Apo essays for Jul 2018

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/07/dr-eowyn-federal-government-admits.html#comment-form

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Socialism Is satanic, Anti-Rational, And Genocidal, Fools; Get A Clue
(Apollonian, 16 Jul 18)

Indeed, socialism, mere form of statist dictatorship founded upon moralism of collectivistic altruism, an impossible morality against human nature, is simply GENOCIDE and mass-murder for its necessary consequences. Ck-out Agenda-21 and -2030.

For humanity requires reason, and reason manifests necessity of self-preservation and self-interest, the collectivist interest only secondary even if not necessarily conflicted w. individualism.

For socialism requires dictatorship (upon pretext of moralism/altruism) for purpose of applying/enforcing "morality" of collectivist anti-individualism, and once dictatorship is established the way is now made for GENOCIDE.

Thus actual genocide is made possible by means of the present dictatorship which is controlled, applied, enforced, and financed by the top, master MONOPOLY, the central-bank (see Mises.org; use their search engine) which exclusively issues the fiat currency, constant and practically infinite and in amount, legalized counterfeiting, literally, simply a continuing criminal enterprise which, however, is allowed to exist and continue by the stupidity and ignorance of over-populated, hubris-affected scum, filth, goons, and morons--who don't seem to realize they're being targeted by the very criminals (as of central-bank) they enabled and empowered.

Thus the monopolist legalized counterfeiting of the central-bank founds and funds the other monopolies, like the Jews-media and public edjumacation, including "big pharma" which evermore poisons the people w. poison vaccines and drugs, etc. Other monopolies, like in agriculture, put poisons in food, including genetically modified varieties within the very genetic structure, and glyphosate poisons in herbicides and fertilizers.

Then there is the "chem-trails" program, putting poisonous particles (esp. aluminum particles) in the air by means of spraying fm aircraft.

And these afore-mentioned mass-murder programs are in addition to the toxic radiation fm nuclear sources and lately also by way of electro-magnetic means too.

So the satanistic, genocidal mass-murder program(s), in general, is well underway in several forms now, having been running for decades. But note again, at the very top, it's all controlled by the central-banking and financial powers who fund and finance everything, including most of all the politicians and judges who are fully and thoroughly bought and paid-for by means of the INFINITE waves of currency constantly issued by the central-bank(s).

Get wise, morons, and get rid of the central-banks; adopt rather REAL MONEY, commodity-based, finite in amount, gold/silver being best, which real money protects and secures the private property of the people. Further, re-institute idea of states-rights and -sovereignty, individual freedom, nullification of un-Constitutional laws and measures, and primacy of local gov. against genocidal Jew world order.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/07/mueller-fbi-dnc-pulling-fast-one-on.html#comment-form

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This Is Sheer Comedic Mental Retardation Of "Deep State" (Who Aren't So "Deep," Really, Ho Ho Ho)
(Apollonian, 19 Jul 18)

Ho ho ho ho, so tell us just WHAT is the JURISDICTION of US law or Rosenstein or Mueller over Russkie citizens, eh?--explain that one.

Under Obola, USA was catspaw for globalist world dictatorship of the "left," "liberal" "bad" Jews. Now, under Trump, Jew S A is catspaw and lickspittle for Israel-first "neo-cons" and Judeo-Christian (JC--see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo) morons, scum, heretics, and traitors--and "good" kikes.

So either way, Jew S A is an anti-human monstrosity against which it is any Russkie's duty, not merely right, to subvert, injure, and destroy any way he can at any time. If the russkies were successful, they deserve medals, not only fm Russkie gov., but fm all human-kind.

So what?--DOJ of Jew S A has brought "indictments" against Russkies?--so let them send US Marshalls over there to take them into custody. Better yet, DOJ should order Russian gov. to arrest those scofflaws and send them to Jew S A right away, ho ho ho ho ho ho.

Who would actually be stupid enough to believe idiot "indictments" of russkies carries any serious weight, legal, political, or otherwise?--only brainless, moronic JCs on the "right" who support Israeli terror-state, or perhaps some mentally retarded snow-flake "liberals" (who are actually fascists, only they not realizing it, ho ho oh ho).

Folks, don't doubt we're living in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, and this sheer moronic idiocy ("indicting" russkies) is nothing less than "Divine Comedy" of Dante, no less, good gravy, I kid u not, ho ho ho ho ho
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/07/john-lear-memorandum-for-president-911.html#comment-form

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Cui Bono, Suckers?--Ho Ho Ho Ho
(Apollonian, 21 Jul 18)

WHAT?--"official story" has already, longggggggg ago been "completely destroyed" six ways to Sunday, by numerous people--lies on top of lies, on top of more lies, with fakey, phony vids, showing planes melting into bldgs., etc. Just ck one of D. Ray Griffin's several expository books, and don't forget the phony phone calls which couldn't have been made, etc., etc., etc.

Planes could have been used, as for decoys, people seeing planes flying in vicinity, then an explosion on the bldg., then enough folks putting the two together and insisting they "saw" the hits, the phony vids showing the explosions on TV, etc.

And as Chris Bollyn (see Bollyn.com) pt.s out there are Jews and Zionists at every strategic pt. for this large conspiracy, operations, "investigation," "cover-up," controlling the Judicial dept. and the adjudications, the kikes controlling the security for bldgs. and airports, etc., etc., etc.

And CUI BONO?--who benefitted?--KIKES, suckers--both the "left" globalist Jews and the "right" neo-con Jews. 9/11 was excuse for wars which created "refugees" who are now flooded into Europe and the West, creating turmoil and civil un-rest--Jews LOVE it.

Observe Jews sitting pretty and enjoying things while the stupid gentiles suffer everywhere, 9/11 the gift of Jews for the Jews which gift keeps on giving, ho ho ho ho ho.

And consider the "Patriot Act" which made Jew S A MORE of a police-state--Jews love that too, don't they? Truly, NO ONE has benefitted like Jews have benefitted fm 9/11 which Jews staged, controlled, and manipulated for their benefit and for the destruction of the stupid goyim--as usual, as always.

And when u consider and grasp TOP CRIMINALS, the central bankers (US Federal Reserve, et al.--see Mises.org for expo), HAD TO KNOW what was going on--as they're necessarily on top of things--u can say that WHATEVER happened, Jews, satanists, and their co-conspirators KNEW and BENEFITTED--they certainly weren't hurt in any way, were they?

Sherlock Holmes showed how investigations are conducted: “[o]nce you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.”

So u consider all possible suspects--Jews, eskimoes, negrids, Mexicans, seventh-day Adventists, and u ELIMINATE the impossible and least likely, who's left?--KIKES.

And now kikes need to PROVE they didn't do it--and how do they do this?--they simply say anyone who suspects them is "anti-semitic," ho ho ho ho ho oho--and thus we effectively PROVE our anti-semitic case, don't we?--ho ho ho oh hoho

See, just because some things might be un-clear for exactly what happened--like regarding the "planes," it doesn't mean other things can't be figured-out--like regarding the Jews-media and the immediate blaming of Osama bin Laden, jumping to conclusion.

And observe further how we found-out "al Qaeda" was CIA/MOSSAD invention/creation, eh?--ho ho o ho ho ho.

So if u want to keep playing stupid and politically-correct, sucking-up to Jews, go ahead and keep doing, suckers, but it doesn't really seem to be HEALTHY thing to doing, eh? Ho ho ho ho ho ho.

--------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------

bairdseymour July 19, 2018 at 3:17 PM

I sent this via email to Mike Rivero, who steadfastly insists that airplanes were used in 911. He will say, "it doesn't matter how it was done". But it does matter; if it can be clearly shown to the public that no airplanes were used, the official story is completely destroyed.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/07/inside-wikileaks-working-with-publisher.html#comment-form

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Central-Banking Behind satanic "Deep-State" Power, Never Forget
(Apollonian, 21 Jul 18)

Well folks, this story on Assange is just yet ANOTHER example of the power of "deep state" which gets its power fm the top power of the corrupt culture, the central-bank--see Mises.org for expo; use their search engine.

Thus remember, the criminals of the central-bank HATE TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6); they can't stand the facts being brought out, beginning w. the nature of their criminal enterprise, the central-bank, which is LITERALLY legalized counterfeiting, featuring practically INFINITE issuing of CURRENCY, not real money, commodity-based (hence gold/silver being best), which real money is necessarily, obviously LIMITED and finite in amount.

The continuing issues of evermore currency thus DE-VALUE the currency already in circulation, defrauding and impoverishing the people.

Thus the practically infinite currency to be issued by the topmost powers allows them to buying-up, owning, and controlling everything and everybody--and anyone not going along might well end-up dead--because of this nearly infinite funding at their disposal to buying, bribing, and extorting anyone, including assassination. Even Ron Paul has to watch-out and always speak in generalities, not always easy for everyone to grasp.

So Assange, u see, has to be made example of. For there's not really too much central-bankers can do regarding the techniques Assange uses and has taught others, BUT Assange can be made example for purpose of TERRORISM--thus other patriots will see what happens if the top powers decide to target u.

Note, it's INEVITABLE top powers and central bankers will win any particular battle due to this resource of practically infinite funding--it's only a matter of time for bribing/extorting whatever politicians or judges it may take to do so.

Such then is the course of CYCLIC history in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, the satanic age and spirit of a civilization inevitably takes hold, the masses of stupid goons, scum, and filth arising after the passing of the original heroic founders of any civilization, the following generations becoming corrupt, jaded, and HUBRISTIC, interested only in "bread and circuses," pretending they're "good" and "virtuous," which child's "good-evil" doesn't exist.

Thus the corrupt following generations imagine infinite CURRENCY (not real money) is some kind of improvement or advance over the previous use of real money, gold/silver, and the satanistic mentality soon enough takes-over the entire culture and population which is now affected so horribly and fatally--"Decline of the West," literally.

Never forget, at root, satanism is simple: extreme subjectivism, idea mind/consciousness is creator of reality, making oneself God. And the MOST COLLECTIVISTIC satanists who co-operate among themselves for group-think, best organized and -led, will naturally dominate over the more isolated gentile satanists, manipulating and ruling--as we see, the Israeli-terror state wagging the USA dog.

To discover and confirm the basic satanic nature of Judaism, ("Jew" diff. fm Judean, don't forget), just see Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for expo.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://volkish.org/2018/07/21/william-gayley-simpson-american-mystic/

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Christianity Is Worship Of Truth, Absolutely Opposed To Jew/satanic Lies, Lying
(Apollonian, 21 Jul 18)

As conscientious Christian I must caution u that FIRST u need to grasp and understand what Christianity is in the first place. For the funny and comical thing is I note certain people (like ur buddy, Cesar Tort, chechar.wordpress.com) rail and rave, and they don't even know what the heck they're talking about, esp. when it comes to Christianity. For Christianity is simply worship of truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) against satanic lies (JOHN 8:44). And u can confirm this about Christianity simply by reading the text.

And note then in the text, Christ carries on a distinct dialectic w. the Jews, led by Pharisees, whom Christ reviles, calling the Pharisees heretics, "serpents and vipers," who are doomed to heck. Christianity is OPPOSED to Judaism, Christ up-holding the original Torah--against the Pharisees, who then plotted to kill Christ, as they HATE truth (= Christ). But truth cannot be killed and always resurrects, as New Test. text teaches.

For Pharisaism features Oral Law Tradition and "midrash" (see Gosp. MARK 7:13) by which they "interpret" the original Torah to meaning whatever Jews want it to mean.

Thus Christianity thereupon features an ethical system, which ethics is what impresses and inspires so many, examples noted by the Christ figure/character of the New Test. text, which follows fm the basic metaphysics, Christian objectivity, foundation for TRUTH (= Christ) against Jew/satanic lies, founded in subjectivism. See Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for expo on Judaism/Talmudism. Note again, that basic opposition/anti-theses, objectivity (Christianity) vs. subjectivism (Judaism/satanism).

For Judaism is most practical, successful form of satanism, satanism being basically extreme subjectivism, holding mind/consciousness being creator of reality, making oneself God. Thus Judaism is mere specific form, a collectivistic subjectivism, the Jews then co-operating in most sublime group-think, Jews most organized, cohesive, best-led satanists, thus dominating all the other, including gentile, satanists, even though gentiles far out-number Jews.

Note further, historically, Christianity is best, most effective anti-semitism which Christianity and truth inspiration is foundation of Western culture, which took Jews hundreds upon hundreds of yrs to finally subvert w. the help of legions and millions, even billions, of hubris-infused and corrupt gentiles in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, West now submerged in profound HUBRIS.

For note Jews couldn't possibly succeed without these millions of gentiles who help them and serve them--observe the present-day "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo) heretics who support terror-state of Israel. "Free-masons" are another notorious group of subjectivists.

What is it that has so miserably subverted organized, establishment Christianity?--it has to be the subjectivist idea that "beleeeeeeeeeeving" can actually create or substitute for reality, and that this "beleeeeeeeeeving" then is some sort of virtue. But obviously "beleeeeeeeeving" doesn't make anything true, this "beleeeeeeeeeving" now mere gentile version of the very same Jew lies and lying, pretending that "beleeeeeeeving" can create reality--but actually being mere satanic pretext, as only God creates, and this hereticalist "beleeeeeeeeving" ideal mere version of same old Jew subjectivism.

So I just wanted to bring-up this idea for u regarding necessity of understanding basic concepts. For Christianity is OPPOSED to Pharisaism, basis of Judaism, and the Pharisees brag about having killed Christ, never forget.
below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/07/the-coming-coup-to-overthrow-president.html#comment-form

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Trump Works For satanist "Good-Jews," Neo-Cons, Israel-First; Opposes "Bad-Jews" Of "Left, Liberals"
(Apollonian, 22 Jul 18)

Well of course there will be "consequences" for any figure-head, so-called "President," who doesn't go along w. and obey the dictates of the leading, ruling, presently ascendant criminal enterprise which dominates "Decline of the West" (including Jew S A), by Oswald Spengler, the central-banking establishment, including the US Federal Reserve Bank in Jew S A, the BIS (international settlements), IMF, ECB, etc.--see Mises.org for expo; use their site search-engine.

"Military Security Complex"?--ho ho ho--this is just wholly-owned subsidiary of the central-bank establishment, as are all the other monopolies, "big Pharma," the Jews-media, the public-edjumacation establishment, etc.

For central-banks simply issue practically INFINITE CURRENCY, not real money, commodity-based, gold/silver being best, which real money is necessarily limited in amount. Thus infinite currency steadily defrauds and impoverishes the people by means of evermore issues and quantities of this toxic currency which necessarily de-values the currency already existing--is that too difficult to grasp?

So the criminal-dominated culture becomes satanic, satanism founded upon extreme subjectivism, idea mind/consciousness is creator of reality, making oneself God, the creator, all upon pretext of fallacious, non-existent, child's "good-evil," the culture now ruled by lies, lying, and liars, murderers, et al., these organized most sublimely by the most connected, well-organized satanists, the collectivistic Jews w. most effective "group-think," w. satanic influence upon all things sociologically, including esp. the more isolated, "individualist" satanists among gentiles, who far out-number Jews, and excepting only the real Christianity, worship of truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6). See Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for expo on Judaic satanism.

Thus Trump works for the "neo-con" Israel-first faction of Jews ruling at the top, behind the central-bank criminal enterprise, who play the "good-Jews" for such as millions of Judeo-Christian (JC--see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo) hereticalists among so-called "Christian evangelicals."

So Trump would seem to be fairly secure long as he heeds these satanic Jew mass-murderers of terror-state of Israel, and it would only be if Trump defies Israel that he might then suffer retribution at hands of the "leftist, liberal" "bad-Jews" of opposing "globalist-atheistical" faction.

But the "good-Jew" vs. "bad-Jew" false dichotomy sure has the goyim fascinated and diverted, doesn't it? Sure, the "Jew" part may be mostly left out of overt mention in the "discussion," the game now merely seeming to be "left" vs. "right."
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/07/pilots-for-911-truth-missing-memorandum.html#comment-form

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"Rob" Just Conventional Cowardly, Sinful Human, Eh?
(Apollonian, 22 Jul 18)

Fetzer writes, "...but after a few days deliberation, he decided against it. Since my draft was based upon and simply paraphrased the content of three of Pilots' previously publish studies, I was rather taken aback. Here is the draft memorandum. I would welcome comments or speculation as to why Rob refused to endorse it."

Fetzer can't figure it out? I submit, dear old "Rob" is SCARED ****LESS--is that really any surprise? And don't forget, lots of others are too. It's easier to just go along w. establishment lies, like holohoax and other Jew-serving lies, right?

After all, lots of nasty things have been done to people who don't go along w. kikes--could it be why kikes are sooooooo hated?--by all peoples of all races and cultures, all throughout history?

Isn't that our very RELIGION?--to love truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) and to hate lies (JOHN 8:44)? Thus anti-semitism is actually important and essential element of Western religion, though so many scum, morons, and puke refuse to admit it.

For don't the satanists make themselves God, holding they determine what's truth and what isn't?--and if u don't go along, well that's all the worse for u, eh?

And don't kikes make themselves co-equal w. God, kikes being the very purpose for God, God their servant and slave?--who kills their enemies for them, like an attack-dog?--which mass-murder kikes celebrate at "Passover" and "Purim" holidays?--see Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for expo.

And doesn't it say in their filthy Zohar ("Cabala") that satan is just another emanation of God?--whom Jews invoke for special powers, demands, curses, and charms, etc.?

Fetzer: MOST people are scared, confused, easily frightened, intimidated, bribed, and extorted--we're all weak when we come into this world, and most stay that way through the rest of their meek, mediocre lives of "quiet desperation"--for such is the way of weak and sinful humanity.

Look at all the dozens upon dozens of people killed over JFK assassination. U know, Trump could have spoken-out at his press-conference in Russia, recently, and noted that "lots of people thought CIA and FBI had a lot to do w. JFK assassination," ho ho ho ho ho--but even Trump was scared, eh? Ho ho ho ho.

So old "Rob" surely did the easy and conventional thing as far as he was concerned, according to his calculations, and u can't blame him too much, and at least now u know where he stands vis-à-vis the rest of humanity.
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/07/inside-wikileaks-working-with-publisher.html

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We KNOW Who/What Richie-Rich Works For
(Apollonian, 24 Jul 18)

Well, Richie Rich, Jewwy Jew, whether my moniker makes any diff., people KNOW I'm anti-semitic, hence Christian and on side of humanity.

Isn't it dangerous to let kikes and enemies know too much, too easily? But it doesn't bother u, as u're a Jew urself, right?--u sure show all the signs, for all the stupid lies and excuses u make, trying to cover for ur buddies, Jews.

For u pretend u're something else entirely, don't u?--merely pretending u know anything, like typical kike, right?--pretending u're against satanism, without being able to define it, refusing to face and admit obvious fact Jews are satanic leaders by their very criminal religion, worshipping lies (based on extreme subjectivism and "midrash"), practicing lies, terror and mass-murder, etc. See Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for expo on Jews, Judaism, etc.

"Stand in view," says the Jewwy, a dangerous thing w. u Jews on the loose, continuing w. ur murdering, criminal exploits, eh?--but at least I state my principles, and observe the facts--which u hate, eh? Ho ho ho ho.

-------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied----------------

Richard Holden D.V.M. July 24, 2018 at 10:31 AM

Where is your name? Stand in view.
Where is your name? Stand in view.

Richard H. Holden D. V. M. ISU 71
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/07/wall-street-journal-was-john-brennan.html#comment-form

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Trump: Faithful Servant Of Jews, Deep-State, Never Doubt
(Apollonian, 24 Jul 18)

Buddy: Trump WILL DO NOTHING but what "deep state" Jews tell him--he merely a part of the "right-wing" "neo-cons," Israel-first faction, that's all. Don't forget it's same-old "good-Jew" ("right") vs. "bad-Jew" ("left") game--they just insist on leaving-out the "Jew" part, that's all.

And don't forget Trump has gone along w. all the false-flags, beginning at least w. the "poison-gas" farce in Syria, Apr. 2017, upon which pretext he launched all the Tomahawk cruise-missiles. Trump went along w. the Las Vegas "shootings" of Oct 2017, and the most recent school-shooting hoax at Parkland, Fl. Trump still goes along w. the Sandy hoax, saying nothing.

Top power is the criminal enterprise monopoly for issuance of the fiat-currency (NOT real money, commodity-based--see Mises.org for expo), legalized counterfeiting, and these satanists ABSOLUTELY RULE, owning and controlling all the other monopolies, the Jews-media, big-Pharma, and controlling the lawyers monopoly (bar associations) and the Doctor's monopoly (medical associations), etc.

Have u hrd anything about Trump complaining about gross censorship of the I-net, Twitter, Jew-tube, Fake-book, and Jewgle?

And have u hrd the very latest idiocy?--Trump is making it known he might accede to Mueller interviewing him w. certain conditions, thus continuing to entertain and legitimizing the whole farce and travesty. Mueller is even giving Podesta "immunity" for testimony.

And have u hrd anything about indicting hitlery Clinton and the other demon-rat criminals? Not at all, on contrary, demon-rats are just alternative to Republican criminals and hired mouth-pieces--"good-cops vs. bad-cops"--which is actually what Trump is, himself--a mouth-piece, esp. for Israeli-terror state.

So what's going on?--Simple: the plan is for a horrendous, horrific HIT on Iran for dear little Israel, I seriously suspect. So this here moronic, farcical political theatre that's going on is for purpose of making Trump look good and sympathetic against the "liberals" and "leftists" who previously were used to setting-up Iran as the big villain, Iran now to be devastated.

So don't doubt Trump is total puppet for top satanists of "deep-state" running top criminal enterprise and monopoly, the central-bank. And Trump WILL, if he's ordered by deep-state, declare martial-law, but it will be AGAINST THE PEOPLE AND THEIR FREEDOMS and Constitutional rights, when it happens, along w. strict censorship of the I-net to cover the horrendous mass-murders that are coming, on top of all those already, needless to say.

Be careful what u wish for, as it will be used for purposes of Deep-state, Jews, and Israel, never doubt.

-----------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-----------------

bairdseymour July 22, 2018 at 8:43 AM

Trump's must use the military to arrest and prosecute the traitors.
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/07/paul-street-reflections-on-media-gone.html#comment-form

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Street, Right About Browder, Yet Fails For Ultimate Purposes Of Jews-Media, War, Psy-Ops
(Apollonian, 25 Jul 18)

Regardless anything else, note the Jews-media is a prop. machine, instrument of lies and psy-ops. Ultimately, Jews-media, along w. every other part of "deep-state" is oriented towards satanic war against humanity, specifically aimed at (a) Iran, and/or (b) w. Russia and China, the purpose being to advance Israeli terror-state and/or purpose of genocidal population-reduction, according to Agenda-21 and -2030.

"Deep-state" then, is simply apparatus built around, behind, and at bottom of that crucial instrument/weapon, the central-bank criminal enterprise issuing forth w. oceans of ultimately worthless, but practically infinite in amount CURRENCY, not real money, commodity-based. See Mises.org for expo; use site search-engine. For only REAL money (i.e., gold/silver) protects citizens and people; currency destroys people and culture.

(c) Note further, some sort of diversion/distraction is needed for impending and CERTAIN economic catastrophe and currency collapse.

So it looks very much like Trump, no less than any other deep-state creature, flunkey for Israel-first and "neo-cons," will accept and then react, on cue, upon the next major false-flag, which false-flags Trump has PROVEN he's perfectly willing to credit, tolerate, and legitimize. Iran seems to be the targeted victim of preference at the moment.

And don't forget, Jew S A, is TOTAL "DOG" TO BE "WAGGED" by terror-state of Israel and deep-state, deep-state now scripted to rely and depend upon legions of traitorous, Israel-sympathetic "evangelical," Judeo-Christian (JC--see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo) heretics.

In fact, note ALL ESTABLISHMENT Churches and members thereof are trained to be "faithful," obedient creatures, cattle, and livestock owned by Israeli terror-state and central-bank financial instrument; JCs notoriously active for their support, the very lickspittle shock-troops thereof.

Paul Street thus makes valid pt. regarding the Jew, Browder, who is undoubtedly a worthless criminal, absurdly defended by the buffoon Jews-media working to distract American morons, goons, and suckers who only care about "bread and circuses." But Street's alternative issues, esp. idiot "climate-change," are also the usual diversions/distractions, Street himself dependable lackey of Jews-media, ignoring the real circumstances and issues, working for typical purpose of distraction/diversion, regardless his minor pt. about Browder.
Below-copied first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/07/pilots-for-911-truth-missing-memorandum.html#comment-form

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Have We "Eliminated The Impossible"?
(Apollonian, 25 Jul 18)

Yeah? (see below-copied)--well, ur problem is specification, eh?--the proverbial "leg" to "standing" upon. Tell us what's the "dis-info" and why it's dis-info--u don't bother to doing that, do u?--just like, above, u talk w. similar lack of clarity and specificity, just making empty assertions.

Fetzer works hard and deserves credit. And note one doesn't always have to be perfectly accurate for making a general pt.

9/11 was a sublime fabric of lies, beginning w. the vids, which was all carefully prepared fm beginning--WHO could have done that? Chris Bollyn (see Bollyn.com) has the best overall answer, I'd say.

I remember on the first day the guy in the vid telling us all so poignantly how he "witnessed" the plane(s) "reaming" through the building, then explaining for us dumb goyim how the buildings collapsed due to the heat of the fires due to the planes' fuel.

Then there were the phone calls, like to the Solicitor General fm his wife, about the dastardly Arabs w. the box-cutters attacking the pilots and crew, etc.

Then there were the experts sooo conveniently on hand, fm L. Paul Bremer, the Israeli, Ehud Barak, and others, all agreeing it was that dastardly Osama bin Laden who was likely behind it all, that sneaky guy--how well put-together it all was for us to know who/what to blame, eh? Doggone A-rabs who hated us for our freedoms, yet, the slimey snot-wagons.

Then there were the "let's roll" heroes who inspired us--I thought it was sooooo touching, by golly.

Now the plane crash in Penn. kinda' stumped me--the whole plane swallowed-up by the ground and dirt?--WTF?--how does that happen? Then there was the total incompetence and screw-ups by the interceptors who were all off somewhere else, then sent out over the ocean, which I thought was puzzling.

Nowadays, our hill-billy hero, Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.com) has absolutely ZERO to say about it (9/11) all, his Jew advisors telling him, evidently, "mums the word, buddy"--it's all down the proverbial memory-hole--which further indicates Jews-media collusion, I say.

For HOW could anything so dire and drastic, like 9/11, happen or take place without the OK signed-off by the top criminals, the central-banker "globalists?"--they weren't very bothered about it, were they?--matter of fact, they rather benefitted, didn't they?--along w. their Israeli allies and partners, eh?--Bush was soooo happy, he promoted a bunch of folks, and NO ONE was cited for negligence or being asleep or failing in any way--doggone A-rabs were really LUCKY weren't they? Arab guys who couldn't even fly performed brilliantly, eh? Ho ho ho ho oho

So I submit guys like Fetzer who examine and analyze things help us to get an over-all grasp for things. Sherlock Holmes teaches us, "once u eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable MUST BE the truth." Thus we eliminate eskimoes, watusis, South Sea Islanders, Peruvians, and the others; who remains?--Jews--who'd have guessed, eh?--and are they persuasive for their alibi?--hmmmm--I don't think so, but then again, I'm prejudiced, ho ho ho ho ho

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Anonymous July 24, 2018 at 7:04 PM

Feeding disinformation is not informing, it is diverting.

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apsterian July 24, 2018 at 10:28 AM

What's to be "accomplished"?--would it be informing people? So if such info is the purpose, then Fetzer can rest assured he's done best he could, sucker.

Things only begin to "change" when people become informed--get a clue and a brain, ho ho oho

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Anonymous July 23, 2018 at 10:06 AM

You've been at this 9/11 stuff for over 10 years and have accomplished NOTHING. What makes you think anything is going to change now?
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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It's Like They're TRYING To Make Trump Look Good--Veritable Comedy Of Errors
(Apollonian, 25 Jul 18)

Everything stinks about this "Russian collusion/meddling" balderdash. For we KNOW the electronic voting is crooked and corrupt (a), and (b) further, the vote-fraud is gross in so many other ways as James O'Keefe of Project Veritas demonstrates. (c) And what's w. the corrupt Fed. judges who keep throwing-out the state Voter-ID laws?

And there was never any specific crime established or alleged to justify a "special prosecutor," was there?--BUT Trump's own people, Sessions and Rosenstein, saw nooooo problem.

And Mueller was grossly conflicted, having worked for hitlery; then he hires a bunch of biased democrats to dig dirt on Trump.

And isn't it ridiculous to accuse Russkies when EVERYONE knows the Jews wouldn't think of letting anyone else horning-in on their territory, Jews the absolute, topmost criminals-in-charge, having all the money, owning all the people and equipment, etc.

And lately we hear Trump is willing to go along in the charade now, agreeing to answer some questions fm Mueller, thus giving legitimacy to the farce. What a joke.

Meantime, Democrats have been let off the proverbial "hook," esp. hitlery and Debbie Wasserman Schultz. In fact, Demos have been melting-down now to outright socialism, wanting to do away w. the ICE (immigration, customs), rioting, lying, trying to stick-up for Obola who illegally surveilled--all of which Mueller is ignoring, isn't he?

So something stinks to high heaven--it's like "deep-state" is deliberately trying to make Trump look good and sympathetic, till the next false-flag as pretext for attacking Iran for the heroes of Israeli terror-state, eh?
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/07/penn-magazine-august-2018-got-them.html#comment-form

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Penn Mag Must Discover Necessity Of Basic Principles, Like Original Anti-Semitic Christianity
(Apollonian, 25 Jul 18)

Penn Magazine is largely worthless and irrelevant as it totally lacks necessary cultural analysis, USA now become Jew S A, the "dog" now being wagged by Israeli terror-state "tail."

Further, Penn can't even ID Israeli terror-state as mere part of the "deep-state" establishment consisting of pretend "right" and "left" factions, Jews in general dominating, guiding, manipulating, and ruling this satanic deep-state.

Thus for practical purposes, Jew-dominated, satanic deep-state rules first and most by means of the CENTRAL-BANK criminal enterprise instrument/weapon, literally legalized counterfeiting, which issues forth w. nearly INFINITE currency, not real money, commodity-based. See Mises.org for expo on central-bank.

Penn Mag doesn't grasp, for further example, the satanic nature as basically extreme SUBJECTIVISM, idea mind/consciousness creates reality, making oneself God (a), and then (b) how then Jews naturally dominate these satanic circumstances, Jews being highly organized and COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivists, w. most effective "group-think," naturally then dominating less connected/organized goyim satanists. See Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for expo on Jews and their filthy satanic religion.

At best, Penn merely supplies some details which Penn yet is incapable of generalizing and integrating for necessary inductive conclusions to the CYCLIC nature of history and "Decline of the West" (by Oswald Spengler) in hubris and satanism.

So what then, if the "leaders" are corrupt and traitors?--for what diff. does it make when the people, so many of them, are just brainless, stupid goons, morons, suckers, and utterly corrupt addicts for TV and poison GMO foods ("bread and circuses") to be munched as these scum watch their cheap entertainment and idiot football games?

Thus the people must re-discover the real, hence the ANTI-SEMITIC, nature of original Christianity, worship of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), which is necessarily founded upon objective reality, against satanic lies (JOHN 8:44) and subjectivism.

Thus Penn is so irrelevant as it fails to grasp basic principles and then crucial significance of that central-bank instrument/weapon which destroys the people by means of currency which steadily loses value w. the continuing issuances of more and new currency, that currency soon to becoming totally worthless.

People must immediately get back to using only REAL MONEY, not currency, to saving their very lives. Further, US Constitution, states-rights and -sovereignty, nullification and primacy of local gov. must be heeded, observed, and undertaken.

These then, above-noted general principles, are what must be emphasized and featured which Penn knows too little, featuring dis-connected details, telling us little we don't already know.
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/07/sandy-hook-impostors-want-facebooks.html

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Sandy Hoax Was, Still Is HOAX, HOAX, HOAX--Get A Brain
(Apollonian, 26 Jul 18)

No one commented on ur worthless assertions (see below-copied) about Wolfgang because we only need wait for an actual story or article about what Wolfgang REALLY said, which story is verifiable--and nothing like that has come to the surface.

Now get this straight, and try to co-ordinate ur few number of braincells. Sandy hoax WAS/IS A HOAX, HOAX, HOAX. Read Fetzer's book, "No One Died...." And Sandy hoax, as we now see, was extremely elaborate, heavily funded, costing millions upon millions of dollars.

This heavy funding on part of "deep-state" is not only possible but quite plausible given the nature of CENTRAL-BANKING criminal enterprise, literally legalized counterfeiting--see Mises.org for expo on central-bank. It costs "deep-state" actually VERY LITTLE to counterfeit and put-out a few hundred million more intrinsically worthless promisory notes by the Federal Reserve Bank. Get a brain.

It's EXTREMELY UN-LIKELY, for obvious reasons, the numerous crisis-actors and/or their immediate (lower-level) leaders and pay-masters would knowingly, willingly take part in any overtly criminal operation(s) wherein they KNEW, going into it, some people would be murdered or killed.

These crisis-actors, et al., are far, far more likely to collude in an otherwise "harmless" prank or stunt w. a "good intention" to it--like "gun-control" for the "liberal" snow-flake scum. Then later, if any of them end-up dead (which seems to have actually happened), for speaking-out too much about the wrong things, the craven little puke will be sure to STFU, for sure, right?--after all, they want to hold-on to their hard-earned shekels, eh?

We know also that Wolfgang is, unfortunately, a Judeo-Christian (JC--see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo) supporter of terror-state of Israel, no less than Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.com), who listens to Jews and might say something Jew-friendly like, "well, maybe some people did die"--it's called "fudging" the truth, and it's typical resort of weaklings and people who are easily intimidated.

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Anonymous July 25, 2018 at 3:46 PM

I made a comment recently stating that Wolfgang Halbig NOW believed some people were killed in Sandy Hook. This is a huge admission on his part, yet nobody has commented on my comment. Moreover, the Connecticut Mirror has long supported the mindset that 26 people did indeed die at Sandy Hook and some writers were actually belligerent upon my request that they answer my questions when I mentioned the fact Dr Fetzer's book has torn their theory asunder when they stuck by the state and federal diktat and that NO people died at Sandy Hook. The Connecticut Mirror is an online publication with morning and afternoon editions and by and large, they do a reasonable job with many of their articles. Still, my ears were boxed by one editor who give me the old "I know somebody who knows somebody was killed at Sandy Hook". I hope they've come to realize that Fetzer is nothing if not tenacious, persistent, and ready to rumble.
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.com/2018/07/recent-responses-to-our-hitler-russia.html

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Hoffman, Heretic, Psycho, Charlatan, Lately Demonizes Hitler
(Apollonian, 27 Jul 18)

Mike A. Hoffman II has come out w. his latest blog-article, yesterday, 25 July 2018, Hoffman seeking to demonize dear Unc' Adolf. Hoffman again assures us he's done significant research and has un-covered the fact that Hitler was really a miserable person and leader and was responsible for the Russian invasion disaster--how earth-shattering.

In his article, w. only one plausible exception, Hoffman offers no actual facts to backing-up his assertions, but simply says his proof for these assertions are in his newsletter, and we have to buy it to see them. Sorry Mikey-mike, but it's a poor and sorry argument u give, (a), and (b) we already know what a passive-aggressive, self-righteous, Pelagian heretic and psycho u really are, and we have evidence in ur amazingly incompetent work, "Usury In Christendom...," wherein u demonstrate how little u actually know about money and banking or economics in general. See http://bellofchurch.blogspot.com/2015/07/the-link-between-sodomy-and-usury.html .

For Hoffman's effort is always merely to demonstrate what a pious and moralistically virtuous person he is. Hoffman desperately wants to impress Jews w. what a great guy he really is--and look, he hates Hitler--how about that? So we see Hoffman is no historian, certainly no economist, but rather a moralistic, pushing the fallacious, child's "good-evil," all in honor of his buddies, Jews--and other moralistics too, no doubt.

Hoffman prints the texts of several e-mails which rather defend Hitler, and one of the e-mails actually notes the incredible supplying of the Soviets by USA "lend-lease" materials which were truly prodigious by every estimation, by numerous observers fm all nationalities. Hoffman moronically rejects the plain facts about US supply of the Soviets for the simple food necessities, both for army and general population, and then for the strategic quantities of TRUCKS which rendered the Soviet forces nearly instantaneously motorized, lending tremendous mobility and speed and which all was demonstrated in the Stalingrad campaign, after over a yr of steady shipments and deliveries fm America.

Lots more can be said for details regarding German military considerations at the time. Most of all, we should never forget the Germans were under attack by Western forces, including especially the USA, Roosevelt (FDR) encouraging Britain and France to attack and declare war when these powers were KNOWN not to be capable of over-powering Germany, no more than they were during the first world war. FDR continued to encourage Britain even after France had fallen. So the instigation for war was un-questionably on part of West, and esp. the Jew-dominated (even then) USA.

Thus the real truth is that Germany was, once again, like before the first world war, under attack by Judeo-bolshevist forces, though the bolsheviks didn't get completely established until after the first world war. But bolshevism was and is the spirit behind that basic world-dictatorship impulse and theme, as of League of Nations and the later United Nations (UN) which now works to exterminate and genocide people and nations, as we see them doing so brilliantly and subtly by means of poison drugs, vaccines, GMO food and food-additives, poisoned water and even poisoned atmosphere by means of the "chem-trail" particles, etc.

And Hitler?--unc' Adolf was the best man for leadership of anti-bolshevism available, everything considered, and it's also the fact that the West subsidized Hitler and the German military, no less than they subsidized and nursed the bolsheviks--the Western plutocrats wanted war far more than the Germans who were cursed w. the task of actually fighting it for humanity against Judeo-bolshevism.

But the amazing, smug, passive-aggressive psycho, Hoffman, cares not for facts, u see; he merely wants people and Jews to know and to think he beleeeeeeeevs in moralism, including esp. "good-evil." For Hoffman, purpose of history is to serve moralism; TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) is mere side-issue for him, regardless his pompous protestations and patronizing lectures and sand-bagging.
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/07/pilots-for-911-truth-missing-memorandum.html#comment-form

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As Stupid Gentiles Continue Not Heeding Induction, Logic, Plain Facts, They Will Continue To Suffer
(Apollonian, 27 Jul 18)

Ever hrd of "it's Jews, stupid"? Ho ho ho ho. And yes, of course, I'm prejudiced--the whole world has long been prejudiced, and rightly so, against Jew criminals and murderers who worship lies, criminality, and mass-murder--it's the essence of Jew religion--SATANISM (extreme subjectivism, the mind/consciousness as creator of reality, making subject to be God), sucker--"midrash" and "Oral Law Tradition," by which Torah is made to mean anything they (rabbis) want it to mean. See Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for expo on Jew "religion."

So since we KNOW Jews are topmost criminals and satanists responsible for and controlling all organized crime, of which they and only they are the masters, INDUCTIVE logic REQUIRES we suspect kikes, and that kikes now have to PROVE they didn't do it--which they can't do. Hence Jews now simply must be dealt with in appropriate fashion. And everyone knows it, deep-down, never doubt.

Jews are satanic criminals--such is their very religion. And observe their filthy, satanic Holy days celebrate mass-murder, as at Passover and Purim.

Easy thing to do, in theory, anyway, is to REMOVE Jews/satanists' main instrument/weapon, the central-bank(s), like US Fed, IMF, BIS, ECB, etc.--see Mises.org for expo on central-bank; use their site search engine.

For central-banking features INFINITE currency--NOT NOT NOT real MONEY, commodity-based, like gold/silver, this real money the ONLY way to protect the people and their property. Fiat currency (legalized counterfeiting, literally) allows top criminals and kikes to steadily tax away people's wealth simply by means of "inflation," the currency losing value as new currency waves are issued, over and over and over, time after time.

And ask urself: HOW could any crime or any event happen and take place WITHOUT the topmost criminals, who are ALWAYS watching everything, having signed-off on it?--HOW could that happen?--IMPOSSIBLE. And "CUI BONO"?--who benefitted?--kikes, as even Netanyahu admitted at the time, the dumbass, ho ho ho ho.

So as long as the goyim play stupid, not heeding simple inductive logic, they're going to be taken, impoverished, and mass-murdered by the top criminals and satanists, "Jews, stupid."

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Dachsie July 25, 2018 at 11:45 AM

“I would welcome comments or speculation as to why Rob refused to endorse it."

I like to analyze what aspects of studying 9-11 that ALL researchers can agree on. I used to think that all agreed on the impossibility of the “official narrative” being true, however I can see that some researchers seem to put forth data and observations that are bound not to contradictory

The subject of “no planes” is a subject that all researchers of 9-11 have been VERY AWARE OF AND VERY CAREFUL ABOUT in how they “deal with” in relation to the body of “evidence” and observations that each researcher and researcher group put forth.

I would also venture to say that from the very beginning long before 9-11 the plotters, planners, and perpetrators of 9-11 were also very aware of and planning for how to handle this topic.

The subject of no planes is part of the WHO DID IT issue and cannot be viewed as separate.

The way the subject of no-planes is dealt with by a researcher is, to me, a litmus test in judging the objectivity and quality of the rest of a researcher’s work.

Let’s count a few of the many ways the no-planes issue has been played with and tip toed around.

Some researchers just totally ignore the issue and put forth a very confined set of data and observations that appear to be telling us “you must look here at this “bombshell evidence” and implying “don’t look there.”

Some play with and manipulate us with the definitions of terms, like Barbara Honneger. I think that is called the logical fallacy of equivocation.
Some imply there can be real planes AND real “controlled demolition materials” in the Towers.

Some do an excellent job of explaining why no-planes is true but at the same time ally themselves with researcher(s) who exclusively confine their data and “theory” to what physically happened at all or only some of the 9-11 “target” sites and never say one word about the no-planes issue or only much later in time since 9-11 find reason to jump in a bit on that subject.

There are many reasons by Mr. Balsamo and “Pilots wants nothing to do with (what has been called) "no planes theory", but must say that just the tone of that attitude is very contradictory to the kind of thinking we hope all pilots have. Now, Pilots even reject even a very neutral objective summary of “facts they have adduced” that support general no-planes deliberations. This rejection takes on the appearance of “reject at all costs”, “reject and have absolutely nothing to do with no matter what.”

THAT is the attitude of like 99 percent of the researchers for 9-11 “truth” that I have observed over the years since my fairly extensive reading on the subject of 9-11 since 9-11-01.

Researchers go through every contortion and distortion of reason and logic and every Sunsteinian strategy to manipulate the minds of “truthers” and destroy the plain truth wherever we may find it.

So to me the question WHY is the no-planes issue such a hot-potato issue. It clearly is and the issue is not being treated objectively, that we know.

An area of 9-11 inquiry that I think is inextricably related to no-planes study and sheds light on WHY the no-planes issue is so important relates to looking at those researchers whose work is characterized by a clear deliberate failure to deal with this issue objectively and honestly. I think there is a clear tight consistency in the way many researchers “treat” or “deal with” topics and terms such as “the Israelis” – the Mossad, the Zionists, the neocons, or the verboten J word. That is the common denominator linking all those 9-11 researchers who strongly adhere to non-objective study of the no-planes issue of 9-11.
"White Nationalism" Is Potentially Quite Vulnerable To Examination For Basic Principles
(Apollonian, 27 Jul 18)

It's extremely important for people and patriots to observe and understand the sort of people who get involved in the movement, patriot, Christian, anti-semitic, and racialistic. Cesar Tort at CheChar.wordpress.com is perfect example, along w. such as Alex Linder of Vanguard News Network who do work of Jews, mis-representing Christianity, saying it (Christianity) is just Jew dis-info, etc.--see https://christianmilitarization.blogspot.com/2018/03/jewssatanists-using-white-nationalism.html .

So I've now found yet another example of these AMAZING ignorant scum who totally mis-understand what Christianity is; his name, evidently, is "Blake Hood," and his site is Volkish.org. This "Blake" guy is a real winner, and I'll show u exactly how he operates. I first came across "Blake" on Cesar Tort's blog, in one of the comments where he advertised his site (Volkish.org), to which I immediately went, and then took the opportunity to send him an introductory note, found at http://nnnforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=322691&page=3 , # 25.

Well, the comment wouldn't post, and there was no explanation, so I looked and found "Blake's" e-mail address on the site and sent him this msg:

"Hello: I left a comment at ur latest blog-article, about William G. Simpson [see 21 July 2018, on his blog], but I'm not sure if it registered as nothing showed-up after I hit "publish" button.

"But I wanted to be sure people understand what Christianity really is and is supposed to be, to be verified by the text, as in Gosp. JOHN, thus easily confirmed by anyone.

"And I'd like to be able to answer any of ur questions regarding this Christianity which I can assure u is most absolutely anti-semitic as anything could be. And of course, u might have further questions regarding history of Christianity which I'd be happy to discuss too. Thanks for ur attn. and consideration. A."​

Good ol' "Blake" responded (and this is the very last I ever hrd fm him):

"Your comment didn't go through, which is strange. Maybe try again.

"I don't consider the Bible to be an authoritative or even reliable source.

"Thank you for the offer, but I have pretty much made up my mind. The religion was created by the jew Saul of Tarsus. This is not debatable. He knew exactly what he was doing (mind poison for the 'gentiles'), in my opinion.

"Out of curiosity, what kind of Christian are you? Protestant? Catholic?"​

So I answered this above-copied note fm "Blake," and told him I'd be sure to send again, but guess what?--ol' "Blake" kept the block on, and though I sent and re-sent, my comment wouldn't show up. And as I noted, "Blake" never answered any further to any msgs I sent, so it shows u how Jew-like the manner in which this guy operates.

I actually thought "Blake" is a Jew, but I ck'd into his show, as at http://volkish.org/2018/07/25/manifest-destiny-show-3/ , 25 July, on his blog, and he seems to be white, I guess, brainless, blithering boob. So I'm amazed at the mindless stupidity of this moron, how like a Jew he lies and just makes crap up, insisting there's no doubt Christianity was created by St. Paul, etc., "not debatable," as he said.

So my pt. here is this (as by "Blake") is what present-day "white nationalism" is about, moronic, mindless cowardice and lies, at least in significant part, these poor ignorant scum not grasping it's important to understand things in accurate basic terms, and that such as Christianity deserves to be understood in terms of basic principles, it having been so successful for opposition to Judaism/satanism, for so long throughout history as it was--and still is, at least in potential.
The Problem With "Beleeeeeeeeeevin'" (Like A Moron)--How Establishment Christianity Became satanic
(Apollonian, 28 Jul 18)

Establishment Christianity is thoroughly, totally SATANIC, and that's probably the biggest cultural and psychologic problem, certainly among them. Formerly, Christianity was established as a protection AGAINST satanism (extreme subjectivism). And satanism dominates like it does ESPECIALLY when it dominates established Christianity as it does. The very worst, most organized child-molesters, aside fm Jews, no doubt, are now fm the "Vatican." And Protestants are surely as intense about child-molestation as Catholics.

And HOW do u KNOW satanism dominates established Christianity?--when u see this putrid establishment defending and sympathizing w. Jews and Israel--as u see the "Vatican" doing. So how did and does this satanism come about and arise?

Well first, note HUBRIS and the degenerate, decadent "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, is always a problem, always the potential problem; humans are sinners--they have a tendency to imagine they "create." Thus the satanic stage of hist. and culture is simply the culmination of the CYCLIC historic process--it will happen sooner or later. Life sucks.

But HOW then does this satanism now occur in Christianity, under specific Christian auspices?--it does this by means of the easy, hubristic action and notion of "beleeeeeeeeeeeevin'," which so many morons, scum, and half-baked goons imagine is the core and essence of Christianity. This emphasis on "beleeeeeeeevin'" comes esp. fm Gosp. JOHN, don't forget, wherein the word is used nearly a hundred times. It isn't clear what the original Greek word really means, but it seems to come out in English as "beleeeeeeeeeevin'," evidently.

But if one only remembers that Christ = truth (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), one knows it isn't "beleeeeeeeeeeevin'," but rather KNOWLEDGE (of truth and Christ) which is the proper virtue. "Beleeeeeeeeevin'" then is inferior to knowledge, more akin to PRETENDING. And "pretending" is reduction to absurd for this "beleeeeeeeeevin'" balderdash. For to say and insist, as the scum do, that "one must beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeev," is like saying, "one must PRETEND."

For in Gosp. JOHN, the real virtue of Christianity is surely in the PRACTICING, not mere "beleeeeeeeeevin'." And that genuine practicing and application of the real thing, the real Christianity, is surely what the Gospel most wants to emphasize and convey--knowledge ABOVE mere idiot "beleeeeeeeeeeeevin'."

Thus the satanist, pretending to Christianity is brought to think or imagine, by the false "beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevin'," that merely and simply by this "beleeeeeeeeeeevin'," well gee, the Christian religion and philosophy becomes REAL. But mere "beleeeeeeevin'" doesn't create truth, doesn't make any proposition suddenly true. One can "beleeeeeeeeeev" all one pleases--it still doesn't make a proposition to be true.

But unfortunately for the half-baked scum, they're encouraged to think "beleeeeeeeeevin'" is a virtue, and that it produces worthwhile effects, etc.--I know, as I was one of those fools, though I've since thought better about it all. It wasn't Christainity's fault, merely my own for so pretending and "thinking" in such half-baked manner.

Further, note also, this sort of pretending, called "beleeeeeeeeevin'," is also applied to other things too, not only Christianity--and it's equally defective, for the very same reason. And one soon enough comes to see idiot "beleeeeeeeeeeevin'" as just another version and application of SUBJECTIVISM.

Thus it's easy to see now how and why establishment Christianity, and so many "Christians" has and have become satanic, subject to satanists and satanism.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/07/robert-david-steele-911-truth-letter-of.html#comment-form

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Steele Fails To ID Foundation Of satanic Society Which Brought About, Abides 9/11
(Apollonian, 28 Jul 18)

Gosh, but this by Steele is (a) stupid and/or (b) just a miserable joke, inasmuch as Giuliani, whom Steele indicts as "central" to the conspiracy, is now right-hand man, legal counsel, to Trump. So Trump MUST be in w. Giuliani and the whole 9/11 conspiracy, this by Steele being mere back-hand PROOF of Trump's complicity. There are lots of other indications Trump is just another tool of "deep-state" behind the central bank.

And nothing is going to get done long as top conspirators, "deep-state," continue to control the central-bank criminal enterprise (see Mises.org for expo; use their search-engine), legalized counterfeiting, literally, which has bought and paid-for EVERYONE, directly or indirectly, the stupid puke, called "the people," indifferent or oblivious to the central-bank scam featuring INFINITE currency, not real MONEY, which currency continues to drain away all the value w. every new issuance of more and evermore currency, nearly infinitely.

Only serious thing to be done is to continue growing the necessary Christian revival, featuring REAL Christianity, worship of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), hence objective reality, absolutely anti-satanic, "satanism" consisting of extreme subjectivism, making mind/consciousness creator of reality, this upon pretext of "moralism," etc., the fools, scum, and morons ("the people") so desperate to being "good," like "good" little boys and girls, which they were taught and trained as little kids, etc.

Leaders of satanists (subjectivism), of course, are Jews, featuring their "midrash" (interpretation, etc.) and "Oral Law Tradition--see Gosp. JOHN 8:44, Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for Judaic/Talmudic expo. For Jews are supremely COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivists, most effective, especially ORGANIZED, best led, w. most successful "group-think," leading goyim morons, even though these Jews far and heavily out-numbered.

Finally, remember the stupid people aren't going to bother diverting fm their addiction to "bread and circuses" without motivation, hence disaster and catastrophe, along w. guided instruction by real patriots, genuine Christians. In addition, along w. the turmoil and catastrophe, many of the heavily over-populated goons, suckers, and scum will also have to die-out, be killed-off, which all is difficult to plan, arrange, and accomplish. Patriots must be brave, determined, constant, and loyal--like original Christian patriots of St. Constantine the Great, early 4th cent.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/07/paul-craig-roberts-on-july-21-i-posted.html#comment-form

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Roberts Is Accurate, Far As He Goes, But There's Something Behind "Military/Security"
(Apollonian, 29 Jul 18)

Roberts writes about "...the untouchable power of the military/security complex...," but how and why is it so "untouchable"? So is there anything behind this "military/security complex"?--well, of course there is, and that's the central-bank. See Mises.org for expo; use their search-engine.

Thus the central-bank finances and funds everything, including "military/security complex," even though this "complex" then enforces and protects the central-bank criminals. One goes with the other, necessarily, but in terms of cause-effect, the central-bank enables the "military/security complex."

So Roberts is surely correct and accurate for all he reports and observes, BUT he still fails to FULLY grasp the central-bank problem, a criminal enterprise, literally legalized counterfeiting, which criminal activity gets by, NOT BECAUSE of the "military/security complex," but FIRST by the simple HUBRIS and stupidity of the people, an over-populated mass of goons, scum, suckers, fools, and puke who, like children, don't want to face-up to simple reality--u need gold/silver, AND CAN'T DO WITHOUT IT, morons.

"Military/security complex" then just ensures this stupidity of the over-populated goons, called "the people," is insulated, not addressed or treated properly, left isolated, so that the central-bank may continue.

So the stupid goons ("the people") allow the "military/security complex" as part of the deal starting w. the central-bank featuring (practically) INFINITE currency--not real MONEY, commodity-based, hence gold/silver, which real money is FINITE. For the stupid goons prefer the (nearly) infinite currency, the puke being the stupid puke they are and have become.

Is there any solution?--no, the corruption will necessarily continue until the stupid puke ("the people") are killed-off and begin to seriously dying-out. Such is "the way" of all "flesh." Such is "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.

So Christian patriots can only wait and watch, hoping to avoid the worst of the death and destruction WHICH MUST TAKE PLACE (to a certain extent), but hoping to survive the worst of it, praying they won't be totally exterminated.

In the meantime, Christian patriots can and must speak-out about the truth--and this is their ONLY CHANCE for survival. Thus while the goons and brainless scum continue to using the CURRENCY, the real human beings must use the real thing, gold/silver--let the goons and scum kill themselves off--this is the only thing to be done for survival of humanity.

Infinite currency DESTROYS and kills; real money, even though limited and FINITE, preserves humanity and even provides for prosperity--but this lesson can only be learned the HARD WAY--such is the human condition.