Stop The Genocide [by E.B. Arman]


Senior Editor
[From: WAR, February, 1999]

Stop The Genocide

by E.B. Arman


Genocide against Whites comes in many forms in the world today. There are the individual attacks by non-Whites with the cover crimes of robbery, or car-jacking or rape, and there are the more subtle attacks perpetrated by the Government & Media Cartel, with its brainwashing and re-education campaigns to convince Whites to mix and mate with non-Whites.

To accomplish this form of genocide, the Government & Media Cartel has, for many years repeated the big lie that all man-forms are the same except for different paint jobs. Their reasoning that they want Whites to buy (and which many have) is that "we're all the same except for relatively minor things such as skin color, and these minor differences don't amount to anything. "This is utter nonsense. The truth is that skin color is simply one of the more obvious outward manifestations of a whole host of differences.


The brainwashing is pervasive and takes many forms. Another part of the big lie is that all man-forms are of one species. Again this is nonsense and is based on the artificially contrived definition of 'species' as meaning that those of a particular species can bear children with all other members of the species. The problem here is that the definition is wrong. Blacks are not only not of the same race as Whites, they are of a different species. They are an earlier version "man." They were supposed to die out as their replacements came on the scene. Unfortunately, the new model man, Whites, carried a serious defect called "false compassion."

This false compassion has led to the bizarre situation where moist-eyed defective Whites rush into Africa to save the starving people, only to worsen their suffering as those they "saved" have ever more children who also begin to starve.

How should Whites comport themselves in the world? By letting other peoples alone. Let Blacks solve Black problems. They are not our people. They are not our responsibility. Let Black medicine cure Black diseases.

Whites must develop a new self-interest in their fellow Whites and they must learn to feel compassion for those who share their genes, not to aliens who do not.


One thing which Whites must learn is that the genes each individual carries are not really their possessions. They are only loaned to you by your ancestors to protect, better and pass on to your offspring. Your genes are part of the White gene pool. They are the common property of all Whites. If you mix and mate with other peoples you help contribute to the pollution of our gene pool. It is not just a simple matter of you having the "individual freedom" to mix and mate with whomever you wish, because you are mixing and mating OUR genes. You are committing suicide for your genetic line and your family begins devolving to ever lower and lower states, so that in a few years your family is no longer White, but Black. By your criminal act of mixing and mating with aliens you have been lost to us, and you have wiped out a million years of evolution, and you have broken the chain between your ancestors and the future.


The real gatekeepers and protectors of our genetic heritage are White women. They carry the eggs of the race. If they do not have children or if they mate with aliens then they have destroyed these eggs. These eggs carry our genetic material. Inside each egg is the future of our people.

Women only have a certain number of eggs. When they run out, that's it. Each egg should bear a child. A woman should seek out the best seed to fertilize her eggs, and should avoid seed which will cause her offspring to be less than she is.

Many White women have bought the big lie mentioned earlier that all people are the same except for different paint jobs, and in buying this lie they open themselves up to mixing and mating with other man-forms.

Some see a metaphor for creation and God (or Nature if you will) in a woman's body. To fully understand this, one must first understand creation as starting as a single point and then spiralling forth. This process looks like a spiral galaxy or a hurricane or storm seen from above or of water draining from a sink. The woman's sexual system is this spiral or vortex embedded in flesh. A woman's birth canal and related organs are the Cornucopia of Creation. Now without going too far afield, it should be noted that one representation of this Spiral is the Swastika. It represents light coming into existence. It is a holy symbol to our people for this reason. Forget the old brainwashing sop about "twisted cross," etc. The Swastika is the Spiral seen head on and can be seen throughout Nature. It is in DNA, it is in the stars. It is in the way a tree grows. It is basic. It is also in a woman's body.

A woman creates as God or Nature created. So above, so below. The Universe is a simple place. It is only the explanation that is complex.

We have a place in the Universe and we have a purpose. Our purpose is to improve so that we move ever higher so that our consciousness grows. We are to expand and grow throughout the universe. We are to evolve not devolve.

Man is the first creature that we know of who has it in his power to Will His Own Evolution. Unlike lower animals, man can learn and understand that nature of basic urges and can think actions taken now through to their logical conclusions. Man can select his mates with scientific knowledge so that we can each of us correct certain deficiencies in our lines. We can make our genetic lines Whiter. We can cause our genetic lines to become blue-eyed. We can cause our genetic lines to become blonder. We can cause our genetic lines to become more intelligent

On the other hand we can simply stop trying and stop struggling and just blend in with other man-forms. The choice is ours.

We can determine what the ideal type of man is and we can will our genetic lines to fit that type through proper selection of mates. We can become a new people. We can become healthier, better looking, more intelligent. We can engineer ourselves by taking control of formerly blind evolution and eliminating the hit and miss which has stalled evolution for thousands of years and which now is in reverse, as we see the devolution of Whites to darker states because more and more mixing and mating takes place. The end result of this is genocide.

Having babies, White babies should be the highest moral and religious duty of all healthy White people. The more children, the more moral the person.


A new moral code is needed. One that is real and true and not based on some sexually uptight persons idea of right and wrong. Nature and God are one, if we are talking about true Nature. For, if there is a God then Nature is His manifestation on a level of existence that we can experience.

When Nature says that we are capable of bearing children, then this is the correct time to bear children regardless of what artificial man made laws may say. This is how we go forth and multiply, by having as many children as possible, not by waiting until we can afford to send our children to college or buy them the best material things available.

Our greatest gift to our children is giving them life. Life is not easy. It's a struggle. We struggle. Our children struggle. That's the way it is. Still giving our children the chance to struggle is what we must do. Of course, we want to give them the best of everything but to not have children until everything is "just right" is a mistake. There is never a time when everything is just right.

Wisdom lies in having as many children as possible.

What does the future hold? Will Whites survive? The answer is simple. Whites will survive and prevail only if they have more children than other man-forms. Whites will defeat genocide only by being more numerous than other man-forms.