Apo essays for Jul 2018

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/07/robert-david-steele-911-truth-letter-of.html#comment-form

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Patriots Must Take Control Of Real Cultural Dialectic Against satanism
(Apollonian, 30 Jul 18)

NEWSFLASH: all this (as by Steele) is ALREADY well-known. What is wrong w. ur logical processes? Don't u realize Giuliani, ID'd above by Steele as "central," is Trump's legal counsel?--he appears on FOX News nearly every day, lately.

Trump is Israel-first, didn't u know that? Chris Bollyn (Bollyn.com) has already laid-out the general plot of 9/11. Israeli terror-state and Jews rule as they control the central-bank, w. nearly infinite currency (not real money, of course--see Mises.org for expo).

By now, probably 90% of the over-populated goons of Jew S A know JFK was killed by same old deep state behind the central bank. Goons of Jew S A are stymied by "LEARNED HELPLESSNESS." Steele DOES NOT help.

The goons of Jew S A, sated w. "bread & circuses," aren't going to do anything until many are killed-off, the rest motivated--by a "crisis" or disaster--like starvation, collapse of the welfare system, etc.

So question is WHAT have u got going in way of an abstract, "spiritual" motivation for people by way of dealing w. SATANISTS in control of the culture and economy?

It doesn't look like u have anything really going, just repeating trivia and irrelevant factoids, ur submergence within such obscurity just wasted energy--just where the satanists want u to be--the people UN-IMPRESSED w. ur balderdash.

Can't u see Steele is an idiot?--pt-ing-out Giuliani as he does, yet ignoring Trump embraces Giuliani as bosom-buddy--THEY WORK FOR THE SAME PEOPLE, fools. Don't forget Trump has gone along w. all the false flags, beginning at least w. the April 2017 supposed "chem-weapons" attack in Syria before he did the "Tomahawking." It's "good Jews" on neo-con "right" vs. the "bad Jews" of "left," "globalism," socialism, "liberalism," etc., that's all--same old, same old charade running for at least 100 yrs.

Patriots must attack satanism which is the larger society/culture Jews operate within, satanism, easily analyzed and confirmed, simply founded upon extreme subjectivism, as I've noted. Observe how satanists manipulate "leftists" like putty in the hand, "leftists" always operating fm emotion and moralism, NEVER logic, objectivity, or determinism (strict cause-effect).

Somehow, some way, u people need to get brains, eh? Presently, u just fiddle w. these idiot factoids and details while Rome continues to burn.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/07/alan-macleod-utiity-of-russiagate.html#comment-form

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What?--"Russkie Hysteria"?--Golly, But Who/What Could Be Behind It?
(Apollonian, 30 Jul 18)

Wtf?--so Alan Macleod here says Jews-media concocted Russkie hysteria?--tell us something we don't know.

For isn't Jews-media wholly owned subsidiary of "deep-state" powers behind the central-bank which issues nearly INFINITE CURRENCY?--see Mises.org for expo on central bank.

Meantime hitlery Clinton, the obvious criminal, continues to flit about running her idiot mouth, the Jew masterminds at top of things continuing to play "good Jew vs. bad Jew," fakey "left vs. right" charade--as they've been doing for at least about 100 yrs now.

So over-populated goons, scum, and puke ("the people") of Jew S A have such a lovely satanic empire on their hands, this empire run, guided, and directed by top satanists, Jews, naturally. And notice few people are really taken-in by the Russia hoax, just another Jewwy, Jews-media psy-ops.

Doubt Judaism is satanism (extreme subjectivism)?--just ck Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com. TruthTellers.org also has lots of good material.

Meantime we sit now waiting for the next false-flag as Trump and Israel-first neo-cons ready a big hit on Iran, evidently--everyone KNOWS it will serve Israel, as always.

After all, if it ever was true about Russkies taking-over, it would have had to have Jew-Israeli complicity, along w. Jews-media, etc. Who's kidding who?

Probably the biggest Jewwy and Jews-media scams induced upon the over-populated, TV-addicted morons, scum, filth, puke, goons, and suckers, who make up so much the bulk of "the people" of Jew S A is COGNITIVE DISSONANCE and Learned-Helplessness, all this aside fm the usual "bread and circuses."

Such then is perfectly logical course of CYCLIC hist. of "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, USA, now Jew S A, collapsing in HUBRIS, corruption, and satanism.
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/07/paul-craig-roberts-on-july-21-i-posted.html#comment-form

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Why Not Make An Argument, Then Make W. Smart Remarks?
(Apollonian, 30 Jul 18)

What "omniscience," are u talking about, buddy?--why is it "omniscience"?--why not address the specific argument and pt.s made? Which comes first in importance, and what is it that makes way for the other?--the central bank, or the "military/security"?

If u got rid of "military/security," there'd still be the central-bank, right? But if u got rid of the central bank criminal enterprise, legalized counterfeiting, that would be cutting the head off the snake entirely, and then EVERYTHING else would fall of its own weight, no?

Ultimately, it's the satanic culture (extreme subjectivism) vs. the Christian society founded upon objective reality, Aristotle, and TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) ideal, principle--the original basis of USA.

U're one who's easily "overwhelmed," we can tell, hoho ho hoho--a little too clever by half, eh? Ho ho ho

------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------

Anonymous July 29, 2018 at 5:15 PM

Roberts is a mere stripling compared to you. I feel so overwhelmed by your omniscience
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/07/penn-magazine-special-edition-its-aways.html#comment-form

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Answering "WTF?"--Grasp satanism, Suckers
(Apollonian, 31 Jul 18)

The Penn Mag has Putin's face on the cover w. a big, "WTF?" So I'll tell u (again) wtf:

(a) As reality is objective (Aristotle), a necessary assumption (metaphysics), it is DETERMINED in accord w. absolute cause-effect; there's no perfectly "free" (God-like) human will, no "good-evil," which is for children and dogs.

(b) Thus reality, hence history, is CYCLIC in accord w. "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler. Thus history, culture, society, and economic systems DEGENERATE, fail, and collapse, and now we're in a SATANIC stage.

What's satanism?--it's simply extreme SUBJECTIVISM, the idea reality is product of mentality/consciousness--which makes subject God. And pretext for this subjectivism is, in accord w. Immanuel Kant (for just one example), moral virtue. For only w. subjectivism can one be "good" w. a perfectly "free" will--such is the pretext.

But this fore-going about "good-evil," etc., is only the beginning pretext for the suckers, morons, and over-populated goons of the evermore corrupt culture. The real pt. of satanism is POWER, as we see fm the foremost satanists--Jews (see Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com. TruthTellers.org also has good material, as on Zohar ["Cabala"]).

Satanic "power" then is achieved, as we see fm Jews, by means of a shared, common, COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivism, by which satanists all co-operate and collude upon particular ends and goals--esp. then the central-bank, literally legalized counterfeiting, which thereby gives satanists their supreme existential (practical and worldly) power. See Mises.org for expo on central-bank; use the site search-engine.

So "WTF?" by Penn Mag is answered--we're presently enmired in gross satanic conditions, culturally, the central-banking and -bankers absolutely dominating, owning, controlling, and manipulating everything and everybody, beginning w. all politicians and judges.

Regarding the emphasis upon Russkies, well obviously, it's attempt to divert and distract fm Israeli terror-state, the tail wagging Jew S A dog.

Do Russkies control the central-banking?--of course not, "it's Jews, stupid." Do Russkies get all Jew S A data fm NSA sent to them for the basic, un-sifted raw material?--of course not--it's Jews in Israel, stupid. Do Russkies control the Jews-media, complaining about Russkies?--ho ho ho ho hohho. How many kikes are on US Supreme ct.?--there's Breyer, Ginsberg, Kagan, and Sotomayor--Sotomayor's mother's name is Baez, a Jew name. What's percentage of kikes in population?

So it's all very strong INDUCTIVE evidence, suckers, as to "WTF?"--try to getting a clue.