Apo essays for Mar 2019


Guest Columnist
Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/article/conserva...acked-so-what-is-it-going-to-do/#new_comments

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"Thomm" Merely Babbles In Classic Schizoid Fashion
(Apollonian, 1 Mar 19)

But "Thomm," WHAT are thou even talking about, "WN wiggers"?--who is it, exactly, thou pretends they are?--what's definition? "By any stretch of imagination"?--well, isn't this ridiculous?--aren't WNs at least for whites--against those (like thou) who are against whites?

"Parasitic designs"?--what do thou mean by this? "Functional whites"?--ho ho ho ho oho--what's that supposed to mean?--ho ho ho ho ho ho. Even funnier is "functional whites," ho ho ho oho hoho.

"Thomm," buddy, thou makes absolutely NO sense at all whatsoever, ho ho ho hoh ooho. Obviously WNs for thou is just whites who don't accept enemies of white race like thyself, right? And because WNs are prominent for well justified hatred against such enemies as thou is excellent demonstration of patriotism--why not be honest and admit it?

"Thommy," buddy, can't thou see thou are just classically psychotic, babbling these utter absurdities of abstract, totally dis-connected pretension, without giving any definitions, and not even any examples--thou are schizoid, enemy of whites, enemy of healthy humanity, pretending it's only WNs thou hates, ho ho ho ho.

-------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

# 44, Thomm says:
March 1, 2019 at 3:58 pm GMT

But WN wiggers are not ‘patriots’ by any stretch of the imagination.

They are just another group with parasitic designs on the lives and resources of mainstream, functional whites.
Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/announcement/gai...c-the-nation-and-foreign-policy/#new_comments

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Unz: Mere Typical Jew Liar, Psy-Ops Op, Nothing More
(Apollonian, 1 Mar 19)

Unz: We both know (and there are un-doubtedly many others too) thou are just another Jew--just another liar. And thou have already reached thy "Peter Principle" level of incompetence because thou are determined to defending Jews and the system of lies, lying, and criminality which promotes Jews, this epitomized at the top by the criminal-enterprise of central-banking and fiat-currency system (see Mises.org for expo on central-bank), literally legalized counterfeiting, which plainly rules and defines the entire culture, which criminal culture dominates the world, soon to being horribly destroyed--as it surely deserves to be, all in accord w. satanic Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE.

Thou are NOT in favor of either (a) truth, or (b) free speech and expression--this is plain by thy consistent censorship of my expositions on the real root of the cultural problems, among other things thou do, like the deliberate injection of thy trollery and agents thereof. All thou wants is CONTINUATION of the same old Jew hegemony, such as it is--at same time as pretending to complain about it, ho ho ho oho--quite clever, I'm sure thou thinks.

But I'm SURE thy fellow Jews are impressed at thy amazing chutzpah.

And don't forget people can read thy own writing and expositions to confirm thy typical hatred of humanity and gentiles as expressed soooo eloquently and clearly in thy "Open Ltr to Alt-Right," whence thou can't even DEFINE what "alt-right" is, ho ho ho ho oho.

Thy obvious "gimmick" is thy publishing the ostensive anti-semitic articles and columns, while then grossly and HEAVILY manipulating, by means of extensive, thorough-going CENSORSHIP and deleting, in the comments section. Thou simply strives to pretending thou Jews are like normal humans, even "white," as other non-Jew folk. Thou REFUSES to allow any exposition why/how Jews are unique, TOTALLY un-like others, for after all, thou DON'T WANT competition for thy Judaic ruling status and position, such as it is.

And note I've suggested and demanded thou publishes the number, per article, of submissions to comments pages vs. the already noted number of published--because then people will get excellent idea of thy intensive CENSORSHIP--thou dares not allow that number to be known for obvious reasons.

Thou allows only platitudinous and hackneyed complaints about Jews which typically rolls off thy backs like water off a rain-coat--as Goebbels noted 80 yrs ago. At same time thou features known, consistent, plain liars like thy Jew buddies "corvinus" and "incitatus," and other trolls, like sandal-wearing "Fatima," allegedly fm Spain.

So thou have gotten as far now, for practical purposes regarding publication and readership "success," as thou will ever get as things continue degenerating, culturally and economically, and consistently getting worse. Thou can be proud as thou will ever be for achieving whatever thou imagines it's possible to do for fooling the stupid, over-populated goyim, but it's not going to get substantially better--do thou really imagine thou have "succeeded"?

For all thou have done is to playing thy own corrupt little mind-game of the psychotic, lying Jew who imagines he's fooled the goyim once again--when in reality all thou have really done is to imitate and emulate thy fellow Jew monsters and criminals for the usual, typical dis-info, agit-prop. and lies. Thou should be satisfied, not so proud, and don't fail to append thy signature "LOL" at the tail end of this comment of mine if thou decides to mock the gentiles, by publishing a glimmer of truth, as such mocking thou love to doing, eh?--like the typical psychopath. Ho ho ho ho ho.
Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted at comments, http://www.unz.com/article/conserva...acked-so-what-is-it-going-to-do/#new_comments

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Endless Jewwy Lies And Liars For Dumb Suckers And Goyim
(Apollonian, 5 Mar 19)

Jew "TKK" lies and says the following: <blockquote>"There are many Jews in US state and federal prison.

"There are poor Jews.

"There are many Jews who are not successful. Indeed, dunces and drug addicts."</blockquote> "TKK," typical kike (and "dunce"), thus, as above-quoted, pretends to be stating facts, but it's just a mantra, a recitation of mere mythic "article of faith," and "talking pts."

(a) "[M]any Jews in US state and fed prisons"?--but HOW many, exactly?--or at least roughly. For one EASILY bets there are VERY FEW, far, far fewer than percentages of any other ethnicities--so isn't this significant? "TKK" wants to pretend he's settled the issue w. his lies and lying.

(b) "[P]oor Jews"?--well there are probably only two of them, right?--ho ho ho ho--which then allows "TKK" to pretend to the plural. Again, it's easy bet there are far, far few poor kikes by percentages than others--and there are significant reasons for this which "TKK" doesn't want to get into for obvious reasons, as his mantra of talking pt.s would fall flat and be exposed as the lies and lying they really are.

(c) "Unsuccessful Jews"?--but "unsuccessful at what, exactly?--after all, everyone is going to fail in the end, right? And Jews, by definition, by religion (to which all Jews by race are ultimately loyal to as they profess "Jew" as race--like Unz, our editor), are collectively co-equal to God, esp. in relation to gentiles who are mere species of animals, according to the rabbis and Talmud.

And all these pt.s here I make are easily demonstrated in fact and logic by reference to the obvious facts of politics and economics, esp. in way of money and banking, dominated by central-banking and fiat-currency (see Mises.org for expo) criminal enterprises (mere legalized counterfeiting), the West, formerly Christian (hence rational, Christ understood as TRUTH, first and most), now in "Decline...," according to Oswald Spengler, this gross "decline" easily demonstrated and proven, beginning w. Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE policy which is active, working, and quite evident--poison vaccines, poison drugs, poison "chem-trails," poison GMO foods and other poison food additives, and fluoridated (poison) water supplies, etc., etc.

And what then are the factors of this general (CYCLIC) "Decline of the West"?--this is what Unz the Jew editor doesn't want to being known and detailed or analyzed, Unz mere Jew-serving, Jew-friendly, Jew-oriented operator (psy-ops) determined to obfuscate, confuse, deflect, and manipulating the discussion and dialectic, pretending he's "contributing" to anything "positive" regarding actual problems, ho o ho ho ho ho--and even having many of the gentile morons here, who actually complain about Jews, agreeing Unz is soooooooooooooooo wonderful, ho ho ho hoo ho.

And it's easy thing for Unz to simply deleting and CENSORING any serious commentary and analysis, like my own, leaving in the fools, goons, and suckers who merely complain w. the usual empty platitudes which roll of the backs of Jews like water off a raincoat, as Goebbels noted. Additionally Unz interjects the moronic "trollery" of such as "Thomm," and fellow Jew liars like "corvinus," and "incitatus," among yet other Jew liars--Unz actually the biggest troll of his own website, hoh o ho ho ho ho.

Kirkpatrick asks, "what will Conservatism Inc. do?"--well, WHAT actually CAN possibly be done?--after all, it's probably quite Jew friendly itself, accepting the inflated, proliferated currency, created out of nothing, etc. And long as that insidious currency machine (the central-bank) remains in operation and business, it will continue to doing the usual severe damage until the very "end-times" warned of by "Book of Revelations."

For note there's NO serious anti-Semitism actually tolerated or discussed here--it's always rebutted by the notorious platitude: "one can't judge all kikes by just a few or just one of them," and nothing further is allowed, anything to genuine contrary DELETED AND CENSORED, suckers--which the morons utterly fail to realize.

So only after many, many more gentiles have been killed off will the Jews and satanists at the top more seriously fall-out w. one another, having lost soooo many "shabat goyim," the top masterminds suspecting one another of the typical double-crossing, as of Stalin and Trotsky, only then allowing the remaining gentile survivors to even beginning to organize a genuine revolt w. any chances of success. Presently, things in "Decline of the West," are pretty hopeless, and Unz and fellow Jews just like to hear what we pathetic gentiles are thinking about.

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-----------------

# 70, TKK says:
March 2, 2019 at 4:37 am GMT

There are many Jews in US state and federal prison.

There are poor Jews.

There are many Jews who are not successful. Indeed, dunces and drug addicts.
Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/announcement/gai...ublic-the-nation-and-foreign-policy/#comments

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Unz Needs To Preserve His "Credibility" For (Ho Ho Ho) "Anti-Semitism"--A Delicate Feat For Jews, Truly
(Apollonian, 5 Mar 19)

Hey Unz: thou need to think about thy credibility, sucker. After all, if thou pretends to presenting these "anti-Semitic" articles thou features, then don't thou need some serious anti-semites and anti-Semitism in the comments pages?--ho ho ho ho ho ho ho. Yes, thou really do need (real) anti-Semitism for serious credibility, but then thou would have to worry about MOSSAD, eh?--ho ho oho ho ho oho ho

As it is, thou are evermore just a joke, having reached thy "Peter Principle" level of incompetence, for anyone can just copy thy soft-wear format innovations, such as they are. Thou Jews are on the outs, like Israel. For many people are evermore hip to thou criminals and lying morons, thou Jews being most organized criminals and Satanists, eh?--ho ho hoho hoho ho.

Thou Jews have to think-up some new lies, eh?--but first, thou need the (real) anti-Semitism to have an idea as to what to be lying about, right?

For that's what's happening Unzie--people are evermore and inexorably homing-in on SATANISM, sucker--that's what's destroying Western civilization, founded upon Christ and TRUTH--and thou Jews are at the very center of that Satanism--is that some great enlightenment? And there's NO SOLUTION to thy Satanist problem for thou Jews, buddy. Like I say, thou have now and lately hit the ceiling for thy pretend anti-Semitism--the "Peter Principle."

So what are thou going to do?--ho ho ho oh ho ho ho. Of course, war and warfare is thou Jews easy solution to everything, eh? A serious nuclear exchange, say w. China, would eliminate a good part of the population, the hated goyim, but ask thyself, Unz--are thou enough part of the top layer of master-minds to be able to avoid the fate of the poor people and goyim left exposed on the surface?--not able to access the underground bunkers? And HOW LONG will thou have to stay in those bunkers?--see the problems thou face?--ho ho ho ho ho ho ho.

So, as I note, thou needs serious anti-Semitism just to preserve thy dwindling credibility, Jew, and that's thy everlasting problem, isn't it?--ho ho ho ho ho ho.
Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/gdurocher/hbd-in-the-ancient-world/#new_comments

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Artie-Baby: DOOMED Unless He Alters Some Of Sinfulness Of His Wicked Ways
(Apollonian, 5 Mar 19)

Artie baby: thou can't change absolute fact thou are stinking, filthy SINNER, sucker--always have been and always will be--confirmed by St.s Paul and Augustine. And thou can't disprove absolute DETERMINISM (absolute cause-effect, NO perfectly "free" will--which "free" will is pure, total CONCEIT, and actually, in extreme form, subjectivist basis of Satanism--take heed).

All thou does is babble in contradictory fashion, not honest enough to admit simple determinist nature as creature of sin and self-interest, upon which self-interest is founded entire science of economics, according to Ludwig von Mises (see Mises.org).

So cut the sinful babbling pretending to what thou are not, for thou has not any perfectly "free" will. Partly determined (which thou must admit as sinner) is TOTALLY determined--get a clue to save thy filthy soul.

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------------

# 172, Art says:
March 6, 2019 at 12:28 am GMT • 200 Words

HBDism and IQism is primitive reductive ideology. They have no room for Christianity in their narrative because it would require a nuanced thinking they are not capable of.

These HBD types are somewhat like Creationists and Atheists who make a living beating some thought system to death – pushing it beyond its usefulness.

We are not biological automatons, that are slaves to our genes. Our sense likes, sight, taste, touch, hearing, are determined by our genetic biology. But our social choices are conscious decisions shaped by our cultural environment.

HBD ignores human consciousness’s facility to make choices about our future. Our genetic based determinations are selfish. But our consciousnesses determines social decisions. Social decisions are constricted and determined by our social environment. Who we mate with is more than a personal choice. We rationally mate with someone who can function in society. That social choice then determines the path biological genetics will take. Genetics follows consciousness.

(Children with traumatic beginnings never reach their genetic potential.)

Think Peace — Art
Below-copied by ap submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/gdurocher/hbd-in-the-ancient-world/#comment-3076375

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Race And Racism Are Simple Concepts, Following INDUCTIVE Logic
(Apollonian, 5 Mar 19)

Moron says: <blockquote>"But the truth is that the European ‘racism’ stems from the political thinking of the French Comte Henri de Boulainvilliers (1658-1722),...."</blockquote> How dumb can one get?

"Racism" (just ck any dictionary, fool) is simply LOYALTY to and pride in people, ancestors, culture, pure and simple--it's great VIRTUE which the thou-know-whos want to discourage for the usual and obvious reasons, eh?--and that's just on the surface level. And all people of all races have always been RACIST, sports-fans. Only the stupidest scum (like "liberals") are NOT "racist." De Boulainvilliers merely gives, at most, one nuanced-version of such racial philosophy.

FURTHER, racial attributions simply follow fm philosophic metaphysics of DETERMINISM (absolute cause-effect; NO perfectly "free" will). So if one is black, chances are he can jump and stuff basket-balls, even if they can't do much else--and that's when they're young--mere conclusion of (a) observation and (b) INDUCTIVE logic, suckas. For when blacks get above 40 yrs old, they start breaking down, physically, at quite fast rate--due to high blood-pressure, evidently (just going by the evidence, sports-fans).

Jews, w. their hook-noses, can talk a mile a minute, eh?--ho ho ho ho ho--and they only start slowing-down when one catches them in their lies, and they have to do more off-cuff thinking, ho ho ho ho ho. Such are the necessary implications of simple philosophy of DETERMINISM, which actually is the ESSENCE of science (cause-effect). Race itself doesn't necessarily CAUSE the following consequences, it's actually, probably mere indicator, one of the consequences of whatever is more prior source of racial (and other) cause.

Europeans, being science-oriented, simply elaborated numerous amazing theories regarding race, but the basic thing is determinism, including such as loyalty and pride, which is known to all races of all peoples, all throughout hist. Q.E.D.

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

# 143, Seraphim says:
March 5, 2019 at 9:39 am GMT • 400 Words

You cannot really not smile at the frequency of the ‘aristocracy’, ‘aristocratic freedom’, ‘aristocratic lifestyle’ labels applied to the virile, martial Indo-Europeans ‘Whites’ tempered in the frozen waters of the North. It may be just the sub-conscious desire of our own vanity to look ‘noble’ and ‘good (aristos), the secret desire for decorations, titles, and the goodies attached to them.

But the truth is that the European ‘racism’ stems from the political thinking of the French Comte Henri de Boulainvilliers (1658-1722), scion of an impoverished family of the petty nobility, but with great pretensions, a dilettante philosopher, acerbic critic of the absolutism of the French Monarchy and extravagant admirer of the feudal system of the ancient ‘noblesse’ de France whose ‘decadence’ he deplored, decadence attributed to the promotion by the Kings to the ranks of aristocracy of the ‘ignobiles’ recruited from the lower ranks of society and which ‘diluted’ the original aristocracy..

He ascribed the origin of the French ‘noblesse’ to the Germanic Franks conquerors of Gaule at the ‘fall of the Roman Empire’ and the origin of the ‘Tiers Etat’, to the subjugated populace to the ‘Gaulois’ and Romans. In Boulanvilliers system the Frankish aristocracy enslaved the Gauls by innate right of conquest, which even if morally injust has created right, which acquired the force of as ‘natural law’! Of course, the myth of the conquest of the decadent Rome by the martial Germanic warriors was debunked in his own time, but it is still religiously .

He was suspected by his contemporaries to be a Spinozist and secret atheist. He was an admirer of Mahomed, but nevertheless he did not even hint at ‘paganism’.

Despite all his scathing contempt for the ‘new nobility’ raised by Louis XIV, he married his daughter to the son of the recently ennobled Jewish financier of Louis XIV and Louis XV, Samuel Bernard, the richest man of his time (enriched mostly through the Slave trade). Bernard married all his children into the French aristocracy. The Marquis Anne Gabriel de Boulanvilliers, the grandson of Samuel Bernard and Henri de Boulainvilliers remains in France at the Revolution and swear the oath for ‘liberte et egalite’ and miraculously escape the guillotine during the Terreur. His domain, the Chateau de Passy or de Boulainvillires, remained untouched by the Revolution.

-------------"Seraphim" responded to mine, above, his below-copied------------

# 177, Seraphim says:
March 6, 2019 at 4:41 am GMT • 200 Words

Too many ‘eh?’, ‘ho ho ho ho ho’, to make a serious discussion. You should have read the whole post.

I couldn’t find any definition of racism as ‘loyalty and pride in people…’ in any dictionary.

E.g. “The Oxford English Dictionary (2008) simply defines racialism as “[a]n earlier term than racism, but now largely superseded by it”, and cites it in a 1902 quote. The revised Oxford English Dictionary cites the shortened term “racism” in a quote from the following year, 1903. It was first defined by the Oxford English Dictionary (2nd edition, 1989) as “[t]he theory that distinctive human characteristics and abilities are determined by race”; the same dictionary termed racism a synonym of racialism: “belief in the superiority of a particular race”.

Wikipedia “Racism is the belief in the superiority of one race over another, which often results in discrimination and prejudice towards people based on their race or ethnicity”.

That was exactly what Boulainvilliers was asserting: the superiority of the Germanic Franks over the Gallo-Romans, which justified the monopoly of power of the Frankish ‘aristocracy’ as the result of a ‘natural law’. Determinism.
• Disagree: apollonian
Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/gdurocher/hbd-in-the-ancient-world/#comment-3076375

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"Corvinus": Pathological
(Apollonian, 5 Mar 19)

"Corvinus": buddy, don't thou know thy Jew-friendly game is up?--"Renfro" caught thou the other day, about a week ago, in another of thy Jewwy lies when thou said thou were of Polish, Dutch, and some other ancestry, Renfro showing a comment by thou in 2010 when thou said thou were "Irish," ho ho ho ho ho.

Besides, do thou think constantly lying changes the evidence we have against thou for being the typical, lying Jew, pushing holohoax lies? Who do thou think thou kids, sucker? All the inductive evidence SCREAMS out that thou are Jew, could ONLY be Jew. So what are we supposed to believe, common sense and consistent inductive (scientific) evidence?--or thy stupid, Jewwy lying?--hoho ho ho ho. Continuing thy moronic lying is just more evidence--comprende?

Of course, we know thou Jews are also psycho and pathologic liars, so keep it up, buddy--thou are a genius, for sure, w. IQ probably in the high 80s, eh? Hoh o ho ho ho hoh oho

-------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------

# 171, Corvinus says:
March 5, 2019 at 11:39 pm GMT
@joe webb

The only point being proven here is your Jew Derangement Syndrome.
Below-copied by ap submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/article/lying-about-judeo-bolshevism/#new_comments

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Natural CYCLIC Process Of "Decline Of West," By Spengler
(Apollonian, 6 Mar 19)

This, following quote, is interesting comment and needs to be addressed and analyzed: <blockquote>"Concerning Jews, they are successful because they are hard workers each in his own profession, and the second aspect is their networking, (Through Rabbis,Millennia before internet.}"</blockquote>

(a) First thing to be said is Jews are "successful" CRIMINALS--and yes, they are "hard-working" criminals at their criminal trade-craft, like specifically central-banking (see Mises.org for expo) and fiat-currency system--legalized counterfeiting. Just look at US Federal Reserve System--now over 100 yrs old (!) and still cooking along, even if on "last legs"--still we don't know exactly when it will collapse, which collapse will be timed to most benefit the master-minds at top.

(b) For Judaism is SATANISM (extreme subjectivism--idea reality is created by mind/consciousness, making subject to be God, the creator--Satanism, by definition), and within a corrupt society--which is CYCLIC phenomenon, apart fm Jews, according to Oswald Spengler's "Decline of the West"--Jews are most dedicated and organized Satanists, and will naturally succeed, dominate, and lead. See Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for expo.

(c) Jews succeed as (1) the circumstances (Western "decline") are ripe, ready, and receptive, within growing corruption and satanistic/subjectivistic gentiles, who are however relatively dis-organized, (2) Jews being COLLECTIVISTICALLY organized, dedicated, motivated, w. most practical, efficient "group-think" and motivation towards Satanism, etc.

So the struggle against Jews is struggle against Satanism, hence against subjectivism and hubris which are given pretext by (a) non-existent "good-evil," which is for children and dogs, and (b) non-existent perfectly "free" human will which goes along w. HUBRIS and afore-mentioned non-existent "good-evil" for over-populated fools, goons, suckers, inferiors, and weaklings, who were bred-up fm original conqueror/founding generations of a now corrupt, declining empire/culture.

Thus the necessary, CYCLIC "Decline of the West" cannot be avoided, BUT it can be precipitated and speeded-up in order to achieve a "new beginning." People need merely understand the sociologic conditions of the corruption and Satanism founded in subjectivism, hubris, and especially, false moralism sought by gullible, over-populated, hubristic inferiors, goons, suckers, and weaklings in the stage of historic CYCLIC process and "decline" phase of culture, etc.

------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------

# 305, Ilyana_Rozumova says:
March 6, 2019 at 3:59 pm GMT • 200 Words
@Commentator Mike

I have both Marx and Nietzsche in my library (in French) I did have red them very long time ago in kind of recreational way. But because I am here, so when I will have a time I will reread them in more studying way. Concerning Jews, they are successful because they are hard workers each in his own profession, and the second aspect is their networking, (Through Rabbis,Millennia before internet.}

But they also often make a bad bet, as in my opinion they made bad bet with US today.

Concerning Jews in Russia they were never able to control anyone of the General secretaries of the Communist party. In Russia they were delegated to do the dirty work of the party.

Last one was Beriya, and he did get hanged by Chrushchev in front of his office (KGB headquarters.

Anyway Jews got fed up and they did move to US where they assumed total control relatively easily.
Below-copied by ap submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/article/lying-about-judeo-bolshevism/#new_comments

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"Complexity" Is Really Simple, Necessary, Given Circumstances
(Apollonian, 6 Mar 19)

Well of course, "seraphim"--it's precisely what Judeo-bolshies WANT thou to doing, right?--make things seem "complex"--muddy the waters w. complications.

Basic cultural problem is the natural, determinist course and CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler. And within the otherwise chaotic "decline" phase caused by HUBRIS and over-populated inferiors, weaklings, goons, and suckers, bred-up by the initially successful founders--as in Roman and American instances of inevitable empire--we see the rise and thriving of SATANISM (extreme subjectivism making reality to be mere product of mind/consciousness, the subject now being God, the creator--Satanism, by definition).

Thus Jews are simply the leading, dominant Satanists, Jews, by definition, proponents of "midrash" (interpretation) and "Oral Law Tradition," Judaism actually most practical, successful specific brand and exercise of Satanism--see Talmudical.BlogSpot.com, RevisionistReview.BlogSpot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for expo--Jews practicing a COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivism, most effective "group-think," thus leading all the dis-organized and random gentile subjectivists/Satanists, even though Jews far out-numbered.

Thus all the confusion and "complexity" is deliberate (and necessary) for purpose of cloaking and masking the real operators acting internally and behind-scenes in secrecy amidst all the bustling confusion--as we see is and was the case in history and reality.

------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

# 287, Seraphim says:
March 6, 2019 at 3:56 am GMT
@Ron Unz

Of course the label ‘Judeo-Bolsheviks’ tend to simplify a complex and at times contradictory problem. One should look at the role of Jews in all political parties implicated in the Revolution. So, Cadets, SR’s, Bundists, Zionists. The problem is even more complicated when we take into consideration the Comintern.


316. Seraphim says:
March 7, 2019 at 2:57 am GMT

I am amused at your (not so) subtle suggestion that I am a Jew. It is as amusing as your conviction that you belong to the superior layer of the population -the empire founders.
• LOL: apollonian


318. apollonian says: • Website Your comment is awaiting moderation.
March 7, 2019 at 4:57 am GMT

Seraphim: if thy # 316 is directed at me, then thou are wrong–do thou have guilty conscience? Ho ho ho ho
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Below-copied by ap submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/article/lying-about-judeo-bolshevism/#new_comments

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If Humans Really DON'T "Live By Bread Alone," WHAT Then Will Be Ideals?
(Apollonian, 7 Mar 19)

"Db" tells us, in typical oracular fashion, as if he's made some amazing discovery,<blockquote>"BUT, me thinks the hatred is most intense from the wannabes, the “losers”.

"Because my conclusion after residing on this planet for about 60 years is that the TROUGH is always filled to the brim with the most capricious SWINE intent on muscling their way in and staying there as long as they can, while the less crafty are pushed aside, and stomped on, and the more ingenious genuflecting for table scraps."</blockquote>

But Christianity teaches we're all sinners, and of course jealousy of the Jews is thematic, why wouldn't it be?--they have the power and the wealth, and I'd like to snatch just a bit of it, why not?--such is humanity, always has been, always will be. The "losers" tried, but failed, and so they resent the "winners"--so what?--what's so difficult to grasp, given sinful human nature?

And don't forget, sucker--we haven't entirely "lost" till we quit trying, right? One is a "loser"--UNTIL that moment when one finally (if ever) "wins"--only to die soon after fm drinking and over-eating, eh? Ho ho ho ho ho. Such is putrid human life on planet earth--it's always been that way.

So humans aren't much diff. fm "swine"--so what?--is this any great discovery?--congratulations.

The real pt. (if there is one) to things is to figuring-out how reality works--hence we see (a) reality is OBJECTIVE, according to Christ (= TRUTH, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) and Aristotle, (b) hence DETERMINED (by absolute, strict cause-effect, there being no perfectly "free" human will), (c) hence CYCLIC for history and sociology, which is real pt. (again, if there is one) to things.

Once we realize the nature of that CYCLIC process, we can then gain a most accurate picture of where we are, where we were, and then, perhaps, where we might soon be. For the "less crafty" are not merely "pushed aside and stomped on"--they're often TOTALLY EXTERMINATED, in accord w. the Darwinian nature of things. And this all happens according to a CYCLIC pattern and process.

Presently, we "losers" (if we're not careful) are liable to being exterminated in accord w. Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE--all in the name of "peace" and "sustainable development," etc.

So what will happen?--well "losers" will continue to being eliminated, according to the CYCLIC process, till the number of "Shabbat goyim" are reduced to pt. that the topmost masterminds will become evermore short-handed, and will look at one another w. such great suspicion--like Stalin and Trotsky--that they will begin to falling-out and seriously in-fighting--this then will be goyim's only chance to succeed in a revolt in order to start (rational) society again.

So grasping real nature of this (CYCLIC) reality is KEY to any plan and planning--that's why we uphold Christian rationality--even if so many of the goyim don't care to understand, relish, and uphold it as such great ideal--still we strive to persuading them it's best chance for survival against satanic psychopaths, mass-murderers, and monstrosities. For humans don't merely live by "bread" alone, as the saying goes, and some system of opposed ideals needs to be understood by whoever will and hopes to strive and survive.

--------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

# 325, db says:
March 7, 2019 at 5:15 pm GMT • 200 Words
@Ron Unz

Hatred of and for the “Jews” may indeed be valid, especially if all the allegations made against them as a “race” down thru the ages are true.

BUT, me thinks the hatred is most intense from the wannabes, the “losers”.

Because my conclusion after residing on this planet for about 60 years is that the TROUGH is always filled to the brim with the most capricious SWINE intent on muscling their way in and staying there as long as they can, while the less crafty are pushed aside, and stomped on, and the more ingenious genuflecting for table scraps.

Thus it has been, and thus it will be forever more.

It is called the “human race” for a reason….and I can only hope humanity never makes it off this planet to carry its seed elsewhere to infect worlds throughout the galaxy, and God forbid, the rest of the Universe.

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/gatzmon/why-do-some-people-keep-repeating-the-same-mistakes/#comments

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"Mistakes"?--Isn't That All Fallible, Sinful Humanity Is Capable Of?--Indeed, "Comedy Of Errors"--We Must Merely Calculate More Accurately
(Apollonian, 7 Mar 19)

What?--"same mistakes"?--what "mistakes"? Jews are brilliant; they've won (so far), and they'll continue to win, long as conditions ("Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler) remain. Christian and rationalist gentiles HOPE to win when and IF conditions change.

So what are these "conditions"?--it has to do w. CYCLE of hist. according to Spengler and his great work, "Decline of the West." Long as things remain corrupt and satanic, Jews will prosper and prevail--as they have since Reformation and beginning of serious Christian in-fighting.

Only now when culture and society threatens to so completely collapse, the stock of gentile slaves and "Shabbat goyim" becoming seriously depleted, will the topmost masterminds begin to seriously in-fighting, like Stalin and Trotsky, risking the gentiles to be able to successfully revolt and starting rational society again.

For remember: humans are fallible and sinners--they're ALWAYS going to make "mistakes"--ALWAYS subject to HUBRIS. Hubris of medieval Christianity was what led to Reformation and beginning of rise of Jew power, greatly accelerated then by French Revolution era.

Hubris now of Jews at the top, as in Agenda-21 and -2030 explicit, openly announced GENOCIDE is what may very well be end of present Jew hegemony, even though it seems still a little ways off before we have a serious nuclear exchange, removing too many gentiles, leading to fatal in-fighting among Jews and masterminds at top, as noted.

Then again, Jew hubris is absolutely incurable and thematic, they being "chosen" and collectively co-equal w. God almighty himself, indeed God merely the slave and assassin for Jews as at Passover and Purim. Thus we gentiles must merely "keep faith," so to speak, and bide our time as the Jews continue to in-fighting--as evidently what happened when the "neo-cons" ran Trump and "stole the election," as it were, fm hitlery--which the "globalist" atheist Jews are still trying to recover fm.
Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/gatzmon/why-do-some-people-keep-repeating-the-same-mistakes/#comments

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"HoloHOAX" Far Better Expresses Proper "Meaning"
(Apollonian, 8 Mar 19)

Gilad: I rather suggest thou read and most of all THINK about thy highly questionable use of holohoax. Indeed, I strongly suggest thou should rather more overtly use the word, HOLOHOAX, to emphasize the satanic nature of such a lie, so as to leave NO DOUBT. Then thou will begin to grasping proper meaning of things, eh?

------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------

# 2, Gilad Atzmon says: • Website
March 7, 2019 at 4:36 pm GMT

I suggest that you read the article rather than commenting on the first line while failing to grasp its meaning.
• Agree: Byrresheim

• Replies: @Byrresheim, @forgottenpseudonym, @vagabondtheelder
Below-copied by ap submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/ishamir/where-is-that-vaunted-white-iq/#comments

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"Redmud" Is Half-Baked, Lies And Lying Along With Some Facts--Not Good Enough, Sucker
(Apollonian, 7 Mar 19)

Hey "Redmud," while a lot of what thou say about the Israel-first Trump and his neo-con suck-alongs and traitors is absolutely accurate, thou really go wayyyyy toooo far when thou babbles about "capitalism"--which word was really first introduced into common parlance by Marx as a smearing, derogatory epithet.

"Capitalism" actually meant, and still means the re-investment of part of profit back into improvement of capital tools of one's manufacturing plant--directly implying a free market founded upon property rights and individual freedom--as enshrined then in US Const. and Bill of Rights. Capitalism is thus most excellent VIRTUE, sucker.

And socialism?--it's just dictatorship, tool of GENOCIDE--as of present Agenda-21 and -2030 genocide pushed by socialist world dictatorship. Socialism = GENOCIDE, sucker; get a clue.

For socialism is MONOPOLY, enforced by monopolist murderers and thugs who use implicit "socialist" "morality" of "brother's keeper" and "to each according to need...," etc. lies, masking dictatorship--that's what thou refuses to face and admit. Economist Ludwig von Mises proved conclusively in his work, "Socialism," published in 1922, that it is IMPOSSIBLE as it eliminates the market and pricing mechanism, which destroys any possible economic calculation. Socialism is just moralist excuse for dictatorship, which has ALWAYS failed miserably.

And note the monopolist US Federal Reserve central-bank, a criminal enterprise, literally legalized COUNTERFEITING, putting-out nearly ENDLESS, infinite fiat-currency, has been in effect now for over 100 yrs. What we have is NOT free-market, capitalism at all, fool, but rather a monopolistic dictatorship w. HEAVY elements of socialist-style government, including "income-tax," a prize detail of Marx's communist ideals, along w. "progressive taxation," and other Marxian planks, including overt dictatorship by means of heavy bureaucracy over private property rights, limitation upon inheritance, centralization of transportation, communications, etc.

Doubt socialism (monopolist dictatorship) is GENOCIDE?--observe big Jew Pharma pushing poison drugs and vaccines, other monopolies pushing GMO poisoned foods and -additives, poison fluoridated water, toxic radiation fm "5G" micro-waves and cell-phones, poison geo-engineering and "chem-trails," etc.

So why not lay-off w. the stupid, moronic lies and lying about capitalism, sucker?--talk about a "dupe"--thou make no sense, and only betray gross ignorance of the real situation, brainless, dumbass liar.

--------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------

# 196, redmudhooch says:
March 8, 2019 at 2:53 am GMT • 500 Words

I’m loving me some Ilhan Omar.

Right wing crackers are too busy chasing their tails hysterically screaming about communists, socialists, marxists, chemtrails, directed energy beams, Mexicans, terrorists, Antifas, to fight their real enemy.

It takes a black Muslim female from a far away land to come to do what none of them will do, and many of them still continue to chase their tails.

This is what Fox News, Alex Jones, Glenn Beck, John Hagee does to a weak minded feller. They’ve all been subconsciously programmed to fear non existent boogiemen, all the while embracing that which is actually robbing them blind and killing them. Same with the “left” and their CNN, MSNBC programming. They’re chasing their tails over the Russiagate hysteria.

Funny there are only two topics Alex Jones will not dare question. Capitalism and Jews. Just a coincidence I’m sure.

Funny that John Hagee is the most pro-Israel white guy in America, he loves capitalism and says socialism will destroy America. Just a coincidence I’m sure. He would never lie.

Those pro-Trump “proud boys” who are pro-Israel to the max, and make it a point to say they are defending capitalism. Coincidence!

Same with guys like Glenn Beck, Hannity, T Carlson or Ben Shapiro. Capitalism is awesome! Israel is our #1 ally!

Nevermind that all capitalist countries are pro-Israel, and all Socialist/Communist countries are pro-Palestinian? Just a coincidence. Pay no attention to that.

All these commenter’s on Unz , who seem to have lots of free time on their hands, supposedly hate Jews and hate Israel but act and talk exactly like the Israelis. Just a coincidence.

Keep defending those old rich imperialist capitalist crackers, keep voting them in as they rape you over and over again. It’ll be different this time!

But muh white genocide! The only white genocide is Wall St-capitalism, thats why white goyims aren’t having children, they can’t ****ing afford it. You’re being replaced by capitalists who want cheap labor, your middle class jobs were outsourced by capitalists who only care about profits. Capitalism is white genocide. Capitalism brought the blacks here as slave labor, same with the Mexicans. Damn those socialists! Damn those commies!

I would feel safe betting that Americas “war on terror” has killed off more Christians than communists ever have. The group Hezbollah that saved the Christians from Americas and Israels ISIS proxy army, has just been declared a “terrorist” group by the Trump regime. Let that sink in. The group that protected the Christians are “terrorists” according to America/Trump.

Ilhan has more IQ, integrity, courage, heart and soul than any white guy in congress or the white house, thats no exaggeration.

Now turn your TeeVee back on, Hannity is on. Israel is GOOOOD. Capitalism is GOOOOD. Mexicans are BAAAD! Muslims are BAAAD! Everything is awesome! Pay no attention to your rotting country! Trump is AWESOOME! TRUST THE PLAN!!!

Good read Mr. Shamir, theres no hope for these dupes. Hope to see more of your work soon.
Below-copied by ap submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/ishamir/where-is-that-vaunted-white-iq/#comments

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"IQ" Is Irrelevant; What Counts Is Objective Reality, Truth, And Honesty Against Satanism, Subjectivism, And Lies
(Apollonian, 7 Mar 19)

What?--so Shamir wants to know "where is vaunted white IQ"?--well, I guess it's where it's always been--what's pt., Shamir? Oh, ok, <blockquote>"So IQ is fine, but it is not a substitute for drive and energy. Europeans spent too much energy trying to conquer the whole world; now they pay for it. Good that this payment has come in the diminutive form of Ilhan Omar."</blockquote> IQ is not "substitute" for "drive and energy"?--WHO said it was?

And what is logical connection of fore-going quote w. next sentence, "Europeans spent too much energy trying to conquer the whole world; now they pay for it." So tell me HOW "they're paying." Europe has been literally INVADED AND OCCUPIED. How does this invasion and occupation relate w. first clause about "spending too much energy"?--doesn't make sense.

And why exactly is it "good" about "payment" and "Ilhan Omar"?--isn't it rather BETRAYAL and tragedy? And didn't we really ALREADY know about substance of what Omar said?--like about AIPAC being too powerful and the blatant, notorious bribery and gross corruption?

Thus I present Shamir w. alternative thesis: "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler who published his great work about CYCLIC history (and sociology) 100 yrs ago. Thus we're in a "decline" that now amounts to literal SATANISM (Satanism being extreme subjectivism holding mind/consciousness produces reality, making subject God, the creator--Satanism, by definition). Hence we have Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE as explicit policy of (socialist) world dictatorship.

And Ilhan Omar merely represents cognitive dissonance, paradox, and irony--another gentile, of diff. kind, muzzy, saying obvious fact about Jews having become "tail" wagging the gentile "dog."

Thus gentiles have simply succumbed to HUBRIS, Satanism, and cognitive dissonance, sated and glutted w. "prosperity," and neato TV w. stupid football games as they guzzle beer and much poisoned GMO corn-chips, along w. all the other poisoning, as of monopolized Big Pharma prescription drugs and toxic vaccines, etc.

So the ORIGINAL civilization of West, featuring Aristotelian OBJECTIVITY and Christianity, has now become grossly satanic and subjectivistic, premised upon non-existent "good-evil" and non-existent perfectly "free" human will--AGAINST original Christian and Western determinism (absolute cause-effect, NO perfectly "free" will).

What then does "IQ" have to do w. anything?--especially "Decline of the West"?--NOTHING. For now it's various diff. groups led by "high-IQ" big-mouths and factions working against one another, allowing the top Satanists, most organized and best led, to dominate and rule, beginning w. their central-bank and CRIMINAL MONOPOLY upon fiat-currency (see Mises.org for expo; use their site search-engine for specific terms).

Shamir pretends this central-banking criminal monopoly is "capitalist" free trade, the US Federal Reserve Bank and system now having existed for over 100 yrs(!). Bank of England in effect since 1694.

IQ, all by itself, isn't absent fm this Tower-of-Babel cultural anarchy and Spenglerian Western "decline"--"too many cooks" (w. "high IQs") simply collude to "spoiling the [cultural] broth."

So then the real cultural/sociologic problem is not "IQ" or lack of it; it's rather the focus, INTEGRITY, and HONESTY that must go along w. IQ for a genuine Holy Spirit.

Thus the CYCLIC process of Spenglerian "decline" must and will continue as native "white" Europeans decline for influence, till the whole putrid, rotten "culture" of Spenglerian "decline" collapses, only then the Europeans capable of successfully revolting and perhaps restoring the original virtuous culture and Christian-rationalist ideals.

Europeans must grasp fundamental fact of satanic nature of master-minds who have taken-over and brought in such as Ilhan Omar who speaks mere platitudes, already well-known. And essence of Satanism is SUBJECTIVISM which is justified and premised by non-existent "good-evil" and non-existent perfectly "free" will--which are enforced by over-populated inferiors, weaklings, goons, and suckers.

Nothing is likely to change without these over-populated goons and suckers being removed, one way or another, and this will require a distinct cultural war (including Nullification and Secession) which Europeans must grasp and understand. Basic anti-theses are Christian reason, truth, honesty and integrity vs. satansim, lies, and moralistic "virtue-signaling" about NON-EXISTENT "good-evil," and idiot "tolerance" and "diversity"--regardless Shamir's nonsense about "immigration." Boiled-down even further is Christian Objectivity vs. satanic subjectivism--"IQ" is idiotic and irrelevant.
Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/freed/conspiracy-theories-among-the-illuminati/#comment-3081399

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All Evidence That's Real Evidence Pt.s To Jews, Israel For 9/11
(Apollonian, 8 Mar 19)

Newsflash, sucker: ALL gentiles are "anti-Semitic," excrement-for-brains--as is truth, reality, reason, and logic. For Jews make themselves, collectively, to be God and co-equal therewith, God's only purpose being the creation of those wonderful people of chosen-ness, God the slave of the chosenites, attack-dog and assassin who mass-murders enemies (everyone else) of Jews, celebrated at Passover and Purim. See Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for expo.

Note also, the entire Western society and indeed, the entire world is ruled by a criminal, satanic conspiracy known as "central-banking," which is literally legalized counterfeiting--see Mises.org for expo; use their site search-engine for particular terms.

So NOTHING happens in Jew S A without top criminals and masterminds, the top Satanists, KNOWING and consenting, and taking the largest part of whatever profits. Israelis now seem to be ruling faction of Satanists at the top, having run Trump and so grossly surprising and outraging the atheist-"globalist" Jews of the "left" and CFR (Council on foreign relations).

Regarding 9/11, all one needs is Chris Bollyn's (see Bollyn.com) work, "Solving 9/11," in which he documents Jew-Zionist control and oversight at every pt. of the conspiracy, operations, cover-up, "investigation," litigation, etc. Further, it's well known the Saudis are close allies of Jews and Israel. Jews and Israel kept close surveillance of the Arab hi-jackers, associates, and conspirators. Ptech corp. was Jew/Israeli-run and was involved in computers of Air Force, DoD, FAA, etc., injecting the false radar blips on the Air-traffic screens at time on 9/11.

Note Jews are top criminals, as they're top Satanists, Satanism being extreme subjectivism which holds mind/consciousness is source of reality, making subject to be God, the creator--Satanism by definition. And Jews rule Satanism due to their collectivist organization which dominates the less organized subjectivist/satanist gentiles who yet far out-number Jews. So thou are exposed for the typical Jew liar, lying, saying there's "no evidence"--when there's tremendous abundance of evidence.

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

# 145, Nat Philosopherat Philosopher says: • Website
March 8, 2019 at 5:59 pm GMT • 100 Words

The reason you are arguing about the USS liberty is that you are using it as a snowman since there is no evidence the Israelis were involved particularly in 9/11 but a lot of evidence they were involved in the USS liberty. So you are doing a bait and switch.

Nothing could be clearer than that the US government itself was heavily prepared before 9/11 to cover it up and covered it up after it every way possible and was furthermore heavily prepared before with detailed plans to use the event to motivate NSA surveillance and to invade multiple Middle East countries. Why go looking to blame the Israelis with essentially no evidence and Operationally very difficult and dangerous task if they wanted to do it in New York unless you are an anti-Semite, when it’s plain as a pike staff can blame Bush Cheney etc. who were clearly involved.
Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/ishamir/where-is-that-vaunted-white-iq/#comments

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Jew "Success": Perpetual War Within CYCLIC "Decline Of West," Descent Into Satanism
(Apollonian, 8 Mar 19)

Aaron: thou are just the latest Jewwy troll whom the troll-master for this site, Unz, has selectively, as always, introduced to his interesting web-site which features the truly notable innovation of "anti-Semitic" articles--but then w. very strange sort of comments pages w. so few serious anti-semites like myself, most of my entry-submissions, so far, being deleted and censored by typical, predictable Jew, Unz--and SOOO MANY trolls of various sorts (like "Obwandiyag," ho hoh oho), like thyself; thou are just another.

As always, thou Jews are liars, but thy sort of Jewwy lying is interesting, so breezy and up-beat--and so brainlessly moronic. Thou say, <blockquote>"But there is no mystery as to why Jews are successful. Whites who are successful display the same traits. [Oh sure--the "whites" just suck-along, eh?--"success," ho ho ho.]

The formula for success is universal."</blockquote> For there is no lasting "success," Jew; in the end we all lose and fail--we grow old, feeble, and DIE. Life sucks, for LIFE IS WAR, according to our greatest white-men and sages, Homer, Plato, St. Augustine, Machiavelli, Thomas Hobbes, and Darwin among so many others too, and at the end is inevitable death. And "success" then is generally connected w. warfare--"success" is success in warfare.

That success in war then sets-up subsequent empire of a favorable legal-system which benefits the victorious race--for a while--which all is a determinist, CYCLIC process, according to "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler. And surely greatest, most poignant verification of my statements here is thy state of Israel, eh?--no better example of mass-murder by Jews for Jews, not to mention lying and propaganda--which prop. and lies have soooo brilliantly be-dazzled the very stupidest and over-populated, so-called "Christians," the "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo) heretics among the "evangelicals."

But thou say thou are not "religious"?--no more than Unz, eh? But Jew, thy "religion" is no diff. fm that PHILOSOPHY of subjectivism which, for Jews, includes the "midrash" (interpretation) method and "Oral Law Tradition" of the Talmud, which Talmud itself is mere manual, along w. "Protocols of Learned Elders of Zion," of "successful" warfare against gentiles. See Talmudical.BlogSpot.com, RevisionistReview.BlogSpot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for expo.

And there's "no mystery" how and why thou Jews are "successful" because thou prosecute thy Talmudic warfare soooo successfully as "Decline of the West" has now become nearly blatantly SATANIC--extreme subjectivism by which reality is held as product of mind/consciousness, making subject to be God, the creator--Satanism, by definition, including now Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE policy.

And as soooo many gentiles have become satanic (extreme subjectivism) in the present CYCLIC "decline" phase, thou Jews move among them w. ease, Jews most COLLECTIVIST, hence most organized, hence dominating and leading more numerous, but less-well organized gentile subjectivists/satanists.

Thus Western culture is dominated and ruled by a criminal-enterprise called "central-banking" (see Mises.org for expo), literally legalized counterfeiting, which is run, headed, and prosecuted by Satanists and Jews, ESPECIALLY Jews, as Judaism IS Satanism (extreme subjectivism). And since fiat-currency is potentially INFINITE, thou Jews simply buy everyone and everything--this is thy Jewwy formula for "success," sucker, a thriving, continuing criminal enterprise and prosecution of Talmudic war against gentiles, just as the "Protocols...," describes.

--------------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------------

# 271, AaronB says:
March 8, 2019 at 10:08 pm GMT • 100 Words

That’s a fair point. Ambition and success come at a steep psychological price.

You are perfectly in your rights to not wish to pay that price.

But there is no mystery as to why Jews are successful. Whites who are successful display the same traits.

The formula for success is universal.

The problem is that you cannot completely abandon ambition and striving for success, and hope to survive. You will be enslaved by others who are willing to pay the psychological price, as history shows.

So its better to man up, face the world as it is, and do what needs to be done.

Individuals who are tired of the game may go be hermits in the mountains, but a community that tires of the game is in danger in of becoming enslaved.

Those are just the facts of life, whether we like them or not.
Below-copied by ap submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/gatzmon/why-do-some-people-keep-repeating-the-same-mistakes/#comments

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Doesn't The Psycho Jew Rather Demonstrate Atzmon's Arguments Actually Quite Well And Brilliantly, In Its Way?
(Apollonian, 9 Mar 19)

Gosh "Fran," but judging by thy writing, it seems thou are quite psycho, though I admit thou still seems to retain some bit of coherence, somewhat, though thou are un-questionably absolute, raging schizoid--I notice lots of Jews are like that--psycho, schizoid. But the typical Jew collectivistic "group-think" is still effective for some of the Jews at the top of the social groups they form taking advantage and making use of losers and psychos like thyself, eh?

I thought the war of 1860s in America WAS indeed about Federal supremacy over and against the states-rights principle, and indubitably, no less than the original Const. itself (like especially the 10th Amendment), these upheld by heroic south--wasn't that Fed supremacy what Lincoln always cited?--same as the other northern leaders? Thou says thou studied hist., so tell us what thou think--about Fed vs. states-rights and what were the real motivations for northern mass-murder of the southern folk--including the deaths of about a million blacks.

Regarding Maimonides, it seems his "Guide..." was NOT primarily historical, but made selective use of hist. explanations: <blockquote>"Maimonides strove to reconcile Aristotelian philosophy and science with the teachings of the Torah.[59] In his Guide for the Perplexed, he often explains the function and purpose of the statutory provisions contained in the Torah against the backdrop of the historical conditions."

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maimonides; also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Guide_for_the_Perplexed</blockquote>

Thy last two paragraphs of post # 47 don't really seem to make any sense, not leading to any real conclusion. So it would seem thou does a lot of bitter ranting and railing in some kind of protest against Atzmon, whom thou says is "morally bankrupt," while thou are horribly bankrupt of logic and rationality.

Perhaps thou are the very sort of Jew, so disconnected fm reality as thou plainly are, that Atzmon is talking about, making the typical schizoid errors of logic, babbling and ranting without thinking through thy attempted arguments, ending w. the usual empty pretension to moralism and virtue-signaling, eh?--do thou think?

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# 47, Fran Taubman says:
March 9, 2019 at 3:15 am GMT • 600 Words

Israeli academics admit that Jewish culture is an ahistorical adventure. Shlomo Sand reveals that in between Josephus Flavius (70 BC) and David Gans (16th century),), Jews didn’t write any significant historical texts.

Huh what about Maimonides: The Guide To The Perplexed,a 1190 AD.?
Spinoza 1633.

"Israel’s record of war crimes and its racist attitudes have no precedent. The Jewish state is institutionally brutal, discriminatory and racist towards the indigenous people of the land and towards African immigrants. Jewish institutions around the word reflect the same attitudes."

This is so false as to be ignorant and stupid. You are joking right? No precedent??? C’mon Mr. Atzmon, when Pakistan was created trains full of dead Muslims. Myanmar?? China?? Tibet?? The Kurds?? and who killed all of those Syrians??Hmm gas attacks in the ME. I dunno North Korea seems a little dark, cruel and brutal, North Koreans actually way less than Koreans in the South they are so undernourished.

"Jewish bodies are increasingly acting as if blind to their past: to that which brought disasters on Jews throughout their history. Jewish institutions arrogantly harass American, British and French artists, politicians and national political parties. The obscene hubris of the Zionist league far exceeds anything in the Jewish past including the Bible. We see Jewish Zionist groups persistently tormenting political bodies."

I get it it so simple, so linear, what a formula you figured out. You should try finding the universal theory in Physics, so mathematical your logic. So the Jews bring it on with their choosiness their superiority pisses people off, they look different smell different, and it drives people to want to kill them, their eternal victimization and disasters, they create chaos in the world, and drive people to murder, then they feel guilty and have to put up museums, because the Jews make such a big deal about it.

Maybe its an idea worth exploring, then again maybe not. Studying history myself I have concluded the opposite of your formulaic certainty as to why things happen. For me nothing is linear or logical, rather history is completely inexplicable, illogical and irrational. How did first world war start, with that misunderstanding? I am still vexed by why the Germans did not finish off the entire British Army at Dunkirk. Why? It would have all been over. The most unbelievable (you being a foreigner may not be familiar with); is how the South lost the civil war, they were better equipped, had more cohesion and an ideology they all were passionate about. The soldiers of the north were just a bunch of mutts, they did not even know where Georgia was. If you study the defining battle of Gettysburg, which went on for four days, ended up with the North wining. The battle came down to a few guys standing on a small hill beating back the favored army of Lee with bayonets.The south thought they would be in Washington by evening. These are guys fought hand to hand stalling the advancement until yes the cavalry came, by chance. Inexplicable.

And you have figured it all out, rather you and Heidegger that the Jews bring it all on themselves, and to add insult to injury just can’t learn their lessons and dang they are just pissing people off again with their supremacy, choosiness racist religion or tribe or whatever, and are on their way to another well you know, disaster.

The south had fashionable brilliant uniforms and names like Beauregard, real goyim. People hated them for their style and arrogance. The north could not even tie their shoes. Do you think the South brought on their own defeat with their choosiness (thats how they defined themselves) . Ah careful not a Jew in site.
Below-copied by ap submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/gatzmon/why-do-some-people-keep-repeating-the-same-mistakes/#comments

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Jews Help And Do Their Part To "Bringing Troubles," Without Slightest Doubt
(Apollonian, 9 Mar 19)

Buddy: thou haven't got even the slightest clue as to what is going on, or what thou pretends to talking about so brainlessly. Thou say: <blockquote>"It is a simplification to suggest Jews brought all of their troubles upon themselves."</blockquote> Thou should ck into what Talmud is and says--it's the written "Oral Law Tradition" mentioned in Gosp. Mark ch. 7 which "tradition" hadn't been written-out and -down yet at time of Christ. See Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for best expo.

Basically then, Talmud is a manual teaching WAR AGAINST HUMANITY (gentiles) by which humanity is to serve Jews, which "svc" is pre-saged even in Biblic Old Test. In the Zohar (Cabala), written during the middle-ages, AD, the gentile slaves are scheduled further for extermination after slavery use is over.

Okay?--so do thou begin to "getting it"?--Jews un-questionably bring "troubles upon themselves," without the slightest question. Thus the Talmud teaches "midrash" (interpretation) of Torah (first 5 books of Old Test.)

Did thou catch that about "midrash"?--thus Torah means NOTHING but what rabbis definitively say it means. Hence then, observe Jews (defined as followers of Pharisees and Talmud--Pharisees, the middle-class party of Judea at time of Christ, leading only about 5% of the pop.; "Jew" is NOT same as "Judean") are (a) SUBJECTIVISTS, holding, for practical purposes, reality is mere product of mind/consciousness, making subject to be God, the creator--Satanism by definition--and this is demonstrated for rabbis holding that collectively, Jews are co-equal w. God, God their slave who kills gentiles for them like an attack-dog, as celebrated on Passover and Purim.

(b) Jews then consciously practice a highly organized COLLECTIVISM and most effective "group-think" which makes them dominant and rulers over the far less well-organized gentile subjectivists (especially "moralists" and virtue-signalers) and Satanists who nearly always far out-number Jews.

(c) When the society/empire of gentiles becomes "mature," according to Oswald Spengler's "Decline of the West" expo upon CYCLIC history, and the over-populated gentile masses filled w. HUBRIS, they and it (the culture) becomes extremely CORRUPT, as we see fm Roman example, and present Jew S A too, subjectivistic, esp. in way of moralism and virtue-signaling, pretending thereby they're "good" and they're "exceptional nation," etc.

Thus under such corrupt conditions, Jews, subjectivists, and Satanists rule, dominate, and lead the mass of over-populated fools, goons, morons, scum, TV-addicts, inferiors, and weaklings. And this process and state of corruption is described PERFECTLY in "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion," which Jews always squeal is "forgery," etc., but nonetheless describes conditions PERFECTLY, regardless the original source.

Jews, Satanists, and subjectivists have essentially won definitive control of any culture when they've achieved institution of (criminal enterprise of) CENTRAL-BANKING and fiat-currency system (see Mises.org for expo), literally legalized counterfeiting, which produces nearly INFINITE currency, Jews and Satanists thereby enabled to buying practically everything and everybody w. only few exceptions. Anyone not going along is liable to assassination, as JFK.

Such then is the inexorable, determinist, CYCLIC historical process which has taken place, Jews and Israel now dictating ruthlessly to the over-populated, stupid, befuddled, distracted, and most of all poorly organized goyim who merely strive for sense-gratification.

Note then Jews and Satanists perform a genuine socio-biologic function of eliminating (effectively) the over-populated goyim. As the central-banking system is doomed to inevitable collapse, the top masterminds will induce a serious complex of wars and series of wars as way to "muddy" the waters and thus to make an exit to yet another fertile breeding ground to start the CYCLE anew as history perfectly attests and verifies. Q.E.D.

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

# 58, Patricus says:
March 9, 2019 at 5:47 pm GMT • 300 Words

Good article but I have trouble with the oft repeated notion that the US callously turned away Jews in their hour of need, presumably due to anti-Semitism. In the mid 1920s the US ended the policy of open immigration. This was not focused on Jews. Many millions came to the country from all over Europe. In cities there were quarters where only Italian, Greek, Yiddish, etc. were spoken. A deliberate decision was made to allow these immigrants to assimilate. It seems to have worked over a generation. In the 1960s the mass immigrations began again, slowly at first. This might be a good time to repeat that curtailment of immigration again.

Americans heard about German oppression of Jews but suspected the story was exaggerated as in the WW I propaganda about Huns spearing babies on bayonets, or making soap from human fat.

It is a simplification to suggest Jews brought all of their troubles upon themselves. They probably can fairly be accused of resisting assimilation. Thousands of years ago Jews started migrating to cities in the Mediterranean where they made livelihoods in middle man occupations. Only settlements of considerable population density can support large numbers of middle men.

When Jews were cast out of European cities and moved to places like the Russian Pale of Settlement they were not suited to agricultural labor and tried to make livings in retail, peddling, inn keeping, bartending and money changing. That developing region didn’t need many middle men. Agriculture and some developing crude factory work was required to advance the economy. There just wasn’t enough wealth to support millions of Jews in the occupations they knew. Most Jews were on the edge of starvation. The Russian Czars tried to resettle Jews to places like Ukraine where they were given plots of land and houses were built for them, at great expense. It takes generations for city dwellers to adjust to the farming and herding life. The resettlement policies failed.
Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/gdurocher/hbd-in-the-ancient-world/#new_comments

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"Modern" Philosophy And "German Transcendental Idealism": Farce, Tragedy, Disaster--"Decline Of West"
(Apollonian, 10 Mar 19)

"Seraphim," buddy, once again thou blows it terribly upon crucial issues, as basic philosophy--why do thou keep doing this? For philosophy begins, for practical purposes w. dear Aristotle who notes the basic, necessary assumption of the OBJECTIVE reality (vs. subjectivism, foundation of Satanism which so curses and afflicts the world at this moment)--whence then one obtains law of Identity and then non-contradiction, foundation of logic and science, the beginnings of the Holy Spirit by which we achieve, grasp, and understanding of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6).

Note Christ implicitly endorsed the Aristotelian view, affirming the existence of TRUTH (= Christ), hence necessity of objectivity, basis of such truth. And Christ did this affirmation AGAINST the Satanists, Jews, and subjectivists featuring "midrash" of "Oral Law Tradition" and the later Talmud (JOHN 8:44). See Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for best expo on Talmud.

Aristotle's only failure, in my view, was in not seeing and holding DETERMINISM (absolute cause-effect, no perfectly "free" human will) as necessary consequence of that beginning assumption of objectivity. But the Christian philosophy solved the problem when St.s Paul and Augustine understood we're fundamentally sinners (self-interested), incapable of achieving salvation on our own, etc.

Entirety then of all "modern" philosophy (fm Descartes) was and is a disaster as they seem to have forgotten Aristotle, beginning as they seem to do w. fallacy of prior certainty of consciousness, the "reification" problem, pretending then to having to "prove" the objective reality fm that beginning premise (consciousness).

For consciousness (subjectivism) is mere part, parcel of the necessarily prior objective reality--but fm Descartes on, these two, (objective) reality and consciousness were accorded a kind of equal status, thus arose grim, dread SATANISM, idea reality is mere product of mentality/consciousness, making subject to be God, the creator--Satanism, by definition. Satanism thus achieved overt philosophic status and is now official policy of governments, including esp. the nascent world gov. dictatorship.

Immanuel Kant then became the great Socratic figure of leadership and father-hood of philosophy as Socrates was held to be by the Greeks and Romans. From Kant came Hegel, and fm Hegel we got Marx who now rules so much of the present day and "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, including as thou will note, Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE, official policy of world gov. dictatorship, including "perpetual war for perpetual peace."

Thus the deliberately induced psycho-pathology of people and "Decline of the Western" culture of present era is (a) general cognitive dissonance, and (b) specifically, SCHIZOIDAL disorder by which people fail to integrate perceptions and concretes w. abstractions, these two, abstractions and concretes given a confused and equal status, not differentiated--consistent w. "modern" philosophy and false dichotomy btwn objective reality and consciousness ("rationalists" vs. "empiricists").

For abstractions must necessarily depend upon and be founded in concretes--still held and understood by many in science, but less and less well understood generally, even among nominal "scientists"--as we see in the present "climate-change" propaganda war whence people are exhorted upon the polling of so-called and alleged "scientists"--"97 % of "scientists" affirm climate-change," hence it must be true--the blatant argument-fm-authority fallacy, thus the satanic state of our culture, including afore-mentioned GENOCIDE policy.

Again, and to sum-up: the horrific problem culturally and psychologically is dominance and rule of SATANISM--which is not anything mystical at all, but actually now official philosophic policy and ideal, as I've noted, Satanism being founded in (extreme) subjectivism, making oneself God, the source of "truth," rather than Aristotelian objective reality. Q.E.D.

------------------above by ap in response to below-copied----------------------

# 218, Seraphim says:
March 10, 2019 at 3:44 am GMT • 100 Words

‘Modern philosophy’ wouldn’t exist without Luther’s Protestantism which initiated the mental slide into communism (and fascism). Kant, Herder, Goethe, Fichte, Hegel, Feuerbach, were not Chinese, neither was Marx, Engels, nor Nietzsche, nor the ‘Frankfurt School’.

If you want to see a giant of German philosophy then it was Leibniz, but his philosophy had less to do with ‘modern philosophy’ than with the old traditional Christian ‘scholastic’ one. He owes much to the French thinkers, to the Jesuits and to the… Chinese. He wrote most of his philosophy in French and Latin. That might be a reason why he was sent to the memory hole for a long time (e.g. The Berlin Academy of Sciences, which he founded and wrote its program, did not see fit to honor his death and his tomb went unmarked for 50 years – the French Academy of Sciences did).
Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/gatzmon/why-do-some-people-keep-repeating-the-same-mistakes/#comments

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Problem And Task Is To See Cultural/Sociologic Situation In Full Satanist CONTEXT
(Apollonian, 10 Mar 19)

Atzmon brings up the "J Q" (Jew-question), and what I try to emphasize is that REAL "problem" or "question" is SATANISM and large CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, featuring, for example Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE.

For note Jews only exist as particular within a larger, general, CONTEXT. What's destroying the world is SATANISM, not merely Jews who simply lead the trends and command the instruments, esp. the CENTRAL-BANKING system and fiat-currency--legalized counterfeiting--a criminal enterprise totally defining and controlling the world, owning everything and nearly everybody, able to assassinate anyone, like JFK, who goes off proverbial "reservation." See Mises.org for expo on this central-bank problem; use their site search-engine for particular terms.

Note Satanism is nothing mystical (or "religious")--it's extreme subjectivism by which reality is held as product of mind/consciousness, making the subject God, the creator, Satanism by definition.

Jews then merely practice a particular COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivism and "group-think," highly organized, cohesive, committed, and motivated, making them leaders dominant over the more isolated, "individualistic" gentile subjectivists/satanists who yet often far out-number Jews.

It's useless and fruitless to single-out or blame Jews without seeing them within the larger Satanist CONTEXT and CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Spengler.

-------------------above by ap in response to below-copied----------------

# 121, Gilad Atzmon says: • Website
March 10, 2019 at 1:57 pm GMT

I am not sure that there is a collective solution to the J Q but I do advised ethically awakening Jews to leave the ghetto late in the night and never to look back…