Apo essays for Mar 2019

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/aipac-is-coming-to-town-again/#comment-3102733

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Judaism--Not Just Israel--Must Be Exterminated
(Apollonian, 20 Mar 19)

"Elite..." says, <blockquote>"As I say. Israel has a right to exist."</blockquote> What?--so the oracle declares a decree fm God?--and annunciates in "elite's" usual pompous manner, golly gee, but enough has been now said upon the matter, eh?--"elite" has said so. So there's just the basic stupidity of such moronic question-begging, at get-go--such is the characteristic satanic mental process.

And fact is Israel is just a bunch of squatters and illegal aliens, not to mention criminals and mass-murderers, pretending w. help of Jew S A and other deluded, brain-washed, Jew-dominated serfs (like "elite..."), as of EU, France, Britain (corrupted governments), et al.

But most of all, not only Israel, but no "Jews" of any sort has any right to exist, period--no more than psychopathic murderers have any right to exist, for that's what Jews are--Satanists, Satanism founded upon extreme subjectivism, making themselves God, Jews' Satanist crimes and murders well-known throughout hist., etc.

Thus even if human sin and Satanism in general (extreme subjectivism) cannot be exterminated, JUDAISM CAN BE exterminated, for sure. And all Jews, including Ronnie-boy Unz (who lies like a dog), merely need be interned, separated by sex, and watched carefully till they die-out. And generations fm now people will celebrate the day the last Jew died, a great holiday for victory of humanity against Satanism--it has to happen if humanity is to survive, suckers.

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# 124, EliteCommInc. says:
March 19, 2019 at 9:31 pm GMT

My list is certainly incomplete . . .

As I say. Israel has a right to exist. They have a right to self defense. But should be held accountable for crossing the line.
Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/article/why-germany-attacked-the-soviet-union/#new_comments

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Just LOOK And Observe What's Really Going On At Unz Review, Fools
(Apollonian, 22 Mar 19)

Jack **** (for brains) says, <blockquote>"...and remember that trolling isn’t well tolerated here."</blockquote> Jack, buddy, think again--"trolling" is ALL one gets here at Unz Review, run by the kike, Unz, the lead, master troll. WHY do thou think Unz admits he's kike?--is it because he's LOYAL to kikes?

So Unz wants to pretend there are decent Jews who are humans like anyone else--which is impossible--Unz the lying Jew who carefully, scrupulously, ferociously, intensively censors and deletes against anyone not pretending there are "good Jews," and that Unz doesn't censor or "moderate" but "lightly," ho ho ho ho.

And WHY Jackie, buddy, do thou think thou get published?--Unz loves thou, doesn't he? Thou are being played, sucker--think. Don't forget all the Jew trolls telling their idiot, typical, never-ending lies and lying who find their way here. There is NO serious, genuine anti-Semitism saying what Jews are (Satanists), what Satanism is (extreme subjectivism, at root).

All Unz does is try to blur what Jews are, what their top leaders are really involved in--and what all the rest of the Jews go along with, soooo cheerfully, and which they, like Unz, work to cover-up, confuse, and mis-represent. It's always Jews lying, attacking, thou morons defending, always on the defense, eh?--haven't thou ever noticed?

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# 47, jacques sheete says:
March 21, 2019 at 10:17 am GMT

You made some claims, now attempt to substantiate them. Try reading the article while yer at it and remember that trolling isn’t well tolerated here.
Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/article/why-germany-attacked-the-soviet-union/#new_comments

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Germany Was Attacked, Beginning With Assassination Of Austrian Archduke--Which Was Directed By Russia, Colluding W. UK And France
(Apollonian, 22 Mar 19)

"Elite...," thou really are ignorant as always, best excuse for thy stupid, typical Jew-friendly, Jew-serving lies and lying. Note immediately upon Armistice in 1918, Germans were required to dis-arm, and immediately, the Poles and French, among others took territory against the treaties and laws in effect. And Germany which was attacked and did most to try to prevent WWI, was branded the culprit. See "Hidden History...," by Docherty and Macgregor.

Poles told Germans that if they didn't stop talking about re-uniting w. city of Danzig, there was going to be war; Poles continued to encroach and harass Danzig, and throughout Poland began arresting Germans, beating and killing them in large masses, taking Germans' property, and marching Germans to concentration camps--after they'd made offensive treaty against Germany in Mar 1939 and mobilizing their military. Then France and UK declared war against Germany, moron. GERMANY WAS ATTACKED--AGAIN, fool. See "The Forced War," by Hoggan.

Meantime, the West, esp. Jew S A, was heavily subsidizing and helping Judeo-Bolsheviks to building the largest military in the world so as to attack the West. When USSR was pre-emptively struck by heroic allied forces of Germans, Romanians, and others, Jew S A immediately began to supplying bolshies by means of MASSIVE lend-lease munitions and every sort of useful commodity.

Newsflash, sucker: the entire movement, leading to WWII, was (a) Dramatic, sustained Rise of Judaic (Rothschild) banking power following Napoleonic wars, (b) Bolshevik world conquest, including, (c) as side-light, expansion of world government, featuring socialist dictatorship, as in guise of League of Nations, soon to become United Nations (UN)--which impetus has continued to this day for Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE policy, and deliberate poisoning of the people throughout the world by means of glyphosates, GMO foods, poison prescription drugs, poison vaccines, toxic radiation, including electro-magnetic and "5G," poison "chem-trails," etc.

It wasn't a "gambit," thou brainless, ignorant scum--it was simply a rather desperate self-defense against known, proven, mass-murdering Satanists, Jews, and their allies, dupes, and henchmen, fool. Get a clue and get a brain--at least TRY, idiot.

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# 56, EliteCommInc. says:Next New Comment
March 21, 2019 at 11:33 am GMT • 100 Words

I think someone previously noted this.

Pre-emptive warfare is not new and rife with speculative reasons why someone is attacking someone else.

Botton line Germany did not have much of a case for war. The Allied powers had largely given up their attempts to exact revenge on Germany as evidenced by their failure to respond to Germany’s violations.

Chancellor Hitler’s gambit was neither justified nor well thought out.
Below-copied by ap submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/tsaker/the-great-fraud-of-national-zionism/

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"Saker" Does Not Too Bad Job, Coming Close To Getting It Right
(Apollonian, 24 Mar 19)

The "saker" is sure right about one thing: there's great FRAUD, for without any doubt. And why wouldn't this fraud be the very problem, given the Jews--not just "Zionists"--who are the great liars (see Gosp. JOHN 8:44), esp. given their Talmudic war plan/strategy, "by way of deception shalt thou do war." But what exactly does this great fraud-complex entail?

And the "saker" has excellent pt. regarding the "national Zionist" gambit they're playing, but it seems to me the great (false) dichotomy being offered is (a) leftist, atheist globalists, as of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and "tri-laterals," on the one hand, vs. (b) the pretend "rightist" Zionist, Israel-first crowd, including Trump and the Judeo-Christian (JC--see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo) heretics who pretend Christianity is mere variant of Judaism, that Christ is/was "Jew," etc.

Of course, the real conflict is TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) vs. lies and Satanism (extreme subjectivism, holding reality is product of mind/consciousness, making subject to be God the creator--Satanism, by definition).

Thus the two, opposing cultural/political poles, are composed of small minorities: (a) the real anti-semites, the real Christians vs. (b) the Satanists/subjectivists, led by Jews, the rest of the over-populated goons, suckers, weaklings, and inferiors in the middle, presently sooooo bewildered, dazzled, confused, distracted, and diverted, esp. by the false dichotomy presented by the pretended "good-cop" Jews on the phony "right" ("national Zionists," by "the saker"), vs. the "bad-cops," leftist Jews, Judeo-Bolsheviks, atheists.

So the "saker" isn't all wrong, by any means; he just fails for fullest analysis, for the real Christianity upholds OBJECTIVE reality, foundation of any meaningful TRUTH (= Christ) vs. Satanism (extreme subjectivism), which Satanism is essence ("midrash" and "Oral Law Tradition") of Judaism/Talmudism--see Talmudical.BlogSpot.com, RevisionistReview.BlogSpot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for best expo.

Muzzies are essentially irrelevant, featuring strict command/obedience ethic to an otherwise irrational "Allah" principle, real Christians, on other hand, following most rational ethic, following naturally fm Christian rationalist philosophy, featuring the objective (Aristotelian) reality. Q.E.D.
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Below-copied by ap submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/chopkins/mueller-dammerung/

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Collusion With Russkies?--No, It Was With Someone Else--Guess Who?
(Apollonian, 24 Mar 19)

CJ rather begs the question: <blockquote>"The global capitalist ruling classes are putting down a populist insurgency, delegitimizing any and all forms of dissent from their global capitalist ideology and resistance to the hegemony of global capitalism."</blockquote> And that question then is, "WHAT'S "CAPITALISM""?--is it the free market?--hence freedom? For then HOW can freedom and free-market be ruled at top by criminal enterprise of central-banking (see Mises.org for expo; use their site search-engine)--which is mere legalized counterfeiting, pumping-out nearly INFINITE "currency," not real money (again, see Mises.org for expo)?

And besides, there was and still is "collusion"--only, NOT w. Russkies, but w. terror-state of Israel--and this "collusion" is w. BOTH the major parties--which they all knew and still know as they wink back and forth w. one another. CJ Hopkins is just too dumb himself to grasp the simple, obvious fact(s).

So note, it's just a horrifically satanic society, run by Satanists and mass-murdering criminals, led by Jews, foremost Satanists (see Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for expo), using the central-bank, pushing Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE, pushing lies on top of lies, the welfare-state and corrupt (and over-populated scum, called) people satiated by modern "bread & circuses," TV and idiot football games, etc. And it's all soon enough to come crashing-down w. recession and currency-collapse, but then we'll find ourselves in another war if Israel, our fearless leader, the terrorist "tail" that wags American "dog," has its way.

Only when things start to getting really bad, economically, will the stupid scum, called, "the people," begin to taking things more seriously, and begin to realizing they're being led by the noses by Satanists, Satanists led by those lovely Jews--for Judaism IS Satanism (extreme subjectivism, holding reality is product of mind/consciousness, making subject to be God, the creator--Satanism, by definition), Jews simply practicing a collectivistic subjectivism ("midrash" and "Oral Law Tradition"), making them leaders/rulers among Satanists, intimidating and terrorizing the rest of the brain-dead, dis-connected, TV-addicted population.

And the only thing that can save the people--at least the survivors--is the real Christianity, worship of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) and objective reality, basis of all following Christian ethics, so much admired by all peoples. But first the people must SUFFER, and lose a lot of weaklings, fools, goons, and suckers (unfortunately)--the necessary inspiration towards that saving Christian anti-Semitism/anti-Satanism.
Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/chopkins/mueller-dammerung/

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Brainless One Needs To Learn To Appreciate LITERATURE
(Apollonian, 24 Mar 19)

Oh goody, I finally got a bite--fm the one-born-brainless, no less, who continually, obsessively, repetitively lectures people about how much smarter he is and knows than everyone else. And BILLIONS of people love Christ's ethics as he taught, while far less even have ever hrd of Mencken, good writer though he surely was.

And brainless one, don't thou realize Bible and New Test. are literature?--like "Illiad" and "Oddysey"? Do thou think all the Greeks literally believed in Zeus, Apollo, and Athena? Can't thou figure-out there's distinct dialectic prosecuted by Christ (Truth) vs. Pharisees (lies)?--that that's why truth ALWAYS "resurrects" (and NEVER dies)?--because of the (objective) nature of reality?--against the Pharisaic/Talmudic notion ("midrash" and "Oral Law Tradition")?--do thou begin to see the powerful metaphor at work therein?

And yes, brainless one, WE KNOW gov. is imperfect, like humanity, but after all, it's what we use to prosecute the LAW, which law is pretty much best we can do--has there EVER been anything better?

Besides, brainless one, the God of TRUTH, above all things, is good thing for poor folks--who aren't all as brilliant as thou, sucker--to "beleeeeev" in, don't thou think? Mencken notwithstanding, wouldn't truth = Christ be good thing to beleeeeeev in, if "beleeeeeeevin" is all one could do?

So thou see: truth (based on objectivity) is what we preach to those who can understand and appreciate, and Christ is the comfort we leave for all the 90-95% of the rest who have greatest difficulty--even more than thine, brainless one, who pretends to know so much. Get a brain, sucker (though we know it's difficult)--try to appreciate function/purpose of literature--how and why New Test. replaced "Illiad" and "Oddysey," great as they were, indubitably. Q.E.D.

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# 59, onebornfree says: • Website
March 24, 2019 at 12:41 pm GMT • 100 Words

apollonian says: “Only when things start to getting really bad, economically, will the stupid scum, called, “the people,” begin to taking things more seriously, and begin to realizing they’re being led by the noses ..”

In your dreams.

“God is the immemorial refuge of the incompetent, the helpless, the miserable. They find not only sanctuary in his arms, but also kind of superiority, soothing to their macerated egos: He will set them above their betters. ” H.L. Mencken

Regards, onebornfree.
Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/chopkins/mueller-dammerung/

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Psycho Can't Grasp Equivocation Fallacy
(Apollonian, 24 Mar 19)

As I've striven to explain to thou numerous times, most often being censored/deleted by our TYPICAL Jew editor, the word "Jew" in thy quotation is surely an EQUIVOCATION error, confused w. Judeans, supposed descendents of the Israelites of the Old Test. who first discussed the concept of "salvation."

But of course, and as we've noted, thou are too psychotically obsessed to grasp the concept, it being OBVIOUS that the proper ref. could NOT be to Pharisees who killed Christ, thinking they'd killed truth itself (or at least Christ's understanding and expression of it--like Unz tries so hard to do in these comments pages).

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# 63, Anon[283] • Disclaimer says:
March 24, 2019 at 1:47 pm GMT

Q: What is the only thing that can save the people, according to Christianity?
A: Jews! “We worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews.” (John 4:22)
Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/tsaker/the-great-fraud-of-national-zionism/

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Psycho Is Tooooo Smug And "Smart" By Half--Like Jews
(Apollonian, 24 Mar 19)

"Anon": thou are merely a KNOWN psycho (and liar) who regularly, habitually mis-uses and mis-represents quotations fm Bible to push thy moronic theses--in obvious contradiction to the real anti-theses, Christ = TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) vs. Judaic/Pharisaic/Talmudic lies, lying (JOHN 8:44).

REAL Christians will read and understand quotations in context rather than simply accepting thy lies and lying, sucker--don't thou grasp that? Can't thou grasp thou are tooooooo smug?--dumbass, hoho ho ho.

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# 77, anon[377] • Disclaimer says:
March 24, 2019 at 12:54 pm GMT

apollonian: heretics who pretend Christianity is mere variant of Judaism
Philippians 3:3 “For it is we [Christians] who are the Circumcision.”

The author of Philippians is one of those awful heretics who pretend, eh? lol
Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/tsaker/the-great-fraud-of-national-zionism/

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Hoffman's Lies, Lying About History And "Usury," Borne Of Sheer Ignorance, Pretension
(Apollonian, 24 Mar 19)

Folks: Mike A. Hoffman has transformed over the yrs into a full-fledged Pharisaic-styled liar and outright mystic moron--he's LOST the meaning of Christianity which is simply worship of truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) against satanic lies and lying, Jews (JOHN 8:44) the foremost liars and satanists, such Christian truth directly implying the objective reality which gives meaning and substance to truth, reality being the necessary reference for any truth.

Jews, defined as followers of Pharisees and Talmud (distinct fm Judeans, the people who lived in Judea at time of Christ, only 5% of whom were followers of Pharisees, the middle-class party), rather hold to "midrash" and "Oral Law Tradition" (SUBJECTIVISM) by which Torah is INTERPRETED, meaning then ONLY what rabbis say it means, according to their "midrash" (interpretation), this "midrash" depending then upon what is "good for the Jews" and against the gentiles (humanity) who are hated by Jews as simple matter of course and dogma--gentiles to be made slaves, upon whom Jews are to parasitize.

Thus Hoffman now wants to pretend no one can criticize Jews but for Hoffman himself--as if Hoffman owns the Jews by his putrid, mysticism and virtue-signaling "moralistic" putridity and pretension. Just listen to (read) all this nonsense and psycho-babble by Hoffman in his (above) comment # 111. And remember further that the "Church" is simply the people--TOTALLY DIFF. FM that bureaucracy of parasite officials and charlatans which we now call the "Vatican." The "Vatican" (and officials) ARE NOT NOT NOT same as the "Church"--never forget that.

Note then there is serious problem for what the very word, "usury" really means--ESPECIALLY if it is to connote something objectionable. For if "usury" is truly something objectionable, it couldn't merely be the charging of interest--for there's nothing wrong w. charging of interest. And remember, charging of interest is simply a matter of CONTRACT and agreement btwn individuals--there could be nothing wrong w. such "interest" unless there was some fraud or coercion involved. And simple historical fact is that the increasing business of late medieval and Renaissance times couldn't have occurred without the natural charging of interest which made lending and borrowing more feasible among the people.

Note further that if there's competition among businessmen for the borrowing of (relatively) scarce money--real money, like gold/silver--then the charging of interest makes perfect sense to everyone, the lender naturally preferring the customer willing to pay the competitive price, other conditions being equal. And this practice of lending to and among business people was historically what was evermore taking place during the late medieval, early Renaissance time in question, don't forget.

Thus ALL BUSINESSMEN AND BANKERS understood the NECESSITY of charging interest, given the business conditions, and it was simply idiotic for the "Vatican" bureaucracy (NOT THE "CHURCH") to stand in the way of economic life and necessity for charging of interest--the "Vatican" looks stupid and foolish pretending to dis-approve and condemn what all the business people KNEW had to be done (charging of interest), and which was being done by everyone ANYWAY. It was the "Vatican" bureaucracy which found soon enough they had to change their moronic dogma regarding "interest"--or they (the "Vatican" charlatans) would simply pass into ever greater ridicule and irrelevance.

Another relevant side-note to consider is that "Vatican" and its personnel were intimately involved w. their own banking, lending, and buying and selling activity--they knew perfectly well the problems of the "usury" prohibitions which could obstruct otherwise legitimate activity among the people.

It's far more likely that "usury," understood as something objectionable, most probably referred to "central-banking" and "fiat-currency" (see Mises.org; use their search-engine) which "currency" is artificially produced in place of real, commodity-based money, like gold/silver, which is FINITE in amount, currency being practically INFINITE (literally legalized counterfeiting), constantly issued, thus fraudulently losing value per unit as the amount issued is ever-increased, the people despoiled and impoverished who are forced to using such currency--as we see in this very day.

Upon this fraudulent currency, note it doesn't matter if "interest" is charged or not--the currency system will necessarily collapse as the "inflation" continues, regardless of interest charging. Thus the blame of "usury" is falsely put upon charging of interest, rather than the fraudulent issuance of "currency" (fake money--legalized counterfeiting) in place of real commodity-based MONEY, like gold/silver.

Such then are the real facts and circumstances regarding money, banking, charging-of-interest, and "usury." Hoffman is simply the typical moralistic Pharisaic, obsessed w. pretending to pushing his virtue-signaling, imagining he is "better," more "moral" and "virtuous than others w. this nonsense and brainless clap-trap about "usury," etc. Can thou imagine the hellish lives of this fool, Hoffman's children, of whom I understand he has about ELEVEN--those poor kids, having to endure such a fatuous, brainless, pretentious fool as parent. Lord have mercy.

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# 111, Michael Hoffman says: • Website
March 24, 2019 at 3:49 pm GMT • 500 Words
@Digital Samizdat

Still, it is rather clear that under the Presidency of Donald Trump the US influence and power in the world have declined truly dramatically – so much for making anything at all “great again”.

Actually, if ruining The Empire’s image is the best we can get out of Trump, I’ll still take it.

BTW, does anyone else here see an inconsistency in the following two statements:

As for the Papacy, it has been in bed with Talmudic and Kabbalistic rabbis for many centuries (just read Michael Hoffman’s superb book, the 700 pages long “The Occult Renaissance Church of Rome”) and not just since Vatican II (as some Latins naively believe!).

If it weren’t so ugly and tragic, it would actually be funny (especially to see the Latins and the Talmudists in bed with each other after centuries of mutual hatred).

So when exactly did the “Latins” first hop in bed with the Talmudists? Many centuries ago? Or a few years back, when Steve Bannon first hit the scene?

Apart from a few minor quibbles though, this is a good essay overall. Saker has an important point to make: now that nationalists are making a comeback in the West, it’s totally predictable that the zionists will try to infiltrate and steer their movements for the benefit of Israel. If they succeed, there’s no way this can end well. If you don’t believe me, take a look at what happened to all those zio-rapture-Xtian idiots. What did they ever get out of that relationship? Zilch.

Don’t let this happen to you, alt-right. Don’t get used by the Zionists. They will never repay you for your services, no matter what they promise.

Cardinal Raymond Burke and the rest of the Maltese-masonic “Catholic conservatives” are representative of the chess game that has been in play since the middle of the fifteenth century, beginning with the first stirrings of Neoplatonic Hermeticism, Talmudism and Kabbalism bankrolled by the Medici and other exceedingly wealthy Italian and German-Catholic (House of Fugger) usury operations, which were all non-Judaic (http://a.co/ac3tikh).

Promotion, preservation and publication of the Babylonian Talmud was a sub-rosa project of the papacy in the 16th century, followed by a few token theatrical burnings of the Talmud to placate disoriented and demoralized conservative forces whose fealty had to be maintained until the coming of the Revelation of the Method era in the 20th century, when the reality of the papal-rabbinic alliance no longer needed to be concealed.

The “Latins first hopped into bed” with the Talmudists in the Renaissance as documented in The Occult Renaissance Church of Rome (http://a.co/8qqGIwf). There were indeed initiatives put forth prior to the fifteenth century, but medieval popes, monarchs, Judaic converts (Nicholas of Donin), poets (Dante Alighieri) and saints (such as the anti-usury crusader Anthony of Padua) halted the movement in that direction. The very real Latin/Judaic clash of the Middle Ages was at the center of Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice, a Renaissance-era play attempting to rekindle medieval truths.

Renaissance Catholicism represented the first time in the history of the Church when situation ethics — the core of Talmudic epistemology — gained firm purchase, and the ancient standard of antiquity and catholicity (universality) — what was believed always and by all— was abandoned (except rhetorically). Consequently, the immemorial Catholic dogma against the renting of money, the recognition of the implacable hostility of the Talmud to the gospel of Jesus, and the intrinsic incompatibility of paganism and Christianity — all were derogated in the name of a “situation” — “changing times.” This is one reason why the arguments of the pseduo-traditionalists against the innovations of the Second Vatican Council are laughed out of consideration by the hierarchy of the Roman Cryptocracy who are well aware that those arguments were long ago vitiated by the radical changes instituted by Renaissance popes employing the situation ethics which would be fully displayed beginning with the pontificate of Paul VI and every pontiff thereafter.

Cognizant of the traditionalist claims made for the supposedly orthodox Popes Pius IX, Leo XIII and Pius X as papal paladins who combated these trends, one should keep in mind the infernal depths of deceit of the Kabbalah-steeped papacy. Pius IX achieved Joseph de Maistre’s masonic aim of institutionalizing the papacy as a dictatorship with the power to move the church in any direction; Leo XIII publicly attacked Freemasonry in patently anemic terms (never once unmasking the key Kabbalistic doctrine and praxis of the Brotherhood), while Pius X finally removed all proscriptions against the renting of money from the 1917 Code of Canon Law (which he did not live to see promulgated).

The history of the Church of Rome since the Renaissance is the history of high hoax.
Below-copied by ap submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/tsaker/the-great-fraud-of-national-zionism/

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Judaism (Satanism) Must Be Eliminated
(Apollonian, 24 Mar 19)

Franklin: not only are thou just a liar, but thou don't even understand the fallacy of "question-begging," fool. I thought thou Jews were supposed to be "smart"? Judaism is Satanism by definition (extreme subjectivism, by which reality is created by mind/consciousness, making the subject into God, the creator--Satanism, by definition). And though human sin and Satanism (extreme subjectivism) cannot be eliminated, Judaism can be eliminated, the Jews following--after which humanity will celebrate a holiday commemorating extermination of Judaism--merely Judaic Satanism.

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# 115, Franklin Ryckaert says:
March 24, 2019 at 4:16 pm GMT

So were are the 100,000 Dutch Jews who were transported to the concentration camps and “did not return”, and were are the 400,000 Hungarian Jews who were abducted near the end of the war, never to be heard about again ? I call that “missing”.
Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/tsaker/the-great-fraud-of-national-zionism/

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Unz The Jew, Does What Jews Do Best, Most--Lies--Especially For That Art Called, "Trolling," "Trollery"--Form Of Dis-Info, "Deflection"
(Apollonian, 24 Mar 19)

"Kiza" asks, <blockquote>"Why has the comments section of unz turned into such a parade of cretins?"</blockquote> Newsflash, sucker--it has ALWAYS been such a "parade," moron. And didn't thou know Unz is Jew?--so what do thou expect? Don't Jews do what Jews do?--is a Jew a Jew? Don't thou realize "Unz Review" is simply a psy-ops?--run by a Jew? So what's purpose of Jews and Unz?

Unz deliberately and sometimes rather pains-takingly strives to manage, manipulate, deflect, and distort the discussion taking place for his comments pages, sucker--can't thou figure this out?--isn't it obvious? Have thou failed to note the large number of Jew and Jewwy shills and trolls Unz sponsors and publishes?--even long after they've been exposed for the deliberate, blatant liars they are? Some of these Jews and cretins have published over a MILLION words here on Unz Review(!)--just ck it out.

UNZ IS THE BIGGEST TROLL ON his own comments pages, managing and publishing comments in extremely selective manner, allowing some trolls and trolling sometimes, and not others, but then bringing back the same trolls, off and on, Unz censoring, deleting, and "moderating" EXTENSIVELY, and not in the "light" manner as he pretends and lies--Unz the typical, lying Jew, just another Jew doing as Jews do--lying. "By way of deception shalt thou do war."

What's Unz's purpose?--overall, Unz wants to pretend kikes are like "normal people," hoh ohoh o ho ho--they're just like "anyone else," after all--and he has numerous trolls who actually speak these lies, using these exact phrases.

And gee whiz, but Unz also has numerous favorites, even among the goyim, who spout cliché's like, "gee, but one shouldn't judge all Jews by just a few of them, or even one of them, golly"--and making other, typical excuses for these Jew monsters.

Such is Unz's troll farm and exercise pages by which he finds-out about what the goyim actually know and what they say to one another, etc., besides providing training for his buddy Jew trolls for their lying and frauds to be put-over on the goyim, but also to continue to be put over Jews themselves.

For Jews lie even to themselves and one another, all for strategic purposes--they WORSHIP lying and creating their own subjective realities, don't doubt. Thus the lying Jew is as the Jew does, as always, as ever. Christ taught us about these monstrosities, called Jews, long ago, and nothing has essentially changed.

There's excellent and substantial reason our ancestors and parents taught us to hate Jews merely because they're Jews--they're NOT really human, actually--they don't even want to be, and in fact--they're simply monsters, most sublime Satanists, as Christ described.

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-----------------

# 183, Kiza says:
March 25, 2019 at 2:34 am GMT

Brother, please fill me in on your source of magic mashrooms.

Why has the comments section of unz turned into such a parade of cretins?
Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/kbarrett/alan-israel-did-9-11-sabrosky-most-censored-man-in-america/#comments

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Sabrosky Is Irrelevant To Satanic Society In CYCLIC "Decline Of West"
(Apollonian, 25 Mar 19)

What?--so now Israel did 9/11?--well, golly, but doesn't everyone w. half a brain already know that?--after all, we have Chris Bollyn's works (see Bollyn.com), and who was in charge of the sweet deals for the 9/11 bldgs. (which were condemned prop. due to asbestos and galvanic corrosion) but "lucky Larry" Silverstein who fronted 14 million to then leverage the rest to buying the bldgs., this fm his buddy Jews in charge of the Port Authority, etc.

Then there were the Jews in charge of investigation, litigation, in charge of the airport security, watching the Arabs, the TV and journalistic coverage and reporting, etc.--Jews everywhere. So step-by-step, the goons and over-populated, TV-addicted morons of Jew S A were led to overlook the Jews and--what?--blame the Arabs and muzzies, as of Afgan--after all, the Jews and TV told us the muzzies were to blame, eh?--shazam.

But there's something else, underlying, which allows and enables the Jews to rule and dominate, and that's the criminal financial tools and instruments made possible by the central-bank (see Mises.org; use their site search-engine), literally legalized counterfeiting, a gross criminal enterprise, which pumps out nearly INFINITE fiat-currency, not real money, which real money is necessarily FINITE.

Unfortunately the over-populated morons prefer INFINITE fiat-currency, the stupid scum pretending it's a better deal, when actually the infinite currency allows the top criminals to steadily drain the economy and suckers of everything, literally, they own.

Thus the central-bank criminal enterprise is a MONOPOLY which funds and lays basis for the all the rest of the monopolist complex, Jews-media, Big-Jew Pharma (which poisons the people), Big Tech, now censoring and suppressing freedom of speech, etc.

So things just HAVE to keep getting worse till the morons seriously start to die-out and the survivors get smart enough to see it isn't only Jews and their Satanist cohorts, but the central-bank instrument which gives them their overwhelming power.

Regarding Sabrosky: he's utterly, totally irrelevant to the real problems of this horrific satanic empire that's grown-up, Satanism being extreme subjectivism by which reality is held to be product of mind/consciousness, making the subject God, the creator--Satanism, by definition. And it's not accident the central-bank criminal enterprise is KEY to this satanic society which is latest stage of CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.
Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/kbarrett/alan-israel-did-9-11-sabrosky-most-censored-man-in-america/#comments

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Unz: No Diff. FM Typical Jew--Liar, Subversive, Hater Of Humanity, Etc.
(Apollonian, 25 Mar 19)

"Che" says, <blockquote>"I agree, in principle, and most Jews, in my experience, both in Japan and abroad, are pretty horrible, they aren’t all so.

"I have never met Mr. Unz, but he is our host, but I think I would like him if I were to meet him. Although, from his phrasing in his good articles, he may express himself a little ponderously."
</blockquote> Che, buddy, thou desperately needs getting a major clue--to save thy life: a Jew is a Jew is a Jew--there's no "good" one, anymore than there's "good" psychopath or "good" Satanist, or "good" child-molester.

And in war, which is what Jews are conducting against us (humanity), thou must respond against the enemy in same collectivist manner. And this under-mining/subversion of necessary war disposition is what Unz is about for subversion--pretending there are "good" Jews, that one "can't/shouldn't judge them all by the few or just one," etc. Jew is a Jew--liar and anti-Christ, of necessity--which Unz practices and demonstrates PERFECTLY, always.

Unz himself is KNOWN and proven liar--he's NOT for "free speech" or free expression--he continues to delete/censor MOST of my entries; his agenda is SAME old Jew's--getting the stupid goyim (unfortunately, like thyself) to "judge by individual" instead of conducting necessary WAR against them collectively. No decent person calls himself "Jew." If thou doubt the ill-will of Unz, the typical Jewwy contempt towards humanity, just read his "Open Ltr to Alt-right."

Unz just does the same old "good-Jew" vs. "bad-Jew" gambit, the "Zionists" being "bad," etc. Unz adds in the holohoax, but he's still same Jewwy liar and subversive.

And don't give us the "non-religious" crap--Unz is LOYAL to the religious kikes, never doubt--that's why he calls himself "Jew." And remember: Satanism (extreme subjectivism, making oneself God, holding reality is mere product of mind/consciousness) begins as simple philosophy--the "religion" is just an elaboration and larger vehicle for that basic satanic philosophy.

Unz here is just running the usual, typical, Jewwy psy-ops, attempting "normalizing" Jews, pretending "they're like anyone else," etc.--why and how he constantly injects all his buddy, Jewwy trolls, liars, and prop.-artists as he does, favoring the dumbest of the goyim, like thyself, who pushes the subversive prop. to effect we must take kikes individually and not treat them collectivistically, as according to proper, necessary warfare. Q.E.D.

-----------------above by ap in response to below-copied----------------------

# 61, Che Guava says:
March 25, 2019 at 2:37 pm GMT • 300 Words

I agree, in principle, and most Jews, in my experience, both in Japan and abroad, are pretty horrible, they aren’t all so.

I have never met Mr. Unz, but he is our host, but I think I would like him if I were to meet him. Although, from his phrasing in his good articles, he may express himself a little ponderously.

When learning of Jews overseas (I had no idea before that most so set themselves apart), the process was exposure to suspicion and whining.

However, I met exceptions, two pretty art-scene women, one film-buff man, all quite close friends. The film-fan spoke with a very exaggerated version of Woody Allen accent. He knew so much about films!

From what I read since, I suppose, what is called ‘Sephardi’, dark skin, very hairy.

Israelis, OTOH, I have only met in Japan, and from my sample (25 or so), they all had descipable points. Whether running illegal street stalls, selling illegal drugs, working as escorts (they all had a connection to the second point), then whining about the police enforcing the law, not at that time, being deported, but the govt. stopped all of their nonsense.

Once or twice, I met older Israelis, I was thinking ‘wow, these people will make more sense’, but I came away with the feeling (and saying to others at times since) ‘these people are far more arrogant than the worst of our fascists, or of National Socialists.’

I have a few of friends from our extreme right.

None match the Israelis for supercilious and baseless arrogance. For the former, if you can speak Japanese, or they can speak what language you speak, they do not adopt automatic distrust, automatic supremacy.

I am sure (but not very), if one is to visit Israel, one may find different types of people, but unlikely, and I have been mentally ‘boycott Israel’ for many years, I really wanted to visit Syria.

That they have largely wrecked Syrian antiquities does not make me wish to visit Israel.
Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/an-iranian-april-surprise/#comment-3115629

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"Thomm": ANOTHER S**t-Skin Too Clever By Half
(Apollonian, 26 Mar 19)

Ho hoohoho ho--talk about "low-IQ," is there anyone dumber than "Thomm"?--hoh o ho ho ho. Thou have it all wrong, sucker. Unz is simply the same sort of kike, liar, subversionist (if ever possible, at any time), anti-human--and his "Open Ltr to Alt-Right" is excellent verification of the usual Jewwy, anti-white, anti-gentile contempt, condescension, hostility, alienation.

But Unz's innovation is unique: he presents the most anti-Semitic articles; in this way he sucks in quite a few un-knowing, un-suspecting gentiles, to be sure, encouraging them to think, "gee, there are SOME "good" Jews, aren't there?"--ho ho ho ho ho. The other typical Jew-serving fraud is "golly, gee, but one shouldn't judge all kikes by just one or a few, eh?"

But surely then, Unz's most practical purpose is to provide "pilpul" (casuistry) training and exercise for the various Jew trolls, as we've seen, for their usual lies and lying to the stupid gentiles w. their usual, typical lying and lies, the fall-back, as ALWAYS, being moralism and virtue-signaling, specifically, that one should treat kikes like individuals, not waging war in collectivist manner--as Jews routinely do to gentiles.

So, speaking as a "white-trashionalist," as "Thomm" likes to call us, ho ho ho ho, it's simply matter of the usual drawing the "venom" of the Jewwy snake, engaging in the very same sort of propagandist exercise, this for purpose of training and informing those gentiles who attempt to trying to engage in the discussion, such as one finds, as here on "Unz Review."

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

# 4, Thomm says:
March 26, 2019 at 3:43 am GMT • 500 Words

It is a privilege to see a sophisticated Confuse and Conquer Jew like Ron Unz singlehandedly tie up hundreds if not thousands of White Trashionalists at once. His strategy is particularly elegant when one observes the chess pieces that Ron advances in the correct sequence.

Step 1 : Make a website that WNs use (since they can never build anything on their own). Let any and all anti-Semitic slurs stand on the website to make WNs complacent and even keyboard-courageous.

Step 2 : Recruit the 2-3 intelligent authors that WNs read (Sailer, Derbyshire, etc.) who happen to bad at making money, so that they write for very little renumeration.

Step 3 : After a few years, start pushing for normalization of Hispanics (even if illegal; especially if illegal).

Step 4 : Deploy someone like Fred Reed to generate even more confusion, and then someone like Philip Giraldi to make anti-Semites feel at ease about saying anything.

It works…and it is a lesson in asymmetrical attrition warfare by a sophisticated Confuse and Conquer Jew. Remember, he got handed an unprestigious assignment from Jewish central command. Harvey Weinstein got to have sex with the prettiest actresses for 30 years, George Soros gets to be a billionaire, etc. But someone has to do the less glamorous work, and Runzie Baby is equal to the task.

Ron Unz has said about 95% of this site disputes the fact that the real division is black vs non-black. I am among the 5% that agree with him (although I am more conservative than him, since I think there should be only skilled, legal immigration, not unskilled and certainly never illegal).

Now, here is the thing. Those who talk about Auschwitz, lampshades, and soap never get moderated here, but those who agree with Ron Unz do. He will even get angry with those who agree with him too vocally, even as any and all anti-Israel content is fully welcome.


It is because he thinks it will expose his game of 4D chess from the perception of a 70-IQ WN. But I guarantee that it cannot, since the typical White Trashionalist is far below the IQ threshold where they can observe the many pieces in motion. I can describe Ron’s plan in full detail (and I fully support it), without any risk of the WNs figuring out that they are the frog and the temperature is already up to about 160 degrees F.

I am strongly in favor of what Ron Unz is doing. His recent ‘An Open Letter….’ article was a trial balloon through which he tested the speed at which the temperature can be increased under the immerse-in-water frog. I look forward to seeing him go for the kill (i.e. 212 degrees F) by around 2023 or so.
Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/an-iranian-april-surprise/#comment-3115629

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State Religion Is The Rule--At Least De Facto--And If Not Christian, What Thou Get Is Satanism, Jews Dominating, Suckers--Get A Clue, Fools
(Apollonian, 26 Mar 19)

What?--thou "thought"?--well, there's the problem, eh?--ho ho ho ho. State religion was the rule when US Constitution was passed, and though it was prohibited to the Union gov., the states WERE SOVEREIGN (actually, they STILL are, under the Const.) and STATE RELIGION, supported by citizen's taxes were the rule. See https://undergod.procon.org/view.resource.php?resourceID=000069 , and https://mtsu.edu/first-amendment/article/801/established-churches-in-early-america , among many other sources.

Thus Virginia supported the Anglican Church, known after Revolution as Episcopalian--to get rid of the implicit connection w. gov. of England at the time--until 1830. State of NY also supported Anglicans till 1846. And so on for practically ALL the states at the time.

Americans, unfortunately support such "religious" scams as kike holohoax, including mandatory edjumacation in many public school systems, using tax-payers money--this should come to screeching halt, pronto.

In fact, Judaism, featuring "midrash" and "Oral Law Tradition" (see Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for expo) being merely particular form of anti-human Satanism (holding reality is product of mind/consciousness, making subject to be God, the creator--Satanism, by definition) should be out-lawed, and Jews should be put in concentration camps, separated by sex, and watched carefully till they die-out--it will have to happen, sooner or later, folks.

------------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------------

# 33, Robjil says:
March 26, 2019 at 12:24 pm GMT • 500 Words

Iran is the only nation not yet attacked for the seven nations to destroy theme of nine eleven. 2003 Iran war started on Purim. 2011 Libya war started on Purim. Trump says that Golan Heights is Israel’s land on Purim day. 2019 is exactly eight years since the last big attack in the middle east. There is a pattern of eight years for big attacks. So 2019 could be the year. Since our “leaders” are into Jewish mysticism when warring in the middle east. What does eight signify in Judaism?

The author talks about the time between Purim and Lag B’Omer.


“There are exactly sixty-four days between Purim and Lag B’Omer. Sixty-four days is equivalent to eight multiplied by eight. The number eight represents the spiritual world. The multiplication of eight by eight represents the totality of the spiritual world. Purim and Lag B’Omer are one holiday that is broken up into two parts. The holiness of this single holiday begins on Purim. On this day HaShem reveals his hidden guidance of this world. We then spiritually refine ourselves in sequences of eight until we reach the eighth of the eighth, which is Lag B’Omer. We then merit to discover the secrets of Torah. The period between Purim and Lag B’Omer is the time we master our spiritual understanding of HaShem and his Torah.”

What is Lag B’Omer?


“Lag BaOmer (Hebrew: ל״ג בעומר), also Lag B’Omer, is a Jewish holiday celebrated on the 33rd day of the Counting of the Omer, which occurs on the 18th day of the Hebrew month of Iyar. One reason given for the holiday is as the day of passing of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai. Modern Jewish tradition links the holiday to the Bar Kokhba Revolt against the Roman Empire (132-135 CE). In Israel, it is celebrated as a symbol for the fighting Jewish spirit.”

This year Lag B’Omer starts on sundown May 22 2019.


Bonfires are set to celebrate this holiday. The town of Meron in Northern Israel is where Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai is buried. It is the center for the biggest celebration for this holiday.

“Since this is the day of joy of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, there are major festivities in Meron, the mountain village in northern Israel where he is buried, with tens of thousands of pilgrims pouring in from all corners of the world to rejoice together in unity.”

“Recognizing the fiery spirit of the mystical teachings that are celebrated today, bonfires are kindled. Get some friends (and a guitar) together, and it becomes a wonderful opportunity for singing, sharing and enjoying each other’s camaraderie.”

This town of Meron is near the Lebanese border and the Golan Heights. Trump purposely gave the gift of the Golan Heights to Israel on Purim. Purim starts the 64 days celebration of Jewish holidays from Purim to Lag B’Omer.

I thought the US was built on the separation of synagogue/church and state. Synagogue and state are the only “values” that the US government has now, nothing else matters.
Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/ldinh/walt-whitman-mass-media-and-jewish-power/#comments

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Typical Effrontery Of Jew, Unz, Running Linh Dinh Articles
(Apollonian, 29 Mar 19)

Linh Dinh nails things pretty brilliantly; he only leaves off w. explicit philosophic analysis: Jews are subjectivists/Satanists, pushing self-serving lies (Gosp. JOHN 8:44), built upon their SUBJECTIVIST ("midrash") reality, following their "Oral Law Tradition," which "tradition" was fully written-out officially w. Babylonian Talmud, 500 AD, but which "tradition" was known by Christ and mentioned at several places in New Test., like Gosp. MARK, ch. 7, verses 3, 5, and 9. See also Talmudical.BlogSpot.com, RevisionistReview.BlogSpot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for best expo.

Christ, on other hand, defended Mosaic law, against Pharisees, Christ being TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), directly and necessarily implying the OBJECTIVE (God-given) reality, basis and premise for such "truth."

Thus Jews hold there's no "truth" but WHAT THEY SAY, and to demonstrate their hatred and denial of objective reality and truth, Jews and Pharisees killed truth (= Christ), but which truth RESURRECTED, as truth does, it being founded upon objective reality which cannot be killed.

So the great cultural dichotomy is, as it is presently dramatized, the Jew (extreme) subjectivism, basis of lies, vs. the objective reality: Jews vs. rest of world, the world grown stale and hubristic in Spenglerian "Decline of the West," rest of the world led necessarily by Christianity which WORSHIPS truth (= Christ) and the objective view--why Jews so absolutely HATE Christianity, Christ, and Christians--just ask the kike whore, Sarah Silverman.

Note then if one denies or is ignorant of objective reality, then "hypnosis" of some sort is the only alternative, and Jews, being foremost Satanists, Satanism being extreme subjectivism (hence "midrash"--interpretation), holding reality is mere product of mind/consciousness, making subject to be God, the creator--Satanism, by definition-- manipulate by means of FEAR and intimidation--"hypnosis" (for people don't want to admit they're such cowards, so ignorant).

Jews then dominate Satanism, subjectivists and Satanists among goyim, as Jews practice a COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivism, most effective, successful "group-think," Jews most dedicated, committed, and organized, by which then they naturally dominate and rule gentile Satanists/subjectivists who are relatively isolated fm one another, typically more "individualist."

All Satanists/subjectivists together then, Jew and gentile, combine thus to intimidate and terrorize the more isolated, confused, dis-united (and now over-populated) gentiles, exactly as described in "Protocols of Learned Elders of Zion," which Jews squeal is "forgery," but still perfectly depicts the reality--just look, listen, and see.

Jew, Ron Unz, then is PERFECT EXAMPLE of this Jew practice and exercise, pretending he's not "religious" (like all the Jew liars and subjectivists) but perfectly practicing philosophy of subjectivism and loyalty to religious Jews who overtly hate Christ (= truth), Christians, and Christianity.

"Religion" then is demonstrated as just larger vehicle for such satanic philosophy, which Unz practices perfectly, esp. by means of his website, "Unz Review," which features ostensibly "anti-Semitic" articles, but which are now made subject to typical Jewwy "pilpul" casuistry, as we see so consistently, plainly, and regularly, w. all the myriad Jew trolls and liars Unz features and welcomes as he carefully and thoroughly CENSORS and deletes forthright Christians, "anti-semites," and any others defending the objective view.

Thus, there's NO serious, genuine anti-Semitism (anti-Satanism) or Christian view (Christians necessarily leaders of humanity against Jews/Satanists) tolerated on Unz Review, ALWAYS the gentiles and non-semites required to pretend there are "good" Jews (a), (b) that "Jews are like anyone else," and (c) "one can't judge all Jews by just one or a few." Thus Unz strives by means of this constant, consistent CENSORSHIP to induce that very "hypnosis" upon the poor, stupid gentiles who ARE allowed to comment and appear in the comments section, targets then for Unz's favored Jewwy trolls who are legion and eager to practice their "pilpul" casuistry and lying.

Clever and insidious, isn't it?--that Jew, Unz, runs this sort of "hypnotic" scam by means of his site, pretending he's for "free speech" and against censorship, etc., while practicing very intensive, consistent, even ferocious sort (MOST of my Christian entries being deleted and censored)--his real purpose being actually to running a "pilpul" (casuistic) training and exercise camp, as it were, for fellow Jews and subjectivists. Is it any wonder Jews are so hated and despised?
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Below-copied by ap submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/mwhitney/new-surveys-show-mueller-changed-no-ones-mind/#comments

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Mike Whitney Lies: People KNOW Real "Collusion" Is With Israel/Jews
(Apollonian, 29 Mar 19)

What a brainless, moronic joke: EVERYONE knows Jews/Israel TOTALLY controls the political parties and entire establishment as Jews run and control the top monopoly, the criminal enterprise (literally legalized counterfeiting) known as the central-bank (US Fed. Reserve) which pumps-out practically INFINITE "currency," NOT real MONEY (commodity-based, like gold/silver)--see Mises.org for expo; use their site search-engine.

Top central-bank monopoly then controls all the other, sub-monopolies, Jews-media, Big (Jew) Pharma, which is busily mass-murdering everyone, quietly, w. poison prescription drugs, poison vaccines, etc. Then there's "big tech" running thought-control and censorship though Google and Jew-book. Then there's "public" edjumacation, etc.

So the political charade involves typical "good-cop vs. bad-cop" game, the sides being (a) Satanist, Jew-friendly, "liberal," "leftist," atheist, but esp. "GLOBALIST" on one hand, this, vs. (b) the Christian-styled "conservatives" and "neo-cons" on the other. And BOTH Repubs and Dems "collude"--actually are totally owned by Jews at the top pushing the "good-cop, bad-cop" charade.

And the people KNOW perfectly well the REAL "collusion" is w. Israel and Jews, Trump owned by Jew, Sheldon Adelson, the Dems typically getting 70% of their national funding fm Jews. But as long as the scum, suckers, goons, morons, weaklings, and TV-addicted inferiors imagine they're enjoying "prosperity," they don't want to get too involved--after all, it hurts their heads to find they're thinking too much, the scummy puke.

It's crying shame people are sooooo willfully stupid, ignorant, and complacent, imagining things economic aren't too bad and that China will continue selling cheaply for evermore worthless, inflated American money which is able to buy less and less due to the constant inflation and deficit spending, esp. on these idiot wars for Jews. Americans are as hopelessly stupid as the ancient Romans were when their society began to collapse, and they'll have to learn the hard-way about things, like when they start seriously starving.

So what's actually happening?--a paralytic malaise by the puke, called "people," as the economy is about to collapse upon their stupid heads, which they don't want to believe, imagining that if they just don't admit the truth, it won't be true, ho ho ho ho ho. Truly, the people are "hypnotized," as Kevin Barrett says.

If things get tooooo sticky for Israel, as when US economy collapses (soon), then they figure they'll just trigger a war, or some wars, after pulling the obligatory false-flag. There's Syria and Iran Israelis want to hit, but also there's Ukraine, Venezuela, and Korea too which provide easy pretexts, war the typical, easy way to mask economic incompetence and malfeasance; it happened before, will happen again.