saddened (commentary by Smedley Butler)

After inheriting his former "masters" land, slaves, and money the BLACK AFRICAN man William Ellison became one of America's MOST BRUTAL and harsh slave owners in history. What the liberals, politically correct liars, and so called "history" books do NOT tell you is that black people owned slaves ALL across the south and north. NEVER were all black people in bondage, that is a 100 % BOLD FACED LIE based upon modern day ignorance and political correctness. Starting in 1819, William Ellison obtained his first slave and by the year tyrant Lincoln was elected in 1860, Ellison was the LARGEST African slave owner in ALL of South Carolina !! According to the U.S. census records from this same year of 1860, many free blacks did indeed own slaves ALL over the south and north combined, with Ellison himself topping all of the black owners in South Carolina ! If you are one of those "white guilt" MORONS or politically correct neanderthals, you should seriously consider educating yourself ASAP !!!

Kevin MacDonald

wrence Auster is one of those rare Jews (Paul Gottfried is another) who seems to have an appreciation for the traditional people and culture of America and an understanding of the role of Jews in White dispossession — not that Auster and I haven’t had our disagreements (“Lawrence Auster gets unhinged”).

Auster recently posted a chapter originally written in 1998 on the role of Jews in the multicultural transformation of the U.S. and the decline of White America (“Jews: The Archetypal Multiculturalists”). He hits pretty much all the right notes. Auster often has a way of phrasing things and choosing quotations from prominent Jews that cut to the heart of the matter—almost like painting pictures that are worth a thousand words.

His dissection of Alan Dershowitz is classic—the supreme arrogance and hypocrisy of Dershowitz’s fanatic ethnocentrism that is entirely mainstream in the Jewish community. Dershowitz unabashedly gives Jews the right to alter America in the direction of multiculturalism to suit their interests, as well as to disregard the Constitution and the attitudes and interests of White America; Dershowitz simultaneously condemns the ethnocentrism and group feelings of non-Jewish Whites while supporting Jewish ethnocentrism, endogamy, and sense of group interests in America as well as the racialist, apartheid state of Israel.

To say that Jews like Dershowitz have no respect for the traditional people and culture of America is a gross understatement; they see the world from a completely Jewish perspective in which the rights, culture, and traditions of non-Jews at best count for nothing. At worst, they are the appropriate target of hatred, scorn, and ultimately, one fears, far worse; indeed, Auster describes Dershowitz as “openly hostile to America’s historic civilization.”

Dershowitz is an example of extreme ethnocentrism where it is impossible to see the world except in terms of Jewish interests. Here’s Auster on Dershowitz excoriating WASP law firms for not hiring ethnically obsessed Jews like Desrhowitz:

He lived a life apart as a Jew, yet at the same time he expected high-society lawyers to staff their firms with people who couldn’t socialize with them. And he calls them bigots for not wanting to do this!” [Auster’s emphasis]

Jews like Dershowitz are completely unable to see the situation from the perspective of those he condemns. Unfortunately, Dershowitz is entirely within the mainstream of Jewish opinion and activism among American Jews and certainly within the organized Jewish community in America. And because of the elite status of American Jews, this is very important indeed. Jews matter.

One thing that struck me is that nothing much has changed for the better since 1998. Despite the rather old references, Auster’s article is up to date because the processes he describes are ongoing. If anything, they have become more extreme. For any given example that he lists, there could be dozens more gleaned from the intervening 15 years. Nothing fundamental has changed.

“Jews re-made America”

Because of the Jews’ tragic history as a persecuted people, and because of their own ability, through their leading role in American intellectual life, to set the terms of permissible discourse, it is impossible in today’s society to have an honest discussion on the subject of Jewish cultural impact. While every other ethnic group can be spoken of in a critical light, if only to a very limited extent, nothing that is even implicitly critical is allowed to be said or inferred about Jews

One may wonder exactly what the Jews’ “tragic history as a persecuted people” has to do with this—one should at least phrase it as perceptions of persecution because Jewish historical memory is profoundly tinged by Jewish ethnocentrism (see, e.g., the work of Andrew Joyce on the Russian pogroms, the Limerick affair in Ireland, and Jewish writing on historical anti-Semitism).

But it’s certainly true that 15 years later it’s still impossible to have an honest discussion of Jewish influence on culture (Joe Sobran’s classic statement on the subject dates from 1996). And, given the intellectual shoddiness of the Jewish intellectual movements that have dominated intellectual circles throughout the West (e.g., psychoanalysis, Boasian anthropology, Critical Theory, Marxism) much more than talent is involved here. In fact, the limits on permissible discourse on Jews are maintained by exclusion from the mainstream media because of Jewish influence and by the threat of job loss and other negative repercussions for those who publicly criticize Jews.

In particular, Jews have used their power to disestablish the traditional idea of America as having a European ethnic and a cultural core based on Christianity.

The Jews also (as few people recognize, because the subject is forbidden) changed America in some profound and not always positive ways. In terms of national identity, Jews were instrumental in the reformulation of America as a universalist society based strictly on ideology rather than on peoplehood, a change that set the stage for mass Third-World immigration and the much more profound redefinition of America as a multicultural society. In terms of morality, many Jewish intellectuals, writers, and entertainers deliberately undermined the older Anglo-American Victorian ethos, a program of moral/cultural subversion that climaxed in the Sixties counterculture and the dominant nihilist culture of the 1980s and 1990s. In terms of politics, Jews were instrumental in replacing the old American order of Constitutional self-restraint with the statist politics of unrestrained compassion.

Auster highlights the chutzpah underlying Jewish activism in overturning public expressions of Christianity, beginning in the late 19th century—the topic of a recent academic book confirming Auster’s comments. He also cites David Hollinger’s important work showing the role of Jews in altering the attitudes of American intellectuals in the direction of secularism, universalism, and ethnic pluralism. The result of the ascent of the Jews was that

the elite universities had changed from guardian of the old Western order to its subverter. [See also here.] This transformation in the universities then reverberated through the rest of the culture, stripping America’s public institutions, entertainments, symbols, and manners of the Christian and bourgeois values they had once embodied. America’s transition from a Protestant culture whose public institutions, celebrations, and symbols reflected Christian belief, to a pluralist, secular society with no identity at all, was complete.

Auster cites Jews who unabashedly celebrate the Jewish role in the displacement of White America with no fear of anti-Semitism—yet further examples of the overt expressions by Jews of Jewish power tabulated in Andrew Joyce’s recent article. Auster mentions sociologist Earl Raab’s pride in the Jewish role in changing the bias toward Northwestern Europe in U.S. immigration laws, and he notes Rabbi Abram Goodman’s comments that “Now I witness a Harvard that has been thoroughly cleansed and Judaized.” Auster comments that “thus an American Jew in 1997 unselfconsciously boasts of eliminating America’s former Christian culture, describing this elimination in terms (“thoroughly cleansed and Judaized”) not unlike those once used by the Nazis about the Jews.”

Indeed, as Ron Unz has shown, Jews are now vastly overrepresented at Harvard controlled for their academic achievement, while non-Jewish Whites are underrepresented by a factor of at least 15 compared to Jews, again based on academic achievement. I rather doubt that Goodman (or Dershowitz, for that matter) is shedding any tears for Harvard’s egregious discrimination against non-Jewish Whites—discrimination that is far greater than historical discrimination against Jews who, even before the end of WWII, were admitted to Harvard at levels far above their percentage of the population. Our new hostile elite is far more corrupt (see also here) than the old elite—and far less representative of the population as a whole.

The Judaization trumpeted by Rabbi Goodman means the destruction of the European cultural heritage of America:

Now that their enemies have been scattered and silenced, the left and the minorities can admit that their real agenda all along was not simply inclusion, equality, justice, or tolerance toward Jews and other minorities, but the destruction of the Christian culture.

And, of course, it goes beyond the destruction of culture to the destruction of the political power of White America—a phenomenon that is becoming increasingly apparent in U.S. elections. The entire process has never been about the pursuit of moral ideals; it has always been about ethnic hard ball, and the end result is the displacement of White America, its culture and its people.

The Jewish Role in Unleashing Displacement-Level Immigration to the U.S.

Auster is quite aware of the role of Jews in the demographic displacement of White America (see also here), noting particularly that Jewish immigration reformers not only wanted to end the bias in favor of Northwestern Europe but to ease the immigration of as many non-Whites as possible (see also here, p. 291). He focuses (as do I; see previous link, p. 285ff) on an extraordinary article from 1952 in Commentary by Harvard historian Oscar Handlin in which Handlin essentially deplores the fact that non-Jewish immigrants from Eastern and Southern Europe do not have the same hatred against the traditional people and culture of America that Jews have. Auster takes Handlin’s argument to its logical conclusion:

If an immigration law that is designed to preserve the nation’s ethnic majority is racist (because it implicitly puts down other groups), then the same must be true of any manifestation of the ethnic majority, including its very existence. After all, if a nation still has an ethnic majority, and a culture that reflects that majority, doesn’t that impute inferiority to all people not related by blood to that majority? Therefore the only way to procure real democracy is to turn the ethnic majority into a minority, which is to be accomplished (and since 1965 has largely been accomplished) by immigration. …

The 1965 Immigration Act, the culmination of a forty-year, largely Jewish-led campaign, was not simply a piece of “liberal” legislation (i.e., an act aimed at formal equality) which later turned out to have unforeseen, radical consequences. As early as 1952, the liberal idea of equality before the law was already linked in the minds of Jewish immigrationists with the radical project of dispossessing America’s white, Anglo-Saxon, Christian majority.

The hatred of Jews extends also to other White cultures. Auster notes literary critic Leon Wieseltier’s rejoicing at the displacement of traditional English culture by the Muslim onslaught:

Wieseltier is not exactly shy in his hatred. He mocks an Englishmen’s fears about the survival of English culture. He rejoices at the thought of Englishmen being discomforted, disoriented, and displaced in their own country by Muslims. If anyone is driven by an ethnic animus, surely it is Wieseltier and the many Jews who think and feel as he does.

Hypocrisy and Double Standards

Of course there is a massive hypocrisy about all this: “The Jews feel that they have a right to homogeneity and collective survival. But, as we have seen, the Jews deny this same right to white gentiles” [Auster’s emphasis]. This desire to destroy and vilify the ethnic ties among non-Jewish Whites while maintaining their own is deeply rooted in Jewish tribalism. “It is a blind, unreasonable, unappeasable force.” Exactly. TOO has an archive of 39 articles related to Jewish double standards related to ethnocentrism and we repeatedly discuss the legitimacy of White identity and interests. But the organized Jewish community and the vast majority of American Jews are completely tone-deaf when it comes to a hypocrisy that is so obvious that a child could see through it.

Auster seems to adopt a cultural explanation of Jewish ethnocentrism, attributing the pervasive double standards to deep immersion over the centuries in a tribalistic culture represented by the Talmud and its very different ethical treatment of Jews and non-Jews. (My view is that Jewish culture reflects biological influences—the deep ethnocentrism and collectivism at the heart of Middle Eastern culture generally [see here, p. 24ff], abetted by selection within the Jewish community that effectively excluded less ethnocentric Jews [see here, passim].)

As a result, Jewish patriotism toward America is always contingent on whether America meets specifically Jewish interests. The interests of the nation as a whole, much less the interests of the descendants of the White Europeans who founded the country, are completely irrelevant. “Over and over, Jewish-American patriotism seems to be based on some factor extrinsic to America itself” such as America’s role in defeating Hitler or supporting Israel.

Jewish Subversion of Traditional American Culture Via Media Influence

Auster also highlights another theme of TOO—the Jewish role in the subversion of the traditional culture of America resulting from their control of Hollywood. In a comment on the movie Outbreak reminiscent of Edmund Connelly’s work on the “Jews to the rescue” theme of Hollywood movies like Independence Day, Auster notes that “the Jew now cast as action hero—and his brilliant black sidekick heroically foil the plot.” There is also the denigration of WASPs as stereotypically evil—also documented by Connelly (see above link): “the anti-WASP animus in film and TV had evolved into a formalized demonology. The cold-hearted, inhuman WASP—the WASP as super-Nazi—has been a regular fixture in one suspense/action movie after another.”

The bottom line is that Eastern European Jews, with their discontented, irrepressible temperament, were admitted as equals into a culture that had been formed by Anglo-Saxons and other northern European-origin people, with their pacific, self-controlled temperament. The former outsiders then proceeded to make their own sensibility the center of the culture, while diminishing and demonizing the Anglo-Saxon.

Provoking Anti-Semitism

Auster acknowledges that the Jewish role in the dispossession of Whites and their culture will likely lead to anti-Semitism:

[Another prospect] will be an upsurge of anti-Semitism among marginalized whites, many of whom will blame the Jews (not without cause) for the ruin of white civilization. Having acted all along on the ludicrous and hostile assumption that the white American majority is a potential neo-Nazi force that must be dispossessed, Jews will hardly be in a position to complain about real anti-Semitism when it appears among whites who have actually been dispossessed.

Despite his awareness of the forces that have dispossessed White America, Auster is very concerned to deflect anti-Semitism, even though he understands that anti-Jewish attitudes are completely expectable.

To seek to transform America into a Messianic project, to identify with the Other (whoever the Other may be) at the expense of the native majority, to deny to the native majority its ethnic identity while indulging in one’s own ethnic identity—this is not just a bad agenda, it is a Jewish agenda, and it is entirely moral for citizens of a free country to criticize it as such.

Auster’s basic argument is that not all Jews have been involved in or support these transformations, and a certain percentage of Whites (such as David Hollinger, about whom Auster says “he barely conceals his pleasure at Christianity’s being pushed aside”) have welcomed or at least acquiesced in these transformations. (It remains to be seen how much pleasure White Americans will have in majority non-White America where a very large percentage of non-Whites, including Jews as described here, have historical grudges against them. I rather doubt that pleasure will be a majority opinion among Whites.)

Nevertheless, we should be clear. These transformations could not have occurred unless there was overwhelming support for them among the vast majority of Jews and within the organized Jewish community.

Indeed, there is far higher consensus among Jews on issues related to White dispossession than even on Israel where there are beginning to be cracks in the unified support among American Jews for whatever Israel does.

While there is a certain analogy between Auster and Gottfried on one hand and Philip Weiss and Peter Beinart on the other as opponents of the mainstream Jewish community on issues related to White dispossession and Israel respectively, the latter have been far more active in trying to convert other Jews and they speak for far greater numbers of Jews on Israel-related issues than Auster or Gottfried do on issues related to White dispossession. And in any case, the mainstream Jewish community remains as staunchly anti-White and as staunchly supportive of the ethno-nationalist right in Israel as ever.

Auster cannot point to any significant Jewish organization that has dissented from the dispossession of White America. (To be sure, groups like ultra-Orthodox Hasidic Jews have played no role in the dispossession of White America, either in favor or in opposition, since they live in a hermetically sealed world completely cut off from the rest of the society.)

Nor can he point to any other identifiable group that promoted these cultural changes. While it is true that Europeans are more prone to individualism and moral universalism than other groups and this made them more susceptible to dispossession (see here, p. 14ff), there can be little doubt that Jewish activism is ultimately responsible for the displacement of White America (see, e.g., here).

The fact that some Whites have greeted these changes is expected (although it is certainly short sighted and selfish), given the fact that in contemporary American society the media environment (the constant propaganda of Whites as evil noted by Auster; see also here) and the rewards (e.g., career opportunities for White university administrators or corporation CEO’s who promote multiculturalism) and punishments (e.g., job loss and ostracism resulting from opposing multiculturalism) overwhelmingly favor the changes wrought by the Jewish hostile elite. The power of the hostile elite is now institutionalized and strongly defended from attack, particularly against attacks by disaffected Whites.

As noted above, a key marker of Jewish power is that Jewish power, unlike the power of any other group, has been successfully relegated to outside the boundaries of acceptable discussion.

Moreover, Jewish influence extends far beyond the organized Jewish community. The very large influence of Jews in the media, resulting in the invidious portraits of Whites and Christianity and positive portrayals of everything Jewish and multicultural (see here, p. 53ff), has been the work of individual Jews and informal Jewish networks, not Jewish organizations.

The same can be said of the Jewish networks involved in the Jewish intellectual and political movements discussed in The Culture of Critique—movements that collectively undermined the concept of America as a White, Christian nation. Indeed, the crux of the issue — displacement-level non-White immigration — is a consensus issue among all Jewish organizations and among all Jews from the far left to the neoconservative right; in other words, the entire Jewish political spectrum. As Auster says about neocon Norman Podhoretz, he “does not regard non-Jewish Americans as his people. In effect, he sees America as ‘one nation, many peoples’—which is, of course, the multiculturalist view of America.”

And remember, Podhoretz, is what passes as a conservative among Jews. The hatred for the White establishment among neocons as they were climbing the ropes of power is legendary (see here, p. 4).

Righteous Anger

So what is the appropriate reaction to all this among White Americans? Recently Bill O’Reilly has been harping on “righteous anger” as an entirely appropriate response to the rather mundane issue of President Obama’s failure to propose specific budget-cutting measures.

Given the cataclysmic consequences to White America, righteous anger at the Jewish community is far more justified than anger at Obama’s budget shenanigans. Righteous anger is an entirely appropriate response for Whites whose cultural and demographic displacement is now well-advanced as a result of Jewish activism.

Righteous anger by Whites furious about their dispossession is, after all, the mirror image of the hatred that is such a prominent characteristic of the mainstream Jewish community, as noted here in the discussion of Dershowitz, Wieseltier, Handlin, and Rabbi Goodman, and reflected in the TOO theme of Jews as a hostile elite. (Whites expressing righteous anger at what Jews have done to America are likely to experience far more negative consequences than did these Jews for openly expressing their hatred toward White America—a telling indication of Jewish power.)

No one would think it unjustifiable if a people becomes angry when they are physically invaded, reduced to a minority, and their culture taken away from them. Although not the result of physical invasion, the end result of this Jewish onslaught is exactly the same.

There is no more grievous crime against a people than the crime being committed against White America. Righteous anger is an appropriate response indeed.

The West’s Darkest Hour
Western racial and cultural preservation
Security Administration inspectors forced a wounded Marine who lost both of his legs in an IED blast and who was in a wheelchair to remove his prosthetic legs at one point, and at another point to stand painfully on his legs while his wheelchair was examined, according to a complaint a congressman has registered with the TSA.
(((Rep. Duncan Hunter said in his letter Monday that the Marine, who is still on active duty and showed TSA agents his military identification, was still forced to undergo that scrutiny.)))
“A TSA office asked the Marine to stand and walk to an alternate area, despite the fact that he physically could not stand or walk on his own. With numerous TSA officers sitting and unwilling to assist, an officer then made him remove his legs, then put them back on, only to advance to a secondary screening location where he was asked again to stand, with extraordinary difficult, while his wheelchair was examined for explosives,” Mr. Hunter said.

He also said TSA officers initially directed the Marine to the wrong line, then made him move lines but made no effort to help him. The incident occurred at Phoenix’s Sky Harbor airport last week, as a group of Marines was returning to San Diego.

Mr. Hunter included two photos of the inspection in his letter that appear to show a TSA agent patting down the Marine’s arm and examining the prosthetic leg.

The congressman asked TSA to detail its procedures to inspecting wounded U.S. troops at airports, and to consider whether agents should show “situational awareness.”

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The above since 2002 is the conduct of a police state that is at war with its founding stock and semblance of the Bill Of Rights of being a Nation of laws , but rather police state regime in a constant war footing since 1932.
IMO itz been over since the treason of FDR on causing Dec. 7, 1941.

Congress, has accepted this abuse since 2002 for working class White's, and they have not even hinted at abolishing this un-American set up IMO.
Iraq War vet pens ‘last letter’ to Bush and Cheney

An Iraq War veteran who joined the U.S. Army two days after 9/11 has written a powerful open letter to former President George W. Bush and ex-Vice President Dick Cheney accusing them of war crimes, "plunder" and "the murder of thousands of young Americans—my fellow veterans—whose future you stole."

Tomas Young, who was shot and paralyzed during an insurgent attack in Sadr City in 2004, five days into his first deployment, penned the letter from his Kansas City, Mo., home, where he's under hospice care.

"I write this letter, my last letter, to you, Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney," Young wrote in the letter published on "I write not because I think you grasp the terrible human and moral consequences of your lies, manipulation and thirst for wealth and power. I write this letter because, before my own death, I want to make it clear that I, and hundreds of thousands of my fellow veterans, along with millions of my fellow citizens, along with hundreds of millions more in Iraq and the Middle East, know fully who you are and what you have done. You may evade justice but in our eyes you are each guilty of egregious war crimes, of plunder and, finally, of murder, including the murder of thousands of young Americans—my fellow veterans—whose future you stole."


Iraq After Ten Years

by Paul Craig Roberts

Recently by Paul Craig Roberts: Staring Armageddon in the Face But Hiding It With Official Lies

March 19, 2013. Ten years ago today the Bush regime invaded Iraq. It is known that the justification for the invasion was a packet of lies orchestrated by the neoconservative Bush regime in order to deceive the United Nations and the American people.

The US Secretary of State at that time, General Colin Powell, has expressed his regrets that he was used by the Bush regime to deceive the United Nations with fake intelligence that the Bush and Blair regimes knew to be fake. But the despicable presstitute media has not apologized to the American people for serving the corrupt Bush regime as its Ministry of Propaganda and Lies.

It is difficult to discern which is the most despicable, the corrupt Bush regime, the presstitutes that enabled it, or the corrupt Obama regime that refuses to prosecute the Bush regime for its unambiguous war crimes, crimes against the US Constitution, crimes against US statutory law, and crimes against humanity.

In his book, Cultures Of War, the distinguished historian John W. Dower observes that the concrete acts of war unleashed by the Japanese in the 20th century and the Bush imperial presidency in the 21st century “invite comparative analysis of outright war crimes like torture and other transgressions. Imperial Japan’s black deeds have left an indelible stain on the nation’s honor and good name, and it remains to be seen how lasting the damage to America’s reputation will be. In this regard, the Bush administration’s war planners are fortunate in having been able to evade formal and serious investigation remotely comparable to what the Allied powers pursued vis-a-vis Japan and Germany after World War II.”

Dower quotes Arthur Schlesinger Jr.: “The president [Bush] has adopted a policy of ‘anticipatory self-defense’ that is alarmingly similar to the policy that imperial Japan employed at Pearl Harbor on a date which, as an earlier American president said it would, lives in infamy. Franklin D. Roosevelt was right, but today it is we Americans who live in infamy.”

Americans paid an enormous sum of money for the shame of living in infamy. Joseph Stiglitz and Linda Bilmes calculated that the Iraq war cost US taxpayers $3,000 billion dollars. This estimate might turn out to be optimistic. The latest study concludes that the war could end up costing US taxpayers twice as much.

In order to pay for the profits that have flowed into the pockets of the US military-security complex and from there into political contributions, Americans are in danger of losing Social Security, Medicare, and the social cohesiveness that the social welfare system provides.

The human cost to Iraq of America’s infamy is extraordinary: 4.5 million displaced Iraqis, as many as 1 million dead civilians leaving widows and orphans, a professional class that has departed the country, an infrastructure in ruins, and social cohesion destroyed by the Sunni-Shia conflict that was ignited by Washington’s destruction of the Saddam Hussein government.

It is a sick joke that the United States government brought freedom and democracy to Iraq. What the Washington war criminals brought was death and the destruction of a country.

The US population, for the most part, seems quite at ease with the gratuitous destruction of Iraq and all that it entails: children without parents, wives without husbands, birth defects from “depleted” uranium, unsafe water, a country without hope mired in sectarian violence.

Washington’s puppet state governments in the UK, Europe, the Middle East and Japan seem equally pleased with the victory – over what? What threat did the victory defeat? There was no threat. Weapons of mass destruction was a propaganda hoax. Mushroom clouds over American cities was fantasy propaganda. How ignorant do populations have to be to fall for such totally transparent propaganda? Is there no intelligence anywhere in the Western world?

At a recent conference the neoconservatives responsible for the deaths and ruined lives of millions and for the trillions of dollars that their wars piled on US national debt were unrepentant and full of self-justification. While Washington looks abroad for evil to slay, evil is concentrated in Washington itself.

The American war criminals walk about unmolested. They are paid large sums of money to make speeches about how Americans are bringing freedom and democracy to the world by invading, bombing and murdering people. The War Crimes Tribunal has not issued arrest warrants. The US Department of State, which is still hunting for Nazi war criminals, has not kidnapped the American ones and sent them to be tried at the Hague.

The Americans who suffered are the 4,801 troops who lost their lives, the thousands of troops who lost limbs and suffer from other permanent wounds, the tens of thousands who suffer from post-traumatic stress and from the remorse of killing innocent people, the families and friends of the American troops, and the broken marriages and single-parent children from the war stress.

Other Americans have suffered on the home front. Those whose moral conscience propelled them to protest the war were beaten and abused by police, investigated and harassed by the FBI, and put on no-fly lists. Some might actually be prosecuted. The Unites States has reached the point where any citizen who has a moral conscience is an enemy of the state. The persecution of Bradley Manning demonstrates this truth.

A case could be made that the historians’ comparison of the Bush regime with Japanese war criminals doesn’t go far enough. By this October 7, Washington will have been killing people, mainly women, children, and village elders, in Afghanistan for 12 years. No one knows why America has brought such destruction to the Afghan people. First the Soviets; then the Americans. What is the difference? When Obama came into the presidency, he admitted that no one knew what the US military mission was in Afghanistan. We still don’t know. The best guess is profits for the US armaments industry, power for the Homeland Security industry, and a police state for the insouciant US population.

Washington has left Libya in ruins and internal conflict. There is no government, but it is not libertarian nirvana.

The incessant illegal drone attacks on Pakistani civilians is radicalizing elements of Pakistan and provoking civil war against the Pakistani government, which is owned by Washington and permits Washington’s murder of its citizens in exchange for Washington’s money payments to the political elites who have sold out their country to Washington.

Washington has destabilized Syria and destroyed the peace that the Assad family had imposed on the Islamic sects. Syria seems fated to be reduced to ruins and permanent violence like Libya and Iraq.

Washington is at work killing people in Yemen.

As the video released to WikiLeaks by Bradley Manning shows, some US troops don’t care who they kill – journalists and civilians walking peacefully along a street, a father and his children who stop to help the wounded. As long as someone is killed, it doesn’t matter who.

Killing is winning.

The US invaded Somalia, has its French puppets militarily involved in Mali, and perhaps has Sudan in its crosshairs for drones and missiles.

Iran and Lebanon are designated as the next victims of Washington’s aggression.

Washington protects Israeli aggression against the West Bank, Gaza, and Lebanon from UN censure and from embargoes. Washington has arrested and imprisoned people who have sent aid to the Palestinian children. Gaza, declares Washington which regards itself as the only fount of truth, is ruled by Hamas, a terrorist organization according to Washington. Thus any aid to Gaza is aid to terrorism. Aide to starving and ill Palestinian children is support of terrorism. This is the logic of an inhumane war criminal state.

What is this aggression against Muslims about?

The Soviet Union collapsed and Washington needed a new enemy to keep the US military/security complex in power and profits. The neoconservatives, who totally dominated the Bush regime and might yet dominate the Obama regime declared Muslims in the Middle East to be the enemy. Against this make-believe “enemy,” the US launched wars of aggression that are war crimes under the US imposed Nuremberg standard that was applied to the defeated WWII Germans.

Although the British and French started World War II by declaring war on Germany, it was Germans, defeated by the Red Army, who were tried by Washington as war criminals for starting a war. A number of serious historians have reached the conclusion that America’s war crimes, with the fire-bombings of the civilian populations of Dresden and Tokyo and the gratuitous nuclear attacks on the civilian populations of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, are of the same cloth as the war crimes of Hitler and the Japanese.

The difference is that the winners paint the defeated in the blackest tones and themselves in high moral tones. Honest historians know that there is not much difference between US WWII war crimes and those of the Japanese and Germans. But the US was on the winning side.

By its gratuitous murder of Muslims in seven or eight countries, Washington has ignited a Muslim response: bitter hatred of the United States. This response is termed “terrorism” by Washington and the war against terrorism serves as a source of endless profits for the military complex and for a police state to “protect” Americans from terrorism, but not from the terrorism of their own government.

The bulk of the American population is too misinformed to catch on, and the few who do
understand and are attempting to warn others will be silenced. The 21st century will be one of the worst centuries in human history. All over the Western world, liberty is dying.

The legacy of “the war on terror” is the death of liberty.

March 20, 2013

Paul Craig Roberts, a former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury and former associate editor of the Wall Street Journal, has been reporting shocking cases of prosecutorial abuse for two decades. A new edition of his book, The Tyranny of Good Intentions, co-authored with Lawrence Stratton, a documented account of how americans lost the protection of law, has been released by Random House. Visit his website.

Copyright © 2013 Paul Craig Roberts
Forced Medicine: The Philosophy Behind Fluoridation
by James Corbett interviews Anthony Gucciardi
Global Research

Scientific studies have linked fluoridation of the water supply to lowered IQs, increased risk of cancer, and bone disease, amongst other conditions. So why do we still fluoridate? As researchers like Anthony Gucciardi warn, fluoridation may in fact only be the thin edge of the wedge when it comes to forced medication of the population. This is the GRTV Backgrounder on Global Research TV.

As the scientific evidence of the dangers of water fluoridation continues to mount, there is no longer any room for doubt: those who deny that adding hydrofluorosilicic acid to the water supply is in fact causing untold medical harm are simply ignorant of the scientific data on the subject. From peer-reviewed studies in prestigious journals to the experimental evidence compiled by some of the best-regarded scientists in the field, there can no longer be any doubt that water fluoridation is lowering IQ and stunting the development of children’s brains, interfering with thyroid function, contributing to rising incidents of skeletal fluorosis, and exacerbating conditions like oesteoperosis and cardiovascular disease. [See this and this and this and this and this.]

On a positive note, community after community around the globe is bringing this issue to a head by forcing referenda or plebiscites on the practice of water fluoridation. And, little by little, concerned citizen activists are working to get the fluoride removed from the water supply in an increasing number of towns and cities.

While it is heartening to see more and more activists taking up the fight to get this toxic chemical removed from their local water supply, this work is of necessity piecemeal and subject to setbacks. Even as some communities work to remove the fluoride, others, like Portland, Oregon – the largest urban centre in the US currently without a fluoridation program – are preparing to vote on whether to add it to their supply.

It may be tempting to say that this democratic process is fair but frustrating. After all, we often hear, the will of the people must be respected. This viewpoint, however, is not only wrong, it is dangerously wrong. The real issue behind the practice of water fluoridation is not merely that the hydrofluorosilicic acid that is misleadingly called “sodium fluoride” is a toxic brew of industrial waste products that is causing untold medical harm. It is that this creates the precedent for the forced drugging of our society.

As long as the fluoride myth is not confronted head on for what it actually is, the Center for Disease Control and like-minded institutions will continue to promote it as one of the 10 Greatest Public Health Achievements of the 20th Century, as they do. This, in effect, serves to paper over the fact that what is being advocated is the forced medication of an entire population, without regard to the unwitting patient’s age, size, sex, race, background or medical history, and without giving that patient a method for opting out of the program. Every day millions of people in different parts of the globe drink, shower in, bathe in, and otherwise absorb and ingest this un-prescribed medicine, almost without exception without the informed consent of those individuals.

Earlier this week I talked to author and researcher Anthony Gucciardi of about this aspect of the fluoridation program, and why it is so significant.

Indeed, exactly as Gucciardi notes, the idea of using the fluoridation program as an explicit justification for adding further medications to the drinking water is already being introduced to the public. [See this and this and this.]

It does not take a professional bioethicist to understand how such an idea, even if implemented by the best-intentioned doctors for the best-intentioned reasons adhering to the best practices conceivable via modern medicine could still be a fundamental violation of human rights and, in fact, a crime against humanity no less egregioius than the human experimentation in the Nazi death camps that the civilized world has long since shunned.

Fluoridation, in short, is a medically and scientifically bankrupt practice that has long since been discredited as a means of preventing tooth decay. Its political utility for those who wish to use this precedent of the forced drugging of an entire population, however, means it is not a practice that will be abandoned easily by the CDC, EPA, FDA and the entire pharmaceutical-industrial complex that is increasingly eager to start adding other drugs to the water supply.

It is incumbent on activists everywhere, then, to lend their efforts to eradicating the water fluoridation program in their own area and assisting others in ridding it from theirs. Only then can this practice be exposed for the crime against humanity that it is, and all such ideas of drugging the water supply can be properly consigned to the dustbin of history.

This article originally appeared on

March 23, 2013

Copyright © 2013 Global Research
The Wisdom of Henry Ford

We're going to look at a part of 20th Century American history that has been censored from our history books by America's enemies. An outstanding figure in the story of modern America, and central to the struggle of American patriots to take our country back, was the great industrialist and humanitarian Henry Ford, Sr.

Ford was born in 1863, a farm boy from rural Michigan who loved to do mechanical work with his hands and experiment with new concepts in his shop. He was a deeply moral man, to whom honesty, work, and sobriety were sacred concepts. And he was a gentle man, in the true sense of the word, who, in the words of writer Albert Lee, "shared a love of all living things with naturalist John Burroughs and who shared campfires with his friend Thomas Edison. Ford was known to 'nail up a door for a whole season rather than disturb a robin's nest,' and he 'postponed [a] hay harvest because ground birds were brooding in the field.' He was a man of peace, saying ... that he would give his entire fortune if he could shorten [World War I] by a single day."

Marxists hate Henry Ford. But most of the workers in his factories loved and revered him. In fact, it would not be an exaggeration to say that when Henry Ford began his seven-year long, 5 million dollar "lesson to the American people" in 1920, he was probably the best-loved living American.

He did not invent the automobile, but he was one of its pioneers. His inborn genius for innovation and efficiency enabled him to produce the first car for the common man, the Model T. Before Ford, cars were mostly playthings of the wealthy. The Model T began its production run in 1908 and was not replaced until 1927. As Ford increased the efficiency of his plants, instead of pocketing the profits, he constantly lowered the price, which ultimately fell from $590 to $260. And he astounded the world in 1914 when he ordered the minimum wage paid to even the lowliest Ford employee to be raised to $5 per day, at a time when the average wage to the skilled workers of his competitors was far less than half that amount. He began one of the first profit-sharing plans, distributing $12 million to his employees in the first year alone. He caused jaws to drop again when, believing that useful knowledge should be used for the benefit of the people, he gave up millions by making all Ford patents free to everyone. He led a successful one-man crusade against the "Selden patent," benefitting his competitors as much as he.

Much is known about Henry Ford. A recent series of Ford Motor Company TV advertisements even features his face and quotes some of his statements as "words to live by." So why am I speaking of him on this program which is usually devoted to the hidden aspects of politics and history? Because what is not so well known today is that Henry Ford devoted years of his life and a substantial part of his fortune to awakening the American people to the enemies of our nation. You see, the movement to free America from Internationalist domination did not begin with the Chuck Harders and Tom Valentines or other Johnny-come-latelies. It certainly didn't begin with me, either, though I think it is becoming clearer with every passing day that American Dissident Voices alone dares to tell our listeners the whole truth about our nation's plight.

In 1916 Ford led an ill-fated mission to stop the slaughter of World War I. He assembled a disparate coalition of clergymen, writers, politicians, pacifists, and businessmen, chartered the Norwegian ocean liner Oscar II and sailed for Europe in hopes of inspiring the neutral powers to mediate a peace treaty. His coalition squabbled among themselves, and the forces for war proved too strong. Ford returned to America a somewhat discouraged but wiser man. He never lost his distaste for foreign wars, however, and spoke out against them and the hidden forces that foment them in no uncertain terms.

Mme. Rosika Schwimmer, one of the leaders of the Peace Ship project, was a Jewish diplomat and pacifist who, according to Ford, was more intelligent than all of the others aboard the ship put together. She tells the story of her first meeting with Ford, where he said "I know who started this war - the German-Jewish bankers." As he slapped some papers hidden in pocket of his coat, he said, "I have the evidence here - facts! I can't give them out yet because I haven't got them all. I'll have them soon!"

In an interview with a New York Times reporter on Christmas, 1921, Ford gave some further insight into his education in the ways of the world while he was on the Peace Ship. "It was the Jews themselves who convinced me of the direct relationship between the international Jew and war. In fact, they went out of their way to convince me. On the peace ship were two very prominent Jews. We had not been at sea 200 miles before they began telling me of the power of the Jewish race, of how they controlled the world through their control of gold, and that the Jew and no one but the Jew could end the war. I was reluctant to believe it but they went into detail to convince me of the means by which the Jews controlled the war, how they had the money, how they had cornered all the basic materials needed to fight the war and all that, and they talked so long and so well that they convinced me. They said, and they believed, that the Jews started the war, that they would continue it as long as they wished, and that until the Jew stopped the war it could not be stopped. I was so disgusted I would have liked to turn the ship back."
A Book for All Americans

Ford had become convinced that there was an organized, dangerous, largely secret, and incredibly powerful menace to America, almost completely Jewish at its highest levels, and he was determined to do something about it. He earnestly believed that if this menace was exposed to the light of day, that responsible and moral Jews would cast out this cancerous group from their midst. He was honestly surprised by the abuse he received from most of his Jewish friends and business associates after his educational work had begun, and we may be amazed by the fact that a few remained cordial. Henry Ford believed that if the kept press would not tell the truth on what he termed the Jewish Question, they it was his duty to his God and his country to do it himself.

He purchased what was at the time a small weekly newspaper in his home town in Michigan, The Dearborn Independent, and turned into his national voice, with nationwide distribution. His espousal of traditional values combined with a practical populism struck a chord with many Americans, for soon the sleepy weekly had turned into an influential giant, with a circulation at one point of nearly half a million. Ford lost money on the paper, selling it for five cents per copy or one dollar a year. When Jewish censorship kept it off the newsstands in some cities, he made it available through the local Ford agencies. He neither solicited nor accepted advertising - he would not have the paper subject to Jewish or any outside influence. The masthead meant what it said - Independent.

He gathered around him some of the most talented writers and researchers in the business, virtually cleaning out the editorial staff of the largest newspaper in the state, the Detroit News. He hired the best private investigators. He employed the services of patriotic Congressmen and diplomats. He despatched his agents to foreign countries to dig up the facts.

1920 marked the beginning of the publication, in serial form, of Henry Ford's research series in the Dearborn Independent. Each week, the paper carried a major story exposing an aspect of Jewish power and influence. One of the men Ford had hired away from the Detroit News, who would eventually become the head of the Independent, was the brilliant editor and columnist William J. Cameron. Cameron at first protested bitterly at the subject matter of the articles on the Jewish Question and almost bolted with a few other staffers who didn't want to touch this "forbidden" subject, but as the evidence began piling up, he became convinced that Ford was right. He was the author of most of the Independent's articles in this series, and stayed with Ford for the next 20 years. These articles would eventually be collected in book form under the title The International Jew. The articles were a sensation and the book became a nationwide success, in fact one of the greatest best-sellers of all time.

While Ford's educational series on Jewish power was running, the Independent had a circulation of between a quarter million and a half million copies per week. When the articles were reprinted in book form, eventually to fill four volumes, it was not unusual for each press run, of which there were many for each volume, to total over 200,000 copies. It is estimated that more than 10 million copies of the book were sold in the United States alone. The International Jew was translated into sixteen languages, including Arabic, and was distributed by the millions in Europe, South America, and the Middle East. Each of the 4 volumes was a full-sized book of about 250 pages, and was sold for a mere 25 cents. Ford lost nearly five million dollars on this venture, and that doesn't count the losses to his business due to several Jewish boycotts and lawsuits.

To evaluate the tenor of Ford's lessons to the American people, let us look at a few passages from his preface to the first volume:

"Why discuss the Jewish Question? Because it is here, and because its emergence into American thought should contribute to its solution, and not to a continuance of those bad conditions which surround the Question in other countries.

"The Jewish Question has existed in the United States for a long time. Jews themselves have known this, even if Gentiles have not. There have been periods in our own country when it has broken forth with a sullen sort of strength which presaged darker things to come. Many signs portend that it is approaching an acute stage.

"Not only does the Jewish Question touch those matters that are of common knowledge, such as financial and commercial control, usurpation of political power, monopoly of necessities, and autocratic direction of the very news that the American people read; but it reaches into cultural regions and so touches the very heart of American life.

"... It is interwoven with much of the menace of organized and calculated disorder which troubles the nations today. It is not of recent growth, but its roots go deep ....

"The motive of this work is simply a desire to make facts known to the people. Other motives have, of course, been ascribed to it. But the motive of prejudice or any form of antagonism is hardly strong enough to support such an investigation as this. Moreover, had an unworthy motive existed, some sign of it would inevitably appear in the work itself. We confidently call the reader to witness that the tone of these articles is all that it should be. The International Jew and his satellites, as the conscious enemies of all that Anglo-Saxons mean by civilization, are not spared, nor is that unthinking mas which defends anything that a Jew does, simply because it has been taught to believe that what Jewish leaders do is Jewish. Neither do these articles proceed upon a false emotion of brotherhood and apology, as if this stream of doubtful tendency in the world were only accidentally Jewish. We give the facts as we find them; that of itself is sufficient protection against prejudice or passion."

A few of the articles' titles should give you an idea of the information in the book:

Jewish History in the United States - Does a Definite Jewish Program Exist? - The Historic Basis of Jewish Imperialism - Does Jewish Power Control the World Press? - The All-Jewish Mark on "Red Russia" - Jewish Testimony in Favor of Bolshevism - How Jews in the US Conceal Their Strength - Jewish Control of the American Theater - Jewish Supremacy in the Motion Picture World - "Jewish Rights" Clash With American Rights - Jewish Degradation of American Baseball - Jewish Jazz Becomes Our National Music - Jewish Hot-Beds of Bolshevism in the US - Dr. Levy, a Jew, Admits His People's Error - The Gigantic Jewish Liquor Trust and Its Career - The Jews' Complaint Against "Americanism" - The Gentle Art of Changing Jewish Names -- and dozens of others, a total of eighty articles in all.

Neither The International Jew nor Henry Ford were perfect. Ford and Cameron reflected the prejudices of their times when they took irrelevant stabs at Darwin and Nietzsche. They were sometimes too eager to accept quotes and documents from dubious sources, when much stronger documentation on the same points was already available. And when tremendous financial pressure was brought to bear, and when a mysterious automobile accident sent Ford to the hospital, nearly missing killing him, he did cave in to the pressure and direct one of his subordinates to sign the phony apology written for the purpose by prominent Jewish attorney Louis Marshall. His post-apology actions indicate that Ford had not altered his opinions. Despite its few flaws, though, the book is a magnificent piece of work, a priceless distillation of many thousands of man-hours of expensive research and compilation, a magnifying glass applied to the hidden sources of immorality, vice, degeneracy, and subversion.

The International Jew was available in libraries and bookstores across America. As I've already pointed out, it was one of the biggest best-sellers of all time. Henry Ford felt that his book was so important that at one point a copy was presented to all purchasers of new Ford automobiles. Yet today this book is almost impossible to find. You will not be able to buy it in your local bookstore, nor check it out at your local library. If it were not for a few courageous Americans keeping it in print and available to you, you would not be able to find it at all.

The truth is that here in so-called "democratic, pluralist" America this book has been nakedly suppressed. Is it because this book is a hate-filled anti-Jewish polemic? No, not at all. The book's tone is not at all anti-Jewish, and again and again it appeals to the reason and moral sense of its Jewish readers to put a stop to the abuses of their leaders. It is scrupulously fair, even-handed, and factual. It is because of its extensive documentation and the unassailable facts which it presents that it has been suppressed. For The International Jew is a threat - it's a threat to those men of money and power who would put a sack over our heads and force us unknowingly and unwillingly into the "New World Order" they have been preparing for us for decades. This book is a threat to those who would take away our weapons of self-defense, and who would take away our freedom and our children's future. No other patriotic radio program dares to offer its listeners this book, because they know the incredible pressures that the guilty and the powerful will bring to bear upon them if they do. But American Dissident Voices is not an ordinary radio program. We hold our duty to bring the uncensored truth to our listeners as our highest obligation.

We are proud to offer Henry Ford, Sr.'s The International Jew as our Radio Offer Number 16. This is more than a simple book - The International Jew is a four volume set, containing nearly 1000 pages of insight and research. Volume 1 is The International Jew: The World's Foremost Problem; Volume 2 is Jewish Activities in the United States; Volume 3 is Jewish Influences in American Life; and Volume 4 is Aspects of Jewish Power in the United States. All are photographically reproduced and are exactly as they were published by Henry Ford and his research staff at the Dearborn Independent. Henry Ford commissioned the best researchers available to get to the bottom of the mysteries of modern power politics. The result was this book in four volumes. Its insights into the roots of today's political situation are astounding and prophetic. To any who would hope to save our country and our people, the knowledge contained within its pages is invaluable. The International Jew is available to all who send a donation of $40 or more this week to keep this program on the air, as our Radio Offer Number 16. Remember, this is the complete 4-volume set, exactly as commissioned and published by industrialist and patriot Henry Ford. Just send as much as you can afford to support this program, a minimum of $40, to National Vanguard Books, Department R, PO Box 90, Hillsboro WV 24946 USA, and don't forget to ask for Radio Offer Number 16.

Consider this. Henry Ford did not have to do what he did. He was the living incarnation of success. He was by far the richest industrialist of his day. He was loved and admired by millions. Among the common people, he was ranked with the greatest men of all time. Political power could have been his had he wanted it. But he did go forward with his investigation and explication of the Jewish Question, at the cost of a large portion of his wealth, at the cost of much of the time and energy of an aging older man, and at the cost of the alienation of many friends, associates, and even family members. He well knew that he was potentially putting his life in peril by opposing these powerful moneyed interests. Henry Ford did this because he felt a higher duty, a duty that transcended all of those considerations. Henry Ford acted in obedience to a duty which we of our generation must rediscover if our children are to have a future. However discouraging the odds may seem at the moment, and no matter how easy it may be slip back into our easy chair or into our accustomed work, we must discharge this duty: Wherever we find it, and whatever disguise it wears - whether a clerical collar or a professor's tweeds or the stylish tailored suits of the networks' talking heads - we must oppose evil.
RIP: The Great Doug Christie has died :(
"It’s a funny thing about free speech: It can’t be just for your political friends. If freedom means anything, it is the one valuable gift you have to give to your worst enemies, in order to keep it for yourself."

--Doug Christie

--Published on March 19, 2013 by Carolyn in The Heretics' Hour
March 18, 2013

Carolyn Yeager presents a number of topics, based loosely on the wisdom of upholding the highest standards:

Background on the writings by Leopold and Willy Wenger on;

Acknowledgment of the passing of a great warrior, Douglas Christie;

The psychological effect of donation giving, as discovered by Carolyn;

Unending demands of Jews for more rights, influence and power to determine who can be politically viable and who can’t;

Charles Krafft portrayed by Public Radio as possible mentally ill and senile because of his purported “antisemitism;”

The amazing inability of modern day “forward-thinking intellectuals” to deal with historical/holocaust revisionist thinking;

Beware of the Michael Ford translation of Mein Kampf, shown to be the work of an entrepreneur interested in money rather than a scholar interested in faithful representation;

Comparison of passages from various translations show the pitfalls of reading translations; thus the more familiarity one has with the language and author the better.

Honoring Doug Christie
James Holbeyfield
1,564 words

Douglas Hewson Christie died on March 11th, 2013 at the age of 66. He was among the greatest defense lawyers of his generation, in Canada or any other country, and his greatness was founded on two piers: courage and honor.

In his eulogy for his father, Doug’s son Cadeyrn has said that his father was meant for the battlefield, and in another age would have fought with sword and shield, but in our age, his battlefield was the courtroom.

This identification of warriors with the best lawyers helps us to understand a major lesson of the way Doug Christie lived his life. It is this: the courage to speak freely and publicly against the powerful, the courage to defend those the powerful deem indefensible, and the courage to face threats to career, home, and family from the tolerated minions of the powerful for the sake of principle; all these are first founded on physical courage.

Doug retained tremendous physical courage right up to the end. Incredibly, less than three weeks before he died, his liver riddled with metastatic cancer and refusing pain-killers, so that his brain and his examinations, would be as famously sharp and focused as ever, he had been in court arguing on behalf of a client. There, he collapsed and was brought to hospital. Even then, his chief desire was to be released so that he could finish that case and get back to another, his ongoing defense of Arthur Topham, who has been charged with promoting hate on the internet.

Sadly, that could not be, and Doug’s final regret was that he was unable to carry on for Mr. Topham, just as his greatest concern since he was diagnosed with cancer in 2011 was that once he was gone, there would be no Canadian lawyer to take his place of prominence in battling the endless attacks on freedom of speech in that fallen dominion. Canada is an Anglosphere country that’s particularly vulnerable to the bizarre new ‘tyranny of tolerance’ because it was founded as a nation, not of rebels so much as of men self-selected for conformity, because those men faced a subsequent requirement for an endless, uneasy truce with the pre-existing French population, and because breakdowns in that truce eventually led, under Pierre Trudeau, to a method for reducing its importance by transforming British Canada into multicultural Canada. Unfortunately, Canada shows every sign of needing more lawyers like Doug Christie going forward. Instead, it has lost the only one it had.

If a successor to Doug is waiting in Canada’s future, he will have large shoes to fill. “Very large shoes indeed,” Father Lucien Larré reminded hundreds of mourners at St. Andrew’s Cathedral in Victoria in officiating at Doug’s funeral, “but we must never stop trying to fill them anyway.”

The reason for the magnitude of the task is straightforward: working as a solo lawyer with a staff of one or two assistants, over the course of three decades Doug Christie defined the legal defense of free speech in Canada. When Doug took on his first free speech case in 1983, that of Alberta high-school teacher James Keegstra when he was fired from his job and charged with willfully promoting hatred by discussing Jewish conspiracies with his students, Canada had had criminal hate laws on the books since the 1960s, but they were dormant. “It was a novel proposition to prosecute people for what they said,” Doug reminded the world. But since Keegstra, it has been used scores of times, and Doug Christie was the backbone of the defense in every landmark case. He argued more free speech cases before the Supreme Court of Canada than anyone. All of this from a tiny, sole proprietorship law practice of a type that has now virtually disappeared.

Doug’s widow, Keltie Zubko, has said that his proudest case, which they worked on so hard together, she as legal assistant, was that of Imre Finta. It remains Canada’s only war crimes trial. Following a two-year investigation, the trial took place in three countries, Canada, Hungary. and Israel, over the course of nine months. The prosecution spent millions. It all resulted in Mr. Finta’s acquittal, without needing to call evidence, principally on the basis of Doug’s cross-examination. The prosecution appealed the case to the Supreme Court of Canada, where Doug argued against it so effectively that Canada has never attempted to prosecute a war crimes case since.

But the enemies of our race and of our heritage of freedom are legion; in hyperborean Canada, perhaps white enemies especially. They have power, and they have time. They are hydra-headed, and when one begins to tire, thoughts turning to sinecure, he is easily replaced by many more, as the unquestioning graduates of the academies multiply. Even the youngest have none of the fire in Doug Christie’s soul, but the whole corpus can afford to watch as the tiny band of defenders withers. Worse, a single hydra increasingly sprawls across many countries, in the form of international law.

This is underlined by the fate of Doug’s best-known client, Ernst Zündel. Doug had guided him through the ups and downs of a welter of trials, tribunals and appeals in the 1980s, leading to eventual success in R. v. Zundel before the Supreme Court of Canada in 1992. But the global enemies of freedom were not to give up. In 2003, the twisted arm of international law reached in among the tens of millions of illegal immigrants in America and plucked Mr. Zündel out of Tennessee for overstaying his legal visa, tore him from his American wife, and brought him back to Canada for two years in solitary confinement while it bided its time. Eventually, Ernst Zündel was deported to Germany, where he was ultimately convicted of holocaust denial in a trial filled with legal misadventures that smacked of the inevitability of religious ritual far more than it resembled anything within the Anglo-Saxon legal tradition. Mr. Zündel spent five more years in prison in Germany, despite everything Doug had tried to do for him in the Canadian phase of this horror.

In such ways as this, the truly heroic war of our time, the war of a tiny number of outcasts to awaken a dispossessed majority, has been transformed. Doug Christie was too busy fighting the battles he could see all around him, one after another in a seemingly endless procession, to devote his great mental incisiveness and physical energy to strategy alone. That is necessarily the way of the hero, of the man who acts. Doug’s great role was in law, not in politics. That was not for lack of trying, and Doug struggled hard within the shrinking opportunities of electoral politics. He never overtly gave up on the political project as a potential solution, but the diminution of his efforts in that direction tells us a lot about the metapolitical nature of our fight today. Actions like his legal battles, and the cultural battle reflected here at Counter-Currents, are the ones we need now.

There is another side to Cadeyrn Christie’s metaphorical tribute to his father as warrior. Doug Christie was a man of principles and a man of honor. That was the yardstick by which he measured every proposal that came to him, whether from others or from within his own creative mind. His whole life was a duel over honor, but not the ferocious intensity of single combat on the Trojan plain; rather tireless, patient resistance.

But the principles are the same. Some men cannot be bought off into slavery, and Doug Christie was the most obvious such man in all the Canada of his generation. All who knew Doug knew he was a man who could have attained early what is considered great success in our world. He was tall, he was good-looking, and he had the manners and blue-eyed charisma of the born leaders of the old American and Canadian West. He was gregarious. People liked him right away and were motivated by him. He had a great legal mind, an appetite and flair for courtroom drama, and the courage to stick out every courtroom battle.

Instead Doug gave of himself unstintingly over many decades to the downtrodden and outcast. He did pro bono work. His friends struggled endlessly to raise money for his cases. He ran his tiny law office on a shoestring.

He lived his whole life the way he had been raised: “we always had enough to eat, but there was never anything left on the table.” He was proud of his Scottish roots in that regard. He drove an old pick-up truck, wore a cowboy hat, and throughout his whole legal career, he earned considerably less each year than can readily be made by skilled tradesmen throughout Western Canada, so long as it remains the prosperous corner of Western civilization that it now is.

Today, the pursuit of money, political approval, and comfort are indeed the chief ways in which a man throws his sword and shield down into the dust. It all happens so gradually that it is vastly more difficult for us to recognize our enslavement than it was for our ancestors. Most men never do, and die with the conceit of freedom.

But even today, some men seem to grasp the real message of our ancestors, almost from earliest youth. Doug Christie was such a man, a true man of honor.

Rest in Peace Doug, you beautiful and brave man.
1966 William F. Buckley interviews Harry Golden. It was mentioned that Mr. Golden was already nested in Charlotte N.C.

IMO after the ventilation of JFK in 1963, we hear the enemy alien's espousing their bile squezzings and utter non-sense.

This video shows you what a traitor and idiot Buckley was for buck IMO.

Buckley rot in hell, this was conservationism and it did nothing to help US at all.

Buckley shows US his filthy bile!
SOTT Talk Radio: Iraq Invasion - Ten years later
Sott Editors
Thu, 28 Mar 2013 17:10 CDT

We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality." The War on Iraq was one of the most brutal events in modern history. Sold to the people on the basis of lies about non-existent WMDs and Saddam Hussein's non-existent ties to non-existent al Qaeda, the above quote from a Bush administration official encapsulates the pathological delusion of grandeur that is US government foreign policy.

On this week's show we'll be marking the 10th anniversary of 'Shock and Awe' by comparing American fantasy with reality and examining the disastrous choices American policy-makers have taken as the economy implodes. 9/11 gave the warmongers their "new Pearl Harbor." Couched in lofty rhetoric about spreading democracy and liberating the world from tyrannical dictators, America's glorious self-image stands in stark contrast to the brutal reality of ten years of bloody mayhem that has left Iraq and its people ripped apart.

But it's not just Iraqis that have suffered. This insane warmongering is having a disastrous effect on the American and European populations, both economically and morally. History shows that when a civilization reaches a certain level of selfishness and depravity, cosmic disaster follows.

SOTT Talk Radio: Iraq Invasion - Ten years later
Sott Editors
Thu, 28 Mar 2013 17:10 CDT
Iraq War vet pens ‘last letter’ to Bush and Cheney

An Iraq War veteran who joined the U.S. Army two days after 9/11 has written a powerful open letter to former President George W. Bush and ex-Vice President Dick Cheney accusing them of war crimes, "plunder" and "the murder of thousands of young Americans—my fellow veterans—whose future you stole."

Tomas Young, who was shot and paralyzed during an insurgent attack in Sadr City in 2004, five days into his first deployment, penned the letter from his Kansas City, Mo., home, where he's under hospice care.

"I write this letter, my last letter, to you, Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney," Young wrote in the letter published on "I write not because I think you grasp the terrible human and moral consequences of your lies, manipulation and thirst for wealth and power. I write this letter because, before my own death, I want to make it clear that I, and hundreds of thousands of my fellow veterans, along with millions of my fellow citizens, along with hundreds of millions more in Iraq and the Middle East, know fully who you are and what you have done. You may evade justice but in our eyes you are each guilty of egregious war crimes, of plunder and, finally, of murder, including the murder of thousands of young Americans—my fellow veterans—whose future you stole."


Iraq After Ten Years

by Paul Craig Roberts

Recently by Paul Craig Roberts: Staring Armageddon in the Face But Hiding It With Official Lies

March 19, 2013. Ten years ago today the Bush regime invaded Iraq. It is known that the justification for the invasion was a packet of lies orchestrated by the neoconservative Bush regime in order to deceive the United Nations and the American people.

The US Secretary of State at that time, General Colin Powell, has expressed his regrets that he was used by the Bush regime to deceive the United Nations with fake intelligence that the Bush and Blair regimes knew to be fake. But the despicable presstitute media has not apologized to the American people for serving the corrupt Bush regime as its Ministry of Propaganda and Lies.

It is difficult to discern which is the most despicable, the corrupt Bush regime, the presstitutes that enabled it, or the corrupt Obama regime that refuses to prosecute the Bush regime for its unambiguous war crimes, crimes against the US Constitution, crimes against US statutory law, and crimes against humanity.

In his book, Cultures Of War, the distinguished historian John W. Dower observes that the concrete acts of war unleashed by the Japanese in the 20th century and the Bush imperial presidency in the 21st century “invite comparative analysis of outright war crimes like torture and other transgressions. Imperial Japan’s black deeds have left an indelible stain on the nation’s honor and good name, and it remains to be seen how lasting the damage to America’s reputation will be. In this regard, the Bush administration’s war planners are fortunate in having been able to evade formal and serious investigation remotely comparable to what the Allied powers pursued vis-a-vis Japan and Germany after World War II.”

Dower quotes Arthur Schlesinger Jr.: “The president [Bush] has adopted a policy of ‘anticipatory self-defense’ that is alarmingly similar to the policy that imperial Japan employed at Pearl Harbor on a date which, as an earlier American president said it would, lives in infamy. Franklin D. Roosevelt was right, but today it is we Americans who live in infamy.”

Americans paid an enormous sum of money for the shame of living in infamy. Joseph Stiglitz and Linda Bilmes calculated that the Iraq war cost US taxpayers $3,000 billion dollars. This estimate might turn out to be optimistic. The latest study concludes that the war could end up costing US taxpayers twice as much.

In order to pay for the profits that have flowed into the pockets of the US military-security complex and from there into political contributions, Americans are in danger of losing Social Security, Medicare, and the social cohesiveness that the social welfare system provides.

The human cost to Iraq of America’s infamy is extraordinary: 4.5 million displaced Iraqis, as many as 1 million dead civilians leaving widows and orphans, a professional class that has departed the country, an infrastructure in ruins, and social cohesion destroyed by the Sunni-Shia conflict that was ignited by Washington’s destruction of the Saddam Hussein government.

It is a sick joke that the United States government brought freedom and democracy to Iraq. What the Washington war criminals brought was death and the destruction of a country.

The US population, for the most part, seems quite at ease with the gratuitous destruction of Iraq and all that it entails: children without parents, wives without husbands, birth defects from “depleted” uranium, unsafe water, a country without hope mired in sectarian violence.

Washington’s puppet state governments in the UK, Europe, the Middle East and Japan seem equally pleased with the victory – over what? What threat did the victory defeat? There was no threat. Weapons of mass destruction was a propaganda hoax. Mushroom clouds over American cities was fantasy propaganda. How ignorant do populations have to be to fall for such totally transparent propaganda? Is there no intelligence anywhere in the Western world?

At a recent conference the neoconservatives responsible for the deaths and ruined lives of millions and for the trillions of dollars that their wars piled on US national debt were unrepentant and full of self-justification. While Washington looks abroad for evil to slay, evil is concentrated in Washington itself.

The American war criminals walk about unmolested. They are paid large sums of money to make speeches about how Americans are bringing freedom and democracy to the world by invading, bombing and murdering people. The War Crimes Tribunal has not issued arrest warrants. The US Department of State, which is still hunting for Nazi war criminals, has not kidnapped the American ones and sent them to be tried at the Hague.

The Americans who suffered are the 4,801 troops who lost their lives, the thousands of troops who lost limbs and suffer from other permanent wounds, the tens of thousands who suffer from post-traumatic stress and from the remorse of killing innocent people, the families and friends of the American troops, and the broken marriages and single-parent children from the war stress.

Other Americans have suffered on the home front. Those whose moral conscience propelled them to protest the war were beaten and abused by police, investigated and harassed by the FBI, and put on no-fly lists. Some might actually be prosecuted. The Unites States has reached the point where any citizen who has a moral conscience is an enemy of the state. The persecution of Bradley Manning demonstrates this truth.

A case could be made that the historians’ comparison of the Bush regime with Japanese war criminals doesn’t go far enough. By this October 7, Washington will have been killing people, mainly women, children, and village elders, in Afghanistan for 12 years. No one knows why America has brought such destruction to the Afghan people. First the Soviets; then the Americans. What is the difference? When Obama came into the presidency, he admitted that no one knew what the US military mission was in Afghanistan. We still don’t know. The best guess is profits for the US armaments industry, power for the Homeland Security industry, and a police state for the insouciant US population.

Washington has left Libya in ruins and internal conflict. There is no government, but it is not libertarian nirvana.

The incessant illegal drone attacks on Pakistani civilians is radicalizing elements of Pakistan and provoking civil war against the Pakistani government, which is owned by Washington and permits Washington’s murder of its citizens in exchange for Washington’s money payments to the political elites who have sold out their country to Washington.

Washington has destabilized Syria and destroyed the peace that the Assad family had imposed on the Islamic sects. Syria seems fated to be reduced to ruins and permanent violence like Libya and Iraq.

Washington is at work killing people in Yemen.

As the video released to WikiLeaks by Bradley Manning shows, some US troops don’t care who they kill – journalists and civilians walking peacefully along a street, a father and his children who stop to help the wounded. As long as someone is killed, it doesn’t matter who.

Killing is winning.

The US invaded Somalia, has its French puppets militarily involved in Mali, and perhaps has Sudan in its crosshairs for drones and missiles.

Iran and Lebanon are designated as the next victims of Washington’s aggression.

Washington protects Israeli aggression against the West Bank, Gaza, and Lebanon from UN censure and from embargoes. Washington has arrested and imprisoned people who have sent aid to the Palestinian children. Gaza, declares Washington which regards itself as the only fount of truth, is ruled by Hamas, a terrorist organization according to Washington. Thus any aid to Gaza is aid to terrorism. Aide to starving and ill Palestinian children is support of terrorism. This is the logic of an inhumane war criminal state.

What is this aggression against Muslims about?

The Soviet Union collapsed and Washington needed a new enemy to keep the US military/security complex in power and profits. The neoconservatives, who totally dominated the Bush regime and might yet dominate the Obama regime declared Muslims in the Middle East to be the enemy. Against this make-believe “enemy,” the US launched wars of aggression that are war crimes under the US imposed Nuremberg standard that was applied to the defeated WWII Germans.

Although the British and French started World War II by declaring war on Germany, it was Germans, defeated by the Red Army, who were tried by Washington as war criminals for starting a war. A number of serious historians have reached the conclusion that America’s war crimes, with the fire-bombings of the civilian populations of Dresden and Tokyo and the gratuitous nuclear attacks on the civilian populations of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, are of the same cloth as the war crimes of Hitler and the Japanese.

The difference is that the winners paint the defeated in the blackest tones and themselves in high moral tones. Honest historians know that there is not much difference between US WWII war crimes and those of the Japanese and Germans. But the US was on the winning side.

By its gratuitous murder of Muslims in seven or eight countries, Washington has ignited a Muslim response: bitter hatred of the United States. This response is termed “terrorism” by Washington and the war against terrorism serves as a source of endless profits for the military complex and for a police state to “protect” Americans from terrorism, but not from the terrorism of their own government.

The bulk of the American population is too misinformed to catch on, and the few who do
understand and are attempting to warn others will be silenced. The 21st century will be one of the worst centuries in human history. All over the Western world, liberty is dying.

The legacy of “the war on terror” is the death of liberty.

March 20, 2013

Paul Craig Roberts, a former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury and former associate editor of the Wall Street Journal, has been reporting shocking cases of prosecutorial abuse for two decades. A new edition of his book, The Tyranny of Good Intentions, co-authored with Lawrence Stratton, a documented account of how americans lost the protection of law, has been released by Random House. Visit his website.

Copyright © 2013 Paul Craig Roberts

I am saddened that the great Doug Christie died so young of cancer. He was the Last Protector of the God-given Rights of Canadians, who has fought for so long with so little in resources. Now that he's gone, I fear for the truly good people of Canada, now that the jews are rubbing their hands in glee that Mr. Christie is gone.

"It’s a funny thing about Free Speech: It can’t be just for your political friends. If Freedom means anything, it is the one valuable gift you have to give to your worst enemies, in order to keep it for yourself."

--Doug Christie

He was right and his words will be right.
Crash Indicator: Mom and Pop Take the Plunge Back Into Stocks for Fear of 'Being Left on the Sidelines'
by Mac Slavo

Recently by Mac Slavo: Report: Authorities Seize $50 Million In Gold From Private Owner: 'Nearly a Ton'

Americans are scared.

Their concerns aren’t centered around the possibility of an economic collapse, another down leg in the real estate market, continued deterioration of the labor market, or a US dollar currency meltdown.

With markets at all time highs and financial experts around the world predicting a turn-around in the global economy, a lot of “Mom and Pop” investors who experienced major losses in personal investment funds and home prices during the crash of 2008 are starting to worry, but not for the reasons you might think.

What’s on the minds of many Americans who have sat by watching Wall Street mavens and traders walk away with huge gains over the last four years is that they aren’t getting a piece of the action.

The market’s record-breaking spree has raised a new fear in many American households – dread that they are missing out on big gains.

When stock prices collapsed in 2008, the bear market wiped out half of the savings of Lucie White and her husband, both doctors in Houston.

Feeling “sucker punched,” she says, they swore off stocks and put their remaining money in a bank.

This week, as the Dow Jones Industrial Average and Standard & Poor’s 500-stock index pushed to record highs, Ms. White and her husband hired a financial adviser and took the plunge back into the market.

“What really tipped our hand was to see our cash not doing anything while the S&P was going up,” says Ms. White, a 39-year-old dermatologist in Houston. “We just didn’t want to be left on the sidelines.”

Ms. White and her husband, Mark Villa, a reconstructive surgeon, are joining other individual investors in overcoming their fears after watching stocks recover all the ground lost during the financial crisis and more.

The story goes that a wealthy financier named Bernard Baruch was having his shoes shined one fine morning in 1929. As the final rag and polish were being put on his leather Oxfords, Baruch’s shoeshine boy, aware of his Wall Street reputation, began sharing stock tips and providing him with a financial news summary of the previous day’s events. Legend has it that Baruch promptly returned to his office, called his firm’s senior broker and ordered him to sell everything. The broker, no doubt shocked, questioned the decision.

Baruch reportedly replied, “when shoe shine boys are giving out stock tips, it’s time to get out.”

Whether it’s buy recommendations from cab drivers and shoeshine boys in 1929, real estate agents touting never-ending home price gains in 2007, or friends and colleagues discussing all time stock market highs and economic recovery in 2013, there is often ample warning that markets may be acting irrationally.

While some Americans remain concerned about the possibility of another recession, depression or full-on economic collapse, there are a lot of folks out there who can no longer sit idly by watching Wall Street institutions and traders make out like bandits while their money loses purchasing power to inflation.

They see 15,000 points on the Dow Jones or a 10% rise in their condo price and assume the recession is over and the boom cycle is back in full swing, never taking the time to consider the machinations that have made it possible.

They see government reports claiming the unemployment rate is under 8%, but they fail to understand that the calculations don’t include millions of Americans, some estimates suggest as many as 23% of the working population, who are no longer counted by modern day statistics formulas.

They see mall parking lots full of cars, but they have no idea that some of the largest retailers in the country are reporting year-over-year sales declines and that American savings rates are dwindling.

They see European finance ministers in Cyprus seize up to 40% of private bank deposits, but assume that whatever is going on over there is too far away to affect anything here in the United States.

They see $17 trillion of national debt, but have no idea how much money that really is, the fact that the arithmetic proves we’ll never pay it back, or what the implications are when we can’t make good on our debts.

They see their friends, colleagues and family calling their financial advisers and jumping back into stocks without realizing that insiders and institutions are divesting their positions.

Most people have no idea that the government has not only war-gamed economic disaster scenarios and the civil unrest that would follow, but that they are actively militarizing law enforcement agencies across the country to deal with such events should they come to pass.

The shoeshine boys and mainstream pundits are out in force, espousing the benefits of getting back into stocks and ensuring that you don’t miss the next wave up.

When average individual investors start plunging back into stock markets in droves, especially at historical highs, your Baruch alarm bell should be going off.

“Taxi drivers told you what to buy. The shoeshine boy could give you a summary of the day’s financial news as he worked with rag and polish. An old beggar who regularly patrolled the street in front of my office now gave me tips and, I suppose, spent the money I and others gave him in the market. My cook had a brokerage account and followed the ticker closely. Her paper profits were quickly blown away in the gale of 1929.”

~ Bernard Baruch describes the scene before the crash of 1929

It’s time to get out.

April 13, 2013

Mac Slavo [send him mail] is a small business owner and independent investor.

Copyright © 2013 Mac Slavo

The Best of Mac Slavo

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Robert Ransdell April 16th, 2013 05:25 PM


They can ban whatever they want, the conflict and instability of multiculturalism and diversity will continue and it is not something anyone within the establishment is willing to talk frankly about. So with that being said, get used to it ignorant sheep, keep on parroting back "diversity is our strength" and get used to it - the population in many ways is too ignorant to save themselves with their being married to dogmas that breed these kinds of incidents.

I saw that former LA cop Mark Furhman on Fox News last night, he was bemoaning the fact that this war on terror will never end, and at the end he subtlely lets on that people in this country let personal freedom trump safety of all - and wouldn't you know it he brought up security at Ben Guirion airport in Israhell as an example of good security measures.

I wish somehow the public could get it, like you and me, that this war on terror can be stopped, we can win it, we don't need people living in fear, we don't need to give up our rights, we don't need to frisk old people and children in airports,etc.

All we NEED to do is put a halt to all support of Israel, to stop offering our people up as sacrificial lambs to Muslim terrorists who aim to lash out at Israel's bully boy and enforcer.

If it were just put simply to the people, I am sure, as easily bamboozeled as they are, they would vote to have safety, to not have to deal with the threat, if they were made to realize the Muslims would stop doing this if we halted all support of Israel, I am sure a majority of Joe's and Jill's would say goodbye and good luck to the terror state. Not saying they would react properly to the Jews in their own country and kick them out at the same time, but the average citizen, again if it was just made easy to understand, would chose safety for America over living in the current environment brought by support of Israel.

And that is why, more than banking, more than governmental control, the control the Jews have on the media is their main pillar of power - the thing that keeps everyone distracted and sent down false paths.
All European Life Died in Auschwitz: A Reinterpretation

Recently a friend of mine emailed the rhetorical chain letter-cum-article 'All European Life Died in Auschwitz' by Sebastian Vilar Rodriguez that was written in 2008. I thought that; as I've seen the article re-posted and bandied about a lot on conservative and anti-Islamic forums, I would issue a rhetorical reinterpretation of Rodriguez's nonsensical article correcting its many historical blunders and focusing on the true culprits as opposed to just assuming their re-imagination of their own past and present is accurate.

I should note that I have removed Rodriguez's list of Nobel claimants given that it is firstly incorrect in whom it lists as both jewish and Muslim and secondly it is completely wrong even as a simple comparison as I have been at pains to point out elsewhere. (1) Also it is difficult to replicate in part because unlike the list of jewish Nobel Prize winners: the list of European prize winners is far longer and more illustrious. (2)

I hope that you; my reader, find the below reinterpretation interesting and dare I say it: fun.

All European Life Died in Auschwitz


Karl Radl

I walked down the street in Berlin and suddenly discovered a terrible truth: Europe died in Auschwitz. We didn't kill six million Jews, but got saddled with the blame for doing it anyway. Instead of burning them in the fires of Auschwitz we allowed them to take control of our culture, thought, creativity and talent. We didn't destroy the chosen people, but we did allow them to destroy us.

The destructive contribution of these people is felt in all areas of life: science, art, international trade, and above all, in the moral compass of the world. These are the people who didn't burn.

And these people lead us; through the pretense of tolerance and because they had gulled us into trying to prove that we were cured of the disease of Nazism, to open our gates to millions of non-Europeans who brought us stupidity, ignorance, religious extremism, poverty and crime due to an unwillingness to work and support their families with pride.

They have blown up trains and turned our beautiful European cities into third world slums: drowning in filth, crime and vice of every kind.

Shut up in the houses that they receive free from the government they ape the chosen people who brought them here: they plan the murder and destruction of their native hosts.

And thus; in our misery, we have exchanged our ancestral culture for gay pride marches and anti-racist witch hunts, economic self-determination for financial slavery to Israel, creative skill for destructive skill, intelligence for backwardness and superstition.

We have exchanged the pursuit of knowledge of our European ancestors and their talent for building a better future for their children in addition to their pioneering determination to what was right regardless of the cost. For the modus operandi of the chosen people who pursue self-enrichment and personal gratification purely at the expense of others, which includes both us and our children.

What a terrible mistake was made by miserable Europe.

The Jews are promoting brain-washing children in Holocaust Museums, teaching their children the virtue of killing ours and simply not to care if the victim is not Jewish.

The Jews blow up ships, assassinate people in other countries and blow up publishing houses. There is not a single living European who was destroyed a synagogue, but yet there is not a single Jew who protests the killing of Europeans.

The Jews routinely traffic slaves and their leaders call our epoch the time of their eternal victory, while proclaiming that in the near future every Jew will rule over every non-Jew.

Jews must ask 'what can they do for mankind' before they can ask that mankind forgive them for the Holocaust Industry.

Regardless of your feelings about the crisis between Israel, the Palestinians and their Arab neighbours: even if you believe there is more culpability on the side of the Palestinians and the Arabs, then the following four lines says it all:

'The Jews were only forced to desist from their nastiness and clean up the mess by the threat of the butt ends of rifles. Of course, I know the expression 'lost tribes of Israel' applied to the tribes which disappeared -- not to the tribe of Judah from which the current sons of bitches are descended. However, it is my personal opinion that this too is a lost tribe -- lost to all decency.'

- General George Patton

It is a matter of history that General Patton warned us that the chosen people were preparing to use a Big Lie to assure their own self-enrichment, self-gratification and cultural domination for years to come. While to paraphrase what General Dwight Eisenhower told us: we should get everything on record now, because down the road of history someone will get up and say that the Holocaust Industry never happened.

It is now more than seventy years after the Second World War in Europe ended. Why is Europe still paying for atrocities it never committed? Why is the United States alone; with crime and poverty rampant domestically, still giving Israel at least 2.8 billion dollars a year? Why is Israel not paying for its well-documented atrocities?

Does not all of this violent injustice come from the fantasy that millions of Jews were burned in the fires of Auschwitz?

Yes: it does.


(1) Dealt with in the following articles: http://semiticcontroversies.blogspot...el-prize.html; http://semiticcontroversies.blogspot...rce-cant.html; http://semiticcontroversies.blogspot...lists-are.html
(2) http://semiticcontroversies.blogspot...-versus_5.html


This was originally published at the following address: http://semiticcontroversies.blogspot...auschwitz.html
Sad that in 2013 the best choice's are not clearly in the public commons.

Fluoride-Based Antibiotics Everyone Should Avoid

Most natural health advocates know that antibiotics deplete friendly probiotic bacteria, thus requiring some heavy probiotic intake after antibiotics. But there is a silent mini-epidemic among several people now who have experienced very severe consequences from a particular type of antibiotic that is too frequently prescribed for even minor infections.

Read more:
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