The Nationalist White Party: a short history


Senior Editor
The Klassen Letters, Vol. 1: 1969-1976

This news item was published in the FT. LAUDERDALE NEWS, Nov. 18, 1970.

'Third Party' Gets Charter

Damning an alleged coalition of Blacks and Jews in American politics and finance, a new "third party" to pursue the interests of White Christians has been formed by two North Broward men - one a former Republican state legislator.

The Nationalist White Party, with former state representative Bernard Klassen as its national director, recently was issued a charter as a non-profit corporation by Florida Secretary of State Tom Adams.

In addition to Klassen, Austin C. Davis Jr., is listed as assistant director of the party, which has its headquarters at 882 N. Federal Hwy., Pompano Beach. Both men are Lighthouse Point residents.

Klassen, who ran George Wallace's presidential campaign in Broward in 1968, said the purpose of his new third party would be to emphasize that "the White Christian people who conquered America don't intend to be relegated to second-class citizenship."

The Nationalist White Party was incorporated under the laws of the State of Florida on November 3, 1970.


One of the first flyers put out by the new Nationalist White Party was the following:


The answer, of course, is nothing! In fact, you, as a White person, have every reason to be proud. After all, while the Negroes were running around in the jungle eating each other, your White ancestors were building the world's mightiest civilizations, including ancient Greece, Rome, modern Europe and America, to name a few. All of the technological advances and wonderful conveniences you enjoy today were brought about by creative Whites: people of your race.

But now you're being told that you should be ashamed of your race. The Jew-controlled media - television, radio, and newspapers - keep telling you that you have "oppressed" the Negro, and that you should make up for this alleged "oppression" by offering the blacks your job, your neighborhood, and your daughter.

It is never pointed out that the black race in Africa sat on its collective behind for thousands of years, oppressed by no one, without even developing the wheel. Nor is it mentioned that the Negro's only real contributions to America have been rising rates of crime, illegitimacy, and venereal disease.

What's more, White Americans aren't being informed that the latest scientific research confirms that the backwardness of the Negro is due not to his environment, or to "oppression", but to his natural biological inferiority.

Why aren't these facts brought to your attention? Simply because the Jews and their stooges aren't interested in publicizing the facts, but in peddling the "equality" lie, in order to bring about race-mixing, the downfall of White culture, and the destruction of the White race itself.

The effort to instill a guilt-complex in Whites over the uncreative Negro's inherent lack of progress is just one of the many vicious tactics being used by the Jews and the integrationist fanatics to reduce the White race to a cowering herd of mongrels.

If you're tired of hearing about what a "dirty Honkey" you are, and want to do something to preserve your racial heritage, then join with other concerned White men and women in an organization dedicated to supporting White people's interests. For a free copy of Our Creed, write today to:

Nationalist White Party
Pompano Beach, Florida
Nationalist White Party




We believe that the White Race was created in the Image of the Lord, and represents His noblest and loftiest creation. Whereas, the first and foremost of God's Natural Laws is the preservation and propagation of the species, we believe that in preserving and protecting the White Race from pollution, mongrelization and extinction, and promoting its constant improvement and increase, we are carrying forward the work of the Lord.


The White Race is now in mortal danger of being mongrelized and enslaved by a diabolical worldwide conspiracy. This treacherous program is set forth in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, in the Jewish Talmud and in Karl Mam's Communist Manifesto. At the root of this whole deadly conspiracy is the International Jew. COMMUNISM IS JEWISH. The Jew has been a blood-sucking parasite on the backs of the White people since the dawn of history, promoting the collapse and destruction of every civilization the White man has ever built. The White Race has now become the most persecuted, abused, plundered and mistreated people on the face of the earth. It is an appalling fact that the White people of America alone, who have never known military defeat, have been forced by their treacherous Jewish controlled government under the pretext of foreign aid, welfare, and other hoaxes to pay more tribute to hostile colored races at home and abroad than all the vanquished peoples of the earth have paid to their conquerors. The White man has lost control of his land, his government, his schools and his money. He cannot even get basic justice in the courts of America. On the contrary, the courts are now being used as a tyrannical instrument for the subjugation and destruction of the White Race. We are engaged in a vicious battle for life and death against Bolshevist Judaism. It is a fight we cannot escape. We do not wish to avoid it. We wish to make sure the sides are squarely lined up and the enemy clearly identified. Once we have done this much, the battle is practically won.

It is our sacred determination to drive the Jew from all vestiges of power and influence, first in America, and finally, render him harmless in, and to the whole family of White nations throughout the world.


America was founded and built by the White Race. THIS LAND IS OURS. We are determined to have it remain so forever. We will allow only members of the White Race to become citizens of America. This excludes members of the Jewish race and the Black race. Only American citizens will be allowed to hold public office and positions in governments. Only American citizens will be allowed in the professions, in banking, in the judiciary, in the news media, in radio and television, and in positions of education and cultural leadership.


Since the African Negroes were brought to America as slaves, largely by Jewish slave traders, they have been a serious problem to White America, and a spreading cancer in our midst, greatly aggravated by the Jewish drive to mongrelize the White Race. Their presence here in America is a dire threat to the very survival of the White Race itself. Under the present course of events, America will be a polluted brown mongrelized mass of riff raff and scum by the end of the century, reduced to a level of degradation where our White civilization will collapse. We are determined this must not happen to God's finest and noblest creation - the White Race.

This precious land was conquered and wrested from the wilderness at great sacrifice of blood and toil by our pioneering White ancestors. Having won this precious land, we are not now about to flee and abandon our sacred soil to a vastly inferior race, the African Negro. We are therefore determined to carry out Abraham Lincoln's plan, the repatriation of the black man back to his native Africa, the homeland from whence he was forcefully torn. This resettlement of the black man to the underpopulated black countries of Africa will be carried out with just compensation and in such a manner as to increase the economic viability of the resettlement areas.


Not only must the White Race guard against pollution of its blood from the inside but by immigration from the outside as well. We plan to change the immigration laws to prevent any further colored masses from migrating into our land, or mixing into our national blood stream. We are therefore determined to strictly control immigration, and limit it to people of the White Race only.


We look upon the family unit as a most sacred institution and the building block of our civilization. We believe that all possible measures must be instituted to safeguard and sanctify the family as a continuous chain in the life of our race. We must first of all make it financially more feasible for young couples to marry at an earlier age. Secondly, we must reduce the awful burden of excessive taxation, which discourages large and healthy families.

We believe that the children belong to the parents and not to the state and that it is the parents' responsibility in giving their children their ideology and orientation in their early formative years.

Our founding fathers had the healthy instincts and the good sense to institute laws against miscegenation. These laws are now being struck down by our Jewish controlled Supreme Court to further the insane Jewish drive to mongrelize the White Race. We must again institute strict racial laws against mixed marriages, and again have our people realize that he who sins against the blood of his own race commits the crime of racial blood poisoning, a dastardly crime, the consequences of which can never be fully erased.

We believe that once the working White family is relieved of supporting millions of black parasites, that all those women who would prefer devoting their time to home and family, will be able to do so. We must, in any case, stop the present insane program of the White husband and wife both having to work so that the Negroes can live on welfare, breeding increasing numbers of parasites to further burden the productive White workers. Not only is the present situation shrinking the size of the White family, but we are participating in our own racial suicide. This must stop, and repatriation of the Negro back to Africa is a major constructive step in this direction.


We believe that the productive White American worker is the backbone of the nation and its greatest strength. He is entitled to the protection of social legislation in his work, in sickness and in old age. His unions should have the honest constructive leadership that he deserves and his work should receive the reward, the dignity of recognition, that he has so well earned.

The unions now are in the control of Jews who exploit the workers, manipulate the unions for political ends harmful to the White worker, discriminate against capable White workers, and promote the interests of incompetent blacks. We will therefore make it mandatory that no Jew can exercise any control or hold office in any labor union.


A basic strength of any nation is in the number of farmers who till the soil. Not only do the farmers produce the nation's food and fibre, but also greatly fortify the strength of our White racial stock. We intend to protect the farmer from cheap foreign competition. We intend to have a program to encourage more people to return to the land. We intend to reverse the trend of larger and larger farms in the hands of fewer and fewer large operators. Our American soil is sacred and no one but the White American will be allowed to own farm land.


Expanding prosperity and greater stability for America are augmented by encouraging a larger group of individuals in acquiring a personal stake in their own small private businesses. It is our objective to promote a broader base for small privately owned enterprises and professions, since this has been the foundation of the economic health and mercantile expansion of America. Emphasis will be placed on promoting the interest and well being of millions
of family owned businesses and preventing the monopolization of business by corporate giants.

We are determined to free the economy of continued manipulation by the clique of international bankers and the perennial uncertainty created by such manipulations. We want to create stability and confidence. We are firmly resolved to relieve business of the oppressive regulations and restrictive measures that stifle economic life.


Our money system is now in the hands of the Federal Reserve which in turn is in the hands of the International Jewish bankers. Every dollar that is printed accrues to the benefit of the International Bankers who acquire it free of charge, except for small printing expenses. It is then loaned out to the American people, who then are yoked to paying interest forever on their own medium of exchange. This is the most gruesome and powerful tool in the hands of the Jews for the enslavement of nations. We are determined to forever abolish the Federal Reserve Board, and to have the Government (in the hands of White people) issue the nation's money, interest free. This is what the Constitution calls for and this is what Abraham Lincoln briefly accomplished during the Civil War. For this reason, the Jews had Abraham Lincoln assassinated.


The White man has for centuries brought law, order and civilization to every corner of the world and ruled over 90 per cent of its area. However, the last few decades have seen the culmination of the International Jewish conspiracy and the White man is now in full retreat all over the world. In the last two generations, the ratio of the colored population to White has mushroomed from 2 to 1 to an alarming 7 to 1, a suicidal catastrophe often aided and abetted by misguided White "humanitarians" in collaboration with the Jew's program. This trend must and will be reversed by a cessation of White aid to the colored and instead the White Race banding together to promote their own interests.

On the international scene, we envision an expanding family of independent White nations, friendly in the exchange of trade and culture and rallying together for mutual benefit and protection in times of danger. We will preach "White Power through White Unity" and once America has freed itself from the clutches of International Jewry the American White people must help rid the rest of its White brother nations from the same scourge; otherwise we will again become victim of the same cancer from the outside. The United States is now the only nation powerful enough to dislodge the Jew from its national body. The power of the International Jew must be broken once and for all. Never again must the family of White nations let the Jew dupe them into fighting fratricidal wars, White brother killing White brother. Once awakened and organized, the White Race is the most powerful force on the face of the earth and never again shall the Jew enslave, plunder, and put into bondage the Creators of civilization, culture and beauty.


It is our objective to raise the cultural, ethical and moral values of White America to ever greater heights and finer values. We must promote the teaching of the value of our White racial heritage, the unique value of our blood lines, that race is all and that the survival of culture and civilization is dependent upon its creator - the White Race. This must be strongly instilled into the minds of our children throughout their formative years, and promoted in our educational systems from kindergarten through college. We must keep impressing upon the mind of every child, every adult, the ideals of "Racial Loyalty, Racial Pride, and Racial Unity." Also, our news media, theatre, radio and television must be utilized to impress this great truth upon the Wltite people of America so that never again will the White Man's thinking be sabotaged and subverted for his own destruction.


Every law that is passed, every action that is taken will have this as its basic and only consideration: Will it benefit the White Race? This is the guiding principle of our movement.


Gaining the above objectives is a matter of life and death for our people, the White racial family. Unless we drive the Jew from power and have our people again in control of the American government, we are hopelessly lost. But we, the White people, can and must get control of government. We have overwhelming power. The task is clear and it is attainable. After all, we the White people, outnumber the Jews 30 to 1. Once aroused and united in purpose, the White man can and will outfight any other on the face of the earth. The Germans proved that.

Having realized these fundamental truths, our people must again be inspired to a fervent, resolute will to power, to an unshakeable faith in their ability to gain that power and a fiery determination to again be masters of their own destiny. We must exalt and glorify our White heritage and instill Racial Pride. This is the true task and ideological objective of the Nationalist White Party.

We have therefore set forth a new creed in which White men can again have hope and confidence, a program that is designed for nothing less than victory. We have raised a standard around which all brave and decent White men can rally to battle. We have organized a party all White Americans of honor can be proud to be part of. We have hurled a symbol of power into the political arena - White Power. We have brought forth the highest cause to which men can truly dedicate their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor - and this, the noblest of all causes, is the preservation and advancement of their own people - the White Race.

We must therefore make every White man conscious of where his true loyalty lies - with his own racial family, his own people. We intend to field an increasing number of political candidates every year until we are in power. We must make every political candidate face the crucial acid test - is he on the side of the White race or is he on the side of the Jews and the Negroes? We intend to force every candidate to take sides. Just as the Jews and the Negroes have bloc voted for years, the White man must bloc vote for the loyal White candidates. Every candidate must stand exposed - is he loyal to
the White Race or is he a race traitor? And woe to him that is a race traitor. White Man - Unite and Fight! Victory is Certain.