Apo essays for Jan 2019

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted, but censored by kike, Unz, at comments, https://www.unz.com/article/on-yellow-vests-and-monsters/#comments

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The MONSTERS: What Are They?--How Do They Arise?
(Apollonian, 21 Jan 19)

Andrew Joyce asks, rhetorically, though it really is to most excellent pt.: <blockquote>"How does one fight today’s monsters, and who is fighting them?"</blockquote>

Thus, regarding these "monsters," there are two basic aspects to consider: (a) the realm of abstract and "theory," and (b) the practical, existential, more subject to simple sense-perception--we'll take the second first, here, for analysis, as it's easier.

(b) And that <b>practical, down-to-earth, existential "monster"</b> is the criminal-enterprise of central-banking, literally legalized counterfeiting, a monopoly constantly pumping-out more and evermore "currency"--NOT real MONEY, which real money must be commodity-based, hence FINITE in amount--see Mises.org for expo; use their site search-engine for particular terms.

Don't thou get it, suckers?--w. INFINITE "currency" these satanic Jew bankers now own everything and everybody w. only FEW exceptions--like Ron Paul--and they can hire assassins to kill anyone, then use their bought and paid-for judges and lawyers, not to mention Jews-media to cover it all up--and this is what's been happening, fools--if thou only would open thine eyes, dumbasses. What happened to JFK assassination investigation?--EVERYONE knows it was conspiracy, not "lone-gunman." And what happened to 9/11 investigation?--everyone knows it was Jews--see Bollyn.com and Bollyn's "Solving 9/11."

Okay, and actually lots of people already know lots about the central-bank; most important to understand is central-bank is the very TOPMOST monopoly upon the large monopolistic system, including now, "big-Pharma," presently poisoning and mass-murdering millions, by "slow-kill" method, "big-tech," and the Jews-media complex, lying to everyone w. constant censorship and dis-info. And of course, the defense industry and monopolies, the "military-industrial complex," enough said. The entire world is steadily being <b>monopolized</b>, suckers, now presided over by socialist world dictatorship, explicitly pushing Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE in-thy-face.

(a) But now the BIG MONSTER in the abstract, psychologic realm, which fewer grasp, which ENABLES and determines the practical, existential monster-complex of monopolies, is the GENERAL SATANISM and satanic establishment, over-seeing, ruling, directing, guiding the more practical, day-to-day realm of afore-mentioned monopolies.

Note then the SIMPLE sublimity of this satanic MONSTER--it's not even MYSTIC, quite subject to simplest philosophic analysis--WHAT is it, exactly?--it's just extreme SUBJECTIVISM, the idea that reality is produced by mentality/consciousness, thus making the subject to be GOD, the creator--<b>Satanism, by definition</b>.

And it's this SATANISM then, simple and sublime, which constitutes the great over-riding, BUT ABSTRACT, MONSTER of a culture/society in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, the people over-come, seduced, and utterly DELUDED in nearly complete HUBRIS (a genuine, nearly palpable kind of madness, truly), this Satanism/subjectivism--but which is now strategically manipulated by the topmost master-minds--HOW do they work?

It's very simple (again)--these satanic master-minds work by means of a COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivism/Satanism, they colluding and co-operating by means of most sublime, effective, successful "group-think," most committed, dedicated, and ORGANIZED. And of course it's "secret"--always denied, always ridiculed when noted and identified, any discussion of it most often successfully side-lined and side-tracked, because the mass of people and goyim shudder and cringe to actually considering this monstrous Satanism.

Thus this Satanism arises as component and parallel w. the large, over-riding HUBRIS of a once successful, victorious, and prosperous, but now IMPERIALIST culture/society--like the Roman and American instances. The original FOUNDERS were genuine heroes, HONEST and brave, successful, victorious, and prosperous--but note the DIFFERENCE and distinction--THEY WERE FAR MORE OBJECTIVISTIC in mentality, more determinist (strict cause-effect, no perfectly "free" will), far less moralistic w. the putrid virtue-signaling as we see now in this stinking Satanist empire.

And that's how Satanism grows and arises--along w. the subjectivism of moralism, esp. in way of (non-existent) "good-evil," and pretended "free" will, encouraging the fools to pretending they "CREATE" reality ("moral virtue")--like God. Thus HUBRIS and subjectivism provides the grounds and basis for ever-growing Satanism, the great MONSTER we're now contending with, comrades--this is the problem in "post-modern" (read SUBJECTIVIST) society--the pretext is moralism, the indulgence of fools, suckers, inferiors, and goons who now over-populate the corrupt imperialist society.

-------------Got following, below-copied note fm the kike censor---------------

# 37, apollonian says: • Website
January 21, 2019 at 7:25 pm GMT • 700 Words

You have been repeatedly warned to write in good, standard English if you want your endless rantings to have any chance of publication.]

---------------------------------below-copied by ap was what I first thought for response, but decided to leave it for Unz's note to speaking for itself, ho ho ho ho----------------

What?--Unz the presumptuous Jew pretends to admonish the native Christian patriot about "publication"?--ho ho ho hoo. The presumptuous Jew babbles about "good standard English"?--ho ho ho oho. "Endless rantings"?--says the Jewwy little snake?--ho o ho oh ho ho

Jew: these, above, mumblings by thou are mere excuses and more Jew lies, eh?--obviously, sucker. And guess what, moron?--my work get "published" anyway, fool--ho ho ho oho. And don't doubt evermore people KNOW and SEE what a Jewwy liar thou art for all thy censorship, thou scummy, little snake, ho ho ho ho ho.

-------------------So this, below-copied, is what I finally sent him---------------

Unz: I always KNOW I wrote and exposited well when CENSORED--thou are NOT interested in "freedom of speech and expression"--why don't thou admit it?--is it because thou lies even to oneself?--such is the self-deception of Pharisaism, as even Christ warned thy Pharisaic forbears, hoh o ho ho. Do thou think thou are the only place of publication?--ho ho ho ho ho ho
Below-copied by ap submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/gdurocher/the-convergence-hoax/#new_comments

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Petey-Pete Doesn't Say Why Unc' Adolf, Himmler, Or Goebbels Are NOT "Aryan"
(Apollonian, 23 Jan 19)

<blockquote>"Like, for example, the Aryan ideal: tall, blond, blue eyes. Something like Hitler, Himmler and Goebbels, for example."</blockquote>

Is Petey-pete being sardonic?--AGAIN?--ho hoo ho ho oho

"Aryan ideal"?--as distinct fm what? For note there are wide, general distinctions, like "Ham, Shem, and Japhet," though these are only partial and not clear for particular traits. Then there is Caucasian, Negroid, and Mongolian, but these are too broad for many if not most.

But Petey-pete, WHAT is it exactly that would exclude dear, heroic unc' Adolf, Heinrich Himmler, or good old Joe Goebbels fm "Aryan"? Thou are such brilliant know-it-all (tee-hee-hee)--tell us.

And then Petey-pete, don't forget the two basic philosophic divisions, aside fm objective (Christian, Aristotelian) vs. (Jew "midrash") subjective--regarding basic nature of reality. And that regards (a) determinist (absolute cause-effect, no perfectly "free" will), following fm the objective, and (b) perfectly "free," God-like will, especially regarding "good-evil," following fm subjective, etc.

Thus following the determinist philosophy, race, like anything else, is important, whereas in thy satanic (perfectly "free" will, pretending thou are like God) philosophy, it doesn't matter, right?--"do what thou wilt," right, petey-pete? Tell us all about it.

-----------------above by ap in response to below-copied-----------------

#421, peterAUS says:
January 24, 2019 at 1:23 am GMT • 100 Words

Let’s try again, I didn’t quite get what you were trying to say. My fault, entirely.

Australia example didn’t work. Pity, but makes sense. Not enough of specimens to compare.

But, I guess, in Split, for example, we should be able to see plenty of examples of those types: the Illyrian (Übermensch) and Croatian/whatever (untermensch).

Say, how would YOU distinguish between them in, for example, a pub?
You walk in, take a look, even listen a bit, and you just know who’s who?

I am sure you’ve developed quite an effective system.
Care to share that with me (maybe even some “us”) here?

Shape of head? Height? Hair/eyes color?

Like, for example, the Aryan ideal: tall, blond, blue eyes. Something like Hitler, Himmler and Goebbels, for example.

----------------------------below-copied are responses by PeterAUS to above by ap------------------------

# 424 peterAUS says:
January 24, 2019 at 3:32 am GMT • 100 Words

Now, for some reason you’ve slipped through my “ignore list” but, on the positive side, among that usual psychopathic rambling of yours, something did catch my eye:

….don’t forget the two basic philosophic divisions, aside fm objective (Christian, Aristotelian) vs. (Jew “midrash”) subjective–regarding basic nature of reality…

What’s your take on that, occult, element of Nazi regime? Adolf really believed, even practiced, all that?
You know, “The Sword of Destiny”, “The Occult Roots of Nazism” etc.I am sure you’ve read all that.
C’mon, if you can write something of a value there you are allowed to put that “ho hoo ho ho oho” in each paragraph. Imagine that. What a pleasure, a?
• LOL: apollonian


# 425, peterAUS says:
January 24, 2019 at 4:19 am GMT


• LOL: apollonian

you are chickening out? Really?

All that knowledge and erudition, let alone attitude, and…”blop”.

You are even going to say you haven’t read those books?!?

That’s just…….disappointing.
• LOL: apollonian
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/ldinh/man-war-and-nation/#new_comments

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One-Born-Brainless: Moralistic Psycho
(Apollonian, 23 Jan 19)

Miggle: the thing about "one-born-brainless" is he lives in this child's pretend world in which "government" is that most in-human thing which excludes all virtue, and he's insanely, psychotically obsessed w. this insistence of his--it's his big psychologic stick he desperately wants to using against everyone for his insane "moral" superiority--"moral" superiority is his goal, his end-all and be-all--can thou imagine what huge inferiority-complex he thereby hides? At least he's consistent, ho ho ho

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------

# 133, Miggle says:
January 24, 2019 at 1:23 am GMT • 100 Words

A point made in Shamir’s Galilee Flowers it that a century of pogroms in Tsarist Russia didn’t equal any three months of pogroms inflicted by the Jews on the indigenous Palestinians.

Learn what egregious means. And learn that while disaster occurred nationwide in China the huge number was not intentional, while the Israelis or their politicians perpetually grieve that they have not killed enough of the “Arabs”, the original Hebrews.

The state of Israel and its supporters are the most egregious violators of human justice in all history.

Part of their plot is that they want the Jews to be hated throughout the world because that, they imagine, will increase the rate of migration to Israel and so speed up the genocide. They are certainly being successful in making the Jews hated, but it seems the Jews are fleeing Israel faster.
Below-copied by ap submitted but censored by the kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/article/the-diversity-miracle/#comment-2754110

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"Elite..." Is Simply Pathological
(Apollonian, 23 Jan 19)

This pathological, lying psycho tells us,

<blockquote>"My view is to avoid sacrificing any citizen."</blockquote>

Except when it comes to "preserving the union," as Lincoln did by means of mass-murder and illegal war against the states, the very definition in the Constitution for treason--then it's ok, for "sacrificing." For the liar tells us states gave up sovereignty (which is impossible (a) and (b) nowhere stipulated) to a subordinate entity, the "union," which had only DELEGATED POWERS, not sovereignty.

The psycho extrapolates this lying and imagined surrender of sovereignty, rejecting explicit written law, as the Tenth Amendment which does not prohibit secession by the states, which secession states did regarding Britain and original Articles Confederation.

Psycho can't get it through to his small brain mass that sovereignty is not alienable, that any contract, including the Const. contract which made union, is rescindable, indeed invalid upon refusal of performance by other parties, which only states themselves can determine, the states being EQUAL entities, and cannot become superior as through agency like "supreme ct," which at MOST would only represent a mere majority. For regardless states are still equal entities in law, even if it was all the other states against only one--they're STILL equal.

The fool pretends he can substitute an argument by means of his idiot blathering and copy-pasting of a mass of text to "support" his moronic lies and assertions.

-----------------above by ap in response to below-copied----------------------

# 300, EliteCommInc. says:
January 23, 2019 at 6:14 pm GMT

My view is to avoid sacrificing any citizen. In very deep contrast to many on the site and in the end, even in contrast to advocates for utpoian ideologies:

socialism, communism and libertarianism.
Below-copied by ap submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/benefiting-israel-tops-congressional-agenda/#comment-2777149

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History?--Simply Accounting Of The Past
(Apollonian, 23 Jan 19)

What?--Rothbard is not historian?--so do thou need a leg to standing-upon? WHAT do thou actually know about history?--not very much, we see.

The KNOWN, proven hist. facts verify Germany was viciously attacked by UK, France, and Russkie (and Serbians, indirectly, who attacked Austria by murdering the Archduke) conspirators in 1914, which they'd been planning since 1904, in case of UK and France ("Entente Cordiale"), and 1907 for Russkies. Germans were then falsely blamed for start of war (Versailles Treaty), and horribly treated, leading to election of unc' Adolf--which was actually what SAME conspirators, including USA wanted, so as to starting ANOTHER neat war for consolidation of world gov., bolshevik dictatorship--people weren't tired of it all yet--they NEVER are, humans being murdering sinners.

And once one faces up to the gross lies of holohoax, one sees what hero unc' Adolf really was, how Germany was doomed, fm way back in 1907, Hitler and Germans simply fighting a hopeless defense against cannibals led by Jews. It's actually hard to blame Jews for having such contempt for such stupid goyim.

-----------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

# 570, Anon[436] • Disclaimer says:
January 23, 2019 at 1:22 pm GMT • 100 Words
@jacques sheete

You do seem keen to hold on to your straw man of people allegedly accusing Hitler of wanting to take over the world. But Murray Rothbard’s linked 1966 flight of rhetoric, with not an ounce of actual evidemce, in favour of historical revisionism gives you negative support. It reads like the rant an op ed writer with a bad hangover might dictate to meet a deadline. Rothbard had some arguable points to make about economics but he is not a “historian” just because he writes some historical stuff, let alone because he praises revisionism.

Far from that Rothbard emission being cause for me to apologize to you, you ought to be apologizing to me for easting my time on such low grade stuff.

------------------below-copied by "anon" in response to my above---------------

# 574, Anon[312] • Disclaimer says:
January 24, 2019 at 5:47 am GMT

Piss off and stop wasting our time with wild unsubstantiated assertions. Rothbard, who had a few IQ points and facility with lucid language would have been embarrassed by your support.
Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/tsaker/russia-is...ern-civilization-where-is-the-truth/#comments

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CYCLIC Nature Of History In Determined Universe--There's NO Perfectly "Free" Will, Suckers
(Apollonian, 24 Jan 19)

Well see, imagine OVER-POPULATION--we have it right before our eyes--who are they?--the over-populated?--they're the "liberals," "leftists," "progressives," all of these stupid scum who "beeeeeleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeev" in non-existent "good-evil" and a perfectly "free" human will capable of changing reality, like God, and achieving "good," for example.

And these "leftist," "liberal" scum "beeeeeeeeeeleeeeeeeeeeeeeeev" NO LESS than the Christians they like to make fun of for their own "beeeeeeeeeleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevin'." "Good-evil" exists because why?--they "beeeeleeeeeeev" it does, therefore it does. The philosopher, Immanuel Kant invented the "noumenal" world wherein there was "moral virtue"--having to do w. "duty."

Anyway, eventually any civilization generates just toooo goddam many of these scum who imagine they create reality by means of this idiot "beeleeeeeeeeevin'"--extreme subjectivism, the subject made the God-like creator of reality--leading to outright SATANISM--this is where we are now, suckers, can't thou see?

So then we get Jews who are like a disease, and they capture--or captivate--these "beeeeleeeeeevers" so that we get what we have presently--perpetual war for perp. peace.

See, at the first, there are just basically HONEST people who accept the OBJECTIVE (Aristotelian) reality, and they lay the foundations for real civilization, featuring HONEST money, hence gold/silver only, basic property rights, rule-of-law, sanctity of contract, etc.--and thus the civilization grows, the people have families, and so it goes UNTIL the culture begins to corrupting, as Oswald Spengler lays it out in "Decline of the West," the formerly HONEST people now becoming evermore dis-honest, and far less respectful and observant of the OBJECTIVE reality, which is quite deterministic (absolute cause-effect, no perfectly "free" will).

So EVENTUALLY, there just gets to being too goddam many of these dis-honest scum pretending to non-existent "good-evil" and perfectly "free" will, for example, as we see, they start w. the "social-spending" and socialism, little at first, but more and more over time. And finally, the end of prosperity begins when the society goes in for the CENTRAL-BANK, legalized counterfeiting, issuing of nearly infinite fiat currency, etc. See Mises.org for expo on central-banking; use their site search-engine.

And NOW, after installation of central-banking, we're on our way to the bottom, the "end-times" of Christian New Test. Book of Revelations--not necessarily the total end of the whole world, thou understand--but for sure, the end of the present era--because WAR is coming--the "good" morons have to kill the non-beeeeleeeeeevers, thou see.

There are now, at this stage of corruption and "end-times" just toooooo goddam many scum and inferiors--it's not their fault, but they just don't cut it w. all the subjectivist mentality they've assumed.

Thus in these "decline" yrs and "end-times" Jews, foremost subjectivists, RULE, and they keep everyone fighting one-another, Jews always thereby working to staying on top, Jews foremost subjectivists, thou see?

So we see we're in trouble, the over-population must be reduced in order to re-establish "stability," but once the warfare starts it's hard to see where/how it will end, exactly. Regardless such CYCLIC course of things is the typical pattern, easily observed and verified throughout history, in accord w. Oswald Spengler.
Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/tlynch/three-identical-strangers/#new_comments

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Reality Is Objective Or Subjective, HENCE Determined--Or Not
(Apollonian, 24 Jan 19)

WHO is "simple-minded"? (see below-copied)--the theory/hypothesis is that REALITY IS DETERMINED--in accord w. absolute cause-effect, NO perfectly "free" will, sucker--try to get a brain. Thus the OBVIOUS demonstration of a same-ness/similarity which follows fm genetic identity, same chromosomes--it's inductive evidence, fool.

"Simple-mindedness" is such as thy assertion, "for every . . . "sameness" there is a diff"--which is just moronic platitude which African like thyself imagines is sooooooooooooooooo . . . profound, eh?

We also say thou Africans are an enemy race and should be treated accordingly--determinists tend to agree, and only subjectivistic fools filled w. hubris and wishful thinking deny it--as we see is happening in Europe, eh?

After awhile, enough of the inferior whites--who are partial to African inferiors like thyself--will be killed-off, and the whites who are left will be able to unite against thou savages and enemies--and we'll take care of thou African along w. the Jews who are worst of all, eh?--and we consider this sort of process to be DETERMINED according to CYCLIC theory of history and "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.

See African savage: what has happened is the SUCCESS of previous white generations has now produced TOO MANY inferior "whites" which now thou inferior blacks, led by thy Jew masterminds take advantage of--does that seem logical to thou? Tell us all about it, ho ho ho ho.

-----------------above by ap in response to below-copied----------------------

# 7, obwandiyag says:Next New Comment
January 24, 2019 at 6:19 pm GMT

No, they are NOT the same. For every uncountable, unverifiable “sameness,” there is a difference. You people are so simple-minded.
Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/gdurocher/darwin-on-the-rise-and-fall-of-human-races/#comment-2765085

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Czar Aided Lincoln Against Britain, OBVIOUSLY
(Apollonian, 24 Jan 19)

Franz (see below-copied): thou are obviously not very bright. At time of Lincoln and war of 1860s, it was only FIVE YRS after the Crimean War in which Russkies fought Britain (UK), France, and Ottomans. Russkies were actively involved against UK not only in Europe but also Asia, esp. near India and Afganistan, so the Russkies OBVIOUSLY aided USA against the Brits, simple and easy matter of verifiable history--why not learn some?

Thus UK built ships for the Confederacy and sent 15,000 troops to Canada to menace USA, while France sent a large army to Mexico. For a good while, UK considered recognizing the Confederate states as legitimate independent nation.

Europeans had no "great deity" as thou absurdly pretends, and readily adopted the anti-Semitic worship of TRUTH (= Christ, see Gosp. JOHN 14:6) against the Pharisaic religion of lies, lying, and liars (see Gosp. JOHN 8:44), Christianity upholding the OBJECTIVE reality, necessary basis of TRUTH against satanic lies, all ethics following therefrom, Judaism featuring subjectivism ("midrash"), the philosophic idea that reality is mere product of mentality/consciousness, the subject being creator of reality, God--Satanism, by definition. See Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for best Talmudic expo.

Christianity thus is actually Aristotelian-inspired philosophy at core, but made into a religion for mass consumption which brilliantly counter-acted the Satanism practiced by Jews (Jews-definied as followers of Pharisees), and was brilliant anti-Semitic success for over a THOUSAND years.

-----------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------

# 19, Franz says:
January 24, 2019 at 10:51 pm GMT • 300 Words

…But deep down Germany did not think that was the moral, and in fact Germany would have had an excellent chance of total victory if it had attacked in the West during 1905 (when Russia was in chaos and Britain had a tiny army). And in that Germany would have won a 1905 WW1 handily and WW2 would not have happened…

The trouble there is the software. Jesus made them not do it.

Or as old Ben Hecht put it, “Germany was Christian for a thousand years”. Even a fraction of that thousand years would have made Germans hesitate as to their existential interests, because the software program of Jesus is, all mockery aside, pretty powerful. They prayed and assumed God is Just, a blunder that runs from the end of the Bonaparte Era to the fizzling days after the Armistice of the Great War.

Not at all unique. The Tsar helped Lincoln in the 1860s, asked why, the Tsar said “Lincoln was saving the West for Christianity” presumably for ending slavery, the last thing on Lincoln’s mind. That Lincoln was not really a Christian makes it far more tragic.

Europeans, to paraphrase the great Robert Graves, blew it when they dumped their own Great Deity for a Middle Eastern fairy tale, a tale that let Judea into Europa and made us second class citizens in our own lands. All men must be chosen by the Divine for the Land they call holy. The lads from the Levant made short work of that.

On the bright side, neopagans are not making a comeback, but they are making the thoughtful do some thinking. Jesus can be re-fitted and made European. Then we’re the Chosen again, our land is holy, and the Middle East can be sent back to where it belongs.
Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted, by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/ldinh/man-war-and-nation/#new_comments

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Jews And Suck-Alongs: KNOWN, Proven Liars, Murderers
(Apollonian, 24 Jan 19)

Do thou understand English? (see below-copied)--there's no evidence for holohoax--get it?--NO EVIDENCE--ck a dictionary (a). (b) All the real evidence shows is that holohoax is gross lies by Jew liars. (c) And the only genocides were done against gentiles by Jews (and their lick-spittle gentile cohorts and suck-alongs)--against Germans, Ukrainians, Armenians, and many others too.

There was actually a TRIAL in Canada of one Ernst Zundel, in 1988, Zundel one of the very greatest revisionists, w. numerous works and even vids (though Jew-tube has probably taken-down a lot of them), whence state of Canada, using tax-payers' funding, was enabled to go and get whatever EVIDENCE there might have been--THERE WAS/IS NO EVIDENCE--aside fm usual Jew liars pretending to be "witnesses," these yet exposed during the trial. Thus Zundel struggled through this trial w. the Jew-friendly trial judge grossly prejudiced against him, Zundel convicted, but the verdict later over-turned on appeal.

A book of the Zundel trial transcripts was compiled (about 600 pages), titled, "Did Six Million Really Die?" edited by Barbara Kulaszka, one of Zundel's lawyers. The only evidence actually un-covered was that the Jew liars pushing holohoax are gross, moronic liars, manufacturing false evidence, for which they're NEVER prosecuted, these Jew liars HEAVILY funded by fellow Jews so that their lies and lying are broadcast and trumpeted over all the main Jew vehicles, newspapers, magazines, books, TV stations, both local and national, etc., any dissenting material ALWAYS censored and suppressed.

The holohoax lies regarding "6 million" figure were pushed even before WWII, during and after WWI--see Don Heddesheimer, "The First Holocaust."

Don't forget Jews, by definition, are followers of Talmud, the Talmud being the definitive foundation of Jew religion, the "midrash" (interpretation) of Torah Law, by means of "Oral Law Tradition," featuring WAR AGAINST GENTILES and humanity, including by means of lying--gentiles are mere "cattle," according to Jews and Talmud. See Talmudical.BlogSpot.com, RevisionistReview.BlogSpot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for best Talmudic expo.

The general circumstances of Germany and German history do not indicate any real possibility of any mass-murders, the Germans having ALWAYS, since WWI, been on defensive, esp. after WWI when Germany was dis-armed, its military forces heavily reduced.

Note soon as Operation Barbarossa began, the Russkies began receiving HEAVY "Lend-Lease" supplies fm USA, including esp. food supplies, badly needed, which soon enough became decisive, at first through Britain (UK), then directly fm USA, UK already HEAVILY supplied by USA, as was done in WWI--GERMANS KNEW THEY WERE ALWAYS ON DEFENSE against the Jew-world-order.

Further, during the war, the hard-pressed Germans were short on labor and needed the man-power fm every possible available source, including the Jews.

So ALL EVIDENCE and all logic demonstrates there was no policy, nor any activity, of German atrocities against Jews or any gentiles--AND THERE IS NO EVIDENCE, as I've noted and demonstrated--as all the real evidence demonstrates.

On the contrary, the known and proven mass-murderers were and are the allied powers, including the Jews, both Jew masterminds at the top, and including Jews working at lower-levels too. In fact, the Jews BRAG and boast about how they exacted "vengeance" by means of mass-murder, over and over, the German people deliberately starved up till the early yrs of 1950, according to James Bacque (see "Other Losses" and "Crimes and Mercies").

And just as Jews hate and murder truth itself by means of their satanic, Talmudic religion, as put into practice throughout history, Jews continue murdering gentiles, not only in Palestine, but by means of their corporations here in the West, "Big (Jew) Pharma" mass-murdering millions of gentiles already and daily, as we speak, by means of poison drugs, poison vaccines--this, as the Jew-controlled food corporations poison the food supplies, as by means of GMO (genetically-modified).

Other Jew controlled Corp.s like MonSatan (Monsanto) produce the known poison and carcinogen, glyphosate. Jew controlled "big-tech" (Google and Jew-tube) monopolize the internet, after getting massive gov. funding fm tax-payers, pretending they're "privately-owned."

Are Jews then the FIRST-CAUSE for all the present and recent mass-murders?--well, we understand that Western civilization has become evermore satanic and degenerate (see "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler) beginning shortly after the French Revolution by means of deliberately irrationalist (subjectivist) philosophy, as of J.J. Rousseau and Immanuel Kant, leading then to Karl Marx. Did Jews CAUSE this degeneracy?--surely not, but they helped much as they could, and being Satanists/Talmudists, they have just as certainly taken over the steady, programmatic corruption through the yrs and decades, Jews controlling the central-banking criminial enterprise--literally legalized counterfeiting of the "currency" (not real MONEY).

And thou, "commentator Mike"?--thou are obviously a liar who lies, deliberately and with conscious intention--WHO does this sort of deliberate, systematic kind of lying?--not gentiles, sucker, as it's against their native culture and psyche--unlike Jews.

And yes, Jews KNOW they should and deserve to be TOTALLY EXTERMINATED for their religious mass-murder and Satanism which satanism is simply extreme subjectivism, the philosophy by which reality is held to be mere product of mentality/consciousness, making the subject to be God, the creator--Satanism, by definition. Jews then simply follow a COLLECTIVISTIC -type of subjectivism, a most effective and successful "group-think," Jews most dedicated, committed, and ORGANIZED, thus making them natural leaders of far more numerous gentile subjectivists/Satanists.

-------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

# 173, Commentator Mike says:
January 24, 2019 at 8:48 pm GMT • 100 Words

Yes I’m questioning the details of both the official narrative and the revisionists. Like they could have used some more potent gases than Zyclon B. This highly emotive topic is loaded with wartime propaganda on both sides, so my comments were more speculative. But what we’re being told by many who claim the truth seems to me also speculative.

And read about the Nazi Zionist Haavara Agreement to resettle Jews in Palestine. I suppose that isn’t often mentioned. You could say that was Plan A. But when war broke out they reverted to a Plan B.
Is Trump Most Absurd, Cuck President?--WHAT Have They Really Got On Him?
(Apollonian, 25 Jan 19)

Well folks, we see today, 25 Jan 19, FBI arrested Roger Stone, charged w. lying to Congress and some other things, I guess, so was that all reason why 29 agents pounded on his door, before dawn to take him away in hand-cuffs to be indicted, then to bond-out on $250,000?

But the real pt. is why/how does that pathetic cuck, Trump, allow this, such arrest?--Folks, it's because "they" (the Jews, undoubtedly) HAVE SOMETHING ON HIM. For HOW otherwise does the stupid cuck allow his people to be treated like this?

I was watching Hannity on FOX News, and he, to his credit, put it in perspective observing how the Democrats did WORSE things than Stone is indicted for, Clinton, Comey, Clapper, and many others, BUT they're not similarly treated and not even arrested, like Stone.

So truly, that moronic cuck, Trump, ought to IMMEDIATELY just throw Mueller out, and arrest him for abuse of process and false prosecution--BUT HE DOESN'T--why?--because "they" have something on him, un-questionably--and he, Trump, really looks like such a scummy, brainless fool, allowing his people to be treated in this fashion.

And the bottom-line pt. to be made for people is HOW this all happens--here the "deep-state" and "globalists" making such a fool out of Trump, and the scum just sits there and takes it. And again, the real pt. is how it's really the American people are being made to be such idiot cucks and fools, no less than Trump.
Below-copied by ap first submitted, but not even accepted for "moderation" as I was BANNED by kike, Unz, ho ho ho ho ho--at comments, http://www.unz.com/gdurocher/cioran-the-postwar-european-nihilism/

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Nihilism Of Cyclic History, Not Essentially Different FM Cioran
(Apollonian, 25 Jan 19)

Yes, Cioran's nihilism isn't much diff. fm Spengler's "Decline of the West," and CYCLIC theory of hist.

For Spengler thus indicates great as things might be in the glorious civilization, yet it will corrupt and decline in the CYCLIC process, and now we see exactly how that corruption is, in all the putrid details, the Israeli terror-state, tail, wagging the USA dog, murdering USA citizens at will, as in 9/11, but not worrying, as Jews control the central-bank legalized counterfeiting machine and monopoly, thus all the other monopolies, the stupid gentiles not caring, few of them noticing, or thinking about the horrific consequences.

Thus the gentiles build, but at same time, they produce too many inferiors and weaklings among their off-spring, who adopt subjectivism, then extreme subjectivism and Satanism, and the entire great edifice of pretended civilization must crash-down, Jews foremost subjectivists/satanists leading the corruption and down-fall, yet the mystified, moronic goons not able to figure it all out.

So we conclude Jews are like a disease which ultimately destroys the horrendously corrupt culture, now a putrid Tower-of-Babel chaos, the satanists and Jews the only ones maintaining cohesion, the rest of the poor morons and over-populated fools, suckers, goons, and scum, not comprehending.

And even if we or someone was able to exterminate these infernal monsters, called Jews, fact is they or someone else would merely re-arise, eventually, practicing a similar sort of extreme subjectivism, including the perfectly "free" will and pursuing non-existent "good-evil, and the inevitable Spenglerian "decline" would happen again.

Thus we observe the socio-biologic function of Jews: like a disease, like typhus or plague, they reduce the population of gentile weaklings and inferiors who were generated through the yrs and period of prosperity, eventually bringing the horrific corruption to an end so the CYCLE can start again.
Below-copied by ap submitted, and what got me BANNED, by kike, Unz, at comments, https://www.unz.com/article/on-yellow-vests-and-monsters/#comments

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Unz's "Open Letter" More Truly Revealing Than The Dumb Jew Realizes, Surely, Ho Ho Ho
(Apollonian, 25 Jan 19)

"Bike...," Ask thyself, What Are Unz's Motives For This Ridiculous Site Of His? For in fact, Unz is simply the typical, lying Jew snake, actively, intensively, most carefully CENSORING these comment pages, Unz, typical Jew, absolutely TERRIFIED of simplest analysis and application of Christian philosophy, Unz, the Jew liar, pretending it's mere "religion," hence according to the Jew liar, "off-topic," ho ho ho ho.

Given thy above quotation fm the lying Jew, Unz, as he writes about "the things . . . are saying are absolutely 100% contrary...," notice the typical Jew liar, Unz, doesn't note what any of those things are which are "100% contrary," ho hoho oho--did thou notice that?--TYPICAL, moronic presumption and question-begging, eh?

Unz the brainless, condescending Jew liar then says, "people" (ho ho ho--like Unz, eh?--ho ho ho) "quickly conclude that you’re just as crazy...."

Doesn't it occur to thou there's the OBVIOUS problem of presumption and question-begging by this typical Jew liar, Unz?--all throughout his particular piece, "Open Letter" (see https://www.unz.com/runz/an-open-letter-to-the-alt-right-and-others/ ) for how does this lying Jew know so easily what people think and "quickly conclude"?

Then this Jew snake says, "...they immediately dismiss all of your other claims and ideas.” Again--(a) how does this moronic Jew know that? And (b) another OBVIOUS question arises, namely, WHY this Jew snake even cares about "people" "dismissing" the "other claims and ideas."

Without any doubt, Unz's moronic "Open Letter..." is a prodigy of lies, contempt, condescension, and the typical Jew gloating of a Jew lying snake, indubitably--and it's a small token of the typical Jew "chutzpah" that the stupid Jew, Unz, allows such an amazing, revealing text to remain exhibited for all the world to see, ho ho ho ho. And Unz's other writings here on his site aren't really much different, truth be told, brainlessly presumptuous and condescending, to say the least.

Surely, lots of the gentiles who've visited this cheap little psy-ops of a site by Unz are well aware of the Jew's endeavors (pretending Jews are "white")--but the Jew so much wants to pretend he's hip to the gentiles, he likes to see what they say, ho ho ho hoho, pretending, moreover, he can inflect upon the dialectic, though he's absolutely terrified of the real, actual Christian philosophy--which we all see, at least eventually, which philosophy is absolutely anti-semitic, hoo ho ho ho.

--------------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------------

# 83, bike-anarkist says:
January 25, 2019 at 10:37 pm GMT • 100 Words

Wally, your work on exposing the Jews, the Holohoax, etc. is extremely valuble.

When you brandish quotes from Maggie, its like the critcisms that Ron Unz has of the alt-right;

“So the problem is that when people notice that many of the things your organizations are saying are absolutely 100% contrary to what they actually see in their ordinary lives, they quickly conclude that you’re just as crazy as your critics in the MSM always say you are, and they immediately dismiss all of your other claims and ideas.”
Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/ldinh/man-war-and-nation/#new_comments

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"Legitimacy"?--New Test. Is Most Magnificent Literature, Don't Doubt
(Apollonian, 25 Jan 19)

Truth, buddy: all the Bible, ESPECIALLY magnificent New Test. is "legitimate"--why?--because it's most magnificent LITERATURE first, and most, above all--no less than Homer's "Illiad" and "Oddysey," which so well served the era just before the Christian.

They (Illiad, Bible) MIGHT be fictional, perhaps, but (a) one cannot prove there is no God (or no Christ, the Son), and (b) the pt. is such magnificent literature carries magnificent and NECESSARY philosophic lesson, esp. New Test. which so well and brilliantly combats Pharisaism and Pharisaist satanism/subjectivism--which Satanism thou previously acknowledged is the fact.

And this anti-Satanism (and anti-Semitism) as of New Test. was MAGNIFICENT success for West for a good THOUSAND yrs., say up to late Renaissance when the Jew (satanist) bankers began to expand their operations, the stupid goyim going along, having lost their anti-semitic prejudice which had previously served them so well.

-----------------above by ap in response to below-copied-----------------------

# 196, Truth says:
January 25, 2019 at 6:30 pm GMT
@ ploni almoni

So what did Jesus look like? And what books from the Bible are 100% legitimate?
Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted, at comments, http://www.unz.com/article/one-day-as-a-lion/#new_comments

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People Must Face-Up To OBVIOUS Problem: SATANIC, Spenglerian "Decline Of West," Dominated By Foremost Satanists, Jews
(Apollonian, 25 Jan 19)

Utu, buddy: fascism is, by definition, simply rather mindless FORCE without law--against law and legal due process, for example. Fascism is simply a rationalized, totally contrived tyranny upon the excuse it's better than Jew-bolshevism--which historically, has nearly always turned out to be true, actually. In fact, some fascist govenments were excused and justified by the allegation that it was necessary to prevent bolshevism or communism.

Fascists, including the Italians, later, after they'd installed themselves, attempted to rationalize their system in make-shift style and manner. Italian fascism was desperate counter against bolshevism which bolshevism at least had a Marxian ideology, clap-trap as it was, to under-pin it's savagery and mass-murder. But Mussolini's fascism was just as totalitarian, collectivistic, and featured practical socialism for actual political program--and in the end didn't really solve anything, merely a prelude to further socialist statism and tyranny.

Thou must realize what's actually presently working: a DELIBERATE, calculated satanic program, led and applied by the foremost Satanists, JEWS (see Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for expo on Judaism), at the top, the central-bankers working w. their fiat-currencies, literally legalized counterfeiting. See Mises.org for expo on central-banking; use their site search-engine for particular terms.

Note the Satanism is program of world-gov. dictatorship of United Nations, explicitly pushing Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE ("population-reduction"). What then specifically is Satanism?--it's extreme subjectivism, the idea mentality/consciousness is source of "reality," making the subject to be God, the creator--satanism by definition.

So therefore, the people, of all races, actually, need to embrace an explicitly anti-satanic program, and historically, there is a bright, shining example of such successful anti-satanic movement--the REAL, original Christianity founded upon worship of TRUTH (see Gosp. JOHN 14:6), above all--against satanic/Jew lies (JOHN 8:44).

Unfortunately Jews and Israel presently control all the establishment Christian organizations, Protestant and Catholic, esp. by means of the central-bank, a criminal enterprise and monopoly controlled by Jews which corrupt and phony "Christian" organizations now pretend Christianity is about such moronic precepts as "love," or "faith" of "beeeleeeeeevin'," etc.

A large group of these phony Christians, the "Judeo-Christians" (JCs--see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo), are actually even among the foremost supporters of the terror-state of Israel, lying and saying "Christ was Jew," etc. Such then is the "Tower of Babel" cultural chaos now exploited by these satanists and Jews.

So thou sees the very problem, presently, is a Jew-friendly, Jew-oriented and -controlled satanic culture and ethos, enforced by a satanic fascism. Thus a revived Christianity featuring the real Christian ideal, TRUTH, hence the objective reality, necessary basis of any meaningful truth, is the only workable, fruitful, indicated solution--against the nearly explicit subjectivists, Satanists and Jews.

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

# 5, utu says:Next New Comment
January 25, 2019 at 6:00 am GMT • 100 Words

Fascism is not a bad thing. Mussolini got it almost right. Few weeks ago I wrote a comment that a populist movement that can bring the left and the right together is the only solution.

The movement must be populist that folds the left and right together against the cosmopolitan middle that consists of the economic neoliberal right and the cultural left. The nationalism must be its glue and the enemy (there always must be an enemy) the financial international elite. Anyway you cut it it will be some sort of fascism.​
Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/ldinh/hicks-vs-globalists/#comments

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Christianity (The Real Thing) Features Determinist Reality AGAINST Buddhist, Satanic, Judaic Subjectivism
(Apollonian, 25 Jan 19)

<blockquote>"A lot of the things that Western people cite lovingly about Christianity, the ‘nice Jesus’ stuff, is actually Buddhist material."</blockquote>

Above quotation by "brabantian," along w. the rest of his crap, is most brainless nonsense, deliberately taken out of the EXPLICIT context given in New Test., Christ carrying on a distinct DIALECTIC w. satanic, hereticalist Pharisees who pushed "midrash" (interpretation) and "Oral Law Tradition." See Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for Talmudic/Pharisaic expo.

In fact, it might be true that Christ seemed to emulate Buddhist sayings and notions, but Christ's ethics followed in perfect logic fm his (implicit) metaphysics, Christ = TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), hence endorsing the OBJECTIVE (Aristotelian) reality, AGAINST hereticalist Pharisees featuring extreme subjectivism and satanism, foundation to their incessant lies and lying (JOHN 8:44).

Further, Christian objectivity is determinist (absolute cause-effect, no perfectly "free" will) and opposes and rejects Buddhist subjectivism featuring a perfectly "free" will leading to non-existent "good-evil" (Pelagian heresy, according to St. Augustine).

----------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------

# 21, Brabantian says:
January 24, 2019 at 11:21 pm GMT • 600 Words

Hello Linh Dinh, your writing often has some quite quotable gems I note down, like this profound as well as lulzy one above:

but is there a more racist term than “people of color,” for it slots whites, again, as unique, if only to be pilloried

One particularly sharp expression of yours I often recall, was on how so much of the world was being sold on the idea of some kind of ‘Jewish saviour’, whether Jesus or Moses or Marx, or Mohammed too, very ‘Abrahamic’ as he was, a Jewess amongst his wives included.

Tech note for Linh Dinh – your photos are great, but the links to your Google blog are uncomfortable as I see them using Firefox, and discourage browsing that site or looking for more photos etc. When I click on a link above to your photo blog, I get an unappetising list of place names in an ugly block, and if I am persistent enough to scroll down, I see one photo. I am no web master or advisor, but you are probably missing a big audience for your lively work. I think Google has left its blog platform as rubbish because the Google goons in fact hate independent bloggers.

Regarding the Linh Dinh critique of Jewish saviours and Israel – which I see as having profound elements, unlike some commenters above –

This notion should be a much broader thread amidst the South, East, and South-East Asian religious viewpoints.

Some Hindus not caught up in the pro-Zionist dalliances of the typical India politician, have written scathingly of the ‘desert bloc’ religions, which, as Egypt’s Dr Ashraf Ezzat has noted, spawned the Abrahamic religions within a few hundred kilometres of each other, and all by the same kind of desert tribals, whom Ezzat has described as ‘extremist, fanatic, and of low culture’ … which is what can happen when life or death is all about who can hold possession of a rare watering hole (heaven) so you aren’t tormented in the heat (‘eternal hell’, as the barbaric Abrahamic idea goes).

Ezzat does interesting scholarship arguing the Jewish bible stories re Egypt are a hoax, and the Jews were probably in origin a group of devious Arab bandits from the Yemen region –

(a) Ancient Egypt had records on everything, but essentially zero re Jews and their ‘exodus’

(b) The oldest Bible text existent, is not in ‘Hebrew’, but the Greek Septuagint from Alexandria, where Jews possibly fabricated the whole thing a few centuries before Jesus, to glamourise themselves by linking to wondrous Egypt

(c) Israeli archaelologists, despite decades of fanatic searching, have found little to confirm ‘ancient Israel’ as in the ‘holy book’

A lot of the things that Western people cite lovingly about Christianity, the ‘nice Jesus’ stuff, is actually Buddhist material. E.g., Marcus Borg’s book, ‘Jesus & Buddha: The Parallel Sayings’ documents how some of Jesus’ most-loved phrases imitate Buddha hundreds of years earlier

Christianity is sometimes described as a ‘Buddhist shoot grafted to a Jewish root’ … Some say during Jesus’ ‘missing years’ between ages 15 & 29, Jesus either travelled to India or was influenced by Indian-origin teachers or traders in Palestine

Whereas one of the arguments against Christianity, is that, like Islam, it tends to foster a cult of Jewishness, always giving Jewish influence a leg up … some claiming that this is why the Jew Paul created Christianity for the Greco-Romans and the West, whilst other Jews created Islam for the Arabs, and rabbi’s grandson Karl Marx created yet another ‘Abrahamic religion’ for the ‘enlightened atheists’ … as Linh Dinh suggests, ‘Jewish saviours’ foisted upon us, in schemes that tend to erase the local culture and its goddesses and gods
Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by Unz, the kike, at comments, http://www.unz.com/gdurocher/darwin-on-the-rise-and-fall-of-human-races/#comment-2765085

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Christian New Test. Is LITERATURE First And Most, Don't Forget, No Less Than Homeric "Illiad" And "Oddysey"
(Apollonian, 29 Jan 19)

Stan: don't forget New Test. and the Gospels are LITERATURE--no less than Homer's "Illiad" and "Oddysey"--IT'S GODDAM LITERATURE, thou poor fool--get a clue, for goodness sakes.

Note the Christians following the original Judean (not "Jews" who follow Pharisees/Talmud, by definition) Christians were surely HEAVILY Greek/rationalist-oriented who reacted against the Jew mysticism/subjectivism/Satanism. See Talmudical.BlogSpot.com, RevisionistReview.BlogSpot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for best Talmudic expo.

Thus the LITERATURE tells a goddam story--get it? Thus God the son (Christ) defended the original Torah (first five Old Test. books) law AGAINST the hereticalist Pharisees who wanted to apply their filthy, satanic "Oral Law Tradition" and "midrash" (interpretation). Thus Christ = TRUTH itself, according to the story, see Gosp. JOHN 14:6, against satanic/Jew lies (JOHN 8:44).

Hence, thou see, philosophically, Christ (truth) defends, implicitly, the OBJECTIVE reality, necessary basis, premise for such truth--AGAINST Jew subjectivism/Satanism ("midrash"). So thou see, it's actually a PHILOSOPHIC dialectic and argument, all Christian ethics then following fm the metaphysical base of objective, DETERMINIST (absolute cause-effect, no perfectly "free" will) reality.

Regarding "faith," it only properly means LOYALTY, not "beeeleeeeeeevin'"--beeeleeeeevin' doesn't make anything to be true, just because it's "beeeeleeeeeeeeeved."

It's true Gosp. JOHN (in the translations we have nowadays) advocated "believing," using the word nearly a hundred times in the Gosp., but a better word is surely "practicing" the philosophy, in place of "believing."

Thou needs to start thinking about the Christian-Judaic dialectic and what they all are really talking about. Even without Christianity, it's clear Judaism is simply Satanism, making themselves God, advocating war against humanity. Christianity then attacks and analyzes this Satanism of the Pharisees, Christ accusing the Pharisees of heresy against the Torah (see Gosp. MATT, entire chapt. 23).

------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------

# 101, Stan d Mute says:
January 29, 2019 at 4:17 pm GMT

Nothing is funnier than two of you JewGod worshippers arguing even when one of you is on my ignore list and I can’t see what drivel he’s spewing. Don’t stop now! I won’t read it, but surely I’m not the only one amused..
Below-copied by ap first submitted, CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/gatzmon/brits-and-the-holocaust/#comment-2789748

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Jews And Satanists: Function Of Cyclic History, Socio-Biology–A Parasite Disease
(Apollonian, 30 Jan 19)

Ho ho ho ho oho–what?–poor Jews?–well, they KNOW they’ve ALWAYS been hated (they actually love it)–except only (and only temporarily) by those Jews are paying-off, that’s all, ho ho ho ho. Further, hatred of Jews merely encourages Jews to a greater loyalty and cohesion among themselves–as original “Zionist,” T. Herzl, pt’d out long ago.

And don’t forget: as long as there are such tremendous crowds, masses, and groups of over-populated, stupid gentiles (TV-addicted, “progressives,” “liberals,” “leftists,” and fashion-following homosexuals)–as we obviously have–Jews are perfectly safe. Observe the MILLIONS of “Judeo-Christians” (JCs–see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo) who pretend and insist “Christ was Jew,” and support terror-state of Israel.

And we GOTTA have Jews, as unc’ Adolf said–“for if we didn’t have them, we’d have to invent them,” ho ho ho ho ho–we HAVE to have Jews to reduce the excess numbers and masses of over-populated, stupid gentiles, after all.

Most of all, and closest to the pt.: observe that it’s all simply a battle of balance btwn Christian TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) vs. Jew/satanic lies (JOHN 8:44)–or truth vs. lies (objective reality vs. subjectivism), if thou want to keep out the “religion,” hoh o ho oh ho. And the great sociologic culture of lies is BUILT upon the central-banking system (legalized counterfeiting–see Mises.org for expo; use their site search-engine for particular terms) which allows Satanists/Jews to dominate and rule the masses of moronic, over-populated gentiles who are soooooo incredibly, un-endingly stupid, I’m surprised they can continue to walk on two feet.

To demonstrate how stupid the (over-populated) puke really are, just ask them, “what is MONEY”?–and thou will quickly observe the horrible, sad facts proving how abysmally, hopelessly stupid these masses of purest scum really are–duhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. For subject of MONEY, simple as it might seem at first, really is ABSTRACT, and 90 % of people don’t know behinds fm holes-in-ground when it comes to such abstractions, poor, brainless scum–but they insist they should have right to vote, hoh oho ho ho ho.

Finally, note the REAL PROBLEM is the culture of lies, lying, and liars–and EVEN if we got rid of all the kikes, they’d just arise again in the near future, once the stupid gentiles increased in yet more over-population, thou can be sure, worshipping lies, insisting reality is ONLY what the rabbis say it is.

So it’s a CYCLIC problem, thou see–when things get prosperous, and gentiles become over-populated, HUBRIS prevailing, leading to Satanism, Jews (or their satanist equivalent) arise naturally–like a socio-biologic disease–but which is necessary given the circumstances of over-populated morons and excessive stupidity.
Below-copied by ap submitted, CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/tlynch/three-identical-strangers/#new_comments

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"Nurture" Is Absurd; Nurture Vs. Nature Mere False Dichotomy
(Apollonian, 30 Jan 19)

Get a clue, buddy: "nature vs. nurture" is FALSE DICHOTOMY, for even if it were true there's such thing as "nurture," then that would simply be the program of nature. All the "nurturists" are attempting is to pretend that nurture is the REAL "nature," that things are malleable and subject to human whim, etc.--subjectivism.

Real question, at root, is reality or not--is reality objective (Aristotle)--or not?--like in subjectivism or mysticism. But objectivity is the only way things could be, objectivity the foundation of logic, science, etc. If there was no objectivity, then there's nothing--we'd be Gods in a subjectivist universe, making-up things as we go-along, deuces wild.

The purpose of "nurture" fallacy is just a disguised attempt at same old subjectivism/Satanism, making oneself to be the God creating reality--Satanism by definition.

Thus to pretend reality can be changed by human will (subjectivism) follows fm the non-existent presumption of "good-evil"--which "good-evil" is what Satanists/subjectivists use to control children. And such "good-evil" pretext is why Satanists/subjectivists want to keep people dumbed-down so they stay children, believing in such childish "good-evil" and perfectly "free" will, etc., suffering fm inferiority-complex and esp. guilt-complex.

Reality could ONLY be objective (given absurd alternatives), hence totally DETERMINIST (absolute cause-effect, no perfectly "free" will), thus historically CYCLIC, as we see it is and must be. Any possible, conceivable "empiricism" would ONLY be possible in an objective reality, hence no "experiment" could possibly conclude to non-objectivity. Q.E.D.

-------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

# 52 T1970 says:
January 27, 2019 at 3:01 pm GMT • 100 Words
@Stephen Paul Foster

“I watched the film and was struck by the very obviously different personal aura or vibration I perceived off of each of the boys. Clear three unique and whole human spirits, whose shared genetics simply allowed their skin suits and brains to match their inherent spiritual qualities, present before birth.”

Hmmm …. a New Age, Oprah-esque perspective, not often seen in these parts.

You could not more inaccurately describe my worldview than calling it “oprahesque”. I read articles around here all the time. On the other hand, I believe humans to be fundamentally spiritual beings temporarily occupying a material body, a common belief. Not to be argumentative, but I am genuinely curious; is anyone who believes in a soul disqualified from being interested in the nature/nurture question?
Below-copied by ap submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/article/a-liberal-elite-still-luring-us-towards-the-abyss/

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Cook And Unz Merely Need To Look Inwards--At Their Devilish Jewwy Narcissism, Subjectivism, And Psychosis
(Apollonian, 31 Jan 19)

Jonathan Cook, a Jew--like Ron Unz--laments the passing of his lovely little play-ground of Western Civilization which was built by Christians and Christianity--which these hate-ridden, psychotic, narcissistic, and hedonist Jews don't want to admit or to mentioning.

Unz refuses to "go there" (explicitly and honestly acknowledging Christian civilization) because, he says, and lies, it's mere "religion"--when the fact is the core of Christianity is PERFECTLY philosophic value--TRUTH = Christ (Gosp. JOHN 14:6).

Observe Cook never mentions, not even once, Christianity or the Christian people who built everything the little, lower-level, piss-ant Jews, like Cook and Unz, want to preserve and fear soooo desperately is passing away. And they, Cook and Unz, know it (Western civilization) will be gone forever, because they, being the hate-ridden Jews they really are, refuse to grasp and acknowledge the greatness which is the Christian cultural achievement--REASON AND RATIONALITY and their products, science and law.

And it's interesting Cook blames liberalism and individualism--really the typical and thematic Jewwy NARCISSISM--for the demise of that civilization he finds soooo precious, slipping now through his proverbial "fingers," the poor, stupid kike, ho ho ho ho.

So what we really see is the Jews, Cook and Unz (see Unz's "Open Ltr to Alt. Right"), lament they've done such good anti-Christ job, now the Christian civilization seems to be passing them by, and they're really sorry about it all--even though it doesn't cause them to question their filthy, Jewwy satanism (extreme subjectivism), by which they and other Jews like them have done their best to destroy Christianity, hence civilization.

And actually, we see Jonathan Cook is really pretty thoroughly SCHIZOID, in fact, for all his quite affected criticisms of liberalism and individualism, when the real problem is the passing of reason and rationality--even if indeed, it is upon pretext of "liberalism" and "individualism"--"identity politics"? For what Cook observes is merely "liberalism" and "individualism" taken out of their proper (Christian/Western) rational contexts.

So one merely needs de-code and de-cipher the typical Jewwy schizoid, Cook, who merely describes symptoms, NOT the real cause of the problems. For obviously what has been sorely attacked is CHRISTIANITY, hence OBJECTIVITY, and these satanistic Jews have always done this attacking by means of out-of-context pushing of "liberalism" and "individualism," aside fm other satanic/irrationalist things they typically do.

For the essence of the "West" is Christian, and essence of Christianity and Christian civilization is reason and objective reality, necessary basis of TRUTH (= Christ) and what now prevails is extreme subjectivism/satanism, and thus the out-of-context "liberalism" and "individualism"--really just irrationality and psychotic narcissism as we always get fm Jews, like Cook and Unz.