Apo essays for Jan 2019


Guest Columnist
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, #196 http://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/israel-is-bad-for-america/#new_comments

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Jews NOT Same As Judeans; Jews Foremost Subjectivists; Judaism Anti-Thesis To Christianity
(Apollonian, 1 Jan 19)

Ho ho ho, EVERYTHING is "wrong" w. that idiot syllogism, both for truth and validity. (a) First off, major and minor premises are mixed-up, fool. "Jews are bad for America" is obvious (general) major premise.

(b) Christ was NOT "Jew," Jew defined as follower of Pharisees/Talmud. "Jews" were only about 5% (the middle-class party) of Judea/Palestine at time of Christ.

Christ was Galilean, descended fm JUDEANS (on mother's side), NOT "Jews." Christ explicitly repudiated Jews/Judaism/Pharisaism, as at Gosp. JOHN 8:44, Gosp. MARK ch. 7, and Gosp. MATT entire ch. 23, all 39 verses.

See Talmudical.BlogSpot.com, RevisionistReview.BlogSpot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for best Talmudic expo.

I also forgot to add, in my original comment, that though Jews are OBVIOUSLY bad for America and all humanity, yet they fulfill a (socio-) biological function in that, like typhus and the black plague, they help to counter-act the CYCLIC over-population of humanity–Jews are literally a disease inflicted upon sinful humanity.

Pretending/insisting/lying to effect "Christ was Jew" is common Jew lie (founded upon fallacy of equivocation, confusing words and meanings, "Jew" and "Judean"--they're not same), this lie swallowed by too many moronic "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo) heretics who seem to imagine that Judaism and Christianity are compatible, or versions/variations of one another, when they're ABSOLUTE opposites and anti-theses. The only "subterfuges and deflections" are by the lying Jew commenter, above.

Don't forget, Christianity worships TRUTH above all/any ideals (including "love," or "faith," or "peace") hence the OBJECTIVE reality, necessary foundation of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6). Jews follow "Oral Law Tradition," founded upon "Midrash" (interpretation), as of Torah, and indeed everything, Jews being foremost SUBJECTIVISTS, Jews practicing a COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivism, "group-think," Jews most dedicated, committed, organized, cohesive subjectivists, above and contrasting w. more "individualistic," isolated gentile subjectivists (who far out-number Jews), Jews thus leading, dominating, ruling all other subjectivistics, even though out-numbered by them.

-----------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

# 182, Anonyomous says:
January 1, 2019 at 10:01 pm GMT • 100 Words

Major Premise: Jesus was a Jew.
Minor Premise: Jews are bad for America.
Conclusion: Therefore, Jesus is bad for America.

Is there anything incorrect with that deduction?

P.S. Anybody disagreeing with the first premise is waging a War on Christmas, or at least clumsily stepping on your own dick. It is truly funny watching JQ-aware Christians studiously avoid the fact that Jesus himself was indeed a Jewish Rabbi, with their various subterfuges and deflections proffered in unz comment sections.

---------above by "anon" in response to original, below-copied, post by ap----

# 162, apollonian says:
January 1, 2019 at 8:42 pm GMT

Indeed: and just follow the obvious, simple logic–not only Israel, but Jews are bad for America–and bad for all humanity.
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, # 224, http://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/israel-is-bad-for-america/#comment-2732130

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Who's "Weasel"?--It's One Who Lies, Plainly, Saying "Jew" And "Judean" Are One And Same
(Apollonian, 1 Jan 19)

"Anon" is the "weasel," who merely writes-down moronic quotations as if to pretend he's some kind of scholar making a pt.--as to effect I don't know the relevant philosophy which is plain, contained, and easily cited in New Test., ho ho ho ho. Try again, sucker.

And all Christians, Jews, and anyone, who makes the effort, understands the quality of collectivistic, organized Jew "group-think" compared w. Christian, which Christians are primarily, always, individualists of necessity and in accord w. their philosophy. For to the Christian, "truth" is NOT something merely collectivistically agreed, in accord w. "midrash," sucker, ho ho ho ho ho. Truth (= Christ) is what is verified fm the objective (God-created) reality, all on one's individual initiative, according to one's independent, HONEST judgment.

Saying that Jew and Judean are "same" is just a brainless lie, fool, "anon" being just another lying liar who lies--and folks who look at this dialectic can figure that out themselves, eh?

-------------above by ap in response to below-copied by "anon"-------------

# 213, Anonyomous says:Next New Comment
January 2, 2019 at 12:35 am GMT • 200 Words

So funny watching you try to weasel out of Jesus being a Jew. Ju-Jude-Jew-Judean, all the same thing. So much for you War on Christmas, when the 3 magicians came bearing gifts to the “King of the Jews.” But it’s obvious that you haven’t read the Jew Testament, because you bang on about Jewish “Collectivism,” as if that too isn’t in the Jew Testament.

• “Each according to his ability.” Matthew 25:15
• “Not one of them claimed that anything belonging to him was his own, but all things were common property to them.” Acts 4:32
• “And distribution was made unto every man according as he had need.” Acts 4:35
• “The daily distribution.” Acts 6:1
• “Your liberal distribution.” 2 Corinthians 9:13

Maybe get a free Bible and actually read it?
Below-copied by ap first submitted, CENSORED, at comments, http://www.unz.com/gatzmon/the-witch-hunt-from-pontius-pilate-to-the-labour-party/#comment-2732808

Jew Unz is HEAVY on the censorship, as usual for lying Jews (a redundancy, of course--though he says he's "light" on the "moderation," ho ho ho)

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"Jew Identity"?--Christ Tells Us, JOHN 8:44, MATT Chapt. 23, All 39 Verses
(Apollonian, 2 Jan 19)

Jilles: Jews of Judaism ("Oral Law Trad."), hence Talmud, make themselves co-equal w. God. See Talmudical.BlogSpot.com, RevisionistReview.BlogSpot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for best expo on Talmud/Judaism.

The originator of Biblic monotheism is NOT "Jew," but Israelite, Moses generally credited as author of Torah. Jews were/are HERETICS and liars who pretend they preach Torah, but who negate it, who arose in 3rd-2nd cent. BC, whom Christ denounced and repudiated, Christ sticking-up for Moses and Torah.

Judaism is NOT the "mother" of Christianity, but rather, ABSOLUTE anti-thesis, Christ = TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), requiring Objective reality as basis/premise/criterion--AGAINST Jew subjectivism ("midrash" interpretation, "Oral Law Trad").

Note then Judaism/Talmud is literally war-plan, -strategy against an un-witting host, featuring deception, theft, and murder, which it's ok to do, according to Talmud, the infamous "Kol Nidre" prayer an explicit stratagem for lying. So note Judaism/Talmudism could ONLY be for a small, tight-knit minority/faction operating against a larger, un-witting, but otherwise prosperous host of goons, TV-addicts, and suckers--Judaism is for CRIMINALS who hate and contemn society and humanity.

Socio-biologically, Jews/Judaism is a parasite, a disease, designed to exterminate an over-populated host--as we see happening presently, the Jew World Order featuring Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE, quite literally, "in-our-face."

Christ = TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) against Jew liars and Satanists (JOHN 8:44). Note then TRUTH necessarily requires OBJECTIVE (Aristotelian) reality as base/premise/criterion--AGAINST Jew subjectivism ("midrash").

<blockquote>Very difficult to judge what this meant, and means, for the identity of jews?</blockquote>

It's simple, Jilles, Humanity is CYCLICALLY over-populated, in accord w. Spengler's "Decline of the West," and Jews are here to master-mind the de-population--which they're doing brilliantly, if u simply look, see, and judge objectively. Goyim LOVE to vegetate in front of TV, guzzle beverages, stuff faces w. glyphosate poisoned food, obey orders to getting poison vaccines, take poison drugs--like "Brave New World" forecasted. Have u hrd about "5G" micro-wave mass-murder, coming soon?

On other hand, a healthy, rational race would naturally move to eliminate such parasitic disease, right?--so what's the problem for understanding?

---------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied----------------

# 12
jilles dykstra says:
January 2, 2019 at 11:58 am GMT • 100 Words
@Gilad Atzmon

Any group embellishes its history, just the Germans do the opposite.

So in this respect I see nothing unusual in histories of jews and/or judaism written by jews.

Our famous 80 Years War against Philips II in Spain is mentioned in a history book written by a French as ‘some rebellions in the north’.

The problem with the history of the jews, of the history of judaism is that judaism is the first monotheistic religion with success.

Even more important, judaism is the mother of both christianity and Islam, yet these religions destroyed judaism to a large extent.

Christianity even is seen as having tried to exterminate jews.

Very difficult to judge what this meant, and means, for the identity of jews.
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/israel-is-bad-for-america/#comment-2732130

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We KNOW Who Did 9/11--They CONFIRM It All The Time
(Apollonian, 2 Jan 19)

<blockquote>It seems more likely to me that Israel wasn’t involved, but knows who did it and has been blackmailing us for 17 years to invade its neighbors.</blockquote>

Good gravy, "JLK," ho ho ho oho--w. such intensive, crass lying--how could u be anything but Jew?

Tell us, Jew: WHY does it seem "more likely" "Israel wasn't involved" (in 9/11)?--WHO ELSE could possibly have done it?--was it Eskimos?--Central African Pygmies?--ho ho ho ho ho. All inductive evidence pt.s to Jews, specifically Israel and MOSSAD, and all Jews can say is that if one thinks so, then they're "anti-Semitic," ho ho ho ho ho ho (which actually only confirms).

Of course, we, and all humanity are necessarily anti-Semitic, as Jews themselves admit, Jews being anti-human, according to their Talmud--see Talmudical.BlogSpot.com, RevisionistReview.BlogSpot.com, and Come-and-hear.com.

So despite all the Jewwy and typical lying, Jews/Israelis/MOSSAD are the NECESSARY suspects--until and unless they can dis-prove. Such is the necessary inductive logic of science and legal investigations. Chris Bollyn (see Bollyn.com) in his work, "Solving 9/11," shows how ONLY Jews could have done 9/11, Jews/zionists being at EVERY key pt. of the conspiracy, conception, operations, cover-up, both in Jews-media campaign, and in subversion of DOJ (dept. Justice) investigation, and for litigation.

Go ahead Jew, keep telling more lies, making folks hate Jews evermore for the lying murderers Jews really are--and incidentally, supplying evermore inductive evidence and confirmation.

------------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------------

JLK says:Next New Comment
January 2, 2019 at 1:19 am GMT • 300 Words

Any refutations of the above information?

It seems more likely to me that Israel wasn’t involved, but knows who did it and has been blackmailing us for 17 years to invade its neighbors. Thus the moving company that was there to “document the event.” 9/11 was probably done by a defense/intelligence special operations group that we’ve never heard of, headed by some senile WASP or someone subject to Kompromat who was used to getting away with gigantic whoppers in the pre-Internet age. Perhaps pursuant to an unknown supranational arrangement with a long term confidentiality agreement. Maybe a large source of foreign capital helped us out of the NASDAQ crash and guaranteed recession immunity for several years. All speculation of course, but something like that.

The dedication of the Russian “teardrop” memorial in Bayonne was interesting, both in its design that obviously suggests a large blob of molten metal going through the center of the building and the artist’s remarks at the ceremony. He said something to the effect that the teardrop was made in a secret military aircraft city.

The international consensus seems to be fraying a bit in recent months, with apparent threats being signaled back and forth, on this and other things. It would be a lovely sight to see them all spill the beans on each other’s lies and past depredations so we can all see them as they are, but I wouldn’t count on it.

If the Zionists move to expose the plot (such as by using the recently empaneled NY grand jury or through selective leaks), portray Israel as the savior of American democracy and move to take over the agency involved, don’t forget to ask them what they’ve been doing with the information for the past two decades.
Below-copied by ap first submitted, then CENSORED by the Jew, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/israel-is-bad-for-america/#comment-2732248

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Christ Merely Re-Stated, Simplified For Understanding, Against Hereticalist Pharisees
(Apollonian, 2 Jan 19)

"Spirituality"?--sucker, Christ preaches serious, basic philosophy, he defending the original Mosaic law against hereticalist Pharisees and others, but mainly Pharisees who worked to "make the law of God of non-effect" (Gosp. MARK, 7:1-13).

For the Pharisees preached rather the "Oral Law Tradition," featuring "midrash" (interpretation) by which Torah could be made to mean whatever anyone wanted it to mean--Pharisees were and are SUBJECTIVISTS, holding themselves as co-equal w. God, God merely their servant/slave/assassin (who killed the Egyptian Children at Passover) who did menial work of creating them (Pharisees) in first place. See Talmudical.BlogSpot.com, RevisionistReview.BlogSpot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for best Talmudic expo.

Thus Christ is literally TRUTH itself (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) which necessarily requires OBJECTIVE reality as basis/premise/criterion, which Pharisees (extreme subjectivists who hold reality is mere creation of mind/consciousness, making them God, the creator (or co-equal therewith)--satanism) reject.

So we can see there's absolute anti-theses and essential opposition btwn the two sides. Pharisees, as subjectivists determined thereupon to prove their case by means of murdering TRUTH, thus dis-proving the objective reality--is that "spiritual" enough? But truth cannot be killed, as reality cannot be killed, is OBJECTIVE (Aristotle), and necessarily RESURRECTS--is that "spiritual" enough?

It doesn't get any heavier or more "spiritual," does it?--sticking-up for TRUTH vs. satanism, the opposed ideals (objective vs. subjective)--as we see such satanism, anti-reason, and mysticism prevailing throughout the world, presently--Agendas -21 and -2030 openly preaching GENOCIDE (pop.-reduction), AND practicing it by means of poison drugs, vaccines, poison food, toxic radiation, including the new "5G" micro-wave frying, not to mention the "chem-trails" seeding of poisonous aluminum and barium particles and old-standby nukes.

Regarding the Trinity, it seems difficult to understand, perhaps, but it does well enough for human understanding that (a) truth (= Christ) is necessary for humans, of greatest importance to know about the (b) objective reality, created by the Father (which is the idiom by which people structured their thought in those days, don't forget), understood then by the people by means of (c) Holy Spirit of REASON, but reason tempered w. HONESTY and Integrity, spiritual values to complement the conscious intellect--and which honesty, Jews never hrd of as they're so desperate to pretend they're co-equal w. God, don't forget.

Thus Christ spoke to the people of Judea in the idiom/mentality they were familiar w., the Old Testament and Torah, hence the famous Trinity, merely a new wrinkle. Thus Christ re-stated Torah law and simplified it for grasp of the people who were otherwise not necessarily too literate regarding Greek philosophy and scientific -style logic.

Of course, Hindu-ism was of a much earlier understanding for a diff., foreign people and sociology of castes, it emphasizing an ethic, but not nearly as intellectual and rationalist as the new Christianity which vigorously defended the original Mosaic Torah, against the mystic, subjectivist, satanist "Oral Law Tradition" of murderous, criminal Pharisees who indulged in lies, lying, and liars, as Christ noted. Get a clue.

-------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

anonymous[278] • Disclaimer says:Next New Comment
January 2, 2019 at 4:58 am GMT • 100 Words

Christians tend to be more rational than most

That is simply hilarious when one considers your entire spiritual edifice rests on the following bat**** pagan polytheist nonsense;

The Trinity is the teaching that the one God of all existence, consists of three divine persons: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

In matters of spirituality, Christians are about as “rational” as the Hindooos.
Below-copied by ap submitted but CENSORED ONCE AGAIN by the cowardly, little kike, Unz, ho ho ho ho, at comments, http://www.unz.com/gatzmon/the-witch-hunt-from-pontius-pilate-to-the-labour-party/#comments

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Alternative Cultural Analysis Far More Realistic, Verifiable By Facts, Observation, History
(Apollonian, 2 Jan 19)

Buddy: "counter-insurgency" (see below-copied) deserves award for best B.S. pulled fm behind area--good gravy. But at least it's useful to contrast his utterly made-up B.S. to demonstrable reality and facts.

Thus "Israelite religion"--the vehicle for the core PHILOSOPHY--comes fm Moses and Torah (first five books), by definition, but also other books too, "Psalms" and "Prophets," etc. Christ preached he was defending Torah and Moses, esp. fm those arch-heretics, the Pharisees, who "made the law of God to be of none effect" (Gosp. MARK 7:1-13). So Christ generally defended Torah, simply re-stating things for better understanding of poor and simple folk of Judea.

Later, St. Paul brought this philosophy to gentiles, esp. Greeks, and note the general Greek/rationalist orientation of Christianity, the first "scriptures" of it written in Greek.

Pharisees, originated 3rd-2nd cent. BC, preached the "Oral Law Tradition" and "midrash" (interpretation) of Torah to meaning whatever they wanted it to mean, for benefit of themselves, Jews/Pharisees--later most fully written-out and -down, definitively, in Babylonian Talmud of about 500 AD. See Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for best expo on Talmud.

Thus Christ character in New Test. LITERATURE is "truth" (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) which can't exist without the OBJECTIVE reality (Aristotle) as base/premise/criterion for such TRUTH. Jews are SUBJECTIVISTS ("midrash"), most extreme subjectivists. Thus one sees the Hegelian anti-thetic nature of Christian vs. Jew, Truth vs. lies--note these are absolute, necessary OPPOSITES, anti-theses.

Don't forget Christ held Pharisees diverged as "heretics" fm original Torah and Moses. Christians DO NOT come fm or descend fm Jews, not in slightest, but always absolutely opposed thereto.

Of course, Jews hold opposite of Christian, preaching obligatory extreme hatred of Christ and Christian, but problem for Jews is to convincing gentiles they should go along w. subjectivism as general philosophy. Thus Jews rather keep things secret, concealed, and non-public, not wanting Talmud subjectivism/irrationalism to be understood as such by gentiles.

Thus Jews/Pharisees hold reality is subjective, the creation of mind/consciousness, making subject to be God, the creator--satanism. Jews are most extreme subjectivists, conducting a COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivism, most effective "group-think," Jews most dedicated, committed, organized, cohesive--this then is why/how Jews, though vastly out-numbered by all the gentile subjectivist/satanists, yet rule, dominate, and lead these gentile subjectivists/satanists, the gentiles not nearly as well organized, few as dedicated/committed--for it rubs against fellow gentiles who are naturally repelled, especially by the satanist element.

Note satanism/subjectivism is extremely effective in a corrupt, mature civilization, in most accord w. CYCLIC theory of history, as Oswald Spengler's "Decline of the West," which civilization is well along in age and time-distance fm origins and original founders, who were far more OBJECTIVE for their philosophy, the now aging civilization having long past arisen and been successful for conquest and prosperity, but the following generations now quite corrupt, mystic, and subjectivist, sitting on top of a now heavily MONOPOLISTIC-type economic society which favors and benefits them most, being the inheritors of original founders and conquerors--like in Roman example, or as presently, the American.

Thus the general satanist/subjectivist comes to simply intimidating, even terrorizing the rest of the population, Jews dominating these satanists, thus dominating the entire culture. Thus one sees the Judaic "religion" is literally a criminal cult of lies, lying, and liars (Gosp. JOHN 8:44) oriented for rulership of a criminal elite, against a cowardly, terrorized, excess population of weaklings and inferiors, suckers, fools, goons, and gross drug and TV -addicts, as we see presently in USA, now the Jew S A, "dog" wagged by "tail" Israeli terror-state.

------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

# 54, Counterinsurgency says:
January 3, 2019 at 1:26 am GMT • 500 Words
@jilles dykstra

This is a rough and ready field guide only. Use it for issues that are not subtle if you use it at all.

I read an anthropoligical analysis of Judaism decades ago, 1980s. It pointed out that Judaism changed drastically during the Babylonian captivity. Most groups back then would disintegrate once they couldn’t conduct their holy rites, and Judaism, pre-Captivity, conducted its holy rites in one Temple, an that was at Jerusalem. But the Israelites did not disintegrate. They turned inward and survived. The returning Israelites actually became stronger than the Samaritan, the Israelites who had stayed in Judea, and displaced the Samaratins.

The anthropologist hypothesized that Judaism had changed _so as to protect the Babylonian Israelites from assimilation by militarily stronger groups_. This would have been strengthened by the various Judean wars with the Roman Empire. In any case, by the end of the ancient world, the Jewish Diaspora could survive anywhere in the West. Not the East, however. Unlike Islam, Judaism never spread and persisted from the border of India eastward.

I’ve been told two roughly similar stories about Christianity. Once (Reformed Jewish origin) is that Christianity is Judaism lite, Judaism for people without time to study, but with a need to avoid assimilation and cohere in a dangerous world. The other, origin medieval studies, is that Christianity was, at base, a protection from Judaism. I must say that the “lite” description fits contemporary Christianity fairly well. As for protection, the contemporary dominant Christian doctrine of “shut up and sit down” doesn’t give much of that.

The expulsion of Jews from Spain might be considered an attempt to exterminate. However, it was said to be a last ditch effort to prevent Islamic slaving, which reportedly relied on intelligence from Jews residing in Spain. The problem was serious (https://www.newenglishreview.org/Emmet_Scott/The_Islamic_Trade_in_European_Slaves/), and presumably the policy worked. As usual for a contentious area of history, opinions vary and facts are difficult to find.

As to what this means to the Jews, well, the anthropological view says that Judaism should have enhanced Jewish survival. Since the Jews are here and no other Classical / pre-classical society is here, I’d say that Judaism _did_ enhance Jewish survival. I’d also say that such enhancement is the meaning of Judaism today. Funny thing, though: Judaism is apparently defined (in Reform Judaism) more by belief in the Holocaust than be belief in God. That might break the protective effect of Judaism just as much as the “shut up and sit down” doctrine has for Christianity. That would leave the Israelis and the Orthodox Jewish. Still, compared to what happened during end of Classical civilization, two out of three ain’t bad.

Islam is, very simply, the multi-level raiding game that took over the world. It destroyed all its competitors until the Christians found that a mystic belief in the constancy of God gave them science, engineering, and capital accumulation, with which they eventually defeated Islam. (Not at first, however. Constantinople was destroyed by cannons forged in Hungary by Christians. These cannon were ineffective until another group of visiting Christians advised shooting the walls in a triangular pattern. Still, eventually the Islamics were outclassed)

Below-copied by ap first submitted (but CENSORED and deleted) at comments, http://www.unz.com/gatzmon/the-witch-hunt-from-pontius-pilate-to-the-labour-party/#comments

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Buddhism FAILS
(Apollonian, 4 Jan 19)

Poupon (see below-copied): problem w. Buddhism, as I understand it, is it pretends to "free will"--which is mere form of SUBJECTIVISM--the idea reality is created by mind/consciousness, making the subject to be God, the creator--satanism.

Hence the problem w. Buddhism is philosophic contradiction: though it preaches an OBJECTIVE reality, at same time it pretends to the opposite, subjectivist "free" will. For if reality is objective, it must be DETERMINED in accord w. absolute cause-effect, there being no perfectly "free" will as satanists, subjectivists, and Jews hold. For Jew expo, see Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com.

For that's the problem cursing the world: subjectivism, satanism, Judaism, which Buddhism FAILS to face.

Christianity preaches Christ = TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), hence the objective reality, and all Christian ethics thereupon following. Thus Christianity (properly understood) features the necessary objectivistic anti-thesis for satanism, including especially Judaism, for which satanism, Buddhism FAILS.

-------------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------------

# 89
Poupon Marx says:
January 4, 2019 at 12:40 am GMT

Abrahamic religions are a zero yield for the Indo-European. As an engineer, I recognize failure and bad design.

As third generation American of Greek extraction, I have found meaning, consonance, and the most complete body of wisdom in Buddhism.
Below-copied by ap first submitted, but censored and deleted by Unz, the little kike, at comments, http://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/israel-is-bad-for-america/#comments

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MoralMidget Needs Getting Clue: Unz Is TYPICAL Jew--"Wonderful" For Jews, Satanism, Maybe
(Apollonian, 4 Jan 19)

<blockquote>And yes, many jews doing wonderful things also. Unz comes to mind, and there have been many many more.</blockquote>

There are no "good" Jews anymore than there are "good" psychopaths or "good" child-molesters. And no decent person calls himself "Jew"--"moralmidget" needs to getting a clue and thinking things out.

Note "Jews" are by definition Talmudists, hence satanists, and those co-racialists of such Talmudists, claiming to NOT to being "religious" or following Talmud, who yet call themselves Jews, like Unz, loyal to their fellow Jews, never hesitate to making excuses for Talmudists and hence Satanists and satanism--so they're integral part of the problem, that problem being the large cultural satanism pushed by Jews, Jews foremost satanists.

And remember satanism is its own philosophy--quite APART fm any "religion"--satanism being simply extreme subjectivism, holding reality is mere product of mind/consciousness, making subject to be God, the creator--satanism, by definition. Such "non-religious" satanism is Unz, plainly, clearly, without a doubt--typical Jewwy lying liar to his core.

Don't doubt Unz INTENSIVELY censors and attempts to "manage" and inflect the debate and discussion here on his pages, and he does this for his cause which he pretends is the virtuous "non-religion," which "non-religion" is his typical Jewwy excuse for his HEAVY and intensive censorship, never doubt. How could anyone fail to note the putrid Jewwy condescension and gloating Unz displays in his "Open Ltr to "Alt-Right""? Get a brain.

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MoralMidget says:Next New Comment
January 3, 2019 at 7:10 am GMT • 500 Words

Israel is bad for America? I would go further and ask whether jews are bad for America.

Jews are like gypsies or muslims: had problems and bad reputation in every single country they ended up in, because many of their respective tribe members’ behaviour. Yes #NotAll and yada yada. It has to be said ad nauseam, of course.

Both refuse to completely integrate and drop their past cultures, and basically form nations within the nations they live in. The rubbish about jews being more civilised and not being overrepresented in prisons it is a fallacy. Still their behaviour, most probably unconscious, is harming the host societies of the countries they find themselves in.

And yes, most jews are being simply played like violins. The jewish power elite knows exactly which are the strings that make the jewish activist and fund raising machine start working. In the same way Christian Zionists are being played by the same jewish elites, in the same way as the aristocracy used the Church for centuries to play the masses. They also know hostility against jews, wrongly called antisemitism, is the life blood of zionism and what has kept jews united as a distinct people for millenia

Most jews support Israel and also the Israel lobby *no matter what*

Jews invented multiculturalism as we know it and hate today.

Jews invented identity politics.

Jews created porn and the society decay it brought with it.

Jews created radical feminism.

Jews played a very important role in the open borders movement.

An army of disproportionately Jewish lawyers and organisations, funded mostly with jewish money, and also jewish judges are fighting to obstruct the modest immigration restrictionist policies Trump tried to put in place. Just check the following article and its shocking numbers


Jews are pushing for legislation to curtail freedom of speech, and an army of jewish activists is behind the taking down and flagging of youtube videos.

Jews created the Fed and a Great Depression and Recession were mostly Jewish speculation and money lending out of control. Because Wall Street jews know how to lobby and bought politicians to get rid of the necessary regulations.

The jewish lobby, euphemistically called Israel lobby, completely dominates Washington and US media, and decides US foreign policy and which country is the US going to invade or threaten or sanction next.

Jewish donors *own* US policy makers. Including the POTUS.

And yes, many jews doing wonderful things also. Unz comes to mind, and there have been many many more. But as the doctor about to decide whether to continue with the prescription of a certain medicine to one of his patients based on net benefit, are jews, after such a list of bad *secondary effects* bad for America? I would say so.

Just hear what this important Israeli rabbi has to say about the origins of antisemitism in Nazi Germany. It is certainly shocking, and confirms my claim that jewish behaviour creates anti-Semitism.
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/article/another-moral-panic-about-race/#comment-2744845

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"IQ" Is Patent Non-Sense, Suckers--Get Off It, Pleeeeeeez
(Apollonian, 7 Jan 19)

Observe all this truly moronic, utterly brainless nonsense about "IQ": it's founded upon the FALLACY of a perfectly "free" will, by which "choices" are made, etc., ho ho ho ho.

But fact is reality is OBJECTIVE, in accord w. the mighty Aristotle, "master of those who know."

Hence reality is necessarily DETERMINED in accord w. absolute cause-effect, there being no idiot "good-evil," which is for children and dogs. Everyone is a sinner, according to basic Christian principles, St. Augustine, and St. Paul. We all act NECESSARILY in accord w. self-interest, foundation of the science of economics ("Human Action")--see Mises.org for expo.

Thus "free will" stupidity and lies are founded in satanic extreme subjectivism by which philosophy reality is mere product of mentality/consciousness, making the subject to being God, the creator of reality--satanism, by definition.

And this putrid (extreme) subjectivism is the very basic thesis of Talmud/Judaism (featuring "midrash" interpretation--see Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for best expo) and the "philosophic" -styled charlatans, like especially Immanuel Kant, the great grand-daddy of philosophic frauds and jokesters.

"Good-evil" and "IQ" idiocy are just satanic lies by which puke pretend they're "human" or more "human" than others, etc. Give it up, morons, u fatuous, scummy, lying filth, ho ho hooo ho.

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------

# 211, Bourjoi says: • Website
January 7, 2019 at 2:42 pm GMT • 100 Words

As for IQ. Could we try some other reasoning? 1- the human brain is an hominidae brain that evolved naturally in a natural surrounding to accomplish natural objectives. 2- it is an organ to live as much as the liver, the lungs or the heart and so on (Read, The Body has a Brain from Gustav Eckstein). 3- when we think it thinks it thinks about ways to live. 4- the hominidae brain is a social brain that for thousands of genetic generations evolved in small groups of 80. (Look at Robin Dunbar number) 5- if the brain think it has to learn to read and write in a dominating social environnement, it will learn to read and write. It will even learn to play the forte piano. 6- when you measure IQ, you measure the brain compliance.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted, but deleted and censored, once again, by the kike Unz (what's he afraid of?), at comments, http://www.unz.com/tsaker/from-2018-to-2019-a-quick-survey-of-a-few-trends/#new_comments

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Truth?--It's What Corresponds To Reality, According To Sense-Perception--Not Diff. FM Science
(Apollonian, 7 Jan 19)

<blockquote> The same way their domestic dummies believe that it’s all Jews fault....</blockquote>

Actually, we (Christian) worshippers of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), DON'T SAY it's "...all Jews' fault"--get a clue.

What happens is a once successful culture, like the Roman, and present American, CORRUPTS, in accord w. CYCLIC theory of Oswald Spengler, "Decline of the West," in which once objectivistically-minded (hence DETERMINIST--absolute cause-effect) heroes of founder generations inevitably breed, through the following generations, a corrupt progeny who become evermore SUBJECTIVISTIC--pretending to a perfectly "free" will, by which they create reality and achieve (non-existent) "good," etc.--which obtains today in satanist (extreme subjectivism) "politically-correct" socialist dictatorship, featuring now Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE, and fueled by the criminal enterprise of central-banking (see Mises.org for expo on such fraudulent "banking"--use their search-engine).

The Jews then, being the ultimate extreme subjectivists ("midrash" interpretation and "Oral Law Tradition," in accord w. Talmud--see Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.BlogSpot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for best expo), simply then take-over, as we see, being the most thorough-going subjectivists, practicing the most COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivism/satanism ("group-think")--like a disease, like typhus or black plague, victimizes an already un-healthy, corrupt, and/or mal-nutritioned host.

Such then is "Decline of the West," demonstrated w. the rise of the Israeli terror-state, for thematic example, these Jews master-minding perpetual war, giving orders and instructions to co-racialists who've thoroughly infiltrated all the key gentile countries, esp. USA, now Jew S A.

Thus the theory is in "cutting off head" of the proverbial "snake" to substantial solution for the cultural corruption. But then problem is in getting past the "Praetorian Guard" made up by such as "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo) hereticalists who pretend "Christ was Jew," etc.

So then the problem is in treating the "Judeo-Christian" (also known as "Christian-Zionists") heresy among general Christian-gentile population.

Thus the problem is the CYCLIC over-population of a corrupt mass of gentiles within a corrupt culture now dominated by Jews, as we plainly see, easily verified. Hence the corruption itself becomes its own "solution," the corrupt gentiles being killed-off and dying-out, due to the Jew disease, the Jews themselves evermore falling-out w. one-another, as we seem to see, the "leftist," atheist-style Jews, the "GLOBALISTS" vs. the latest wave of "neo-con" "nationalists" headed by Trump and hill-billy, Ajax Jewns of InfoWars.com.

------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------

# 219, Cyrano says:Next New Comment
January 7, 2019 at 3:46 pm GMT • 300 Words

I don’t think so. As the Who used to say: I can see for miles and miles. When it comes to greed, the Anglo elites can put the Jews to shame. Only one big difference: the Jews are smarter.

I envy the Anglos, though, I envy them that they have those domestic dummies to whom they can tell almost any lie and get away with it. But there is downside to that: The Anglo elites have gotten so good at lying, they now moved on to the next challenge – lying to themselves.

Just couple of decades ago – they managed to convince themselves that moving few factories to China is not a big deal, there is no way that that will make China rich. They thought: “We are just going to exploit the Chinese, the same way we are exploiting those domestic dummies”.

How did the elites got away with that big fat lie to themselves? Again, it was easy – because they had to lie to stupid – themselves. It’s not difficult to lie to stupid – whoever they might be.

By running decades long propaganda at home, the elites have not only managed to lower the intelligence of their working class, they lowered their own intelligence. Have you noticed how their lies are becoming stupider and stupider? The same way their domestic dummies believe that it’s all Jews fault, the same way their little bit more “sophisticated” elites believe that it’s all Russia’s fault. Neither of them are even within the ballpark of the truth.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted, but not accepted even for "moderation," ho hoh o ho, at comments, http://www.unz.com/article/how-the-bbc-manufactured-hate/#comment-2745223

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Newsflash, Suckers: "White Culture" Is Christian Reason, Rationality--Freedom--Not Jew World Order Socialism, GENOCIDE
(Apollonian, 7 Jan 19)

<blockquote>Because rich WASPs with globalist designs and emphases have been harming the vast majority of whites they rule since the WASP culture fully formed and first came to power.</blockquote>

What?--just more idiot, Jewwy lies, eh?--"WASP culture"?--what's that?--is there any kind of ref. for this stupidity? For all and any culture of "whites" (which includes Anglo-Saxons) are subject to Christianity (Christ = truth, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), hence the objective reality, hence determinist cause-effect, etc.--we're all sinners. And UK whites, of all classes, benefitted quite a bit, among all the people and whites of Europe and anywhere.

Ones (among white Protestants) who went to America first indulged in religious separatism--otherwise they were doing quite alright economically, as were all whites--except the poor Irish, Irish also religious dissenters, according to English rulership.

But historically, we see after the Jewwy hegemony of Rothschilds of 19th cent.,--that's when EVERYONE, including whites, begins to suffer, evermore horribly, till now we behold Jew world order, featuring Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE, eh?

"Globalist narrative"?--ho hoho--well, that began definitively after WWI, right?--consolidated further after WWII and the birth of dear Israeli terror-state, eh? I thought Jews were supposed to be "smart," eh?--ho ho ho--what happened?

-----------------above by ap in response to below-copied----------------------

# 87 Jake says:Next New Comment
January 7, 2019 at 6:45 pm GMT • 100 Words

The globalist narrative is, and has been since at least the Elizabethan use of pirates to play war without declaring it, absolutely central and indispensable to all things British. You can’t conquer the world’s oceans and build the largest empire in history without being ‘globalist’ in every way.

And the Brit WASP economic globalism was making the UK Elites much, much richer while the UK poor were held down, all but permanently unless the left their homeland, as soon as Henry VIII stole all the lands and endowments of monasteries and chanceries.

So is it just when Jews clearly have taken charge of the Anglophone globalist harm done to non-Elite whites that you oppose it?

Because rich WASPs with globalist designs and emphases have been harming the vast majority of whites they rule since the WASP culture fully formed and first came to power.
Below-copied essays by ap is partially censored, the second one, below, at comments, http://www.unz.com/tsaker/from-2018-to-2019-a-quick-survey-of-a-few-trends/#new_comments

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Truth?--It's What's Visible, Perceptible, Doesn't Need "Repeating"
(Apollonian, 8 Jan 19)

Facts support my thesis, buddy, and who is it repeating the usual Jew-friendly lies?--it ain't me, sucker. And look at the larger context: WWI was UK, France, Tsarist Russkie conspiracy against Germany, assassinated the ArchDuke, attacked Germany when Germany did its best to prevent the war.

After supplying and funding the Entente powers, USA came in w. troops in 1917-18 and the war which would have been stalemated was now won for the Jew-Rothschild money power and central-banking, Jew-Bolsheviks in Russia and world gov. League of Nations. WWII was simply further consolidation for over-all Jew/satanic world order.

Versailles Treaty blamed Germany, the truth coming out soon enough in early-mid 20s about the Russian-French and UK conspiracy (see books by Prof. Sidney Fay and Harry Elmer Barnes). Thus Germans did the ONLY thing to be done, as under heroic unc' Adolf, the soon-to-be "allies" watching, next conspiring w. Poles to start WWII, Germany on defense as it always was.

Entire game-plan and strategy for WWII was similar to WWI, USA funding, supplying "allies," UK and Soviets, proven and observed in the actual facts, Soviets getting USA Lend-Lease even before USA entering the war formally in 1941, etc.

After WWII, half the world was now under Bolshevik dictatorship, the other half, United Nations world dictatorship enforced by USA, the added factor now the Israeli terror-state, bringing us to today's situation, "globalist" socialism and GENOCIDE of Agenda-21 and -2030 vs. "nationalism" of Trump, Trump propped by Israeli terror-state.

Latest wrinkle, fm WWII, is Jew money-power has morphed w. Zionists now quite dominant, along w. the same old satanic, atheist-styled "globalists."

At least now the globalist genocide and Jew world order is clear and identified within minds of people who can only defend in name of nationalism--and in case of USA, states-rights as of the old Confederate States of America.

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------

# 258, Avery says:
January 8, 2019 at 5:43 pm GMT

Yeah, sure: keep repeating the myth, it might come true some day.

------------------above by "Avery" in response to below-copied by ap-----------

257.apollonian says:
January 8, 2019 at 5:24 pm GMT

Russkies were being steadily rolled-up till they got substantial US Lend-Lease, sucker–millions of tons of it without which they were toast.

--------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------

244. Patricus says:
January 8, 2019 at 12:52 am GMT • 100 Words
@jilles dykstra

Hello Dutch man.

How can you deny the courage of the Russians?

They produced some durable and effective weapons like the T-34 tanks. They had a knack for producing durable weapons. They were no match for German soldiers but they prevailed anyway.

There is plenty to criticize but the Russians got the job done.

Below-copied by ap CENSORED and deleted by Jew, Unz

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Bolshevism: Strictly Product Of Jew-Dominated West
(Apollonian, 8 Jan 19)

Ho ho--I'm not confused--but someone else is, we see.

<blockquote>The myth that Lend-Lease was responsible for the Red Army vanquishing Nazi Germany has been long debunked.</blockquote>

This (quoted) is a lie--it was never "debunked"--it's just simply denied. Soviets were made, subsidized, supplied, and supported by West (esp. Jew money-power), and couldn't have existed without that heavy Western support and subsidization.

Bolsheviks were injected into Russia by West, UK, USA, and even also by Germany during WWI, subsidized all throughout their putrid existence--which was even admitted by Stalin himself. As Antony C. Sutton noted, T-34 tank was adapted by soviets fm original Christie design.

And if one isn't Jew-hostile, then one is NO Christian, sucker. And "genocidal" Germany is a lie--see Codoh.com and get de-programmed fm lies.

----------------------above by ap in response to below-copied----------------

# 263, Avery says:
January 8, 2019 at 7:24 pm GMT • 200 Words

{Facts support my thesis, buddy, and who is it repeating the usual Jew-friendly lies?–it ain’t me, sucker. }

Facts do _not_ support your thesis, ‘buddy’, as stated in your original post.
The myth that Lend-Lease was responsible for the Red Army vanquishing Nazi Germany has been long debunked. Help from US certainly helped the Soviet Union, but it was not the determining factor.

As to the rest of your post: obviously you are dealing with various issues: how did an exchange about WW2 and LL devolve into 1917-1918, Jews, Rothschilds,……

{… and who is it repeating the usual Jew-friendly lies?}

I don’t know: who?

So that you don’t get confused even further: I am of Armenian ancestry, Armenian Apostolic Church Christian. I am neither Jew-friendly nor Jew-hostile. I am Russia/Russian friendly and will vigorously debunk the lies and myths about WW2 vis-a-vis the epic victory of the Red Army over the genocidal Nazi Germany.

Tiny Armenia SSR, part of the Soviet Union at the time, sent ~500K soldiers to WW2: half of them did not come back. Population of Armenia SSR was barely 2 million at the start of WW2.

And Armenian officers, generals and marshals made their disproportional contribution to the victory. Certainly, the lion’share of fighting and sacrifice belongs to the Slavic peoples. But Armenians, and other nationalities from all over Soviet Union, did their part.


# 262, Cyrano says:Next New Comment
January 8, 2019 at 7:17 pm GMT • 100 Words

Think about WW2 in this terms: US and UK were USSR little helpers, because they were not ready for the big leagues yet. USSR on the other hand was ready and was their big helper. The chances of USSR winning it all without the help from the Anglos (US, UK) I would put at around 99%+. The chances of US and UK winning without USSR help – 0%
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/gdurocher/everything-madeleine-albright-doesnt-like-is-fascism/#new_comments

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Reality: Is What It Is--AND What It's Going To Be--Nothing Will Change It
(Apollonian, 9 Jan 19)

"Mulegino": Reality is (a) objective, according to Aristotle, (b) determined in accord w. absolute cause-effect (no perfectly "free" will), (c) CYCLIC, according to numerous, esp. the Greeks, but lately according to Oswald Spengler, "Decline of the West."

Thus the objectivistically-oriented are always the heroes, victors, producers, and FOUNDERS of original civilization, like Romans and Americans, but precisely because they make things so easy for following generations, the civilization inexorably CORRUPTS.

Observe the anti-human Agenda-21 and -2030 plans to exterminate a good portion of the population and how successful they've been.

Note then we've entered a particularly satanistic phase of Spenglerian "decline," and remember satanism is rooted in SIMPLE philosophy--extreme subjectivism by which reality is held to be product of mentality/consciousness, making the subject to be God, the creator--satanism, by definition.

Who/what rules and dominates this satanistic phase?--obviously, the most extreme subjectivists, but who adopt a COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivism, highly organized and cohesive, co-operating w. a sublime "group-think," dominating the other satanists who are more isolated and "individualistic"--now WHO do u think these would be? And the satanists, in general, rule simply by means of fear and intimidation--as we plainly see.

This fetid subjectivism/satanism always seems to start w. conceit of a "free" will, including fashionable "high IQ," by which the fools pretend to "making choices" by which they change reality, achieving "moral virtue," etc.

So this satanism is where we are, and there's no real solution to it, it merely having to run its inexorable course, like a forest-fire, removing the weaklings and inferiors, etc., the remnant of survivors left to start things over. For note the subjectivists/satanists are still quite numerous and extremely strong politically and economically.

--------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------

26.Mulegino1 says:Next New Comment

January 7, 2019 at 10:34 pm GMT • 100 Words

Being influenced or led around by the nose by these nasty females such as Albright and Hillary is Ragnarok, the Apocalypse, Kali Yuga and all other generic end times rolled into one. No self-respecting straight male would ever subject himself to that crap. The only “future that is female” is the one that is destined to crash and burn.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/article/another-moral-panic-about-race/#comments

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Yanks Are Toooooooo Stupid
(Apollonian, 9 Jan 19)

<blockquote>...I have to admit that blacks have exhibited a strength, resourcefulness and resilience despite being constantly punched in the face.</blockquote>

We whites have ALWAYS hated blacks, hatred being integral emotion, the reciprocal of love, like repulsion/attraction. We ALWAYS will hate blacks, who belong back in Africa.

What?--they've "...exhibited a strength, resourcefulness and resilience"?--well, didn't those murdering filth, the Yankees, impose those baboons upon the murdered south?--because we home-boys slaughtered invading scum pushing centralized fed dictatorship?

Get a clue, sucker--we're never going to accept blacks--EVER. And that's why USA is doomed, aside fm all the other reasons--we whites are going to SECEDE w. our own states, as it is our right, and we're not going to have blacks--or anyone else--watch and see, scum.

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------

EliteCommInc. says:
January 9, 2019 at 3:45 pm GMT • 200 Words

I don’t think you have a solid grasp of history here. However, If I took 12 million children and ensured that they were kept you of the mainstream assimilation process, that would fifty years of nearly two generations of 12 million people being socialized and then socializing themselves. What us amazing is that blacks managed to form effective societies at all. That against all the odds, they created teachers, scientists, politicians, soldiers, architects, writers and nearly entire societies unto themselves that functioned.

When discussing the crime issue and rampant blacks one is talking about 5% (I am being generous) of the population. Imagine just fifty years of denying you access to work, education, political representation, economic development, housing, police protection (in fact unleash the police to enforce the policies of discrimination), etc.

Then you supposed launch a welfare system, but that system is not designed for blacks bu the population as a whole — so the black welfare attacks are deeply misguided. And the one sensible redress policy AA did not target blacks or native americans as intended — but whites.

Fifty years should have been devastating. It wasn’t. Hindering and problematic, absolutely, but against the national policies — I have to admit that blacks have exhibited a strength, resourcefulness and resilience despite being constantly punched in the face.
Below-copied essay by ap CENSORED and deleted by Jew, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/tsaker/from-2018-to-2019-a-quick-survey-of-a-few-trends/#comments

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Jew Living In His Own "Private Idaho"
(Apollonian, 9 Jan 19)

"FB" is just the typical, Jewwy lying liar, for the Brits sent on to Russkies, led by murdering Jew Bolsheviks, a good deal of what they'd gotten fm USA, right after bolsheviki were attacked--which much encouraged the Jewwy criminals. Those aren't "theories," chump.

And don't doubt Russkies indeed had plenty of artillery, planes, and guns, but what they needed was food, sucker, which they didn't have. It's hard to fight if they're all starving, fool. Bolshies also needed TRUCKS that worked, to pull their artillery, and carry the troops, giving the troops a tremendously increased mobility, etc.

Just ck the Jewwy Wikipedia which verifies Russkies got over 300,000 tons in 1941 alone, and then over two million tons throughout 1942. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lend-Lease.

Bolsheviks were all just a bunch of criminal psychopaths who sucked everything they got--and I mean EVERYTHING--fm complicit fellow criminals and conspirators in the West, fm very beginning in 1917, including esp. USA, now the Jew S A, eh?--the "dog" wagged by proverbial Israeli terror-state "tail."

Jew liars live within their own little "private Idaho"--keep pretending Jews, the easier it will be to finally taking care of things, eh?

------------------above by ap in response to below-copied----------------------

# 284, FB says: • Website
January 9, 2019 at 9:11 pm GMT • 100 Words

Russkies were being steadily rolled-up till they got substantial US Lend-Lease, sucker–millions of tons of it without which they were toast.


So much for your asshat theory…

Also look at the timing of those lend-lease deliveries…little of significance until 1943…by which time the Red Army had already crushed the Germans and was on the offensive…[ie post Stalingrad, Kursk etc]…

Lend lease made up a very small percentage of Russian military output…they produced more tanks than the US and over 130,000 aircraft…
Below-copied by ap first submitted but then deleted and censored by the Jew, Unz, once again, at comments, http://www.unz.com/gatzmon/anti-bds-bill-defeated/#comment-2750090

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What's Real Basis Of Jew Power?--Stupidity Levels Of Over-Populated Goyim
(Apollonian, 11 Jan 19)

Good gravy, but people gotta start getting a clue about things--for what is being demonstrated is the BLATANT manipulation by Jews over goyim morons--a crass demonstration of POWER, suckers. Jews just buy everything and everybody--isn't it obvious?

So how are Jews doing this?--SIMPLE, idiots--they control the legalized counterfeiting machine which is the central-bank, a putrid criminal-enterprise. See Mises.org for expo on central-banking; use their site search-engine for specific terms.

Thus the basic problem is the subject of money-banking is ABSTRACT--which immediately rules-out about 90% of the population for understanding.

Briefly though, real MONEY is commodity-based, hence FINITE in amount, gold/silver being best, used by all races/cultures throughout hist. for about 5,000 yrs now.

What we have now is mere "currency" which is worthless and INFINITE in potential amount, which the stupid goyim think is neato, since the central-bank only needs paper and ink, and nowadays computers, to concocting evermore of it--BUT the downside is it becomes evermore worthless the more of it is churned-out.

And this currency "creation" always benefits ONLY the top master-minds at expense of the stupid goons and goyim--but they don't care, their attn.-span being not much more than that of gold-fish.

So as long as we have over-populated goons and suckers for people, who refuse to think, we're going to have problems, and these Jews are what God inflicts upon over-populated morons. And there's really no solution except for the goons becoming soooooooooooooo stupid they die-out, as in wars, manipulated by the Jew bankers, goons and suckers getting killed-off, as in WWI and WWII.

And Lord knows we still have scads of over-populated morons who watch and support all the stupid faggot and trans-gender -oriented TV shows. So there's quite a bit of reason to fear as stupidity quotient of over-populated masses of goons and suckers is so high, Jews naturally dominating.
Below-copied by ap first submitted, but deleted and censored by Jew, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/pgottfried/the-defense-of-southern-conservatism/#comments

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"Corvinus" Has No Arguments, No Reasoning, Just Psychotic, Repetitious Insistence
(Apollonian, 11 Jan 19)

<blockquote>"...[T]he trial of strength decided the legalities in favor of the north."</blockquote>

Coag: doeth thou graspeth what thou saith? There was NOTHING "legal" decided in favor of scummy, murdering filth (north). For it's like saying if I sneak-up, knocking thou in the head, then stealing thy wallet--that then "decides" the legality, my now legally owning thy wallet. Get a clue, buddy.

Feds never had anything but DELEGATED powers which were duly un-delegated. "Corvinus" can't even begin to demonstrating how states lost sovereignty--the guy is just hopelessly ignorant moron.

"Corvinus" is simply a psychotic liar who obsessively insists states were/are slaves of a non-existent "nation," when it's been explained to the poor fool states were always sovereign, sovereignty something that can't be alienated--his poor peanut-sized brain cannot grasp concept (of sovereignty).

Of course, "corvinus" doesn't want to face fact he's psycho and probably will need to be dealt w. in summary, revolutionary fashion--something which will easily be done when time comes, I'm sure.

-------------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------------

# 236, Coag says:
January 10, 2019 at 11:30 pm GMT • 100 Words

From the southern perspective the north and south were two separate nations joined in consensual union, and when the union ceased to be useful to the south, the south lawfully seceded but were invaded by the north.

The southern perspective was no more right or wrong than your northern perspective on such things, but the trial of strength decided the legalities in favor of the north.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/gatzmon/the-witch-hunt-from-pontius-pilate-to-the-labour-party/#comments

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Anti-Semitism: Obedience To God
(Apollonian, 11 Jan 19)​

Well James: if Jews are anti-humanity (ck their Talmud, sucker), isn't it understandable, fair, and even necessary and healthy if humans are naturally anti-semitic? Aren't Jews naturally hated by all humanity?--everyone who knows anything about them?--except, of course, for those who are paid-off by Jews. And tell us, Jamesy, weren't those highly "moral" and liberal Jews the very ones responsible for importation of the muzzies? Gosh, but I thought Jews were supposed to be "smart"?

-------------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------------

# 104, James N. Kennett says:
January 10, 2019 at 11:57 pm GMT • 100 Words

The Labour Party has a problem with anti-semitism. Jeremy Corbyn could have dealt with it in 15 minutes by condemning it and distancing himself from it; instead he let the problem drag on for more than a year, because unfortunately he has personally sympathized with numerous terrorist organizations, not only Hamas and Hezbollah, but also the Provisional IRA in the era when it was shooting and bombing random people. It is a part of his radical chic. He’d be happy if a lot of us were dead.

On top of that, Labour performs a cynical electoral calculation. Britain has 250,000 Jews who mostly vote Conservative, and 3 million Muslims who mostly vote Labour.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/gdurocher/everything-madeleine-albright-doesnt-like-is-fascism/#comments

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One Born Brainless Strikes Again
(Apollonian, 11 Jan 19)

"One born free" and James Corbett are most pathetic fools and liars: see https://carolynyeager.net/fake-legends-adolf-hitler’s-“jewish-grandfather”

The "one born free" narcissist is obviously a dis-connected, schizoid psychotic, constantly babbling his idiot abstract crap in pretending he's better and farther-seeing than other pedestrian, ordinary humans, but here we have the moron, Corbett, parroting and transmitting stock Jew-serving prop. and lies--which lies were PROVABLY generated by Jews working for the New Deal administration, as Yeager demonstrates.

Maria Schickelgruber NEVER went to Vienna, NEVER worked for any Rothschild, and was NEVER anyone's servant. Maria was actually a thrify lass, and inherited property fm parents--she didn't need to work as servant.

Good try, "one born brainless," but thou art mere fool and sucker just transmitting and spreading Jew-serving lies--don't u feel like a moron? But I'm sure everyone is still soooo impressed about being "born free," even if quite brainless. Keep up the good work, sucker.

-------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

# 172, onebornfree says: • Website
January 11, 2019 at 12:29 am GMT

“Hitler Was a Rothschild”

[Here author submits a video fm Jew-tube, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8ihB1wzJGM .]

Regards, onebornfree
Below-copied by ap first submitted, but deleted and censored by the kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/gdurocher/everything-madeleine-albright-doesnt-like-is-fascism/#comments

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"Beckow" Has Himself Convinced, Anyway--All He Cares About, Ho Ho Ho
(Apollonian, 11 Jan 19)

<blockquote>"Ye are the sons of ur father, satan, and his work ye will do. He was a murderer fm the beginning, and there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks of his nature, for he is a liar and father of lies."

-Gosp. JOHN 8:44</blockquote>

And don't doubt we know very well WHO and WHAT "Beckow" is, as we can tell by his lies and lying, as lying is his very RELIGION, lying even to himself so he believes in his lies and lying. To Beckow, reality is only what he says it is. So congratulations, Beckow, believing lies as he does--he's got himself fooled, and hey, that's all he cares about.

To ck into the holohoax lies, see Codoh.com; also ck Ernst Zundel's transcripts of his 1988 trial in Canada, "Did Six Million Really Die?" edited by Kulaszka

----------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------

# 161, Beckow says:
January 10, 2019 at 5:47 pm GMT • 100 Words

You numbers are wrong, you have to compare military losses to military losses, those were 2.5 to 1. If you include the victims of the German genocide in the east – because that’s what it was – and crow about it, well, that’s pretty sick by any standards.

Germany lost 9 million people in WWII. Its allies – most of Europe – lost another few millions (e.g. Romanian losses in the east were enormous, so were Italian,…). More French volunteers died fighting for Germany in the east than died in ‘Resistance’.

West confuses mass murder with winning, they still do, e.g. recently in Iraq or Syria. That is a bit of a character issue, but I won’t elaborate.

Soviets won WWII very decisively. I know that is a painful reality for many of you, but try to get over it.