom of Christian Western culture.

Think Peace — Art
Below-copied by ap submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/a-passionate-attachment/#comments

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Reed's Book Is Excellent For Sociologic Overview, Especially Regarding Jews And British Empire Up To Bolshevik Era
(Apollonian, 10 Feb 19)

All thou or anyone need do is to ck Talmudical.BlogSpot.com, RevisionistReview.BlogSpot.com, and Come-and-hear.com. First two of above sites are by M.A. Hoffman whose articles are featured here by Unz. "Controversy Of Zion" is excellent historical survey/commentary, esp. upon subject of Jews; the notes by Reed thou give about Boer War seem like they might rather be sarcasm.

Regardless, that Boer War was master-minded at the top by the Rothschild money power, incorporated w. Rhodes organization, and run by goyim lick-spittles therewith, headed by A. Milner, whose crew ("kindergarten") subsequently conspired w. French and Russkies against Germany, had the Archduke assassinated and then started the war when the Central powers objected--how dare they?

Entire Boer population at the time was probably less than 300,000, but no matter, Brits ramped-up to at least 200,000 imperial troops, including Indians fm the sub-continent, arming the black tribes, re-locating Boer women and children, of whom at least 20,000 died in the concentration camps--splendid show, old chaps. See "Hidden History...," by Docherty and Macgregor, also at FirstWorldWarHiddenHistory.wordpress.com.

WWII then was run and started by exact same Milner-Rhodes crew, just a diff. generation, this time led by Winston Churchill, the drunken psychopath who right-off began w. the ruthless bombing of the German cities and civilians, etc.

Reed's book, "Controversy...," is especially good for historical/sociologic over-view and context; the only thing that's lacking is how central-banking actually works for financing of wars and empires, it being literally legalized counterfeiting, proliferation of nearly INFINITE currency, not real MONEY, etc. A good book for that central-banking behind imperial mass-murder is the Bircher, G.E. Griffin's, "The Creature From Jekyll Island." Also, see Perloff's "The Shadows of Power."

--------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

# 643, Commentator Mike says:
February 10, 2019 at 8:14 am GMT • 100 Words
@jacques sheete

I’ve actually downloaded that book some time ago and was looking forward to reading it, but just browsing through it I was disappointed.

For example, when writing about the Boer war he states:

“This is a picture of civilized men at war”

And he does quote anecdotal evidence of the fair treatment of individual POWs, but Boer historians would surely dispute this claim given the atrocities the British committed against Boer soldiers and civilians. His presentation seemed one-sided and I couldn’t be bothered with it thereafter. We’re familiar with much of what he writes but it seems his interpretations of the facts may be questionable. I may return to it sometime.
Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/a-passionate-attachment/#comments

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Trump Features NATIONALIST Alternative To "Globalist" World Gov. Dictatorship And Genocide
(Apollonian, 10 Feb 19)

Fatima, thou disgusting troll, significance of Trump is he features NATIONALISM against "globalist" world-gov. dictatorship--this is fundamental, THEMATIC contrast btwn the two basic political paths the people, all over the world, must consider and choose--even though all the rest of thy pts. made about Trump may be true.

Trump also made some telling statements about the poison vaccination programs which Big Pharma (Jew) corp.s are trying (and often succeeding) in imposing upon the people as way of keeping them sick, and even mass-murdering them (according to Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE program), as also by means of poison GMO foods and other food-additives, poison fluoridated water, poisonous "chem-trails," poison prescription drugs which have already killed millions, toxic "5G" electro-magnetic radiation, etc.

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

# 656, Fatima Manoubia says:
February 10, 2019 at 2:44 pm GMT • 200 Words

But if this man, DD, is so intelligent as many of you here claim, why was so obscured to him, when it was not even for me, that a real state US tycoon, with multiple financial ties to Jewish billionaires some of whom rescued him in the past from several bankrupft, whose Chabad Luvavitcher son-in-law, who at his own have important real state interests in Israel, and was at first minute named “presidential advisor” whith full access to the WH security council, will give you MIGA ( Make Israel Great Again ) instead of pre-electoral MAGA, or the way we say it here, os daría gato por liebre?

One of two, or he is not so intelligent and is simply a racist simplón, or he really wanted you to rally for well hided interests which have nothing to do with those of the white, or non white for that matter, US people.
The same two possibilities could be applied to those with so high IQ posting here who supported, and still support, both, DD and Trump.
Below-copied (both entries) by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/a-passionate-attachment/#comments

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Ho Ho Ho--"Discord On UR"?--Precisely What "Doctor" Ordered, Eh?
(Apollonian, 10 Feb 19)

<blockquote>"He is succeeding at causing discord on UR."</blockquote> Ho ho ho ho--what?--"discord" on what?--UR? But WHAT do thou think UR is?--it's mere psy-ops run by the biggest troll of all, Ron Unz, sucker, typical Jew lying snake who pretends he's for "free speech," but deletes and censors most of my comments, just for fun and just as one example.

"Discord"?--ho ho ho ho ho--does it occur to thou that that's precisely what Unz wants--and works for?--why wouldn't he? Specifically, Unz WANTS confusion, in-fighting among gentiles, and cognitive dissonance--why wouldn't he?--hasn't that ALWAYS been Jew program?--forget the "Zionists," ho hoo ho.

Who/what is Unz?--he admits he's Jew, hence he must necessarily sympathize w. Talmudists, right? Judging by Unz's association (such as it is) w. Giraldi or Buchanan, Unz pretends to a criticism of Israeli terror-state. But fact is there's no essential diff. btwn Israelis (or "Zionists") and Jews who are defined as advocates or defenders of Talmud--they're all engaged in war against the gentile.

Just ck Unz's "Open Letter to Alt.-Right"--it's filled w. the typical Jew contempt and lies, mixed in w. a good deal of condescension as if we gentiles need Jews like Unz--or any Jews at all--Jews are very much the problem, as I've noted, and I've defined exactly how the Jews fit-in. For Jews aren't the beginning of such problem--which problem entails that natural sinfulness and HUBRIS which is in all people, within this determinist reality and CYCLIC history.

Basic problem is Satanism (extreme subjectivism, reality held as created by mind/consciousness, making subject God, the creator), within which satanism Jews are foremost Satanists, the leaders, most dedicated, most COLLECTIVISTIC, hence most organized w. most effective, successful group-think dominating and naturally leading, even though gentile subjectivists/Satanists far out-number Jews--simply observe history.

Thus Unz DELIBERATELY works (like the typical troll) to cloud and confuse the problem beginning w. the nature of Satanism, pretending it's mere "religion," not worthy of analysis--when Satanism is absolute most practical philosophy, plain and demonstrated, featuring, just for one example, Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE in all humanity's proverbial "face."

And thou, Artie-boy, are just the very sort of sucker Unz exploits, aren't thou?--pretending thou are "moral," never capable of defining any such idiot "moralism," pretending to a non-existent, non-defined "good" which is typically and notoriously for weaklings, suckers, children, and dogs, meant merely to extract obedience, conformity, and inducing poisonous guilt- and inferiority-complex by which Satanists intimidate the over-populated goons of any corrupt, degenerate society as we obviously presently have--"Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.

"Hatred"?--well, isn't that a necessary motivating force, no less than anything else?--sure works for Israelis, eh? And isn't "hatred" mere reciprocal emotion/sentiment, as attraction vs. repulsion, duly noted by ancient philosopher, Empedocles? And if there's no hatred, HOW could there be love?--they complement one another, don't they? And if there's none of one, there's none of the other reciprocal, necessarily--get a brain.

So thou see, Artie-boy, thou are just the sort of "superficial" and shallow-minded sucker Unz depends upon and seeks to work with, aren't thou? Thou wishes like a child for "peace," but that only comes about by means of doing harm to those making it difficult. And "peace" is mere relative and quickly passing condition in any case.

Real question is HOW MUCH "peace" we can get, for whatever price, in order to do whatever. For "war is general, and justice is strife, and all things come about by means of war and change" according to ancient Ionian philosopher, Heraclitus. "Peace," says Artie-boy, the half-wit child, but what thou really need is a nice sloppy mud-pie in thy ignorant face.

--------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------

# 691, Art says:
February 10, 2019 at 9:28 pm GMT • 100 Words
@Commentator Mike

Tribalism and hate are present among other races too, and far more than among the white race. Most whites become racist and hateful as a reaction to anti-white politics or as a self defense mechanism if they have been attacked on a racial basis.

“Other people do it” is not an argument – it is an excuse.

Defense of one’s self and family and community is moral – I defend white Christian male family culture all the time.

Our lowlife Mr. DD Heros’s racism, is making us look bad. He words are making us unworthy of defense. His words are intended to exacerbate the problem – not find a peaceful outcome.

He is succeeding at causing discord on UR.

Think Peace — Art

p.s. “At least David Duke is an anti-war activist” — I did not know this —Hmm?

-------after ap posted above, CENSORED by kike, ap posted below-copied------

Artie-Boy: Genius Of All Time, Truly
(Apollonian, 10 Feb 19)

Ho ho ho hoho--this is just toooooooooooooo funny. Sorry, Unzie, buddy, but I just can't leave this one alone, ho ho ho ho ho

<blockquote>"He is succeeding at causing discord on UR."</blockquote>

But Artie-boy, buddy--isn't this "discord" PRECISELY what all Jews have ALWAYS wanted and worked for, all throughout history?--and isn't it precisely this "discord" that Jews pray and dream about?

Hasn't Unz admitted to being Jew?--ho oho ho ho ho ho ho. Artie-boy, are thou 2 yrs old?--w. an IQ of--what?--ZERO?--ho ho ho ho ho ho ho. What were thou expecting?--all gentiles to be united in favor of Jews?--ho ho ho ho ho ho ho--thou thinks that's what Unz is working for?--ho ho ho ho ho o ho

Artie-boy, buddy: is it POSSIBLE, even conceivable, anyone is stupid as thou?--ho ho ho ho ho oho
Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/jthompson/health...e-post-code-more-important-than-genetic-code/

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"Genetics" Mere Manifestation Of Prior Source(s), Determinist Nature
(Apollonian, 11 Feb 19)

Golly gee, "res," but it sure is complicated, isn't it, this business of "race"? But if one just cks dictionary, race is group of people descended fm common ancestors, right? And diff. race means they're descended fm a diff. group of ancestors of some other race. And geography has quite a lot to do w. it all, doesn't it?

And "race" can be general, like all blacks fm Africa, but it could also be more specific, like the races of Nigeria, or Ethiopia, etc. Indeed, race could be isolated to specific individuals, like race of Ham, Japheth, and Shem.

Then we see thou wants to bring in "genetics," which actually is just more internal counterpart to external manifestation(s), like skin color, those genetics or genes, now considered the foundation/basis/source for all the manifestations. But didn't we already know this about the genetic foundation(s) as source?--what else would genetics refer to?

So for all external manifestation(s) there must be a genetic component, like for red hair, blue eyes, skin color, etc.

But regardless all this material about genetics and whatever it is thou are attempting to make of it, we know RACE, and reality, including race, is determined in accord w. absolute cause-effect, necessarily--there's no perfectly "free" will.

Thus "genetic code" is founded upon prior biology and physics, and no "post code" can possibly change or contradict the fundamentals--everything is DETERMINED in accord w. absolute cause-effect, no perfectly "free" will, which perfectly free will is definition of "God." Whatever manifests follows fm prior source, and nothing can manifest in disregard of this source.

"Res," it seems thou want to quibble, like w. Thompson, insisting more needs, or should, or ought be known regarding details of genetics, which actually no one seems to deny. Then thou presents thy graphic showing the presumed descent fm the negroid or African (evidently) which doesn't really seem to be too terribly relevant to the basic thesis regarding "nature and nurture," or "post" vs. "genetic" "code."

Finally, we racists say race matters--that things are DETERMINED in accord w. absolute cause-effect, there being no perfectly "free" will which is just fictional pretext for subjectivism and Satanism against which Satanism and Satanist genocide of Agenda-21 and -2030, for one instance, humanity presently struggles. Q.E.D.

-------------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------------

# 71, res says:
February 11, 2019 at 6:31 pm GMT • 600 Words

You quote this comment with reference to my definition of the present-day scientific understanding of race with apparent approval.

I think that quote captures most of the “scientific” zeitgeist (if not the scientific reality). But if you think race can be defined by gene pool then perhaps we disagree less than I thought based on your other statements. In which case I would expect you to be more accepting of genetic evidence like PCA and the dendrogram I presented. I do realize your understanding is more sophisticated than the “race is solely a social construct” version better represented by that quote. My response would be better read as agreeing that trend is prevalent and troublesome than as believing your thinking is exactly that.

A good way to put it is I object to your statements where and to the extent they align with that comment.


A race is not defined by skin color or any other particular morphological trait, but by breeding pattern and genetic relatedness. Specifically, a race is an interbreeding population separated by geographical, political, social, or religious divisions from other groups. A race can therefore be defined by its gene pool.

I partially agree.

I do agree gene pool provides a good definition for race (me presenting genetic evidence for my assertions might have provided a clue here). But since skin color and other morphological traits are largely dictated by genes they correlate quite heavily with race. Trying to pretend race and genes have nothing to do with physical (and behavioral) traits is exactly the kind of Lysenkoism I decry. At the same time, I agree single traits have a very imperfect relation to race. You have done a good job of drawing out the classic dark skin color examples demonstrating that.

And since I am playing nice with you about that, please do me the courtesy of doing the same with this.

Do you actually deny that the biggest single genetic split between human groups occurs between Africa and the rest of the world?

If so, please grace us with your understanding of human genetic variation across geographic groups. In particular, I would be interested in learning whether you believe in the Out of Africa theory (strong or weak, I tend to believe in a weak version) and how that relates to your answer. You might throw in a discussion of how small founder populations affect genetic variation as well.

But spare us another of your useless caption-free graphics.

There is a reason I include links to the source when I post things like that. If you are incapable of understanding the graphic (as I assume from your response) then feel free to follow that link. Is spoon feeding you enough, or do I also need to pre-chew your food for you?

I think the reason you object to my graphics is because they provide extremely compelling evidence for the points I make. And you aren’t man enough to admit that.

P.S. In case you haven’t figured it out yet, I interpreted you responding to my request to stop with the ad hominems by calling me hypersensitive as you saying you are thick skinned and I can feel free to heap as much abuse on you as I like. I can back off if you actually want to have a civil conversation about this. But don’t ever think my preference for civil conversation means I can’t trade insults with you.
Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/chopkins/making-globalism-great-again/#comments

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War Against Globalist Dictatorship And Genocide Requires Reaction Against Ruling Satanism
(Apollonian, 11 Feb 19)

Note that before Israel of 1948, the Jew-dominated money power ruled, and continued to rule, as we note the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) affected all administrations, Rep. and Dem. And this Jew world order (JWO), also "New" world order (NWO), was heavily "leftist" and atheist.

But now, as we see by election of Trump, there has arisen and arrived the more "rightist"-styled Israel-first, Zionists, or "neo-cons" faction which affects things by means of very same money-power, ultimately sourced in the central-bank, fiat-currency system of practically INFINITE currency, not real MONEY--see Mises.org for expo; use their site search-engine for particular terms.

And we hear fm Trump now trumpeting "nationalism" against the previously ascendant "globalism" which continues to hurt and smart fm the recent election loss they suffered against Trump. So we now have "globalist" Jews of the "left" vs. the present "nationalist" Jews of the "right," and we see these "rightist" Jews want much the same thing, like especially control of the inter-net by means originally of tax-funded and legally-favored monopolies, like Google, and the other "tech" giants.

So we see USA and world is dominated by these Jew-controlled MONOPOLIES, like the central-bank and then "tech" giants practicing monopolist censorship.

Un-fortunately USA is over-populated w. usual and typical stupid goons, TV-addicted morons, suckers, and scum--they're the problem, enforcing the reign of stupidity, hence rule of Jews, criminals, and the various monopolies, including now, not only the "tech" giants, but the Jews-media and such as "Big Pharma," presently killing people en masse' by means of poison drugs and vaccines, poison GMO food and food additives," chem-trails," toxic electro-magnetic radiation, etc.

So it's hard to know what to do about things but to recognizing the Jew factions, "leftist" "globalists" and "nationalists" pretending to opposing one another, but actually co-operating, as for I-net censorship--it's very much game of "good Jew cop vs. bad Jew cop." And there are NO "GOOD" Jews, suckers. HOW can gentiles resist?--they must recognize the common Satanism which characterizes the Jew-dominated culture.

And anti-satanic movement requires (a) understanding of this deadly Satanism, Satanism being extreme SUBJECTIVISM, holding reality is product of mind/consciousness, the subject being the creator of reality, like God--Satanism by definition.

(b) Thus satanic establishment rules by means of its control over the central-bank and fiat-currency system, allowing these Satanists to literally owning and controlling everyone and everything, starting w. all politicians and judges.

(c) And the satanic central-bank is literally legalized counterfeiting, putting out proliferated, nearly INFINITE currency, not real MONEY which must be commodity-based, hence gold/silver.

(d) And just as criminal monopolies MUST be eliminated and broken-up, USA must most strictly observe US Constitution, states-rights, nullification, and secession, thus rectifying horrific mass-murder of 1860s, etc. See TenthAmendmentCenter.com for expo.
Below-copied by ap submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/being-marco-rubio/

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Giraldi Is Right, Again, But Still Misses Real Pt.--Underlying Problem Is Central-Bank Scam
(Apollonian, 12 Feb 19)

This latest fm Giraldi is yet ANOTHER crushing expose', though unfortunately will surely not harm "little Marco," as Trump aptly named him. For Rubio is absolutely CERTAIN to continue getting all the funds and funding he needs and wants, and then some.

For funding and funds is what electioneering is all about--he or she who gets the most funding and funds is naturally heavily favored to win. And there are many other aspects to this funding problem, but I'll start simply at the CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE which is the US Federal Reserve Bank, which is literally a legalized counterfeiting scam, where practically INFINITE funds are generated, pumped-out, and dispensed. And whoever is gifted to receiving these funds is bound to win any election, w. only very few exceptions (like Ron Paul and very few others).

For real money is commodity-based, best being gold/silver, and it's finite in amount for excellent reason. But CURRENCY (like present Fed. Res. "NOTES") is fraud, and enforced by the coercive state in form of "legal-tender" laws, forcing people to accept this fraudulent currency in exchange for genuine goods/svcs. See Mises.org for expo on central-banking subject-matter; use their site search-engine for particular terms to be explained and defined.

That horrific and ultimately catastrophic fraud, as it always turns out to be, consists of simple, obvious fact that the currency is constantly devaluated, as it is constantly proliferated ("inflation"), being worth less and less as time passes, the people and holders of that currency thus being ripped-off, despoiled, and impoverished.

But in the meantime, before the inevitable crushing collapse of the currency system, coming soon enough for USA, the masters and owners of the currency and central-banking system--it's privately-owned MONOPOLY, never forget--steadily and inevitably obtain TOTAL control of the society, state, and practically everything and everybody by means of this proliferated currency which they control.

And the people CAN NEVER, EVER defeat this central-banking system--the ONLY thing that can happen is the system by itself FINALLY imploding and collapsing as it ALWAYS inevitably does--like a forest fire not capable of being put-out, only finally burning itself out.

Thus one sees the masters of the central-banking system will always be able to starve any genuine candidates of the people for funds and funding, including getting air-time on the TV and radio-stations, or advertisement in the large newspapers, etc.

And the chosen favorites of the central-bank masterminds, like "little Marco," will ALWAYS (until the system finally goes bust) be able to getting absolutely MASSIVE funding.

So it's this central-banking CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE which is really behind the corruption of our present, utterly, totally satanified society--just ask Ron Paul, for example (read his book, "End The Fed"). And Giraldi, and many others, needs to finally figure this all out about the funding aspect of politics. For it's useless and miserable waste of time to lament and groaning about details and items such as "little Marco"--he's insignificant nothing (by himself) but a symptom of the real problem of this satanified society, the society so utterly DOOOOOMED to such horrific destruction and perdition.

For the real criminals and traitors can hardly be blamed as they realize HOW things really work--the central-bank mechanism and scam, that existential, PRACTICAL instrument which controls everything else, literally. And being the horrendous psychotics they really are, these criminal masterminds, they can hardly be blamed for doing what comes naturally to them.

For note the subject of money and banking is ABSTRACT, hence only understandable by VERY FEW--perhaps as little as 10 % to 5 % of the population, perhaps even less. Fiat CURRENCY KILLS--always--it may take some time; US Fed has now been around for over 100 yrs, BUT IT'S ALWAYS FATAL and always catastrophic, suckers--and that's the underlying problem, the stupid, corrupt, over-populated, hubristic masses of goons, suckers, scum, losers, inferiors, and weaklings who so much make up so much of the society's population who are ultimately destroyed. The central-banking criminals merely take advantage, cruel, ruthless, and remorseless, but absolutely unrelenting, inexorable, and un-failing--they rightly figure if they don't do it, someone else will.

The ONLY thing now that can save people's lives is a genuine MASS-MOVEMENT, like another religious-style, Christian, anti-satanic, revolution, but I suspect that will only come about AFTER a lot of poor folks have lost their lives--for such is the nature of things in CYCLIC history of "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler. Amen.
Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/article/the-rise-and-decline-of-the-west/

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Simple CYCLIC Theory Of History Is Most Integral, Most Solidly Founded In Reality
(Apollonian, 13 Feb 19)

The problem w. Dutton and Woodley, to judge fm F. Roger Devlin, is they violate "Occam's razor" (economy and simplicity) w. lots of blather and details, but it's at least good they finally, somehow, hit upon the CYCLIC theory of history, which itself strongly implies a metaphysical determinism, absolute cause-effect, following fm Aristotelian OBJECTIVITY. Oswald Spengler does well for his description in "Decline of the West."

And this CYCLIC theory can be easily observed fm the Roman and American examples, the successful, victorious, and prosperous people arising fm objective-oriented folk, honest, patriotic, etc., like the original Romans and Americans, agriculturally competent and productive, first and most of all.

But eventually, the culture in all it's success sprouts the seeds of decay and corruption in that dread general HUBRIS, the following generations taking their success for granted, losing their basic honesty, pretending to Godliness and evermore pretended freedom of will, adopting now a pretended moralism, especially in way of non-existent "good-evil" which develops into the present putrid virtue-signaling as we see, the pretended moralism now used as excuses and pretexts for exerting monopolistic control and oppression, for example, in way of violations of civil rights and freedom of speech and expression as by the monopolist, corporate "tech" social-media companies, Google, Facebook, and YouTube.

Thus the original objective and determinist orientation of the culture is evermore lost and even the legal system becomes corrupted by means of SUBJECTIVISM, that subjectivism now degenerating into outright Satanism, the idea reality is product of mentality/consciousness, making the subject God, the creator--Satanism, by definition, the society evermore affected by this grim, horrific Satanism, for example in present guise of Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE program and policy of world dictatorship.

Under the reign of such hubris, subjectivism and general corruption, the society inevitably breaks-down--as happened in USA in the 1860s, the Constitutional contract among the states destroyed, a new monolithic, centralized, statist element taking over. But observe in case of USA, even though the Constitutional contract was destroyed, yet the economic engine continued as if by its own inertia and self-generated energy--but which is now gone, w. demise of US industry, having so much been sold-off.

Presently then, the great problem is the satanic (subjectivist) empire, the "New world order" (NWO), which oppresses all people--how can it be successfully opposed? And we see FIRST, people have to take due notice there's problem--specifically Satanism/subjectivism. And the way to oppose this satanic empire is surely like way original American patriots did by means of Constitutional contract, states-rights, NULLIFICATION of un-just, un-Constitutional laws, and secession--INDEPENDENCE. See TenthAmendmentCenter.com.

And though Donald Trump is extremely compromised character, he at least has done a great deal of the job by identifying the "globalist" problem, endorsing NATIONALISM, and the logical consequence of that dichotomy and anti-theses brings us back to independence and sovereignty of the states, which effort of 1860s might have failed, momentarily, but which is far fm extinguished in the minds of humanity for basic principles.

The only slight thing which now remains is rising of that personal spirit which very much revived the ancient Roman empire of the time in early 4th cent. under heroic St. Constantine the Great--it will happen again, but first there's a period of difficulty, travail, and TRIBULATION which must happen, necessary to provide sufficient basis of revolutionary inspiration, the people now again UNITED not only for philosophy, but also in that deeper spirit and sentiment. Amen.
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Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/article/holy-minority-day-holocaustianity-hysteria-and-the-hotel-of-hate/

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Ultimately One Chooses Philosophy To Live By: Truth Or Lies--Is There Really Such Thing As Truth?--Objective Reality?
(Apollonian, 13 Feb 19)

Note it's the philosophy of the "religion" (religion being the vehicle containing philosophy) of Talmudic war against humanity which is execrable, fm pt. of view of us gentiles. See Talmudical.BlogSpot.com, RevisionistReview.BlogSpot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for best expo.

So we gentiles necessarily must oppose and execrate such Talmudism. FM pt. of view of Jews it might not be so bad--except they now have a ready-made group of enemies--the rest of the world.

What's notable about Talmudic philosophy within that religious vehicle is the thoroughgoing SUBJECTIVISM--Torah, hence all of reality, means ONLY what rabbis say, working through "midrash" (interpretation) and "Oral Law Tradition." Hence Talmud is the "Oral Law" applied and put into practice--what Talmud is all about.

Christianity then was and is deliberately meant as anti-thesis to Pharisaism and that "Oral Law Tradition," Talmud later most fully written-out in 500 AD Babylon. Thus Christianity affirms the Aristotelian OBJECTIVITY of reality, including determinism, idea we're all sinners (self-interested as creatures of will), and only God's grace and mercy gets us to Heaven, nothing by our own efforts.

Note that as history is CYCLIC, according to Oswald Spengler's "Decline of the West," there's distinct place and purpose for that Talmudism. For when Western Christendom became soooo successful (say 1800 AD)--that's when it began to "decline" in corruption and HUBRIS, taking-up most seriously idea they became "good," which "good" is product/notion of SUBJECTIVISM.

Culturally, the West began to falling-apart, but note the economy remained quite strong for a good while, lagging behind the cultural decline, the economy having now produced present "military-industrial-complex," etc.

Pt. is there's socio-biologic place and function for Jews as they lead the enemies of the old Christendom which Christianity they hate for obvious reason it features at heart the very opposite, anti-thematic ideal, the objective reality.

And as St. Paul taught us, we don't struggle so much w. actual humans as much as against "powers and principalities"--like the great force of Satanism (extreme subjectivism, holding reality is mere product of mind/consciousness, making subject to be God, the creator--Satanism by definition) and present New world order (NWO) featuring Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE.

So just don't forget the great example of St. Paul who was born and raised Pharisaic, but who chose Christ (= TRUTH, Gosp. JOHN 14:6). Amen.

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

# 169, Sowhat says:
February 13, 2019 at 5:43 pm GMT • 300 Words

At 70, I consider myself fortunate. I still have my physical and mental faculties intact. This is a bit on the “TMI” side of things but, here goes:

My brother, a year and a half older, has refused to get help for the last 8-9 years and is left, frail, paranoid and mentally ill. His six children refuse to “take him in” because one of them is fully convinced that he did something inappropriate while watching the grand-child, years ago, and all of them have turned against him.

Last Christmas, his son gave him a DNA/”find your origins” kit. He sent it off and the results show him (and me, I suppose) as 60% Ashkenazi-Latvian-Lithuanian…blah, blah, blah. Heck! The Sir Name, alone and the nose, reveal that much…so much for the expensive DNA origins Kit.

I read, recently, that 40% of Ashkenazi’s are gene-defective and are prone to schizophrenia. Darn! Well, “Darn!”, regarding the possibilities, anyway. LOL

Now, regarding the article and comments, I looked something up using Google so that you can “copy-and-keep-for-future-pastes”(if you have an small program on your computer like CLIPMATE) “What is the Yiddish word for whiners?” and here it is: “ווהינערס” . Save it and paste as necessary.

As a people, their (Darned! ..Do I have to now say “WE“? )M.O. is “whiner”.
I’ve read many an article and have seen many digital reproductions on the internet of Newspaper pages from the late 1800s and early 1900s where their magical 6,000,000 figure was used repeatedly to report on their pending inhalation or oppressions, especially in Europe. Why God chose this fate for me, I don’t know! I hate my ancestors…well, I really don’t hate them but, goodness! What a bummer…to have to be associated, genetically, with a bunch of “ווהינערס”, deceivers, and userous sheisters ! I know…one cannot use “all-inclusiveness” to blanket whole swaths of people. There are good people and bad people in every race, color and creed.

I’m not whining BUT, I don’t have to be like the rest of my gene pool…do I?
Below-copied by ap submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/article/studying-the-gentile/#comment-3040191

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Studying The Jew, Thou Say?--Here, We Study Jew, Ron Unz
(Apollonian, 14 Feb 19)

Gee whiz, folks, but note we all can study the Jew right here on Unz Review, eh? So what does Unz do?--he simply practices obligatory, for Jews, dis-info, deflection, diversion, all designed for confusion, discord (among gentiles), and cognitive dissonance. Observe the techniques Unz uses.

(1) Observe Unz literally TROLLS his own site, as for example, the essentially duplicate entry by "Thomm" as one of the first posts on the Phil Giraldi "Being Marco Rubio" article. For note, Unz's "gimmick" is he publishes "anti-Semitic" journalism and articles, pretending thereby to practice "freedom of speech and expression," but this practice of real "freedom" for a Jew is impossible, even in-conceivable--otherwise Unz wouldn't be a Jew, and the other Jews really wouldn't allow it--Unz would be assassinated.

(2) ALWAYS, Unz, loyal Jew, wants to pretend, hey, there are "good" Jews, Jews who are "white"--like Unz himself, for example. But HOW could there be "good" psychopaths?--or good Jews?--Unz won't get into that, not seriously. For Unz might publish the article, but the article won't be seriously analyzed or appreciated--Unz sees to that.

(3) And Unz lies: he pretends and says he's "light" on the "moderation," meaning censorship, but it's just the typical Jew lying. (4) Unz CENSORS intensively--he's the ULTIMATE TROLL for his own site, and this trolling by Unz is one of his greatest secrets and most interesting techniques. It would be most interesting and telling to find out how many entries and postings are submitted to Unz Review articles, and of those, how many are then actually published. For the number of entries would surely be surprising, compared to the smaller number of what are actually published.

(5) So, in this fashion, as I've noted, Unz DELIBERATELY promotes a false and diversionary dialectic and discussion, and he carefully censors anything that is genuine and serious for the purpose, function, and role of Jews within the society. (6) Most of all, Unz will not tolerate a serious study of (a) Satanism, though he might allow it to be mentioned randomly, but it won't be seriously analyzed, especially for what it actually is--extreme subjectivism.

(b) Unz similarly will not allow serious, genuine discussion on Talmud, as that discussion would necessarily involve subjectivism, and people would soon enough link the two, (a) Satanism and (b) Talmudism, the basis for Judaism, given the common subject-matter of SUBJECTIVISM.

(c) These subjects, Satanism and Talmudism Unz will censor as being "mere" "religion" which discussion Unz desperately wants to avoid, pretending and insisting they're "off-topic." But "off-topic" to what? For there's NOTHING more "topical" for anti-Semitism than subjectivism and Satanism--and that topicality Unz will not allow for serious discussion or analysis.

(d) Then of course, there's dear old Christianity, the specific, deliberate, designated ANTI-DOTE to Satanism and Judaism/Pharisaism, Christianity featuring a specific philosophy which Unz desperately wants to hide and obfuscate, confuse, mis-construe, and over-look--it (Christian philosophy) also will barely be entertained or tolerated or seriously discussed--and these pt.s I note here, about Satanism, subjectivism, Judaism, and Christianity, are what Unz, like all Jews, is deathly afraid of and determined to deflect by all the various and possible means, beginning w. most crass CENSORSHIP, never doubt.

What a racket, fraud, deception, and game Unz actually runs on his dis-info website. Observe all the people (including myself) and suckers Unz gets to commenting and posting their opinions, many of whom actually praise Unz for his efforts, the poor fools, so many of them actually thinking they accomplish anything by posting on Unz's comments pages, but don't realize they're only published as they're largely irrelevant and missing the real pt. to things Judaic, satanistic, and germane to the real cultural situation. Amen.
Below-copied by ap submitted, CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/is-tulsi-gabbard-for-real/

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Note Gabbard Is Necessary, Quite Plausible Choice For Political Electioneering--Anti-War
(Apollonian, 14 Feb 19)

So Giraldi asks the question, will Gabbard get enough of the Jew vote, meaning the money-power vote?--like Trump did?

For note Trump represents the new power among the top Jew money-power. Previous to state of Israel, of course, the dominant power was the usual CFR (council on foreign relations)-associated oligarchs, always "liberal," "leftist," etc.--including those who backed Eisenhower in 1952 who removed the more conservative Taft contingent.

Now the neo-con "rightist"-styled money-power behind Israel-first has become quite dominant, the victory of Trump demonstrating, Trump now the front-man for the "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo) evangelicals, up to 40 million strong, against abortion, and in favor of Israeli terror-state--HENCE PERPETUAL WAR (just ck the history).

Giraldi is a great writer, but I only wish he'd turn his considerable attn. to this "money-power" theme which is the REAL, under-lying, practical, existential power and force. Jews only do the necessary and indicated thing to controlling this instrument, known as "CENTRAL-BANKING" which substitutes (practically infinite in potential amount) CURRENCY for real money, real money required to be FINITE in amount, commodity-based, w. "intrinsic value," gold/silver being best. See Mises.org for expo; use the site search-engine for particular terms.

Thus whoever controls this central-bank and fiat currency has a practically INFINITE resource, capable of incessant issues of evermore waves and oceans of currency by means of "INFLATION," the proliferation of evermore currency, which however, is (necessarily) constantly devalued, the people evermore defrauded, the currency losing value, the people despoiled for everything they ever owned, including the shirts off their backs (present-day Venezuela being latest case-in-pt.).

Problem, again, is MONEY, ironic as it may seem, is an abstract conception and subject-matter, hence only (fully and sufficiently) understandable by very small portion of people, perhaps less than 5 % of the population. But the one thing that can be said w. assurance is that CURRENCY is DESIGNED to be "inflated," proliferated, replicated, hence the currency units steadily losing value, the people horribly defrauded and ripped-off over time.

Thus as the "money" subject-matter is abstract, it is endlessly capable of confusion by means of jargon and complexity, and over-populated goons, suckers, losers, weaklings, and inferiors are sure to be stampeded into voting for the inflationists who are the very ones behind Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE policy, among the other measures of socialist state mass-murder and world dictatorship.

Currency always destroys the culture and society; real money, like gold/silver, always builds and prospers, but because real money is necessarily FINITE in amount, the stupid, over-populated masses of people are always turned against it.

So Gabbard would surely seem to have a difficult row to hoe not being in favor of perpetual war against (non-existent) "evil" which "evil" is always defined as anything against sacred Israel, the foremost terror-state for "good and virtue"--but note fiat currency is practically endless--all one needs is paper and ink--indeed, nowadays, it doesn't even need that, capable of being digitalized (by computer keystrokes).

Regardless, note USA is DOOOOOOMED in CYCLIC Spenglerian "Decline of the West"--it will keep degenerating long as the central-bank and fiat-currency continue being accepted by the brainless, TV-addicted goons who are so obviously and plainly over-populated in the utterly corrupt, decadent, and hubristic empire of USA. Only real money, like gold/silver can save USA, that and revival of states-rights, nullification, and secession. Amen.