Apo essays for Jan 2019

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/article/the-diversity-miracle/#comment-2754110

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The Real History, Based On Actual Reality
(Apollonian, 16 Jan 19)

<blockquote>"I think you need a review of US history regarding relations between whites and black citizens."</blockquote>

US history regarding white citizens is they migrated fm Europe as settlers, the N. American colonies being European in culture. The blacks were basically slaves, esp. in the southern parts of N. America, blacks hated and held in contempt by the whites for obvious, usual, natural reasons, humans being sinners, the whites not wanting to compete w. free black labor, etc.

Note diff. races HAVE ALWAYS BEEN ENEMIES--and always will be--for life on earth sucks, and life is war, as Homer, Plato, St. Augustine, Machiavelli, Herbert Spencer, Charles Darwin and all the best minds and philosophers of Western Civ. have understood. Strife and war btwn diff. races is NOTHING new. Whites and blacks don't like one another, never have, and never will--same goes for all races--life sucks, doesn't it?

So now we have "elite...," once again, working to patronize and condescend to the blacks as soooooooooooooooooooooo many of his "liberal" sort have always done, "elite..." pretending he's morally virtuous in doing so w. this putrid, typical sort of patronization which has been going on now for at least a hundred yrs, eh?

Thus the historic situation is blacks SHOULD have been sent back to Africa where they belong--even Lincoln certainly knew he had to get rid of them. The southern states of 1860 wanted to run their slave economies independent of the northern industrialists, but northerners weren't having it, the north subsequently invading and genociding the southern people, both black and white, mass-murdering probably a million of both races by later 1860s.

Additionally, we southerners slaughtered several hundred thousand yank invaders, so after the war, the "radical" northern politicians took the vote and political power away fm whites and imposed upon whites these former black slaves--purely out of revenge and malice for the southerners having defended themselves against invading northern psychopaths and murderers.

Further, as yrs went by, blacks migrated NORTH and imposed their dictatorship, such as it is, upon the poor stupid whites up there too, hoh o ho ho ho ho--a little poetic justice, eh? So it's same old, same old--war and strife btwn the races, as always, and as always will be.

What has to happen now is whites exercising NULLIFICATION and perhaps some more secession to starting up our own countries and states once again--this sort of action is necessary wave of the future. People like "elite..." will typically and predictably object, but this time we the people need to treat these creatures like the TRAITORS and enemies they really are--with summary justice--there's the real solution to things. See TenthAmendmentCenter.com

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# 228, EliteCommInc. says:
January 16, 2019 at 5:35 pm GMT • 300 Words

It all depends by what is meant by negatively impacted. If you mean having to fairly compete or are in some manner impacted by redress, you’ll have to be more specific.

I think you need a review of US history regarding relations between whites and black citizens. The history is overwhelming that the black citizen was the target of discrimination, overt and covert in nearly every area of their lives. Even a look at the history of riots makes clear — whites are the primary aggressors. From the extremes of murder, to assault to the destruction of property and various adverse discriminatory practices. Sadly, even today, blacks according to FBI data sets are the victims of hostile acts from whites overwhelmingly. It’s a frustrating reality.

I don’t think there is any way for whites to know how the AA policy has adversely affected them. There are two hurdles:

1. women, white women are the primary benefactors of AA policies and practices.
2. the actual number of african americans who might benefit from affirmative is unknown, but even if it were an across the board application – 100% it would not even reach a threshold of the 12% represented by the black population.

It’s not slavery — it’s the long term consequences to the immediate and long term issues indicated by policies and practices.

I assume you mean by white social norms — the norms of civil society in ethos and practice as to our constitution. Well, it is generally accepted that everyone do so, including whites. Which in my view has nothing to do with color itself.

I would add you cannot practice segregating people form the norms and then make an argument that they don’t follow the norm from which you have denied — the logical order just doesn’t follow.

But what is astounding in my view is that despite national practices to bar their exclusion for the society, the proportion of African Americans who operate withing the norms of US society is generously high — despite the animosity they face.
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/gdurocher/the-convergence-hoax/#new_comments

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Jews: As Far As Eye Could See
(Apollonian, 18 Jan 19)

Ck Chris Bollyn’s work at Bollyn.com, aside fm his books, “Solving 9/11.” Bollyn pt.s-out the MASSIVE inductive evidence, the Jews ALL OVER the case, fm the non-investigation by DOJ (Justice), headed by Chertoff, to the litigation, headed by Jews–who were also conflicted for interest, including the cover-up by the Jews-media, including the massive dis-info that went along, including on the I-net.

EVERYTHING about 9/11 was covered at all pt.s by the Jews–and I mean Jews, too–they didn’t leave it to sympathetic gentiles. The victims families were steadily ground-down and refused trials and then paid-off, this operation headed by Jews too.

Cui Bono?–it served Jew interests, no one else, not only Israeli-Zionist (on the “neo-con” “right”), but also the “leftist” Jew world order (JWO), world-gov. side too–a total win-win for the Jew factions.

To be sure, the utterly corrupt, thoroughly masochistic USA was begging to be struck, things perfectly set-up by the “Judeo-Christian” (JC–see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo) hereticalists and collaborators, both Catholic and Protestant, colluding w. Jews.

Thus USA was and is exposed as thoroughly domesticated cattle, willing to be murdered and consumed by their keepers, the Jews–USA the perfect slaves, glorying in their slavery and servitude–but the coming economic recession/depression and currency collapse will be horrific, the Jews not allowing their slaves to recovering and striking-back at them.

So HOW now can we see the Jews?–they’re like most cruel pimp towards their whore(s), Jews giving beating after beating, and the whore thanking their masters for it all–and it’s only the beginning for the execution that’s bound to come, setting-up now for a civil-war, insuring no retribution will be directed towards Israel and little towards Jews themselves still in USA.

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------

# 148, Druid says:
January 17, 2019 at 12:05 am GMT • 100 Words

911 was a zio-Mossad job.
There were 4000 Jews working in the Twin Towers before 9-11. Only 4 Israelis died. Why were all the New York Jews not there and therefore killed. I always wondered and was suspicious. Turns out a memo was sent to Jews to stay away from the towers. Al Frankenstein, Minnesota senator, Jew, had an office in the towers, and gave a speech in which he says, “I’ll be honest, I got that message”.

Need I say more. Along with all the others evidence, the dancing IsrElis, the Israelis waiting with cameras, telling cops they were waiting to film the event, etc., etc., is there any question who did it!!!!
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/gdurocher/darwin-on-the-rise-and-fall-of-human-races/#comment-2765085

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Spenglerian "Decline Of West" Is Not Necessarily "Suicide," Merely Down-Trend
(Apollonian, 17 Jan 19)

Durocher observes, above: <blockquote>"In 1914, we [presumably whites] essentially dominated the world and made up a third of human population. Before 2100, a blink of an eye in historical let alone evolutionary terms, we will have lost control not only of our colonial empires but even of our own homelands, being reduced to minorities in not only North America but even Western Europe. We will make up less than 5 percent of the global population. The triumph of liberal-democracy’s individualist and egalitarian principles have coincided with Europeans’ evolutionary suicide."</blockquote>

Well, the SEEMING "suicide" of whites is surely because Durocher's "...liberal-democracy’s individualist and egalitarian principles" is just really euphemism for SATANISM, a mish-mash of irrationalist, anti-human, and false moralism, as fm such as Immanuel Kant and Karl Marx, a couple of nut-cases who yet captured the imagination of a lot of (over-populated morons and fools) people who destroyed themselves--who needed destruction too, I submit--for their "moral" ideas are LITERALLY suicidal, Kant's "duty," and Marx's crass altruism, "to each according to need, fm each according to ability"--PERFECTLY designed for the death of the host/subject.

Thus Oswald Spengler is well vindicated for his magnificent exposition of CYCLIC "Decline of the West," whence the founder generations are highly commendable, heroic, victorious, and productive, BUT allowing for and leading then to an OVER-population of masses of inferiors and weaklings of the inheritor generations--as in the Roman and American examples--who didn't have to work so hard or fight as much, become corrupt and perverse in their HUBRIS, bringing-in the Jews, for another example, the Jews then taking-over, and now we have to facing present-day Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE.

So observe the original OBJECTIVE-orientation, philosophically, of the founders is REVERSED in the inheritors' subjectivism, especially in way of moralism, pretending to (non-existent) "good-evil" and (non-existent) "free" will--rather than the more pronounced determinism (absolute cause-effect, NO perfectly "free" will) of the founders. Thus we have presently the total hegemony of the ultra-subjectivist Jews, featuring their filthy Talmudic "midrash" (interpretation) and "Oral Law Tradition."

The Jews then aren't the first cause of things--the cause is simply the natural, CYCLIC corruption and HUBRIS, as of the inheritor generations who thereupon bring-in Jews, making Jews the arbiters, the Jews soon totally taking-over an already corrupt culture/society--it's where we are now in the CYCLIC process of things historic and sociologic.

And specifically we see the take-over of the Jews in the central-banking system (see Mises.org for expo; use site search-engine), the gentiles beginning and starting the fiat-currency schemes, but too conflicted to be successful, the Jews then taking-over such criminal-enterprise (literally legalized counterfeiting), the gentile people not grasping such fraudulence, being tooo stupid and over-populated, falling over one another, the Jews far more COLLECTIVISTICALLY-oriented, "thick as thieves," far more successful in "group-think," dedication, commitment, and especially organization.

So in conclusion: I submit the present corruption and catastrophe, as in the central-bank corruption, is only partially a "suicide"--ACTUALLY it is a necessary CULLING-OUT of the over-populated inferiors and weaklings--a distinct down-trend, without a doubt--but not at all a complete "suicide" for ALL the members.
Below-copied by ap submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/gdurocher/darwin-on-the-rise-and-fall-of-human-races/#comment-2765085

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Good Golly, Miss Molly, But We're Zorched By A Zarch Here, Eh?--Ho Ho Ho
(Apollonian, 18 Jan 19)

"Intelligent"?--ho ho ho ho--that's thy moniker?--seriously?--ho o hoh oho (see below-copied). Do thou begin to realize how putridly presumptuous--even outrightly SCHIZOID--thou really are, buddy? Thou say, "Perhaps the reality of seeing their cherished beliefs set forth in full clarity, and thus enabling them to take in at one glance the intrinsic insufficiency...."

Newsflash, sucker: Durocher is almost as bad a writer as thou, and sorry, but perhaps thou could tell us what is given in "full clarity."

"ntrinsic insufficiency," thou presumptuous schizoid?--of what, exactly?--could thou say?--no?--I didn't think so.

"nderstand nothing about Darwin."?--but didn't he indicate presumptuous, fatuous weaklings/inferiors like thou would "fall by the wayside"?--or was that Spencer?--regardless, seems true enough to me--thou art excellent example/instance.
"Darwin’s actual theories were quite different than that which is preached under his name today."</blockquote> Oh?--is that so?--so then, WHAT was Darwin's "theory," and HOW/WHY is it actually "quite diff."?--tell us, oh sage of presumption, pretension, and fatuity, ho ho ho ho. Are thou missing a massive "leg" to "standing upon"?--ho oho ho ho ho

"[T]houghtful reading of the Origin of Species..."?--but WHAT do thou actually KNOW about "thoughtful," presumptuous one, who can't ever actually say anything of any substance?

Then thou tells us, <blockquote>"And while both versions are incorrect, original Darwinism is at least a philosophy (of sorts) that can be handled by the techniques of reason and criticism, while today’s Darwinistic Dufflepuds propound naught but an incoherent spectacle of catchwords and post hoc rationalizations that their master’s generation would have been ashamed to include under the rubric of science."
</blockquote> But we notice thou actually say NOTHING--for WHY are "both versions" "incorrect," sucker--how?--why? "Rubric of science"?--so WHAT do thou actually KNOW about science, Mr. know-it-all?--tell us, ho ho ho ho

<blockquote>"Notwithstanding the Dawinistic heading, what has actually been accepted amounts to little more than a doughy mass of vague materialism sprinkled with occasional shavings of biomolecular gobbledygook, and this only by the half-educated urban bourgeoisie."</blockquote>

What?--"half-educated urban bourgeoisie"?--takes one to know one, eh? And "gobbledygook," thou say?--ho ho ho ho--don't thou realize thy entire presumptuous mass of moronic assertions-without-any-substantiation at all, whatsoever, which constitutes the entirety of thy posting here, is most PERFECT example of such "gobbledygook"?--ho ho ho ho ho

So, I think I've analyzed quite enough of thy idiot nonsense, buddy, all the rest of thy posting is essentially the same sort of presumptuous crap--WHO do thou think thou art kidding, sucker?--ho ho ho ho oho

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1, Intelligent Dasein says: • Website
January 17, 2019 at 6:35 pm GMT • 600 Words

Strange to see that this essay has been up for five days now without yet garnering a single comment. This ought to be catnip to Unzitarians of the HBD confession, but nobody has dropped by to say a word. Perhaps the reality of seeing their cherished beliefs set forth in full clarity, and thus enabling them to take in at one glance the intrinsic insufficiency thereof, has dampened their desire for any frank discussion lest the magic circle be broken and the enlivening spirit drain away.

For it is apparent, and has been for many years, that the rather vocal Darwinians such as those who populate this website understand nothing about Darwin. They pay him a sort of grandfatherly homage, they advert to him as a shibboleth, but they do not read him and they certainly do not comprehend him. Any thoughtful reading of the Origin of Species would conduce to the conclusion that Darwin’s actual theories were quite different than that which is preached under his name today. And while both versions are incorrect, original Darwinism is at least a philosophy (of sorts) that can be handled by the techniques of reason and criticism, while today’s Darwinistic Dufflepuds propound naught but an incoherent spectacle of catchwords and post hoc rationalizations that their master’s generation would have been ashamed to include under the rubric of science.

Darwin’s nominal disciples have long since abandoned him for the golden calf of DNA, which they have imbued with every possible power, faculty, and meaning. The folly of this approach will, I trust, be sufficiently clear to the thinking man of today, and will in any case be made apparent to all and sundry in due course of time. Meanwhile, the formless state of these beliefs gives the lie to statements such as this:

virtually everyone accepts the scientific theory of Charles Darwin concerning the emergence and evolution of the various species in the world,

Notwithstanding the Dawinistic heading, what has actually been accepted amounts to little more than a doughy mass of vague materialism sprinkled with occasional shavings of biomolecular gobbledygook, and this only by the half-educated urban bourgeoisie. The wider world cares nothing for such “scientific” [sic] theories, while truly profound men have always been moved to a quite different conclusion as exemplified by Aristotle himself, viz. the epistemological permanence of the world and the inalterability of the major taxa.

Since Darwinism is false in its very beginnings and cannot adequately answer even to rather general matters of life history, it is then the height of absurdity to attempt to apply it to the tense and concrete sociopolitical problems of the present moment. But the devotees of human biodiversity, certain of their beloved “science,” draw precisely the opposite lesson. For them it is HBD which is axiomatic. It is not that HBD is true because Darwinism has shown it to be so on other and unimpeachable grounds, but Darwinism that is true because it agrees with muh HBD! How such an involved and illogical belief could have taken hold among the soi-disant high IQ set is a genuine curiosity.

The passing away of this superficial system will allow for at least the possibility of effective political action regarding questions of race and immigration. The HBD hermeneutic is a scientistic way of dissembling upon the problem by talking about it as if it were something else.
Below-copied by ap submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/gdurocher/darwin-on-the-rise-and-fall-of-human-races/#comment-2765085

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Random Lies And Lying On Germans By Psychopath, After A Couple Of Inane Prefaces
(Apollonian, 18 Jan 19)

After a couple of sociologic-styled prefaces to lies and lying, "Anon 2" gets to first serious lie:

<blockquote>"And yet Germany, the eternal bully of Europe, has tried to impose its will on the Slavs for at least 1200 years, knowing perfectly well it could not win this battle if only because of the enormous disparity in the numbers."</blockquote>

For obviously, "Germany the eternal bully...," is plain, moronic lie, and as a collective entity, doesn't really have a "will" as individuals do. And if one speaks of foreign policy, then it might refer to other "Slavic" nations, but surely not on Slavs as whole. And collective entities also cannot "know perfectly well." So this is quite idiotic passage. But wait, there's more.

<blockquote>"Hitler’s was the last desperate attempt to impose the German will on the Slavs,...."</blockquote> And above quote is just more of the Jew-friendly, Jew-serving lying, for note Hitler and Germany were attacked by France, UK, and Poland. Of course, Jews will lie, as always, saying it was Poland which was attacked, but actually Poland was encroaching upon and harassing the German city of Danzig, over which Poles had threatened Germany w. war if Danzig was not given to Poland. These encroachments by Poland are well documented and described in David Hoggan's "The Forced War."

UK, largely a Germanic nation itself, encouraged Polish aggression against Danzig and Germany by means of the offensive alliance of March, 1939. So these idiot lies and lying by "anon 2" really are quite brainless.

Our dear psychopath concludes his moronic lying about Germany and "Germanics" with, <blockquote>"I posit that one reason why the Germanics met such an ignominious fate is . . .they have shown extreme and unwarranted levels of aggression,...."
</blockquote> But of course, all humans live and die, the Germans no less, and they obviously haven't shown any more "levels of aggression" than anyone else, as humans are all sinners, and there's no one better than any others, etc.

So we see "anon 2" merely enters some rather typical lying and quite pointless idiocy regarding Germans and their heroic leader, Hitler, pretending thus to commenting on sociology, "levels of aggression," Aristotle, etc.

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# 11, Anon 2 says:
January 19, 2019 at 6:02 am GMT • 600 Words

Let me get more specific. There is no question that Darwin was not completely wrong when he postulated that we are a product of evolution – in many ways we are basically smart chimps. The horrors of human history demonstrate that humanity has had a very hard time rising above the level of our fellow primates: particularly under stress we tend to be selfish (i.e., pursuing self-interest), tribal, aggressive, revengeful, lustful, territorial, and status-seeking (i.e., obsessed with who is superior and who is inferior). Aggression, specifically, both verbal and physical, seems perfectly normal, at least at this stage of our evolution. Aristotle certainly thought so. He famously said that anger was perfectly acceptable but in his virtue ethics, based on the principle of moderation, the tricky part was to know when to get angry, with whom, to what degree, etc. By his account most humans are not virtuous not because they get angry but because they are not able to express their anger with a high degree of precision.

Let me get even more specific, and apply all this to the interaction between the Germanics and the Slavs. A crucial fact about Europe which is exceedingly rarely noted is that there are 240 million Slavs and only 120 million Germanics (incl. 20 million Scandinavians). The same 2:1 ratio was probably roughly true 1000 years ago. And yet Germany, the eternal bully of Europe, has tried to impose its will on the Slavs for at least 1200 years, knowing perfectly well it could not win this battle if only because of the enormous disparity in the numbers. Hitler’s was the last desperate attempt to impose the German will on the Slavs, and of course it ended not only in defeat, but also German humiliation, just like it ended in defeat and humiliation during World War I – by 1945 Germany lost much of its territory and millions of lives. What do Germanics have to show for 1200 years of history with their vaunted emphasis on science, technology, and efficiency? The Scandinavians are confined to perhaps the worst piece of real estate in Europe, Europe’s equivalent of Alaska – Stockholm’s latitude is close to that of Anchorage. Germany is still occupied, has been reduced to a small country, and is losing 200 – 250 000 ethnic Germans a year. Nothing to write home about. The Slavs, on the other hand, have a huge population, and occupy an enormous territory from the Oder river to Vladivostok on the Pacific. Meanwhile, the German ideal of science, technology, and warfare, although widely imitated (e.g., by U.S., Japan, and others) is losing popularity. There is growing disillusionment with science and technology for many reasons, including environmental degradation, massive extinction of species, falling fertility rates, decreasing life expectancy in the U.S. (despite enormous sums spent on medical research), etc. Sabine Hossenfelder, German physicist, recently suggested that 90% of the world’s 40 000 particle physicists should be fired because they don’t contribute anything to human welfare. That kind of proposal would have been unthinkable even 50 years ago.

I posit that one reason why the Germanics met such an ignominious fate is because they didn’t understand that even though aggression is perfectly normal, following Aristotle they have shown extreme and unwarranted levels of aggression, and achieved the opposite of their goal – they were roundly defeated and humiliated, the fate that eventually befalls all bullies. A more disturbing conclusion is that because science and technology weaponize aggression to stratospheric levels, there is now a whole climate of suspicion around science and technology that didn’t exist 150 years ago when people were still starry eyed about science as capable of solving all our problems.
Below-copied submitted, but deleted/censored by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/benefiting-israel-tops-congressional-agenda/#new_comments

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Don't Forget What/Who Jews Are: Anti-Christ, Satanist
(Apollonian, 19 Jan 19)

<blockquote>"Surely some of the few Jewish and many anti Jewish commenters on UR care enough about the truth to make inquiries."</blockquote>

"Anti-Jew"?--that merely means we're human, reacting against the satanic anti-human Jews and psychopathic liars, like thou, eh?

"Jew"?--and these are, like thou, simply the anti-human, in accord w. thy filthy, anti-human Talmud.

Remember: Truth = Christ (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) whom/what thou Jews gloat over having killed. Truth is what Jews hate most of all, and what Jews say they create by means of "midrash" and "Oral Law Tradition," according to thy filthy, satanic Talmud. See Talmudical.BlogSpot.com, RevisionistReview.BlogSpot.com, and Come-and-hear.com.

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# 428, Wizard of Oz says:
January 19, 2019 at 5:10 am GMT • 100 Words
@Cloak And Dagger

My imagination tells me that every photo like those ones would be in an index kept by Yad Vashem and no doubt many affiliates and other Jewish institutions. And there would be copious notes on their dates, provenance and every detail of what they showed. Surely some of the few Jewish and many anti Jewish commenters on UR care enough about the truth to make inquiries. How about writing to the Director of one of those institutions to the effect

“I find myself often presented with photographs purporting to show well fed Jewish children in Nazi concentration camps and would be interested to know what your researches say about them as I have no doubt you have just about all of them indexed and annotated for date, place, provenance and authenticity”.
Below-copied by ap submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/benefiting-israel-tops-congressional-agenda/#new_comments

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Judaism MUST Be Destroyed--Even More Than Carthage
(Apollonian, 18 Jan 19)

I personally "revel" in the idea that such monstrosities and psychopaths (Talmudists) will BE EXTERMINATED in accord w. JUSTICE. And I look forward to the day when it will be a legal holiday commemorating the extermination of organized Judaism, an instance of humanity crushing Satanism, the people giving public thanksgiving.

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# 398, Tyrion 2 says:
January 18, 2019 at 8:53 pm GMT
@Grace Poole

Why do people want to both pretend that all those Jews weren’t murdered and, at the same time, absolutely revel in the murder of all those Jews?
• Troll: Mike P
• Replies: @Grace Poole
, @jacques sheete
Below-copied by ap submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/benefiting-israel-tops-congressional-agenda/#new_comments

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CYCLIC Reality Must Lead To Reign Of Satanism, Satanists
(Apollonian, 18 Jan 19)

Grace: answer to thy question is it's (institution of this new holohoax religion) simply necessary extension of obligatory SATANIST program. After all, we have to get on w. Agenda-21 and 2030 GENOCIDE, right? So institution of lies, lying, and liars for sake of lies, lying, and liars must go on, like the proverbial "show."

This satanic corruption is necessary, thematic part of CYCLIC process of "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, whence a culture/civilization is built at first upon genuine heroes who work productively and fight successfully, but, after a certain pt., begins inexorable "decline" in corruption/perversion--going fm the objectivistic philosophy of Aristotle (in general, even if not explicitly) to the subjectivism, as we have now, roughly of Immanuel Kant (also Karl Marx), everything rigged to produce "moral virtue."

So everything, including precious Constitution, must give way to this "moral virtue," the product of extreme subjectivism by which subject literally produces and creates reality by means of mentality/consciousness, making the subject God, the creator--Satanism. But at least these Gods then create (otherwise non-existent) "good" and lord it over (non-existent) "evil." People LOVE and crave to feeling "good" more than anything.

Who then dominates?--the most COLLECTIVISTIC of the subjectivists/Satanists, who co-operate most sublimely by means of most successful, effective "group-think," most dedicated, committed, organized, thus dominating and leading all the other, more isolated, "individualistic" of subjectivists, moralists, and Satanists--even though these collectivists are far out-numbered by the other Satanists among the goyim.

And long as these organized Satanists control the central-bank, and the currency (not real MONEY) is accepted by the overwhelming masses of goons, morons, suckers, inferiors, and weaklings who don't care to realize they're being conned and suckered by this funny-money, this small coterie of Satanists will rule--what's happening presently.

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# 405, Grace Poole says:Next New Comment
January 19, 2019 at 12:50 am GMT • 100 Words
@Tyrion 2

You ask that question of the wrong person; ask Deborah Lipstadt why she insists, almost revels, that all those Jews were murdered, in the face of contrary evidence or no evidence (i.e. corpses, death certificates or lists, etc.) to support her position.

My question really has little to do with details of the event; rather, it’s concerned with the unconstitutionality of enforcing a quasi-religious dogma on American school children at US taxpayer expense. No need to make an argument for or against “a lot” or “not a lot” of Jews being murdered.
Below-copied by ap submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/benefiting-israel-tops-congressional-agenda/#new_comments

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Fatima Plays "The Girl" Too Much
(Apollonian, 18 Jan 19)

Fatima: don't thou remember, thou asked, above, # 291, <blockquote>“P.S: How many Jews are there in the world?
Why do you insist all the time, through all the forum out there, in them being so powerful?”</blockquote>

And we, myself and several others here, went to all the trouble, as thou see we did, to explain it all out to thou?--and NOW thou tells us, <blockquote>"Sorry, but to me that topic is not interesting at all, I have already a lot of books and information to read, really, Talmud is not my main priority."</blockquote>

Do thou see now what a total phony and fake thou art exposed as, BY THINE OWN ADMISSION?--why should anyone take thou seriously? Why should anyone waste further time explaining the ways of the world to such as thou, playing the "girl" as thou does? Thou art disgusting, the TYPICAL female air-brain, eh?--what a joke thou art. I'm extremely disappointed in thou, I must say.

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# 342, Fatima Manoubia says:
January 17, 2019 at 11:53 pm GMT • 500 Words

Sorry, but to me that topic is not interesting at all, I have already a lot of books and information to read, really, Talmud is not my main priority.

Mafiosi, thugs and criminals there are in every so called race, country, continent, neighborhood, and even, sometimes, amongst the same family….I do not think we can extend any pejorative characteristic to a whole race, country or people, perhaps some traits, and, of course, the common culture, traditions, beliefs, but also fears and even irrational concepts….I agree this all pass from generation to generation…But, then there are always individuals, or groups of, who go out, explore and try other things, even consider other points of view….This is how humanity progress and evolve….

As far as I am concerned, we all human beings who have come into this Earth have the right to live in peace and with a minimun of dignity ( this is why I am a communist…), there are riches on the surface of , or inside Earth, for us all to live this way.

I do not find any utility in trying to exterminate any people, since that is an inhumane activity which always brings in consequences, sometimes unintended, especially to those perpetrating the extermination. Human history is full of examples….

You can not exterminate the Taliban from their own land without unleashing a wave of rancor, which this, yes, pass from one generation to another…As well, you can not exterminate communists from the surface of Earth because this is a human condition, amongst others, and people are free to think so, because they are born free….If you try to get that out from them, they will fight you to the last man…

The Jews exist and there is no other thing to do than to accept that fact, they have to live somewhere. That it was an error creating a country for them, the more in the middle of the Arabs, based on whatever scriptures?, well, that could well be right, but, in any case, they, and the rest of the world would have to reach an agreement which considers the rights of everybody.

At the same time, we all people in the world, have also the right to live in peace, and for that we should reach agreements, including on what to do with people who do not respect this fact and cause turmoil all the time. This people causing turmoil are not only Israelis, but are many in your own country, Jews, or not…

This is our responsability and our duty, to bring them, and you, to some terms, whatever your views… So far, since I am watching, only the Russians have taken over in this activity…
Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/article/steve-ki...tism-inc-is-a-threat-to-america/#new_comments

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Subjectivism, Hubris Is Rampant In Spenglerian "Decline Of West"
(Apollonian, 19 Jan 19)

James: the dichotomy is at the very metaphysical root of things, regarding whether reality is objective (Aristotle) or not, and then if not objective, is it just subjective, a product of mind/consciousness? Note this issue (objective vs. subjective) is matter of assumption as it cannot be proven.

Thus if reality is objective, logic requires it is DETERMINED in accord w. strict cause-effect, no perfectly "free" will. So now thou see "elite..." is subjectivist, reality being whatever he wants it to be, spouting his usual platitudes and lies as he does.

"Elite..." is also typical yankee who says southern states had no right to secede, that they voluntarily gave-up sovereignty when they signed-on to the "supremacy" of Constitution which made a nation lording it over the enslaved, provincial states. The liar says S. Carolina made war against Union, etc., all the stock lies of establishment scum.

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied----------------

# 157, James Forrestal says:
January 19, 2019 at 1:35 pm GMT • 200 Words

African and it’s many civilizations is in reference to a culture. The fact that said reference to culture and skin color tied to the hip is exactly what Mr. king explicated. I agree if you take a child of any color and raise them in a particular environment they will assimilate, adopt, be formed b y, that culture. A black raised in the US has n o real link to Africa by way of practice. The US is is not uniquely white. In other words, skin color cannot prevent one from being in every way a US citizen. It’s a benign trait. That we have made skin color linked to culture – to repeat – is an error and demonstrated a million times over incorrect.

Oy vey.

Yet another ignorant, hate-filled race denialist making a failed attempt to promote the long discredited “Race is just skin color!” canard.

Plus the worn-out Blank Slate and Magic Dirt tropes, of course.

Do you have any actual evidence to support your patently-ludicrous claim that all known human behavioral traits are 100% environmentally determined, and do not differ in their distribution between groups? Or are your beliefs based solely on blind, unquestioning acceptance of the progressive establishment narrative?

Surely, if you believe that it has been “demonstrated a million times over” that human behavior has absolutely zero genetic component, then you are capable of citing one of those “million times?”
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Below-copied by ap submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/benefiting-israel-tops-congressional-agenda/#new_comments

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Would Be Net Plus To Remove/Destroy Israel
(Apollonian, 18 Jan 19)

It's not Jews are "bad"--there's no such thing as "bad" (as opposed to "good"--no such thing as "good," either), but Jews are Satanist disease feeding upon humanity, and humanity naturally strives to remove and oppose such Jews, like removing and opposing typhus or plague.

For note Jews simply fulfill a socio-biologic function--like yin and yang. To Jews, as we know fm Talmud and Zohar, gentiles are "bad"--like a disease.

So it seems to be a CYCLIC struggle: when there gets to be too many stupid gentiles, suddenly Jews/Satanists arise and thrive, working against, feeding upon the weaklings among gentiles, etc.

Overall, it would not be bad to have Jews removed fm a safe criminal head-quarters haven like Israel, even though it would mean more Jews infesting other lands--as if we in USA don't have enough of the psychopaths.

--------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

# 331, Steve in Greensboro says:Next New Comment
January 17, 2019 at 10:18 pm GMT

Israel bad. Jews bad.

Let’s imagine that the Palestinians destroy Israel.

Where do you all suppose the Jews will go?

Does that change your view of Israel?
Below-copied by ap submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/benefiting-israel-tops-congressional-agenda/#new_comments

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Race Is Everything, Seriously
(Apollonian, 18 Jan 19)

Fatima: In case there's any doubt left in thy mind regarding Jews--don't thou thinketh best thing is to ck-ing their basic philosophy?--it's in Talmud, also Zohar (Cabala)--and remember, it isn't ONLY "religion"--it's philosophy too. Jews are foremost subjectivists, as I noted. See Talmudical.BlogSpot.com, RevisionistReview.BlogSpot.com, and Come-and-hear.com. Find-out about their "midrash" and "Oral Law Tradition," their fundamental method.

Regarding "racism," note, if thou just checketh any dictionary, thou sees the real meaning: LOYALTY and pride in people, ancestors, culture--racism is a virtue. And note also, racism is AXIOMATIC--for one is necessarily loyal, even if only by default, to SOME race, mixed or non-mixed, "white," black, red, yellow, brown--whatever--"white" (which is a generalized abstraction, obviously) or non-white. And if then thou says thou are loyal to human race in general, then that just reduces to "mixed," doesn't it?

Note also, regarding race, following the determinist premise (absolute cause-effect, no perfectly "free" will), whatever race one is determines the way one thinks and acts, determines cultural back-ground, the premises upon which further conclusions are based. So as the Jew, Disraeli, the old British Prime Minister, said (I understand, in one of his fiction works), "race is everything--is all."

I think thou deserves lots of credit to come here to this site and face us racist scum--we believe we're right and justified--and we're not ever going to just give-up--and note, we ALWAYS win in the end. Generations fm now, the people will surely enjoy a holiday to commemorate the extermination of Judaism, if not Jews themselves--a crushing blow by humanity against Satanism, eh?--that's what I'm working for, anyway.

--------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------

# 326, Fatima Manoubia says:
January 17, 2019 at 8:48 pm GMT • 1,000 Words

Why do you hate…

I do not hate, that for starters ( may be racist misogynist fascists or ISIS thugs…but, well, those are not worth even the effort in trying….), it seems that it´s precisely you who have a long list of human beings to hate, since it is obvious that it is not only Jews with whom you have issues, but also, muslims, “commies”, and how not, women, especially if they are feminists…. ( but, I fear, it is really any woman who dares to have an opinion in your presence, isn´t it? ) I fear I am getting short with those named so far….

I do not hate Palestinians ( what do you know of me to assert such a lie, moron? ) whom I have defended in the internet forums more than you could do in 100 lives.

Only tried to make the point that there could be Jew people who could be honest…. I went a bit metaphorical, and get lost on the branches, a commonality in me, I notice, and not the kind of comment is appreciated here, but, well, lesson learnt for the next time, after all, no está hecha la miel para la boca del burro…

I wonder, what part of that I did never intend buying any Israeli product, have you, and the other two or three over here, not understand from my comment?
What part of me having issue in wearing an Israeli product once aware of its acquisition and thus intend to hide its origins did you not understand either?

Have you noticed ( if there is any time in the day when you are not blinded by your hatred of everybody to reflect a bit… ) that the sandals traveled through all the Middle East and Magreb, still wearing its trade patch ( which I could not remove without hurting the stripes badly…not funds for another pair…nor at my hand the luxury to throw them away…) and nobody had any issue, since most people there are mainly centered in the hard work of surviving and saving the day, and, if possible, taking a few of spare time to have a good time even with a friendly foreigner passing? Yes, you see, those damned muslims are such hospitable and helpful, and enjoy such and ancient and wide culture so as to enjoy those little things of which you have no idea….hence your bitterness…

Of course, besides of a pair of Israeli good sandals at my feet, I also hold an Spanish passport, plus the fame of my Basque countrymen/women ( impenitent travellers …) who preceded me, to have the doors wide open even in the most remote corner of the world….

FYI, it is precisely in Europe where Palestinian rights are most defended ( do not come here to give lessons on that…) and concretely here, in the Basque Country, they have always had a bastion where they can lay for support, with multiple initiatives for such a tiny portion of land we live in….
What have you done for the Palestinians lately, tell me, you American? Let me guess, rien de rien, if not vociferating from your safe space at your armchair/computer….lest Mossad is coming…. after you…..Ahhh, horror!
Do you know what impression you make? That you are all scared of them to the bones….And they know it!…. This is why you are doomed…Take it as it is, and stop projecting your self-loathing over the rest of us, do us a favor.

I have not any obligation of giving you personal data, but I will say you that I am so muslim out of the nick name I wear here, as you are a “Hero”, by the same reason, nothing to do with reaity, although I could well be described as an arabophile, since I love Arab culture, art, music, people and mystic, and I am very interested in real Islam, not the invented distortions produced in the US/KSA so that be able to throw an army of dangerous criminals armed to the teeth freshly released from high security jails to continue looting those countries which do not surrender to their aims of conquest and expoil….

For the rest, and since you love here talking about race so much, I am a Celt ( 100%), born and currenty living in the Basque Country by migration of my parents who arrived here in their teens. I love both cultures, love especially the sea, where I pass all time I am able, but also the mountains, the desert, and the peoples of the world….Hence I spend all my funds available travelling….

And, btw, for you to rage more, when I get my new passport, I wil be travelling to Israel too, I am going to walk Vía Dolorosa at sunset…..and, why not, eat some good falafel….and, if I manage, I would like also visiting Palestinian territories…and talk a bit while smoking a sisha ( it´s the only thing I smoke…love the custom…especially with apple savor…)

I use to enjoy meeting people, but I can not say it was a pleasure meeting you. You are a rude, man, as you approach unknown people this way, offending at the first word you say… No wonder you are complaining on that nobody here wants to engage with you, why should they?
I am going to be blunt now, just buy a forest for yourself… and get lost….

Finally, old is you, independently of your age, and, for you to see that I do not hate… even you, I leave you some advice…

If anytime you arrive in Paris, go to Chez Finkelstein, at Le Marais neighborhood and order a “Jidish sandwich” and cheesecake for dessert, these are my favourites, all very good and homemade, nothing to do with what The Donald offered the other day to those poor guys….

And a song…..
Below-copied by ap submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/ldinh/man-war-and-nation/#new_comments

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Jews Worship Lies, Lying, Liars--Feature Prayer About Lying--"Kol Nidre"
(Apollonian 18 Jan 19)

Thou are simply the typical Jew liar, pushing the Jew lies and holohoax. "Mainstream narrative" is notorious lies by Jews and Jews-media, etc., holohoax dis-proven over and again--see Codoh.com for definitive expo.

"izarre"?--says the Jew, but is there anything more monstrous than Jews?--Jews notorious liars--see New Testament, Gosp. JOHN 8:44, wherein Jesus Christ attests to the satanic nature of Jew lying--Jews worshipping lies, lying, and liar, like satan, the father of his sons, Jews.

Ernst Zundel's lawyer, Barbara Kulaszka, produced, "Did Six Million Really Die?" transcripts of court case which essentially established hoax and lies of holohoax, Jews and the Canadian state producing NO EVIDENCE for holohoax lies of Jews, etc., merely the pretended witness testimony of Jew liars who were exposed in court. Jew Prof. Finkelstein wrote book, "The Holocaust Industry," exposing Jew lies of holohoax.

Talmudic rabbis feature notorious "Kol Nidre" prayer exculpating Jew liars in advance for all the lies they programmatically tell--see Talmudical.BlogSpot.com, RevisionistReview.BlogSpot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for best expo on thematic Jew lying, lies, and liars, who worship lies and lying.

--------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

# 22, German_reader says:Next New Comment
January 19, 2019 at 3:22 am GMT • 100 Words
@Linh Dinh

I don’t know what’s supposed to be so hard about adopting a position that the Holocaust essentially did happen as in the mainstream narrative, but that it has been exploited for all manner of highly questionable positions (e.g. uncritical support for Zionism, open borderism, German/white ethnomasochism) which should be criticized.
The Holocaust denial on this site is just bizarre.
Below-copied by ap submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/ldinh/man-war-and-nation/#new_comments

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Judaism Necessarily DOMINATES In Corruption Of Spenglerian "Decline Of West"
(Apollonian, 18, Jan 19)

Indeed: (a) Islam simply insists whatever Mohammed said was true, ipso facto, and Islam requires submission, hence mindless obedience, PERIOD--and if one doesn't obey, then one gets one's head chopped.

(b) Christianity upholds TRUTH, above all, Christ = TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) against satanic lies, JOHN 8:44. Thus Christianity upholds the OBJECTIVE reality, necessary basis/premise for any meaningful "truth." Thus all Christian ethics follows fm truth, objectivity, presenting an intellectual argument, especially against the Pharisees/Jews.

(c) And Judaism is precisely the ANTI-THESIS of Christianity, Judaism being "midrash" (interpretation) according to "Oral Law Tradition," reality being merely what rabbis say, all for "good" of Jews--extreme subjectivism and Satanism, extreme subjectivism being idea that reality is what is produced by mind/consciousness of subject, making oneself God, the creator--Satanism by definition. See Talmudic.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for expo.

Jews, Judaism, Talmud then features a COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivism, colluding in most effective "group-think," Jews being most dedicated, committed, organized subjectivists, thus dominating and leading the more isolated, "individualist" subjectivists/Satanists among goyim--why Jews always dominate, especially in corrupt, hubristic conditions of "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, for example.

-----------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

# 13, Johnny Rottenborough says: • Website
January 18, 2019 at 11:32 pm GMT • 100 Words

oak—Like Judaism, Islam rejects Christianity’s soppy universalism. See Qur’an 48:29, ‘Mohammed is Allah’s apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers but merciful to one another.’

In Separation and Its Discontents [PDF, 224], Kevin MacDonald quotes S D Goitein: ‘Modern Western civilization, like the ancient civilization of the Greeks, is essentially at variance with the religious culture of the Jewish people. Islam, however, is from the very flesh and bone of Judaism.’

---------------below-copied by "Druid" in response to mine, above, top-------

# 21, Druid says:
January 19, 2019 at 3:16 am GMT

Get your head chopped off? My goodness, your ignorance is brainless!
• Disagree: apollonian

------------------below-copied by ap in response to above by "Druid"-----------

Thou makes no sense: what "ignorance," fool?--tell us all about it.
Below-copied by ap submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/article/brexit-o...-and-misses-good-omen-for-trump/#new_comments

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Proverbial "Cat" Is "Out Of Bag": Globalism Is Dead Man Walking
(Apollonian, 18 Jan 19)

Here's the article's tell-tale, most palpable lie, and there are surely others too, but this is most un-forgivable:

<blockquote>The Deep State is often portrayed as a conspiracy. In fact, it is better thought of as a blind sociological event. There is no group of conscious conspirators, simply people being groomed to have the same opinions or at least saying they do.</blockquote>

For the "deep-state" is built around and behind the fundamental existential criminal enterprise, the central-bank of issue which is literally LEGALIZED COUNTERFEITING--which gives the conspirators nearly INFINITE funding by which to out-spend everyone else--why/how they OWN nearly every politician and judge--owning practically EVERYTHING and everybody.

Thus, as the central-bank is a MONOPOLY, it funds and controls an entire complex of monopolies, including now "big-tech," "big-Pharma," presently now poisoning everyone, the Jews-media, and others too.

Tragedy is simple seeming thing as MONEY is actually abstract, and the over-populated goons, morons, scum, inferiors, and weaklings, that have grown-up can't, don't, and won't figure it out. So we're doomed--doomed to inevitable economic collapse, currency collapse, and those wishing to survive must PLAN carefully.

Real money is not same as CURRENCY, currency being nearly infinite, having no "intrinsic"-value, like the best real money, gold/silver. See Mises.org; use their site search-engine.

So one sees present society/economy is built upon criminal-enterprise, monopoly, FRAUD--a SATANIC institution chugging along upon explicit Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE--what could be MORE satanic?

Note then, "Satanism" is not really, at root, "religious" or even mystic--it's simple, straight-forward PHILOSOPHY, extreme subjectivism, subject holding reality is product of mentality/consciousness, making subject God, the creator--Satanism by definition. Beyond this basic philosophy and definitional nature, Satanism can indeed get quite "religious" and mystic (esp. in form of simple numerology, for example), but basically, at root, it's simple--why it gets by so many stupid puke who insist everything is soooo goddam complex.

So who then rules and dominates among Satanists?--the most COLLECTIVISTIC, colluding most closely, most dedicated, committed, and ORGANIZED--co-operating in most sublime and effective "group-think," thus controlling and leading all the other goyim, more isolated, "individualist" Satanists/subjectivists who vastly outnumber these collectivistic Satanists.

So observe what MUST HAPPEN: there are sooooo many over-populated goons who REFUSE to think, that some horror and catastrophe MUST happen which will kill-off and "cull," so to speak, evermore stupid scum--UNTIL a survivable REMNANT decides to organize to doing something useful and practical to save themselves, families, and civilization.

Further, the satanic masterminds at the top must also begin to falling-out, as "there's no honor among thieves," the masterminds becoming evermore un-comfortable as they see the untermensch dying-off, the masterminds suspecting they might be next to be double-crossed and placed on "chopping-block."

Observe this "falling-out" seems to be what's happened to the "globalist" leftists-"atheists" who are presently shrieking so hysterically about Trump and "nationalist" "neo-cons" who betrayed them--either that or it's a great ACT they're putting-on, eh?

Anyway, the "globalist" conspiracy is absolutely now out-of-the-bag, and EVERYONE (for practical purposes) KNOWS IT. Just goes to show the old CONFEDERATE states of America idea was absolutely correct--John C. Calhoun was magnificent prophet--they were just a little before their time, evidently. And note there are still SIMPLE things real patriots can still do quite easily--like NULLIFICATION, secession, etc.--see TenthAmendmentCenter.com.
Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/article/brexit-o...-and-misses-good-omen-for-trump/#new_comments

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Basic Dichotomy Of Ideals Holds, Long As Roots, Definitions Are Solid
(Apollonian, 18 Jan 19)

The real, most basic dichotomy is (a) Truth (Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) vs. Lies (Satanism, Judaism, Gosp. JOHN 8:44).

(b) Thus dichotomy continues: truth, hence the objective (Aristotle) reality, only real basis for meaningful TRUTH, vs. SUBJECTIVISM of Judaism/Satanism, Judaism featuring thematic "midrash" (interpretation) and "Oral Law Tradition" (see Talmudical.BlogSpot.com, RevisionistReview.BlogSpot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for best expo).

Note simple definition of Satanism being extreme subjectivism, making mind/consciousness creator of reality, making subject God--Satanism, by definition. Jews then feature a COLLECTIVIST subjectivism/Satanism, most sublime, effective, successful "group-think," most dedicated, committed, organized, making them dominant leaders over the rest of more isolated, individualist Satanists/subjectivists, as of goyim, even though goyim far out-number Jews.

Thus one sees the satanic Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE of "leftist," atheist "globalists vs. pretend "rightists" Zionist, "neo-cons" who backed trump, pretending to "nationalism." But these are just "good-cop" vs. "bad-cop" Jews playing their usual charades to confuse, befuddle goyim.

Note then Jews make use of this "right vs. left," "globalist vs. nationalist" anti-theses for good reason as they make much sense.

And don't forget, Jews/satanists control the central-banks, so they can easily afford to buy-off and -out any "nationalist" or "globalists," "rightists" or "leftists"--they're just brand-labels as of commercial advertising, and as Jews/satanists control mass Jews-media, they just ignore anyone who doesn't play their game and massively repeat over and over for the goyim the preferred Jew products, including political parties and "ideals."

But think of it: Jews are simply psychopaths, murderers and criminals--all in accord w. their Talmudic war-plan--so how does it really make sense to conflate such Satanist criminals w. "nationalism" and "right" vs. "left"? Sure, among Jew criminals, it makes sense to maintain some "globalist" criminals vs. some "nationalist" (Zionist) criminals.

What Jews then offer nationalists is as much to say, "sure, we're criminals of terror-state of Israel, but we're NATIONALIST criminals, and we don't like those 'globalists'." Ho hoo ho ho ho

"Progressive" merely means SUBJECTIVIST upon pretext of a false moralism, as of non-existent "good-evil." Whereas "conservative" means sticking w. the old-fashioned deterministic-objectivistic ideas, less emphasis upon putrid, new-fangled moralism, keeping w. Christian determinism, idea that we're all sinners.

Regarding thy notion of, <blockquote>"...Globalist-versus-nationalist axes has no relationship to left-v-right."
</blockquote> One must concede that the distinctions are merely blurred by intensive Jew lying and prop. generated by massive funding by control of the central-bank which Jews/Satanists typically hold. For "nationalist" would most correspond to "right," and "globalist" dictatorship w. socialist "left."

So to summarize: (a) truth vs. lies, (b) objective vs. subjective, (c) determinist vs. perfect "free" will, (d) hence "rightist," "conservative" free-market founded upon (objective) rationalist egoism vs. socialist dictatorship founded upon subjectivist perfect "free" will and "good-evil," hence "climate-change" lies, and Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE, etc. Socialism is mere style of dictatorship, founded upon non-existent moralistic (-styled) "good."

So the basic dichotomy structure, beginning w. truth vs. lies, and objective vs. subjective, remains intact through the chain and hierarchy of reasoning, though there is possible blurring and confusion due to weak definitions injected, insinuated, and effected by Jew lying and propaganda.

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

# 48, Skeptikal says:
January 18, 2019 at 9:33 pm GMT • 300 Words
@Robert M

“I think many have been conned into thinking this is a left-wing-versus-right-wing, but I’m starting to think the Globalist-versus-nationalist axes has no relationship to left-v-right.

Let me put it this way. I’m instinctively right wing, but if I had to choose between a left-wing-nationalist or a right-wing-globalist, these days I would now choose the LWN.”

this seems to me to be an extremely important point: the increasing irrelevance and even counterproductivity of the left/right paradigm.

Both supposedly left and right have a globaslist wing and a nationalist wing.

So that creates a Venn diagram where traditionally progressive beliefs can be combined with either nationalism or globalism, and traditoinally conservative to reactionary beliefs and convictions can also be combined with either globalism or nationalism—but, just with different features of these than the traditional progressives. This is what is making the current political moment so interesting. The old paradigms really do no apply and a new paradigm is in the process of being born.

In this new paradigm both progressive and conservative beliefs are “filtered” through the prism of both globalism and nationalism, and vice versa. Globalism and nationalism likewise are filtered through “progressive” and “conservative” beliefs. The mentally sluggish are stuck with unusable combinations of ideas. The mentally nimble are working out how the new paradigm functions. How to translate it into effective political action seems to be to be the challenge of the current moment.

To express the new cross-cutting across various grain in an extreme fashion: Is there any way at all in which Trump can be called a progressive? Yes! If he means it about the Syria pullout and diminishing American military adventurism around the globe, that is a part of the traditional progressive agenda. Although erstwhile conservatives who are now neos decry this as isolationism. Thetraditoinal left is equally confused. Their big mistake was to miss, so far, the New Paradigm boat and go after Trump in every single detail. It is an intellectual failure as much as anything else .
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Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, https://www.unz.com/article/why-conservatives-cant-win/#new_comments

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As Long As Central-Bank Remains, Fiat Currency Accepted, There's Little Hope
(Apollonian, 20 Jan 19)

Thomm: the (a) "theoretic," psychologic, abstract problem is the heavy pall of HUBRIS and especially SATANISM (extreme subjectivism) which weights down American psyche and ethos in general. (b) The more specific, existential (practical) problem is the central-bank of issue which constantly pumps-out nearly INFINITE "currency"--not real MONEY--see Mises.org for expo on central-bank; use their site search engine for specific terms.

Note the amazing little factoid that central-bank is a monopoly, and consider what central-banking REALLY is--a literal criminal enterprise, legalized counterfeiting. So these criminals OWN everything and everybody but for that very few (maybe 5-10 % of population) who understand (a) healthy humans and society needs real MONEY, commodity-based, like gold/silver--a FINITE source.

(b) Since these central-bank criminals can put-out nearly INFINITE quantity (though it will rapidly lose value) of currency, they OWN the political system, capable of out-funding any adverse political candidates. These criminals also defraud the system w. "electronic-voting" which is totally rigged, and they out-fund anyone else by means of the monopolist "Jews-media," aside fm all the other ways of fraud, which they cover by means of owning practically all politicians, judges, and lawyers.

So since these central-bank criminals own everything and practically everyone, it's a fool-proof system, BUT which is doomed to CERTAIN economic collapse--which is practically the ONLY thing patriots can hope for.

Thomm, thou keep repeating idiotically WN is "leftist," and though SOME FEW may be leftist, the entire Christian-Western culture is against "leftism"--which is dictatorship--socialism is GENOCIDE. Christian West stands for Objective reality of Aristotle, REASON, honesty, and integrity (at least we TRY), and Republican virtue based upon RULE-OF-LAW in accord w. REASON, US Constitution being eminent monument to that reason and rule-of-law, featuring individual freedom. Hence patriots, including WNs overwhelmingly favor FREEDOM, including the free-market, fool. Quit thy dumbass lying.

Thomm, thou give NO references whatever for thy continued repeating about WN "leftism," either regarding WNs, or its alleged "leftism," and thou overlooks obvious facts we patriots and WNs want states-rights, in accord w. US Constitution and Declaration of Independence--we want to secede fm thou inferior, enemy, alien, and foreign, non-white races and have our own nation--and it's going to happen, surely, but I guess we'll have to wait for inevitable economic collapse.

----------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------------

# 111, Thomm says:
January 21, 2019 at 1:45 am GMT • 100 Words

If white America has a future, it won’t be secured by conservatives. It will be secured only by European Americans who reject “business-as-usual” politics and the familiar but ultimately irrelevant “conservative” and “liberal” categories,

The problem is :

i) White Nationalism is a left-wing ideology (i.e. it espouses left-wing economic views).
ii) Ron Unz pointed out how White Nationalism is even less successful in mainstream politics than GOPe conservatism.

• Disagree: apollonian


Real Patriots Are For Freedom, Hence Free Market--Death To Socialism, Which Is Genocide
(Apollonian 19 Jan 19)

What?--WHY wouldn't good patriots like WNs want freedom?--like original founding fathers, Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, et al. Hence real WN would want free-market--which is actually "capitalism," but which has been made a dirty word, a "buzz-word" nowadays, due to the morons who ape the Marxist prop. "Crony"-capitalism is diff. fm classic capitalism.

--------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-----------------------

# 86, FvS says:
January 20, 2019 at 5:45 am GMT

White nationalism itself has no economic ideology inherently attached to it. However, many white nationalists may share certain views on economics and politics.
Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED, deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/benefiting-israel-tops-congressional-agenda/#new_comments

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Talmud IS "Midrash"--Merely Fuller Elaboration--Subjectivism
(Apollonian, 20 Jan 19)

No, the dear lady is NOT "red herring" (see below-copied), she doing excellent work of necessary, essential exposition of Talmud, the basic method of "midrash" (interpretation). Don't thou get it?--Talmud and midrash are "interpretation"--of Torah, first of all--which all Christ vehemently condemned (as at Gosp. MATT, entire ch. 23). See Talmudical.BlogSpot.com, RevisionistReview.BlogSpot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for best expo.

Thus Christ = TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), hence the OBJECTIVE (Aristotelian) reality, necessary basis/premise for any meaningful truth--against Jew/satanic lies (JOHN 8:44) founded in SUBJECTIVISM ("midrash").

Thus the basic philosophic dichotomy is objective reality vs. subjectivism, satanism being simply extreme subjectivism, idea reality is created by mind/consciousness, making subject God, the
creator--satanism by definition.

Jews then feature a COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivism/Satanism, most effective, successful "group-think," Jews most dedicated, committed, organized, by which Jews then dominate, manipulate, and lead all/any other subjectivists/satanists as among goyim, these goyim typically less cohesive, more isolated, and "individualist," even though far out-numbering Jews.

--------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------

# 496, Grace Poole says:
January 20, 2019 at 4:56 pm GMT • 100 Words
@Cloak And Dagger

Just wanted to emphasize to you and others that watching the second video is just as or even more enlightening

I watched both of them. The content is very illuminating although the videos are hard to watch because of poor production quality (e.g. her powerpoint slides are off screen). She talked about the 6 million as being a necessary realization from the Talmud, although she preceded it with the insistence that the holocaust did happen – an unjustified assertion. The itemization of how Christians must be mistreated is shocking, but not surprising.

If I understood here correctly, the whole insistence of the adoption of the 7 Noahide laws as the law of the land is dangerous, despite the facts that the laws themselves are innocuous, but because it meant that the Sanhedrin court (?) would have the rights to interpret, and somehow they had already decreed that Christians were in violation of the 1st and 5th law. I lost the logic there. This part was a stretch for me, and resembled the adoption of Sharia law as the law of the land. Both appear implausible.

But her description of the content of the Talmud was educational. Thanks for sharing.

Agreed, some insights into Talmud, so thanks for that.

Agree also with Cloak and Dagger’s criticisms.

Also wonder about:
— the character of UN “adoption” of Noahide laws: any more information on that?
— she’s got a real burr under her saddle re Vatican and “Vatican alliance with Noahide laws” and Netanyahu, etc.
— Anybody have any information about linkages among Chabad Lubavitch and other mainstream Jewish organizations such as ADL? Is Chabad represented among 52 presidents of Jewish organizations?
— She’s a holocaust believer.

Given the above — is this woman a red herring?

----------------Below-copied by ap in response to above-------------------

[Since my above, top, entry was CENSORED/deleted by the kike, Unz, I went ahead and entered another note/essay, below-copied, as response to above by "Grace Poole." For some reason, the kike went ahead and posted it.]

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Consider What Unz Is Actually Doing Here, This Site
(Apollonian, 19 Jan 19)

Grace: this entire site, by Unz is a "red-herring," don't doubt. Unz is gate-keeper, his aim being, generally, the pretended "normalization" of Jews as part of humanity and USA (which is actually quite difficult, ho ho ho), oversight of gentiles to keep-up on what they're talking about, etc., and deleting anything in way of the Christian analysis of Jews, what they really are and how they do things--that's what's going-on here.
Below-copied essay by ap submitted at comments, and amazingly, not censored by the kike, Unz: http://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/benefiting-israel-tops-congressional-agenda/#new_comments

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MacDonald Is Mere "Pied-Piper"; Unz The Typical Jew Snake
(Apollonian, 20 Jan 19)

Grace: So what, about MacDonald?--he's nothing but an accommodationist for Jews, begging them to support his pretended half-baked "nationalism."

JEWS ARE THE VERY PROBLEM--specifically, in the largest sense, it is SATANISM (extreme subjectivism and the psychologic HUBRIS), in general, that element dragging-down the West in Oswald Spengler's "Decline of the West," and then Jews specifically, the leading satanists, the directors, master-minds, and leaders par-excellence, at the top of the satanist hierarchy. And MacDonald wants to accommodate these infernal Jews, sucking-up to them so brainlessly and pathetically.

MacDonald wants to strike deals w. Jews, begging them to support white nationalism or the cause of Euro-Americanism, etc., in exchange for his own support for them, Jews and Israel, for pathetic example, ho ho ho ho ho. Jews are Satanists, and don't see anything in any other ultimate terms but for satanic imperialism, control, and rulership, and they're already well-along in their endeavors to enslave and exterminate humanity in accord w. their Talmudic and Zohar (Cabalist) mysticism.

Let me emphasize that: Jews have no interest in anything but satanism, for that's what they are, and Unz, for specific example, is NOT interested in first amendment "freedom of speech or expression"--HE'S CENSORING my entries and postings here on this site, furiously and intensively. Unz is NOTHING but (a) gate-keeper, and (b) data-miner for information, keeping an eye on the gentiles, reporting on what gentiles are discussing (c) censoring and deleting any genuine information being put forward, like the general satanist problem and Jews place within.

Who do u think (a) controls and directs policy and activity for the top monopoly, the central-banking system?--it's Jews and no other; the few gentiles involved just suck-along, taking orders and saluting obediently.

(b) Who then controls and directs activity for the lethal corporate monopolies, carrying out GENOCIDE policy of Agenda-21 and -2030, featuring "big-Pharma," presently poisoning everyone, the Jews-media, lying to everyone, not to mention the "defense" and arms & weapons manufacturing monopolies?--it's all Jews in control w. only a few gentiles as "window-dressing" and "tokens." MacDonald merely WANTS TO BE ONE OF THOSE "TOKENS" and suck-alongs.

I'm rather amazed thou imagines MacDonald is of any serious, genuine significance in human-kind's present great struggle against satanism (hence Jews, the leaders and cadre)--that befuddled, antiquated, academia-blinded fool, MacDonald, really hasn't got the foggiest notion of what's going-on, merely sniping in bitterness and petty jealousy of Jews, MacDonald TOTALLY overlooking the larger, more immediate satanic problem which is killing masses of gentiles everyday, by means of poison drugs and vaccines, poison GMO foods and additives, toxic particulates in the atmosphere, toxic electro-magnetic radiation, etc., even more than the numerous Palestinians and other casualties of outright, active warfare throughout the world, Ukraine, Syria, Yemen, etc. There are NO "good" Jews, Grace, and Unz is a snake, MacDonald most pathetic dupe--they go together.

-----------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

# 510, Grace Poole says:Next New Comment
January 20, 2019 at 10:31 pm GMT

Unz has had Kevin MacDonald’s Culture of Critique in the Featured Book spotlight for the past week or so.

MacDonald may not write Christian polemics, but his mental framework is certainly not Jewish, and his analysis is not pro-Jewish.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted, but CENSORED by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/gdurocher/darwin-on-the-rise-and-fall-of-human-races/#comments

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Purpose Of Christianity?--Defense Against Satanism/Subjectivism And Lies
(Apollonian, 20 Jan 19)

<blockquote>"...Christianity’s overemphasis on transcendent divinity, God out there in the clouds."</blockquote>

Thy problem (see below-copied by "anon 2") is thou fails to understand WHAT Christianity is in the very first place--IT IS NOT MYSTICISM--on the contrary. Note the philosophy of Christ is given by way of story-telling, given in Gospels and New Test. And there's no "God out there in the clouds," which is idiotic.

Christianity is about TRUTH, first and foremost, Christ = Truth (Gosp. JOHN 14:6). And all Christian ethics follows fm this basic precept. Note "truth" then is necessarily founded upon the OBJECTIVE (Aristotelian) reality--AGAINST subjectivism ("midrash") and "Oral Law Tradition." See Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for best expo on Judaism and Talmud, etc.

<b>Note satanism is extreme subjectivism, idea reality is created by mind/consciousness, the subject being God, the creator--satanism.</b> Judaism then is an elaboration, Jews COLLECTIVIST subjectivists, Jews colluding, rendering and achieving most effective, successful sort of criminal conspiracy and "group-think," dominating, manipulating, and leading all the other subjectivists/satanists, as among the goyim, even though out-numbered by goyim, the goyim being more isolated and "individualist," not nearly as cohesive and effective as Jews.

Thus there is indeed problem for what Christianity is held to be and to be all about--as in thy case, sucker--thou hasn't the slightest idea, ho ho ho ho.

For "Vatican" (for example) is un-questionably a false church w. false prophets preaching Jew-friendly lies and prop., funded heavily and supported by Jews, the "Vatican" allied w. and supporting terror-state of Israel. Indeed, ALL the establishment "Christian" churches are false, Jew-friendly (that's the very problem), and traitorous, satanic supporters of Israeli terror-state.

Observe then that's practical pt. to the present (false) "Christian" establishment--to supporting, justifying, and making excuses for the Israeli terror-state and behind that terror-state the criminal enterprise of central-banking by which currency (not real MONEY) is generated out of nothing, literally legalized counterfeiting (see Mises.org for expo; use their site search-engine), by which Jews and Satanists own and control everybody and everything.

Thus Christianity and "Church," properly understood, is designed and meant for purpose of anti-satanism and anti-Semitism. So if thou aren't "anti-Semitic," thou are not Christian--anti-Semitism is what Christianity is properly all about.

-------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

# 16, Anon 2 says:
January 20, 2019 at 6:34 am GMT • 500 Words

Re: In 1914 whites made up a third of human population

True. And now we are down to (optimistically speaking) one seventh (1 billion plus out of 7.7 billion), a global minority (By the way, I think whites should stress their global minority status – we are basically becoming an endangered species and need to be protected).

I think the ultimate reason is that we are no longer in harmony with our animal nature. We’ve become too civilized, something that Darwin was already aware of, and hence his claim that we are basically smart chimps provided a useful corrective. Historically, the West has gone from excessive aggression (e.g., slave trade, colonialism, etc. As recently as the 1960s, at a World’s Fair in Brussels (?), blacks from Africa were placed in a cage for everyone to gawk at. That was clearly inhumane) to excessive submissiveness (e.g., when Merkel in 2015 invited a million+ migrants to come to Germany without consulting with her EU allies, again demonstrating the bullying behavior that the rest of Europe has always found distasteful). The current preoccupation with toxic masculinity is another example of wanting males to display excessive submissiveness that is clearly out of harmony with our animal nature. As Aristotle said, the precise level of aggression when the situation calls for it, without going to either extreme is perfectly in harmony with our nature as rational animals.

I believe the situation will improve as the Europeans return to their pagan roots. One reason is that the Abrahamic religions are almost completely out of touch with the natural world. This is now changing. For example, the first temple to Odin in 1000 years was recently completed in Denmark. In Greece people are again beginning to visit the old temples dedicated to the Olympian gods. Granted, not many. However, after the horrors of the 20th century growing numbers of people now feel that excessive faith in science and technology is entirely unwarranted, and feel justified in turning to alternative medicine, eastern religions, and paganism.The gods and goddesses today are, of course, conceived in a much more sophisticated way as the powerful Jungian archetypes within our psyche that can exert synchronistic effects in the outer world, “As within, so without.” Many people believe that this will restore the vitality and the vigor (Pres. Kennedy’s favorite word!) they feel has been depleted in their neurotic urban lives. Paganism in this sense simply means a sense of reconnection with immanent divinity, divinity present in nature, including in us, a useful corrective to Christianity’s overemphasis on transcendent divinity, God out there in the clouds. This is of course nothing new. For example, it is reminiscent of New England Transcendentalism that Emerson was writing about.