Propaganda and Brainwashing [by E.B. Arman]


Senior Editor
[From: WAR, February, 1998]

Propaganda and Brainwashing

by E.B. Arman

Propaganda and Brainwashing Techniques are used against us and they can be used by us, if we understand some basics about them. First, we need to know that, in its broadest sense, propaganda is little more than public relations. The former is the term we usually use when we describe the goals of the messages as being for political, religious, or social purposes while the latter term is used when we have some business need to influence others.

To give a better definition to propaganda we may say that it is the deliberate manipulation of psychological symbols having goals of which the target audience is not conscious, in order to influence the opinions and/or actions of the individuals in the target audience. There are of course, many other definitions, but this will serve our purpose. Brainwashing can be thought of as a more severe form of manipulation, using physical and mental stress. But more of this later.

The derailment of a train gives a good example of how the propagandist works. If you remember, virtually everyone who described the derailment on Radio or TV or in the Press, who was in any way connected with government, used the words 'coward' or 'cowardly' to describe the act and the perpetrators. It was no accident that these words were used. It was clearly picked by some unseen propagandist-psychologist as a word that would get into short sound bites and would both anger and demoralize the perpetrators. This would also be picked up and reused by the public and would shape the public's attitude of the act as not being the noble retribution for Waco, as claimed by the perpetrators, and not the product of some Robin Hood types, but the act of a 'coward'.

Propaganda, to be effective, must be total. The target audience must be bombarded with it from all sources. The various mass media each lend themselves to particular aspects of the full propaganda campaign.

1. Movies and Human Contact are best for changing the social climate in a slow long-lasting infiltration.

2. Public Meetings and Posters are good for quick shock propaganda. They motivate to immediate action, but are temporary in their effects. These lend themselves to mob action.

3. The Press tends to shape general views and attitudes. Again, this is often a slow, long-lasting infiltration. It slowly wears down old attitudes and builds up new ones.

4. Radio and TV: these lend themselves to psychological warfare techniques.

All of these methods must be used in combination. It must not stop if the propaganda is to be effective. The propaganda must not totally immerse the target audience.

Remember propaganda tries to influence via feelings, ideas, and needs through the conscious and subconscious. It creates a new myth in the mind of the successfully reached target individual. So strong is the new myth that once accepted it controls the whole individual who is then immune to any other influence.

Once an individual has fully accepted the propaganda and internalized it he can then be used as a tool in more propaganda by publicly criticizing his former cause or comrades. His public repentance and condemnation of a position he formerly held is effective as a propaganda tool.

An example of this is the often seen former Ku Klux Klansman or former Neo-Nazi or former Racist Skinhead showing up on some day-time TV talk show where the individual strongly condemns his former positions and is accepted often with tears and hugs back into the fold of respectable, loving, caring, non-racist people in the studio audience and in homes all across America. Note that it is important that this public confession—a variation of the Alcoholics Anonymous "My name is ... and I am an Alcoholic," method—be before a loving and accepting audience since it is this audience who gives the reinforcement, that giving up these evil racist ways is good to the people watching TV at home.

The most pervasive and long-lasting propaganda campaign in modern times is the one which has been aimed at changing the attitudes of White people towards non-whites and especially Blacks. This campaign has been going on non-stop for at least the past 30 years.

This campaign to change White attitudes is interesting because it attempts to plant favorable impressions of Blacks in the minds of Whites. We are all familiar with campaigns to plant unfavorable impressions, so this is a little different. In the category of planting unfavorable impulsions we need only to look to the First and Second World Wars to see how our government had to whip up war fever very quickly by demonizing Germans.

How have the propagandists tried to reshape White opinion about Blacks and what are the myths they've promulgated?

The first thing they had to do was try to create the myth that Blacks and Whites are really one people with only minor cosmetic differences between them.

To accomplish this, it was necessary to attribute any perceived differences to environmental factors such as poor diets, racism, poor schools, drugs, single parent families, and the like.

Next, they had to hide negative facts and emphasize positive ones. In this regard, many newspapers in this country stopped giving racial descriptions of criminal suspects unless they were White. This created the false impression that fewer Blacks and more Whites were involved in criminal activity than was true.

Then, the propagandists launched major Public Relations' efforts to lionize Blacks involved in sports; they turned them into heros. Of course, the propagandists had to skirt the issue that Blacks were better in many sports because of physical differences from Whites. If it were said that Blacks were different physically and thus genetically, then this fact would run counter to the strategy of minimizing the differences between the races. So, mention of genetic differences was a 'no no'. You may remember that Jimmy the Greek had a radio talk show about sports until he said that Blacks were genetically different. He was immediately yanked off the air and sent packing.

While the puffing up of the Blacks was going on, and it still goes on, there was a simultaneous effort to tear down Whites. This effort to tear down Whites went beyond mere propaganda and into brainwashing techniques.

Anyone who has ever served in the Marine Corps is aware of how this works. In Marine Corps Boot Camp, the old civilian personality of the Marine Recruit is systematically broken down and destroyed. To do this, you put the individual under extreme stress, both physical and mental, you deprive him of sleep, you strip him of his individuality, give him no freedom, put him under fear, don't let him be alone. Control what he hears, sees and thinks. What happens is that the person is reduced to a chlld-like level, where he is suggestible to an extreme. Then new thoughts are put into this person's mind. Now, obviously, this extreme example cannot be used on a civilian population by the propagandists, so the process is slower, but the basic principles are the same. In the military example, the results are achieved over a few months and then are thereafter reinforced over years. In the civilian world it may take years to achieve similar results.

Generally, when you set out to destroy a people, you must first convince them that they are not 'a people', but are no different from all people. Once you get a specific 'people' to accept this myth, you can use all manner of further propaganda devices to get rid of them.

For example, convince White people that they are just the same as all other people on the planet and then convince them that there are too many people on the planet and that they should practice birth control or have no children. "Why, we're all one people and all children are your people, so you should be socially responsible and not contribute to the overpopulation by having any children of your own," goes the reasoning of the propagandists.

Believing this the Whites may not have children and their genotype starts to die off while the non-whites continue to have even more children. Thus, those who have internalized the propaganda and brainwashing start down the road to extinction and genocide.

So, how do we use propaganda? Well, first we must refine the message and be seen as being good, decent, righteous people and not evil as our enemies would portray us. Then, we must understand that propaganda is aimed at the 'mass man', even when he is alone. The target of the propaganda must be part of the mass and see himself as part of this larger-than-himself mass. When people are in a mass or group they are weakened, receptive and suggestible. Even when a person is alone as when, for example, he is listening to a radio talk show, he is not really alone but is part of the mass that is also listening and calling in to voice opinions. There are those callers in the modern radio world who, if carefully marshalled to voice the opinions that we are trying to spread, help propagandize other mass listeners. It's the "that guy says exactly what I was thinking" phenomenon which not only reinforces and crystallizes the opinion in the mind of the listeners, but emboldens them to take further actions in accord with these opinions where before they thought of themselves as being alone, and in being alone, they were timid.

We must have a correct view of ourselves. We are good, decent, hard-working people. Those who oppose us are evil. They lie about us. They are haters. They want to destroy us. We must convince others of our position. We are battling for minds. Our propaganda is based on truth and justice, theirs on lies and injustice. We must always counter any negative propaganda they put out, and we must let those who agree with us know that our cause is just.

We must properly define terms and not let others define them. For example 'Racism' simply means that one believes that the races of man are different from each other, it has nothing to do with hatred, bigotry and prejudice. The haters of our people use it as s synonym of hatred. We must retake the word.

We have the Natural Reason to White. We have the Natural Reason to associate with or not associate with anyone we choose, for any reason we so choose. This has been forgotten by many people in the world today. What the propagandists have done is make such views appear evil and illegal. They are neither, instead, they are good and legal.

We must convince our people that we are correct and that we will defend them against the evil government and the evil non-whites, who the government has enabled, so that they later can attack, rape, rob and kill White children.

We must convince our people that we are in fact 'a people' and that we have a Natural Reason to continued People-hood. To mix and mate with other peoples is genocide and the destruction of our people.

As a practical matter, what can each one of us do on a regular basis? At the very least we can call in to talk radio shows or write letters which voice our opinions over and over and over. Repetition is important. When enough of our people get the message, the message will become automatically repeated by those who have heard it, internalized it and have been emboldened and mobilized by it.

Our strong suit is that non-white violent crime will increase. More and more Whites will become victims. We must get the word out about this. Each victim has many relatives and friends who will be aware of the violent non-white crime, but we need to make sure that they see it as a non-white-on-White attack and not just some sort of economic non-racial crime.