How I EXPOSED Jew, Ron Unz, of (relatively) popular "Unz Review"

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Unz The Jew, Does What Jews Do Best, Most--Lies--Especially For That Art Called, "Trolling," "Trollery"--Form Of Dis-Info, "Deflection"
(Apollonian, 24 Mar 19)

"Kiza" asks, <blockquote>"Why has the comments section of unz turned into such a parade of cretins?"</blockquote> Newsflash, sucker--it has ALWAYS been such a "parade," moron. And didn't thou know Unz is Jew?--so what do thou expect? Don't Jews do what Jews do?--is a Jew a Jew? Don't thou realize "Unz Review" is simply a psy-ops?--run by a Jew? So what's purpose of Jews and Unz?

Unz deliberately and sometimes rather pains-takingly strives to manage, manipulate, deflect, and distort the discussion taking place for his comments pages, sucker--can't thou figure this out?--isn't it obvious? Have thou failed to note the large number of Jew and Jewwy shills and trolls Unz sponsors and publishes?--even long after they've been exposed for the deliberate, blatant liars they are? Some of these Jews and cretins have published over a MILLION words here on Unz Review(!)--just ck it out.

UNZ IS THE BIGGEST TROLL ON his own comments pages, managing and publishing comments in extremely selective manner, allowing some trolls and trolling sometimes, and not others, but then bringing back the same trolls, off and on, Unz censoring, deleting, and "moderating" EXTENSIVELY, and not in the "light" manner as he pretends and lies--Unz the typical, lying Jew, just another Jew doing as Jews do--lying. "By way of deception shalt thou do war."

What's Unz's purpose?--overall, Unz wants to pretend kikes are like "normal people," hoh ohoh o ho ho--they're just like "anyone else," after all--and he has numerous trolls who actually speak these lies, using these exact phrases.

And gee whiz, but Unz also has numerous favorites, even among the goyim, who spout cliché's like, "gee, but one shouldn't judge all Jews by just a few of them, or even one of them, golly"--and making other, typical excuses for these Jew monsters.

Such is Unz's troll farm and exercise pages by which he finds-out about what the goyim actually know and what they say to one another, etc., besides providing training for his buddy Jew trolls for their lying and frauds to be put-over on the goyim, but also to continue to be put over Jews themselves.

For Jews lie even to themselves and one another, all for strategic purposes--they WORSHIP lying and creating their own subjective realities, don't doubt. Thus the lying Jew is as the Jew does, as always, as ever. Christ taught us about these monstrosities, called Jews, long ago, and nothing has essentially changed.

There's excellent and substantial reason our ancestors and parents taught us to hate Jews merely because they're Jews--they're NOT really human, actually--they don't even want to be, and in fact--they're simply monsters, most sublime Satanists, as Christ described.

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-----------------

# 183, Kiza says:
March 25, 2019 at 2:34 am GMT

Brother, please fill me in on your source of magic mashrooms.

Why has the comments section of unz turned into such a parade of cretins?
Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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"Thomm": ANOTHER S**t-Skin Too Clever By Half
(Apollonian, 26 Mar 19)

Ho hoohoho ho--talk about "low-IQ," is there anyone dumber than "Thomm"?--hoh o ho ho ho. Thou have it all wrong, sucker. Unz is simply the same sort of kike, liar, subversionist (if ever possible, at any time), anti-human--and his "Open Ltr to Alt-Right" is excellent verification of the usual Jewwy, anti-white, anti-gentile contempt, condescension, hostility, alienation.

But Unz's innovation is unique: he presents the most anti-Semitic articles; in this way he sucks in quite a few un-knowing, un-suspecting gentiles, to be sure, encouraging them to think, "gee, there are SOME "good" Jews, aren't there?"--ho ho ho ho ho. The other typical Jew-serving fraud is "golly, gee, but one shouldn't judge all kikes by just one or a few, eh?"

But surely then, Unz's most practical purpose is to provide "pilpul" (casuistry) training and exercise for the various Jew trolls, as we've seen, for their usual lies and lying to the stupid gentiles w. their usual, typical lying and lies, the fall-back, as ALWAYS, being moralism and virtue-signaling, specifically, that one should treat kikes like individuals, not waging war in collectivist manner--as Jews routinely do to gentiles.

So, speaking as a "white-trashionalist," as "Thomm" likes to call us, ho ho ho ho, it's simply matter of the usual drawing the "venom" of the Jewwy snake, engaging in the very same sort of propagandist exercise, this for purpose of training and informing those gentiles who attempt to trying to engage in the discussion, such as one finds, as here on "Unz Review."

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

# 4, Thomm says:
March 26, 2019 at 3:43 am GMT • 500 Words

It is a privilege to see a sophisticated Confuse and Conquer Jew like Ron Unz singlehandedly tie up hundreds if not thousands of White Trashionalists at once. His strategy is particularly elegant when one observes the chess pieces that Ron advances in the correct sequence.

Step 1 : Make a website that WNs use (since they can never build anything on their own). Let any and all anti-Semitic slurs stand on the website to make WNs complacent and even keyboard-courageous.

Step 2 : Recruit the 2-3 intelligent authors that WNs read (Sailer, Derbyshire, etc.) who happen to bad at making money, so that they write for very little renumeration.

Step 3 : After a few years, start pushing for normalization of Hispanics (even if illegal; especially if illegal).

Step 4 : Deploy someone like Fred Reed to generate even more confusion, and then someone like Philip Giraldi to make anti-Semites feel at ease about saying anything.

It works…and it is a lesson in asymmetrical attrition warfare by a sophisticated Confuse and Conquer Jew. Remember, he got handed an unprestigious assignment from Jewish central command. Harvey Weinstein got to have sex with the prettiest actresses for 30 years, George Soros gets to be a billionaire, etc. But someone has to do the less glamorous work, and Runzie Baby is equal to the task.

Ron Unz has said about 95% of this site disputes the fact that the real division is black vs non-black. I am among the 5% that agree with him (although I am more conservative than him, since I think there should be only skilled, legal immigration, not unskilled and certainly never illegal).

Now, here is the thing. Those who talk about Auschwitz, lampshades, and soap never get moderated here, but those who agree with Ron Unz do. He will even get angry with those who agree with him too vocally, even as any and all anti-Israel content is fully welcome.


It is because he thinks it will expose his game of 4D chess from the perception of a 70-IQ WN. But I guarantee that it cannot, since the typical White Trashionalist is far below the IQ threshold where they can observe the many pieces in motion. I can describe Ron’s plan in full detail (and I fully support it), without any risk of the WNs figuring out that they are the frog and the temperature is already up to about 160 degrees F.

I am strongly in favor of what Ron Unz is doing. His recent ‘An Open Letter….’ article was a trial balloon through which he tested the speed at which the temperature can be increased under the immerse-in-water frog. I look forward to seeing him go for the kill (i.e. 212 degrees F) by around 2023 or so.
Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Typical Effrontery Of Jew, Unz, Running Linh Dinh Articles
(Apollonian, 29 Mar 19)

Linh Dinh nails things pretty brilliantly; he only leaves off w. explicit philosophic analysis: Jews are subjectivists/Satanists, pushing self-serving lies (Gosp. JOHN 8:44), built upon their SUBJECTIVIST ("midrash") reality, following their "Oral Law Tradition," which "tradition" was fully written-out officially w. Babylonian Talmud, 500 AD, but which "tradition" was known by Christ and mentioned at several places in New Test., like Gosp. MARK, ch. 7, verses 3, 5, and 9. See also,, and for best expo.

Christ, on other hand, defended Mosaic law, against Pharisees, Christ being TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), directly and necessarily implying the OBJECTIVE (God-given) reality, basis and premise for such "truth."

Thus Jews hold there's no "truth" but WHAT THEY SAY, and to demonstrate their hatred and denial of objective reality and truth, Jews and Pharisees killed truth (= Christ), but which truth RESURRECTED, as truth does, it being founded upon objective reality which cannot be killed.

So the great cultural dichotomy is, as it is presently dramatized, the Jew (extreme) subjectivism, basis of lies, vs. the objective reality: Jews vs. rest of world, the world grown stale and hubristic in Spenglerian "Decline of the West," rest of the world led necessarily by Christianity which WORSHIPS truth (= Christ) and the objective view--why Jews so absolutely HATE Christianity, Christ, and Christians--just ask the kike whore, Sarah Silverman.

Note then if one denies or is ignorant of objective reality, then "hypnosis" of some sort is the only alternative, and Jews, being foremost Satanists, Satanism being extreme subjectivism (hence "midrash"--interpretation), holding reality is mere product of mind/consciousness, making subject to be God, the creator--Satanism, by definition-- manipulate by means of FEAR and intimidation--"hypnosis" (for people don't want to admit they're such cowards, so ignorant).

Jews then dominate Satanism, subjectivists and Satanists among goyim, as Jews practice a COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivism, most effective, successful "group-think," Jews most dedicated, committed, and organized, by which then they naturally dominate and rule gentile Satanists/subjectivists who are relatively isolated fm one another, typically more "individualist."

All Satanists/subjectivists together then, Jew and gentile, combine thus to intimidate and terrorize the more isolated, confused, dis-united (and now over-populated) gentiles, exactly as described in "Protocols of Learned Elders of Zion," which Jews squeal is "forgery," but still perfectly depicts the reality--just look, listen, and see.

Jew, Ron Unz, then is PERFECT EXAMPLE of this Jew practice and exercise, pretending he's not "religious" (like all the Jew liars and subjectivists) but perfectly practicing philosophy of subjectivism and loyalty to religious Jews who overtly hate Christ (= truth), Christians, and Christianity.

"Religion" then is demonstrated as just larger vehicle for such satanic philosophy, which Unz practices perfectly, esp. by means of his website, "Unz Review," which features ostensibly "anti-Semitic" articles, but which are now made subject to typical Jewwy "pilpul" casuistry, as we see so consistently, plainly, and regularly, w. all the myriad Jew trolls and liars Unz features and welcomes as he carefully and thoroughly CENSORS and deletes forthright Christians, "anti-semites," and any others defending the objective view.

Thus, there's NO serious, genuine anti-Semitism (anti-Satanism) or Christian view (Christians necessarily leaders of humanity against Jews/Satanists) tolerated on Unz Review, ALWAYS the gentiles and non-semites required to pretend there are "good" Jews (a), (b) that "Jews are like anyone else," and (c) "one can't judge all Jews by just one or a few." Thus Unz strives by means of this constant, consistent CENSORSHIP to induce that very "hypnosis" upon the poor, stupid gentiles who ARE allowed to comment and appear in the comments section, targets then for Unz's favored Jewwy trolls who are legion and eager to practice their "pilpul" casuistry and lying.

Clever and insidious, isn't it?--that Jew, Unz, runs this sort of "hypnotic" scam by means of his site, pretending he's for "free speech" and against censorship, etc., while practicing very intensive, consistent, even ferocious sort (MOST of my Christian entries being deleted and censored)--his real purpose being actually to running a "pilpul" (casuistic) training and exercise camp, as it were, for fellow Jews and subjectivists. Is it any wonder Jews are so hated and despised?
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Below-copied by ap submitted at comments,

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Who Really, Does Jew, Unz, Think He Fools?
(Apollonian, 1 Apr 19)

Unz: WHY wouldn't the "moon-landing" be a hoax if so desperately pushed by Jews like thou and the lying Jews-media?--that's called INDUCTIVE LOGIC, sucker--the conclusion that if it isn't hoax, then it needs to be PROVEN it's NOT hoax--get it, stupid kike?

Jew: do thou have ANY proof there was "moon-landing"? Doesn't it bother thou there's NO STARS in the innumerable photos of all the pretended "moon-landing" activity? And there's good reason for the moronic excuses they give for lack of stars showing in photos, eh? Ho ho ho oho.

Regarding thy putrid web-site for "pilpul" Jews and liars--the whole site is TRASH, like thou, Jew, utterly negligible for any serious people, and thy filthy race of trashy, murdering monsters, called Jews.

But it's fitting and interesting to have a site like thine, reduction-to-absurd for pilpul kike liars, their goyim suck-alongs, like "one-born-brainless," and those precious psychos who keep saying Christianity is just variation of Judaism, "Christ was Jew," etc., whom thou also make use of, eh?

And WHAT a pathologic psycho thou are--so obsessively checking and reading EVERY goddam posting entry to MAKE SURE thou censors and deletes the REAL, serious, genuine Christians (hence anti-semites). So that's how thou think thou shall "normalize" kikery--getting people to "beleeeeeev" that "golly gee, but Jews are like anyone else," and "there are good Jews along w. some bad," and "gee whiz, but thou can't judge all kikes by just one or a few," ho ho ho ho ho ho.
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Here, below-copied, are my entries deleted by censoring kike, Unz, at

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Unz Shown Trolling His Own Readers, Once Again

Once again we see Unz, the Jew, trolling the suckers who try commenting on Unz's troll training grounds for his Jew-buddies: observe his guest-troll, "anon," both 339 and 396, who seem to be same person, certainly pushing the same trolling pt. over and over and over, making use of EQUIVOCATION fallacy, insisting Christ was "Jew"--when the word "Jew" didn't exist at the time of Christ, there not even being the letter, "J," in the Roman alphabet of the time.

For Christ was ANTI-Pharisaic--why he was killed by them, as Pharisees HATE TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 8:44)--this conflict btwn Christ and Pharisees (truth vs. lies) being thematic to New Test.

For nowadays, "Jew," as Jews affirm, refers to followers of Talmud and those who identify with them racially--including Unz. Remember Christ was killed by these ("Jew") followers of Pharisees--about which killing their own Talmud brags, further confirmed at Gosp. MATT 27:25.

Note further, this Jewwy troll, "anon," totally IGNORES the absolutely contradictory and opposed philosophies of Christ vs. Pharisees, Christ confirming the Aristotelian objective reality, hence TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), AGAINST Jew subjectivism (JOHN 8:44), as I clearly note above, in # 182.

Note Unz's purpose is providing training exercise for his fellow Jews to trolling the gentiles in his comments pages here.


Unz: Typical Jew Liar, Dis-Info Artist Whose Efforts Are Exposed Nonetheless

Ho hoh oho, observe how Unz the Jew has allowed and encouraged "anon 396" to essentially troll and HIJACK the commentary here by "anon's" repeating over and over his EQUIVOCATION fallacy regarding meaning of "Jew," insisting Christ was Jew, hence mere variation/version of the Pharisees, later Talmudists.

Note "anon 396" says NOTHING about why/how Christ is so absolutely hated by Jews/Talmud--nothing about why Pharisees saw to killing of Christ (hence TRUTH) in New Test story-line--what do thou think it is/was all about, Unzie? Thou Jews so absolutely HATE and detest truth, eh?

"Anon 396" says absolutely nothing about the opposing philosophy of Christ and New Test. (objective reality, determinist universe) versus the Judaic/Pharisaic/Talmudic subjectivism/Satanism, as I detail at # 182, above. Instead, Unz CENSORED/deleted my entry exposing Unz's trolling and deliberate dis-info featuring and favoring "anon 396's" dis-info and deliberate diversion of the discussion by means of that simple, little equivocation fallacy, repeated now over and again.

Unz imagines his subversive editorship is effective, but he merely exposes his typical Judaic attempt to lying and dis-info, Unz TYPICAL Jew, demonstrating typical Jew tactics, pretending he's for "free-speech," ho ho ho ho. Thou fool no one, Unz, and my entries just get posted somewhere else so the world learns about thy infernal lying and censorship regardless thy puny Jewwy efforts against truth and honesty.


#236 apollonian says: • WebsiteYour comment is awaiting moderation.
August 23, 2019 at 2:11 am GMT

Ho ho ho hoh oho–Unzie–just another Jewwy liar, flim-flam man, imagines he fools significant gentiles, hoh o ho oh ho ho


Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Raspail Hits Proverbial Nail Squarely On Head
(Apollonian, 23 Aug 19)​

Observe how the Jew editor, Unz, allows the troll, "anon 396" to TOTALLY dominate and hijack the entire thread here. And observe how the troll does it--simply repeating ad infinitum his idiot equivocation fallacy regarding Christ being same and practically identical as the very Pharisees who ABSOLUTELY oppose Christianity--the reason they opposed Christ, calling him "blasphemer," and seeing to his being killed.

After all what is New Test. all about, anyway?--if not Christian truth (Gosp. JOHN 14:6, Aristotelian objectivity) vs. Jew lies (subjectivism, "midrash"--see JOHN 8:44).

Nowhere, by the troll, "anon 396," is there a simple analysis of the absolutely OPPOSED theses of Christ and Pharisees--certainly nothing like I explain in # 182, above. And observe there's no Christian champion of the real Christianity featured (other than my own notes)--evidently censored and deleted by Jew, Unz, as he's deleted my own subsequent entries.

So I wonder--will it take Linh Dinh himself to clarify the thesis he originally posed regarding philosophy of Christian vs. Jew. Does Dinh agree w. troll, "anon 396"? Incidentally, Dinh is absolutely wrong, I submit, about Raspail and his magnificent book, Raspail hitting the philosophic-political-cultural truth and facts quite accurately.
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