saddened (commentary by Smedley Butler)

Gulag Canada, Why ? The real criminals now run CD.

[Paul Fromm]

Judge Reserves Decision As Crown Seeks Brutal Gag Order on Political Prisoner Arthur Topham in "Hate" Case


Radical Press Legal Update #7

Yesterday’s Bail Hearing was a three hour session in the Quesnel Court house.

The regular Judge who has been presiding over the various applications thus far was unable to attend and instead we had a female Judge by the name of M. Church who heard the application.

Crown of course had first kick at the cat and Crown Counsel Jennifer Johnston opened her remarks by giving Judge Church a brief overview of the case which included her reasons for why Crown has still not provided my lawyer with full disclosure in the case.

According to Johnston the period from my initial arrest on May 16, 2012 until October 9, 2012 had proven to be an insufficient time period in order to get enough evidence together so that an Indictment could be handed down by the October 9 deadline and that, apparently, somehow justified not providing Mr. Christie with full disclosure.

After the October 9 deadline I was no longer under the original bail conditions that restricted me from posting on my website although for some odd reason I didn’t become aware of this fact until close to 3 weeks after the fact .

The Crown eventually got their sworn information on November 5, 2012 and notified my lawyer that there would be a call date set for Nov. 6 where I was to appear in court. That date was subsequently changed to the 8th of November as Doug Christie was out in Saskatchewan attending to another case and couldn’t appear via telephone on the 6th. It was Crown’s letter to Mr. Christie on Nov. 5th that also informed him that Crown had asked for an endorsed warrant that would allow Crown to have all of the original bail conditions reinstated.

When I appeared on November 8, 2012 the Judge listened to both sides of the arguments and ruled that only some of the original conditions would remain i.e., those concerning my order not to have any contact with the two knaves (Warman and Abrams) who laid the alleged complaint to the RCMP and also the cops hanging on to my seized firearms. At the same time he set a new date of December 13, 2012 when Mr. Christie could be in court to represent me and Crown would be given the opportunity to argue for the reinstatement of the additional restrictions originally imposed on me by Det – Cst Terry Wilson on the day I got out of jail.

Of course December 13, 2012 proved to be bad timing weather wise and my lawyer was unable to fly into Quesnel that day so again a decision on Crown’s application was delayed for another week which brought it up to December 19, 2012 which was yesterday.

After running through that time line Crown then began their argument for wanting to reinstate the additional Orwellian restraints that would prohibit me from posting articles anywhere on the Internet available to the general public or to allow anyone else to post on any of my other websites that were owned by me.

Just prior to commencing her argument Crown Counsel Jennifer Johnston told Judge Church that unfortunately she hadn’t been able to provide Mr. Christie with the big fat 1″ thick bail disclosure document because she had been informed by Det – Cst Terry Wilson that when the Indictment was handed down the National Post had published an article on the case which contained statements that the reporter had gleaned from another website called Those statements were from what is called a “Warned” statement which is considered by the courts to be part of disclosure and therefore confidential information that is not supposed to be given out to the public. The Warned statement was a digital voice recording that Det – Cst Terry Wilson had made of his conversation with me just prior to my release from jail on May 16, 2012. Why IT was given to my lawyer when all the other disclosure documents are still being withheld by Crown is still a mystery to both myself and Mr. Christie but in the case of this particular document when I received a copy of it I didn’t realize it was confidential and had so I had shared it with an associate in a private email and unbeknownst to myself failed to notify them that it was confidential.

Anyhow a couple of quotes were taken from it and posted in the National Post and that was the big reason, according to Jennifer Johnston why she was refusing to divulge any more disclosure materials to Mr. Christie. This issue had come up on Dec. 13 when Crown was arguing before Judge Morgan that a second application had been filed regarding the matter of the illegal disclosure but no agreement could be found at the time and Mr. Christie had refused to agree to it.

At this point Crown told Judge Church that she would be willing to let Mr. Christie take a look at the bail disclosure document even though Crown’s application had not be resolved but that he would have to give it back at the end of the hearing! All of this was the typical Catch-22 scenarios that have been playing out since day one of this charade.

The Judge obviously knew that Mr. Christie couldn’t be expected to argue against something he hadn’t even seen so after a bit of discussion it was agreed that Crown would give Mr. Christie the disclosure document and a short 15 recess would be called so that he and I would have an opportunity to take a look at what Crown was planning to use in their argument for reinstating the original harsh bail conditions on me.

It only took about 5 minutes of perusing the document to realize what was going to be the Crown’s argument and we quickly went back and let the clerk know that the recess should end as soon as possible and court resume. Mr. Christie was well aware of the time constraints and needed every minute for his arguments.

Court resumed and Johnston began her argument that I had been publishing all these articles, updates, etc. since November 2, 2012 (legally, mind you) and then proceeded to go through individual posts selecting various quotes to back up her position. It was the standard Zionist double-speak argument that posts were continuing to spread hate toward the Jews and Zionists and were attacking unfairly Det -Cst Terry Wilson and his partner-in-crime Cst Normandie Levas and thus possibly endangering their safety! [Can you believe it! Armed police afraid of a now unarmed, Internet dissident and blogger. In politically correct Canada, the oppressors always cry that they are so afraid of the victims. -- Paul Fromm]

This went on until about 3 p.m. when she finally concluded her remarks and a break was taken before Mr. Christie was given time to present his arguments.

The issue of the leaked disclosure was addressed first and Mr. Christie told that Judge that he would have no problem with the Court issuing an Order stating that in future neither he nor myself would disclose any confidential information to any third parties not directly connected to the case and definitely not for publication.

Doug then commenced his argument with a bountiful supply of case law references and quickly outlined for the Judge some precedents which included the legal right for publishers and writers to criticize both Jews and Zionists citing articles in various mainstream publications like the New York Times and other Zionist controlled media. His point being that no particular group is exempt from criticism and that includes Jews or those who support political Zionism. Regarding my criticisms of the RCMP he also pointed out to the court that the RCMP were certainly not above criticism and given their public image of late he didn’t feel Crown’s argument in this regard was worthy of consideration.

He also made it crystal clear that what Crown was attempting to do flew in the face any and all statutes currently within the Canadian legal system. By that I mean Crown’s attempt to curtail my Charter Rights to freedom of expression and access to the Internet prior to my case being heard in a court of law and a decision being handed down as to whether or not I did in fact publish materials that were ultimately deemed to be “willful promotion of hatred” as contained in Sec. 319(2) of the Canadian Criminal Code.

To a priori assume that whatever I am publishing is “hatred” and then ask the court to impose such severe curtailments upon my Charter rights prior to being tried is verboten and should not be considered as a reasonable argument.

During Crown’s argument Johnston had cited the Basi-Virk Trial (of all trials!) to back up some of her comments regarding the need to protect witnesses. In this instances she was trying to correlate my Warned statement conversation with Det – Cst Terry Wilson with that of secondary witnesses in the Basi-Verk case. When Doug came to this he quickly pointed out to the Judge the vast difference between witness evidence by anonymous third parties and statements directly given to the arresting officer by the accused as was the case in point regarding Crown’s argument.

One by one Mr. Christie countered Crown's arguments and this went on until around 4:15 p.m. at which time Mr. Christie concluded his remarks by informing the Judge that he had a plane to catch before 5 p.m. and that he would have to stop. Doug asked me at this point to call the airport to confirm the exact time when the plane was leaving so I had to leave the court room for about five minutes.

While I was gone Crown apparently tried to refute all of Doug’s arguments and told the Judge that because I was charged with a “Hate” crime that Crown could then basically impose whatever restrictions they wanted to on me. The Judge apparently wasn’t convinced and just when I got back into the court room I heard her telling Crown and Defence that she would be considering the arguments and submitting a request to another body (not sure which one at this point) for further clarification come early January and then after that she would notify Crown and Defence of her decision.

So basically there will be no further bail conditions imposed on myself until January of 2013 at the earliest. We quickly packed up our things and drove Doug out to the airport where he bid us a fond fair well.

For now we will finally have a couple of weeks grace in order to relax a bit and enjoy the Christmas season.


NOTE: Out of necessity I am forced to ask for financial assistance in this ongoing battle with the censors. Due to the fact that the Crown is refusing to give the required disclosure to my lawyer I am not able to furnish legal aid with the required documents that they demand before looking at whether or not I might qualify for legal financial assistance. This leaves me in the unenviable position of having to rely solely upon donations to pay for my legal expenses. The airfare alone yesterday for my lawyer to appear in court in Quesnel to defend me against these false charges was $1,500.00 return and given my minimal monthly pension it's virtually impossible for me to cover these expenses.

As such I would once again implore readers to give serious consideration to helping me out by either sending a donation via PayPal using either a PayPal account or a credit card or else sending a cheque or Money Order to me via snail mail at the following postal address. Cash of course also works.

Arthur Topham
4633 Barkerville Highway
Quesnel, B.C.
V2J 6T8

To access my PayPal button please go to either the Home Page at or my blog The PayPal button is up on the right hand corner of the Home Page on either site.


Arthur Topham
The Radical PressSee More
Dulce et Decorum
And May You Get the Chance

December 8, 2012

I am a soldier. I am dirt. With Joshua I put the cities of Canaan to the sword while women screamed and tried to protect their babies. I spent long days in Nanjing butchering and butchering civilians because I enjoyed it. For I am a soldier. I am dirt. I fire-bombed Hamburg till the wind-fanned flames left nowhere to hide and the people burned screaming and their fat puddled in the streets. I am a soldier. I am dirt.

On the crumbling walls of Angkor Wat, the Cold Lairs, trees now crawling over the walls, you may see me carved, marching, marching to kill forgotten peoples, it matters not whom. In the sweltering heat of Chichen Itza and the terrible winter of Stalingrad and the flaming paper cities of Japan and on the Death March of the PhilippinesI killed and killed, for I am a soldier. I am dirt. I kill.

In this I glory. I spend my declining years drinking in bars with old soldiers I knew when Breda fell to us and we raped and killed and looted, when we torpedoed the troop ships and left the soldiers in their thousands to drown slowly as their strength gave out. The fierce exultation of watching Atlanta burn, Pearl Harbor, Nagasaki, these I remember lovingly. For I am dirt.

Crush their skulls and eat their faces, we say with remembered bravado. We remember the adventures fondly. They almost had us at Plei Cuy when a 551 arrived with beehive rounds, and that put paid to them, hoo-ah.

These are degenerate days. Once I breached the walls of Ilium or Constantinople during the Fourth Crusade and killed and looted and raped girls of seven in front of their parents—how they howled! Now perforce I say I do it for democracy, about which I don’t give a damn, or to end evil, though our allies are the worst tyrants we can find. Before, I could torture my captives between two slow fires, or by running a red-hot poker up their neither ends, and this in the public square for the amusement of a bored populace.

Now I water-board them, bringing them to the edge of drowning, screaming, begging, puking, yes, that does nicely, now a little more water as their minds break, and maybe I will masturbate over it later. For I am a soldier. I am dirt. I am the worst of a sorry species.

I am a soldier. I pride myself on my allegiance to duty, God, honor, country. My god is Moloch of the red fangs, who wills me to besiege a city into cannibalism, to catapult the severed heads of loved ones over the walls, with blankets infected with smallpox. My god, however named—Yahweh, Molloch, Satanas, Odin, imposes my duty, to kill, to rape.

But if my country says to butcher, then butchery were no crime, but a source of honor. To kill for pure enjoyment, as Ted Bundy or Jeffrey Dahmer, is most contemptible, but to do it because Bush II, Tojo, Bin Laden, or Netanyahu commands it—this is virtue at its highest. Killing for your own reasons is criminal. Killing someone you have never seen for the benefit of a politician you have never met is a source of medals.

I was a soldier once. I received certain medals. They were trivial medals. The meritorious variety are awarded for jumping into a trench of scared conscripted adolescents and bludgeoning them to death with a rifle butt. I lacked the character. But medals can be problems. If I put them in the toilet, they might clog it, but I certainly would not want children exposed to them. The military presents problems that Clausewitz did not anticipate.

Once, in a war of no particular importance, I lay in a hospital of little importance in a country in Asia that didn’t matter. It was just a country. Soldiers kill, who and where and why being beyond their capacities for thought. I was blinded. Soldiers are dirt, and sometimes they get what they deserve. I did. Across from me, though I couldn’t see them, were the survivors of a tank crew. An RPG 2, which you probably don’t know what is, had hit their M60, which you probably don’t know what it, and had cooked off the cherry juice, which you probably don’t know what is.

I couldn’t see them. I was a soldier. I was dirt. But I was blind dirt. I couldn’t see them under the plastic sheeting under which they oozed serum. But they spoke of the fire within, and the loader and gunner screaming as their skin sloughed off, and they desperately tried to find the hatches and couldn’t, and died screaming, screaming, fingers groping for hatches they couldn’t find in the smoke and agony and terror, which is why I hate you sonosonfbitches that sent them and us to make money for McDonnell Douglas.

For this we hold reunions. We get together in Wyoming and Tuscaloosa and Portland and remember when we were young and the war held off the boredom of life and the star shells flickered in the night sky over Happy Valley and life meant nothing but was at least intense. I hated the H&I fire over the dark forests of a puzzled Cambodia and I hate you **********s living soft at home for sending us and I hate what I did and I hate what my friends did who were there, who are really my only friends. Aind I hope you one day pay, what we paid, what our victims paid and you pay it as we did. And this will bring me the only joy in my life.

I am a soldier. I am dirt.

Note: that because this is Mexico, the PayPal page comes up in Spanish, and goes into Violeta's account, but the button in the upper right corner turns it magically into English.

Or don't feed the rascal... I don't know. But it would sure help.

Panhandling is not particularly pleasant, or I'd be sitting outside the subway jiggling a McDonald's cup seeded with bait change. Fact is, though, costs attach to producing these eruptions of outrage and sedition -- not much more than $1K a year in direct costs, but lots more in time which, for a freelance purveyor of lies and distortion, is money lost. Granted, you didn't ask me to do it. You don't owe me anything. On the other hand, these curiosities seem to amuse a lot of people, who of course may have too much time on their hands.

This isn't a strong-arm approach. The column will continue anyway. I'm not actually dying. Why, you might ask, should you pay for my hobby when I don't pay for your hang-gliding? Think about something else. But in a moment of reduced alertness, especially if you are filthy rich from exploiting orphans and oppressing children in iron lungs, a few small bucks would sure help. That funny-looking little button above that says "Buy Now" works. Or you could send a massive check to Apdo. 192, Jocotepec, Jalisco, Mexico 45800

This Fred guy ditched his American children. Divorced his American wife. First lived with, then married a Jewish-Mexican low-life with a daughter and no husband in sight. Fred advised his son to marry Japanese. He, himself, is a degenerate former Southener the product of first cousin marriage. He is no friend to white survival. Hope he meets the best of Mexico someday.

Vorlos, if I remember correctly he divorced his wife when his children were grown or almost grown and regularly had visited his children grand children.

As for his son, he did not marry a non-White as far as I know.

No matter what his case is personally he is not the reason this day we live in has arrived. He had injuries and eye problems when he got there. Yes, sad that he did not find a White messycan to live with, but I guess that he was desperate to live there legally.



Father of American Racial Mysticism
by A.V. Schaeffenberg

In his prophetic novel, 1984, George Orwell envisioned the kind of society the world is rapidly becoming. A motto of that "future" time was, "Who controls the present, controls the past, who controls the past, controls the future." Part of that mind-control was assisted by the Memory Hold. It was an incinerator into which where thrown any pieces of information about the past which were considered damaging to the Big Brother System. To demonstrate how close the Establishment in our country resembles that of 1984, we present the story of William Dudley Pelley. Although the leader of a mass-movement that commanded headlines throughout the decade of the 1930s, his name is totally unknown today, except to a handful of researchers. Outside of infrequent, fleeting references to him in a few histories of the Depression Era, there are no books about his dramatic life; not even any newspaper or magazine articles. His photograph cannot be found outside the pages of The New Order, nor any photographs of his tens of thousands of followers, even though both his image and theirs dominated newsreels and publications of the time. His speeches are unobtainable even though they were heard by millions, sometimes over national-wide radio broadcasts. He attracted the friendship of legendary heroes like Charles Lindbergh and the hatred of legendary scoundrels like Franklin Roosevelt. Sinclair Lewis wrote a full length novel, It Can't Happen Here, based on his life. Along with the works of Theodore Dreiser, H.L. Mencken, F. Scott Fitzgerald and other luminaries of the 1920s, his books entered college curricula in the forefront of modern American literature. Yet, no college course in Great Books today features any of his titles. He was one of the most important creators of the silent film, the author of such classic screen plays as The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Despite the man's undeniable impact on his times, his name has been thoroughly expunged from contemporary history, his books (worse than banned or burned) unpublished, his political achievements consigned to oblivion.

In trying to research the material for this article, after months of investigation, I learned that his only biography was written eighteen years ago, an obscure university thesis by a hostile postgraduate student. Some scattered fragments of additional data came from xeroxes of Pelley's own moldering publications, via dusty library archives. Everything about him has been tossed into a genuine Memory Hole, no less thorough in its destruction but far more real then Orwell's model. The Big Brother who blots out all information about William Dudley Pelley is the same controller of the past who makes sure there are plenty of school books and pseudo-documentaries for television and the movies extolling the "greatness" of Marin Luther King, Jr. or Malcolm X. What could Pelley have done that so struck to the heart of the System, that ignited such a complete effort to erase all knowledge of his existence from American consciousness?

Horror in Russia
William Dudley Pelley was born in Lynn, Massachusetts on March 12th, 1890, into abject poverty. All he could remember of his childhood was that he was "perpetually hungry and shabbily dressed". Unlike apologists for ineptitude, adversity did not deter young William from making something of his life. For him, destitution was not an excuse for laziness and failure, but a catalyst for betterment. Sill in his early teens, he found lowly employment at a tissue factory, where he labored long, tedious hours for very little money. But he saved his pennies and educated himself by reading at every opportunity. Reading was his only passion and escape from the drudgery and material impoverishment of his adolescence. He especially loved the classic American authors - Poe, Emerson, O'Henry, etc. - and dreamed of being a writer. By his 18th year, he was better educated than most college graduates and began to realize his dream, when he was hired as a junior reporter for Springfield's Homestead newspaper. Although his income was hardly better than his wages at the tissue factory, he married in 1911 and was blessed with a baby girl the following year. She died around her third birthday, however. Despite his "frightful sorrow", or because of it, he worked harder at his craft than ever, his reputation as a reporter of extraordinary descriptive powers grew and, for the first time in his life, he was financially comfortable. In his following years, his feature articles in such nationally-known magazines as Red Book, Colliers and The Saturday Evening Post where admired by millions of readers.

By the end of the First World War, Pelley's prestige was such that his publisher commissioned him as a foreign correspondent on assignment in Eastern Europe. With a generous expense account and the diplomatic rank of "consular courier" conferred upon him by the United States government, he shipped out for Russia in early 1918. To him, his assignment was a fun adventure, a well-paid lark and a chance to vacation overseas. It turned out to be something far more. Until his fateful voyage, Pelley was a happy-go-lucky, up-and-coming author, with no real convictions of his own. As he remembered years later, the experience transformed him "from a nondescript writer to a grim crusader."

For two years, he covered 8,000 miles by train and horse-back through Siberia, into the Ukraine, across the steppes of Central Russia, into the Far East and through Asia to Japan. Through all these extensive travels, he was a personal witness to the communist revolution. He saw peasant woman crucified to barndoors and a schoolroom in which the teacher and all the students had been bludgeoned to death, their brains splattered against the blackboard. There where whole villages depopulated by murder, with corpses swinging from every lamppost and choking the nearby streams. These victims where rarely military personnel, nor politically involved in any way. They were common people, mostly farmers and factory workers. Such horrific sights, encountered wherever the Reds passed, almost unhinged his mind. But they were so commonplace, he gradually grew enured to the sea of blood through which he traveled daily.

He learned first-hand that communism was not an ideology, it was simply the organization of the worst criminal elements led by Jews to destroy society. This was no speculation. Virtually all the commissars he knew (some of whom he interviewed) where Jewish, while the majority of their activists where common murderers and perverts "liberated" from prison. They were motivated by hatred, power and revenge, nothing else. All their slogans about "Equality" and "Peace" where transparent rues to dupe thoughtless liberals among the Russian people, their victims. Drunk with success, the Jews boasted openly of their plans for world conquest by fomenting the same kind of divisiveness in other countries. They told Pelley that Russia was just a stepping stone, a base for international subversion. Even their phony "communism" was utterly dispensable, just like their own followers, who they never hesitated to massacre on the slightest whim. Their long-range goal was one-world government, in which the masses became willing slaves, fueling an international economy with their genius and labor, while the Jewish people dominated all important positions of power. "After Russia," one greasy commissar smirked at Pelley, "then Europe and later, America!"

"Hooray for Hollywood!"
Before his political awakening overseas, he knew nothing about Jews, never heard them discussed at home while growing up and, at most, thought of them only as members of a non-Christian religion. Returning to the United States a changed and shaken man, Pelley made his report to Representative Louis F. McFadden of Pennsylvania in 1920. The politician was so alarmed at what he heard, he personally read aloud the Protocols for the Learned Elders of Zion on the floor of Congress, officially introducing this vitally important document into the Congressional Record. (The Protocols represent an agenda for bringing Jewish leaders into positions of political and economic dominance over society. Predictably condemned as forges by hysterical Jews, the Protocols where verified as recently as 1982, when Baigent, Leigh and Lincoln's book about the Grail legend, Holy Blood, Holy Grail, established their historical roots.) Soon after, Pelley was introduced to a Justice Department official and Robert Sharp, chief of State Department intelligence. They told him his experiences where entirely born out of their abundant files on Jewish agitation in Russia and the United States. That these politicians where so outspoken is a revealing indication of how much political power the Jews have accumulated in the last 75 years; It is today completely unthinkable that any American politician would even hint at criticizing the 'Jewish menace'.

There seemed to be nothing that could halt the "historical inevitability" of the utopian one-world promised by Karl Marx. Pelley went back to his home in Vermont and tried to forget both the "bath of horror" he knew was slowly enveloping civilization. He felt restless and frustrated and became unlivable, so much so, he and his wife divorced. These were the Roaring Twenties, when Americans were caught up in the hedonism of postwar prosperity. People lived for pleasure and let serious problems take care of themselves. Pelley, too, was not immune from the spirit of his times. Trying to escape from his own conscience, he fled to Hollywood, California, where his reputation as an author preceded him, and he was hired as a screen writer at M.G.M. and Universal Studios. He worked furiously, turning out scripts for the leading motion pictures of the day. He even scripted a film version of his own short story, The Shock, which was an instant hit. His work was of such high calibre, he soon became one of the most respected and highest paid writers in Hollywood. In the words of this biographer, his esteemed screen plays for the leading actor of the silent screen "helped to establish Lon Chaney's reputation and forged a friendship between the two men. In addition to Chaney, he claimed 'constant entree' into the homes of Theda Bara, Chester Conklin and other famous actors, producers and directors."

Busy as he was with living it up in Hollywood high society, Pelley found time to write novels which catapulted his name into the highest levels of contemporary American fiction. Both The Greater Glory (extolling the simple values of life in a small New England town) and The Fog (a love story) were best sellers and critically acclaimed. He was favorably compared to F. Scott Fitzgerald and regarded as at least the equal to Sinclair Lewis. But money and acclaim did not bring him inner peace. Ironically, he originally fled the realities of the East Coast for the fantasy mills of Hollywood, only to find himself in the midst of a largely Jewish movie industry that was perverting the art of film into commercial propaganda, which "benumbed, anesthetized and generally bilked" audiences. "White we concentrated on creativity," he said, "furriers from Second Avenue and pants-pressers from Milwaukee began to open studios to photograph canned dramas." He felt inwardly ashamed to have anything to do with the Hollywood illusion, as he was witnessing a shadow fall across his own country, just as it had in Russia.

At the height of his career's success and his emotional turmoil, on May 29th, 1928, he was suddenly and unexpectedly confronted by a deeply moving personal experience. He wrote about it in My Seven Minutes in Eternity, which sold 90,000 copies. Before 1930, he received more than 20,000 letters from his readers. Despite the pamphlet's phenomenal success, the author revealed few details concerning his experience, beyond his insistence that synchronous events of personally significant "coincidences" are occurrences in everyone's life that connect us to some Divine Plan. Never before a religious man, Pelley was no St. Paul struck off his horse by God's holy lightning. Whatever happened to him, it appears to have been not unlike the vision of a young Hitler had of his life when, as a 15 year-old student in Linz, Austria, something in a performance of Wagner's music showed him a glimpse of his future mission. Such personally significant happenings are not at all that rare, but usually occur to revolutionary personalities of a high order. In any case, Pelley saw that he was wasting his time in "the necromancy of making movies" that where becoming more materialistic, and determined to devote the rest of his life doing meaningful work, whatever that turned out to be. He was ready for greatness, he felt, but lacked any sense of direction.

Most of all, he wanted to do something worthwhile for his race and Western culture. He was not unaware of the National Socialist Revolution going on in Germany, but he thought it could not possibly triumph over the enormous power of Jewry. He remembered how the slimy commissar in Russia had prophesized that Europe was to be the next victim. He studied Mein Kampf and wondered if the principles so clearly laid out therein could be applied in the United States. It seemed too good to be true. Next year, the sham prosperity of the 1920s collapsed with the Great Depression. The United States went bankrupt and its people knew real fear for the first time. As millions of bitterly disillusioned Americans allowed themselves to be suckered in by a burgeoning communist movement and the transparent promises of the 'New Deal' esposed by Franklin Roosevelt, Pelley was horrified to recognize the same pattern of mass-upheaval he witnessed in Russia being replayed in his own country.

The Birth of the Silver Legion
When, however, Adolf Hitler was elected to power on January 30th, 1933, Pelley was thunderstruck. The impossible had happened. At least somewhere in the world, the people had pulled themselves together in the cause of their national existance. The omnipotent Jews where defeated after all. If idealistic men could win power in Germany, the same could be accomplished here. The very next day, Pelley founded the Silver Legion, regarded by most historians as the first genuine Fascist organization in the United States. True, the roots of the German-American Bund went back ten years earlier. But it was essentially a fraternal group with no political goals save, much later, preserving peace between America and Germany. The Silver Legion began as something altogether different. From its inception, its thrust was the attainment of political power, to someday become the U.S. government and establish a state based on the fundamentals of Fascism. More important even than these obvious political and philosophical goals, a new spirit, the dynamic will of people committed to social justice would be summoned to inspire Americans as never before.

From the outset, however, Pelley was faced with a serious dilemma: While he wanted to clearly identify his organization as Fascist, he was anxious to make it appear as American as possible. Although he admired the Swastika symbol and understood its significance, he knew too, that it was the official emblem of a foreign power. He did not wish to create the impression that he was the agent of another country. Instead , he chose the letter "L" as the symbol of his new organization. It was simple to reproduce under a variety of circumstances and stood for Loyalty to the American Republic, Liberation from materialism and, of course, the Silver Legion itself. He personally designed its flag, a square, white standard emblazoned with a capital L in scarlet. For the next nine years, it was to be seen by millions of Americans, carried into vicious street battles and hoisted over every state in the Union.

But in the beginning, beyond creating its first symbol, Pelley really did not know where or how to start. At last, he fell back on his writing skills and published a tabloid newspaper, Liberation, at his own expense. It created a sensation, becoming virtually an overnight success by attracting not only numerous financial supporters, but expressive writers like himself and first a dozen or so, then hundreds of unemployed men anxious to sell the publication from street corners. In decadent big cities like New York or Washington, D.C., these early activists were attacked by mobs, aggitated by the communists, so the same enemy that made Hitler's Stormtroopers necessary were likewise responsible for the Silver Shirts coming into being. Pelley's choice of the name was an obvious reference to the German SS., but their presence at newspaper sales and public speeches was not less vital. The members of the Silver Shirts where by no means armchair revolutionaries, but tough street fighters. In a short period of time the Silver Shirts became the Silver Legion. The vast majority of Legionnaires where factory and office workers, or students attending high school or college. Many where also ex-serviceman, betrayed veterans of the phony "War to End All Wars". They saw through the capitalist nature of the Depression and regarded F.D.R. as the most dangerous president ever foisted on the country. Most of all, they wanted to sweep aside the liberal-capitalist-democratic System and build in its place a free republic of altruistic citizens deeply conscious of their heritage and committed to social justice. To achieve that goal, they strove to build a real political movement aimed seriously at putting their leaders in office through legal, constitutional means.

Their uniforms consisted of a cap identical to those worn by German Stormtroopers, blue corduroy trousers, leggings, tie and silver shirt with a red "L" over the heart. To offset their European appearance the Silver Shirts never failed to fly the Stars and Stripes side by side with the Legion flag, and their official anthem was a pro-American text set to the famous Civil War march, the Battle Hymn of the Republic. "Silver symbolizes the purity of our fight", Pelley announced, "and the purity of our Ideals!" This began what he referred to as "The Great Marathon", conjuring images of the Thermopylae - "the ultimate contest for existance between enlightened mankind and materialism."

By the end of 1933, the Legion's growth was nothing less than extraordinary. Units were springing up all across the country, as Pelley found that he spoke as eloquently as he could write. By 1936, he was a nationally-known public figure, who had already addressed hundreds of thousands of farmers, students, housewives and, most usually, unemployed people all across the country. As he described once in Liberation, "Men in the little towns are suddenly galvanized by the piercing sound of the Silver Bugles (the name of a Silver Legion drum and bugle corps). They crane their necks up from ledgers and lathes. Rippling flags go past foggy windows where they've viewed the world with increasing sullenness during this highly successful capitalist Depression. They deploy upon the sidewalks and behold the finest specimens of American manhood doing something to relieve mass resentment. They want to play their parts." Like the growing Legion of his followers, being a Fascist activist, he felt "part of the very essence and figure of my country's current history." His message was the simple truth: "Capitalist democracy has failed, but out of its putrid remains is struggling to be born the monstrous offspring, communism. The Russian people failed to crush that monster in its womb and suffered terribly. I know, I saw it happen. The same is happening here. It is not a struggle for capitalism or communism, but between spiritual values and materialism."

Silver Shirts on the March!
Pelley's organization of the Silver Legion was unique. Although there were permanent barracks for Silver Shirt training and local units flourished in most states and in every region of the United States, there was no central headquarters building. Instead, the Chief, as he was popularly known to his followers, ran the Legion from his Ford touring car. He never stayed any place more than a few weeks, at most, but was constantly on the move, traveling from one headquarters to another, staging outdoor rallies and mass-meetings along the way. Actually he went through several cars per year, because he was driven an astounding 20,000 miles annually. Wherever he happened to be visiting at the time was the national headquarters from which he made all his phone calls to other headquarters. This extremely mobile leadership tied the various headquarters very closely together and gave Pelley a tremendous understanding of Americans at all levels, in all parts of the country, while making him a personally known statesman to millions of people.

His plan for achieving power was open and direct: First, he would acquaint his follow citizens with the Silver Legion program. Then he would enter the next presidential race in one state only for the experience he and his activists needed to understand practical politics. With that real-life training, he would make a serious bid for the 1940 national election. Accordingly, his support was so widespread in Washington State that his name was placed on the presidential ballot, thanks to the hard, door-to-door campaigning work of the Silver Shirts, who collected thousands of signatures on their circulating petitions. (Here, my research draws a blank, as I was unable to locate any sources describing the voter response he won. I conclude it must have been significant, for reasons which will soon by made clear.)

F.D.R.'s reinstatement as president brought closer the "conflict between the Light and Dark forces on earth" - a prophesy of the coming war against the Germany made by Pelley in his first national radio speech. His election bid increased Silver Legion membership three-fold and win some important figures, including George van Horn Moseley, a retired general in the U.S. Army, Congressional Representative Jacob Thorkelson, Charles A. Lindbergh, Jr., and Walt Disney. All of them attended his public rallies and some shared the podium with the Chief. He was confident that, with this kind of high-level support and the obvious acceptance of millions of average Americans, the Silver Legion had a great destiny before it. As his biographer wrote, "Pelley looked forward to a World Alliance, centered in a Fascist Washington and made secure at either end in Berlin and Tokyo. As long as China tottered on the verge of becoming Stalin's satellite, the Japanese armies in Manchuria defended civilization against the insidious serpent of communism." Having lived in Japan for some time, Pelley came to deeply respect the Japanese as the bulwark in the Far East against the Soviet Union. He was therefore appalled at Roosevelt's attempts at goading Japan into a catastrophic war that would leave the door wide open to Communist expansion into Asia. The Chief proved all too prophetic here too, as the crippled American veterans of Korea and Viet Nam can attest.

As the 1940 presidential election approached, the Silver Shirts, now 100,000 strong (House Committee, on "Un-American" Activities, Special Committee, 1939), where being taken very seriously by F.D.R. who recognized Pelley as a deadly serious contender; the Chief might not actually get into the White House, but he could control enough votes to swing the election away from the democrats. Roosevelt's popularity already waning, he could not risk his reelection and ordered the F.B.I. to "investigate" Pelley. Attorney General Frank Murphy balked at the obvious political persecution and made excuses to the President, telling him it would be a mistake to make "martyrs out of the Silver Shirts". Martyrs, schmartyrs - democratic incumbency was at stake, so he ordered what Pelley referred to as his "Gentile satraps" to make life miserable for the Silver Shirts. Their North Carolina unit (the legion's largest headquarters and the closest thing they had to a national office) was raided by federal marshals, its properties, including printing presses, confiscated, its residents arrested and jailed on a variety of contrived charges, all of which were dismissed but only after long months of financially draining court proceedings. Even so, none of the confiscated materials, as well as the legally owned building itself, were returned to the impoverished Silver Shirts; they were told by the smiling judge that they had the right to sue the government for damages.

Hard on the heels of the North Carolina raid, Congressman Dickstein (New York) called for a national ban on public display of the Silver Shirt uniform. The Chief was quick to respond: "Any kike who thinks he can tell me what kind of shirt I can wear, or that I can't war a scarlet L on it, will get a punch in his nose that he'll remember until he lands in Abraham's bosom!" As even his unsympathetic biographer admits, "Pelley had grounds to believe that he was being harassed."

The harassment accelerated and he was charged with tax evasion. Although he beat that politically motivated charge, the great expense and time needed to defend himself from impending imprisonment sabotaged his 1940 campaign. By that time (November), U.S. involvement in the widening conflict against Germany seemed virtually inevitable. Accordingly, Pelley changed the direction of the Legion from running for elective office to opposing the Roosevelt and his liberal warmongers. The Silver Shirts joined up with the German-American Bund, the Ku Klux Klan and numerous other patriotic organizations, large and small, united in mobilizing mass-opposition for peace. Here too, the Chief proved his power to win over millions, as national poles taken only a week before Pearl Harbor showed that more than three quarters of the American people were against war with the Axis unless the United States was physically attacked. How Roosevelt engineered that prerequisite, well-documented by modern scholars, is too complex for retelling here. After America finally entered the war, Pelley was heartbroken at what he saw as his country slid into the abyss. His life's work of the past nine years, all the wonderful success of the Silver Shirt organization and its enthusiastic grass-root support, seemed in vain. He dissolved the Legion, even its newspaper; what else could he do? He was remarried in 1935, but spent little time with his new wife, by whom he had a daughter. Close to despair, Pelley joined them in the small town of Nobelsville, Indiana, where he wanted to forget the world he had tried to save. His years of self-sacrifice seemed "a thankless job, striving to bring a vision to humankind, as humankind is constituted." But his wife, Helen, and some of his closest comrades urged him to continue, not to give up, in spite of the worst that had happened. Somewhat encouraged, he wanted personal assurance from the new Attorney General Biddle that he would be allowed to publish his views so long as he not undermine the war effort. Biddle gave him his word of honor that Pelley could publish without fear of restraint. Even though the country was at war, the right of free expression was constitutionally guaranteed.

A Pro-Hitler Roll Call in Wartime America
In the midst of wartime hysteria sweeping the nation, he launched a new magazine, Roll Call. It was uncompromisingly Fascist, its famous editor and Silver Shirt writers unapologetic. They documented the prewar oil embargo Roosevelt imposed on the Japanese, forcing them to witness the strangulation of their economy or risk a war to free themselves from U.S. domination. F.D.R. wanted war to save his own faltering "New Deal" economy by the kind of mass-production only wartime industry could provide. The Reds wanted war to save the moribund Soviet slave-empire from Hitler's armies. The liberals wanted war to preserve the capitalist/communist shell game they imposed so successfully on Gentile people throughout the world. Worst of all, in prosecuting war on the Fascist Forces of Light, duped Americans were making it possible for the same forces of internal decay that rotted German society before Hitler cleaned them up to take root in our own country.

Pelley sent pre-publication review copes to the Attorney General's office for government approval. Biddle could afford to appear magnanimous, confident as he was that the last of the Silver Legion would be hoisted on its own by the war-hysteria of "patriotic" Americans. But he was flabbergasted to learn that Roll Call was incredibly successful! Far from the popular hostility he counted on to overwhelm Pelley, the feisty little publication was turning up everywhere. And people were openly agreeing with its notorious editor. Most serious of all, "many copies were found amoung U.S. servicemen in all theaters of the war," according to Pelley's biographer. Into March, 1942, print runs first doubled, then quadrupled. In the space of probably no more than five weeks, Roll Call grew at a phenomenal rate. Obviously, not everyone was taken in by the propaganda-factories of Hollywood, obsessed as its capitalist movie-makers were with "International Finance and Roosevelt in shorts, Confession of Nazi Spies and Stalin in pajamas, dramas of thugs shooting up civilization, mobs storming sundry Bastilles and New Dealers breaking sod for billion-dollar privies," as Pelley wrote then. "We have gone to war because the selfish materialistic policy foisted on our country has pushed the United States back to the verge or bankruptcy."

Then, in late winter, he was urgently contacted by a U.S. naval officer who had been stationed at Pearl Harbor the previous December 7th. The man said that F.D.R. had lied to the American people about the attack, telling them that "although damage has been severe, our Pacific Fleet is still intact." The officer said he personally witnessed the devastation, which was far worse than the President allowed. In fact, all the U.S. capital ships where either sunk or badly damaged, except for five unescorted (and, therefore, nonoperational) aircraft carriers and their obsolete planes. Pelley rushed into print with the news: "Japanese bombers made Pearl Harbor look like an abandoned W.P.A. project in Keokuk!" The special edition that hit the streets was a bombshell, and eaten up by a public starved for truth, which had been the war's earliest causality. But when the Attorney General showed the usual advance copy to F.D.R., the President exploded like the battleship Arizona and demanded Pelley's arrest on April 4th. The charge: high treason!

Forced to break his word of honor to Pelley, Biddle ordered a grand jury to indict the Chief on twelve felony counts of the Sedition Act. During the course of his trial, the intensely politically-motivated prosecutor, Oscar Ewing, a cigar-smoking "big wheel" in the democrat Party, emphatically denied that the U.S. Pacific Fleet had been all that badly damaged at Pearl Harbor, and subpoenaed Secretary of the Navy, Knox, to assure the judge (and a vast, listening radio audience) that the situation was well under control, with no cause for alarm. As he spoke, American military forces were in headlong retreat from an unbroken series of defeats throughout the entire Pacific Theater. But when Pelley's defense attorney threatened to have the entire salvage crew from Pearl Harbor testify in court to support Roll Call's controversial report, the judge swiftly dropped the main part of the indictment.

Now he was accused of falsely portraying the U.S. economy as bankrupt, therefore undermining public confidence during wartime. Here too, the defense was well prepared and subpoenaed Marriner Eccles, Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank, who would have had to testify under cross examination and oath that the American economy was indeed only saved at the last moment by the war-production sparked by the blood-bath at Pearl Harbor. But the judge crushed the subpoena.

To their credit, both Congressman Thorkelson and Charles Lindbergh personally testified as character witnesses on Pelley's behalf, immeasurably brave actions when we consider that they did so in the midst of World War II, at a time when the United States was experiencing defeat from the Pacific to the Atlantic.

Despite their support and the failure of the leading indictment against him (to say nothing of a total lack of evidence regarding treasonable activity of any kind), Pelley was sentenced to 15 years confinement at a maximum security federal prison. The prosecution had been unable to produce a single piece of evidence to prove Pelley had committed any treasonable acts; all he had done was to criticize an unjust war and the evil President who schemed for it. Twenty five years later, thousands of communists and their brainless dupes burned U.S. flags in the streets and violently protested American involvement during the Viet Nam War; unlike Pelley, none of them pulled hard time. Penniless, he was unable to mount an appeal. Later, Lindbergh told a reporter for the Chicago Tribune that Pelley was no traitor, but a true patriot who was obviously being persecuted for saying publicly what a growing number of Americans were discussing privately. Pelley was to be made an example of for these people: Keep your opinions to yourself, or look what will happen to you!

Stunned by the harshness of his sentence, he was a mute prisoner of the war he opposed. While the Western World outside his penitentiary bars committed suicide, he read voraciously and thought deeply. Although sad, something in him would not let him despair: "Some day, we Americans will see in true perspective what a small group of rich financiers did to us, and why we have been so stupid to suffer it." As the catastrophic decade of the 40's came to an end, Pelley's daughter and son-in-law, with the help of old comrades, were able to raise enough money for an appeal. It failed, but their loyalty was undiminished and they tried again. In 1952, with Americans dying needlessly in Asia, just as he predicted, Pelley was reluctantly paroled on the condition that he participate in no "political activities of any nature", a flagrantly unconstitutional requirement he was too broke to contest. Frail in health, his daughter and her husband nursed him back to health at the family home in Nobelsville, Indiana.

Together, they founded a new publishing company, Soulcraft Press, which released his first book since the war: Something Better. In it, he singled out Roosevelt as the man most responsible for setting in motion the social upheaval America experienced in the Viet Nam era. "He was the forerunner of today's evolving chaos," which was nevertheless deemed necessary to create a Fascist-style state in the future. But it was the creation of two magazines dealing largely with mystical and metaphysical themes that got him back on his feet financially, so much so he was able to repay all those loyal followers who had contributed so generously to his appeal. As earlier in life, writing gave him a sense of purpose and fulfillment. And he recalled without regret that seminal experience that set him on his difficult dramatic path in 1928; it all seemed destined to happen and therefore part of some Higher Purpose he trusted instinctively, even tough he could not understand it intellectually. In his last years, he was happy with the love of his daughter and old comrades, and content to know that, even though he failed, he had done the best be could on behalf of his race and nation. And his enemies - the enemies of his people - had honored him by long imprisonment. He also lived long enough to witness the rise of George Lincoln Rockwell's 'American Nazi Party', a phenomenon that offered him deep comfort: Someone was carrying on the fight he began thirty years before.

Death and Legacy
William Dudley Pelley died peacefully in his sleep on July 1, 1965, aged 75. While he was lying in state, someone burned a cross on the front lawn of the funeral parlor. It was never determined if the fiery cross had been set there by a friend or an enemy. His passing was observed (with malice, of course) in the national newsmedia, but immediately thereafter his name was allowed to lapse into obscurity.

In 1982, the little Indiana town of Nobelsville achieved brief national attention once more, when a neighborhood boy playing outside his room one midsummer evening was narrowly missed by a falling meteor that landed at his feet. "Not since the death of fascist leader, W.D. Pelley, seventeen years ago," the local newspaper reported, "has the rest of America taken notice of our community."

Pelley's life as a patriot was similarly meteoric. He was our country's first political activist in the Fascist style. He was the predecessor to Commander Rockwell and the Patriotic Movement in America Today. His living martyrdom in the belly of the beast won him a place of honor in the hearts of fellow fighters who came after him. He did not fail, as he thought, any more than a brave soldier who does his best when captured by the enemy fails.

Historical circumstances did not allow him to create the Fascist Washington he dreamt of. But in the far larger struggle for world-wide supremacy of reason, he fought the good fight; his was but the opening battle in an ongoing war for the final triumph of humanity. The Chief and his Silver Shirts have gone before us. They inspire us to follow their lead. And our victorious banner someday unfurled over Planet Earth will belong as much to them as to us!


Ribuffo, Leo Pual, Protestants on the Right: William Dudley Pelley, Gerald B. Winrod and Gerald L.K. Smith, two volumes, Yale University, 1976 Liberation magazine, January 1936, New York City Library
SB, No, Fred is not the reason for our present pathetic, trifling situation. He just stands for the abject failure of American white men: Failure as a father, husband, leader and patriot. That failure, SB, is why we are where we are today. Fred is just one exemplar.

True. Its as if the media has breed a pathology of White surrender in our people since the great White slaughter and upheavel of 1939-45.

White's have been escaping and moving here an there to get away from savages, but with open borders that has been impossible for over twenty years now.

1991 that was the year of a dastardly unneeded war by US, and was the begining of the stage we are at now IMO. Fifteen years after the Rostow brother's/LBJ Gulf of Tonkin liar for the Vietnam war, that was used to bleed US out and demoralize US. As our White brethren were sent to kill half way around the World with out debate or the informed approval of US IMO.
Official: Navy SEAL died of apparent suicide
By KIMBERLY DOZIER AP Intelligence Writer The Associated Press
Sunday, December 23, 2012 5:47 PM EST
Email Print Share This undated photo provided by the U.S. Navy shows Navy SEAL Cdr. Job W. Price. U.S.... (AP Photo/U.S. Navy)
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[Paul Fromm]

CSIS Director Richard McFadden Was Right About Pernicious Red Chinese Spying in Canada

This report highlights red Chinese commercial spying in North America. However, it calls into question the loyalty of many Chinese immigrants. China is a cohesive society , possessed of a sense of mission, a desire to regain its dominant position in East Asia as hegemon. It sees as its major obstacle to Pacific and perhaps even World dominance. North America. north America, especially resource rich Canada.. North America, and Canada in particular, are, by Chinese standards, empty and relatively uninhabited and a magnet for conquest.

This calls into question ANY agreements by the Harper Government to let the Red Chinese, especially their parastatals, to buy into key areas of Canadian resource industries.

Paul Fromm

Chinese “trade secret” cases show CSIS director Richard Fadden was right with his 2010 warning

Ottawa Citizen December 4, 2012. 12:05 am • Section: Opinion

Is Richard Fadden owed an apology? Fadden, you remember, is director of the Canadian Security and Intelligence Service. In 2010 he got himself in trouble after saying that CSIS suspected some Canadian public officials of working on behalf of foreign governments.

Of course, Fadden didn’t need to name names or identify the countries involved. Everyone knew he was talking about communist China. Canadians acting on behalf of China were, in the words of one or the more intelligent commentators, “infiltrating Canadian politics and exerting influence over Canadian politicians.”

Indeed, at least two of those suspected “agents of influence” held cabinet posts in provincial government, according to Fadden, and the problem is particularly conspicuous in British Columbia, the hot zone of Asian immigration in Canada.

Oh the hue and cry that ensued. Editorialists were aghast, fearing that Fadden’s views would be used to undermine multicultural and immigration policies. (Well, like, duh. If multikultism is making it easier for others to spy on this country, then it only makes sense of reconsider those attitudes.)

Politicians likewise took great umbrage at the notion that any of them would act in a treasonous manner. But then, as one editorialist remarked, “the MPs were playing to the multicultural crowd.”

Academics were also puzzled why Fadden would say what he said because there was no benefit to him for saying it. (I guess the idea of patriotism is beyond academic comprehension.)

And, no surprise, those of the ethnic persuasion more or less brandished that shuts-down-all-discussion epithet of “racism” to scare everyone into silence. Never mind that Fadden was once the deputy minister of citizenship and immigration, and, no doubt, had some knowledge of how Canada’s immigration system is abused.

All of this hostility might have been warranted if subsequent events didn’t provide considerable evidence to back Fadden’s claim. Scant days after he spoke out American authorities arrested Russian agents — some posing as Canadians – who were involved “in a plot to penetrate the innermost circles of American power.”

A year later, in 2011, we had the so-called Dechert affair. Again, you surely remember the kerfuffle when Conservative MP Bob Dechert publicly apologized for his more-than-friendly relationship with Shi Rong, a Toronto correspondent for Xinhua, the Chinese state news agency. Everybody knows (except, it seems, Dechert) that Xinhua serves as an intelligence gathering arm for the Chinese government.

And this late last week – a tidbit of a news item to demonstrate that Fadden knew what he was talking about and was more than justified in voicing his concerns. To be sure, the item originated in the United States, but only the most naïve — or deliberately obfuscated — would think such things aren’t happening on this side of the border. A former General Motors engineer, Shanshan Du, 54, with access to the automaker’s secret hybrid-car technology was convicted Friday along with her husband, Yu Qin, 51, of stealing trade secrets for possible use in developing such vehicles in Chinal. Qin also was convicted of wire fraud and attempting to obstruct justice by shredding documents. Prosecutors told jurors in the weeks-long trial that GM trade secrets were found on at least seven computers owned by the Oakland County couple. Du faces up to 10 years in prison, while her husband faces up to 30.

Du and Qin, both U.S. citizens, had been under scrutiny for years after GM accused them of theft. They were charged in 2006 with destroying documents sought by investigators, but that case was dropped while investigators pursued a broader probe that led to an indictment in 2010.

Corporate espionage is nothing new, of course. According to news reports, this wasn’t the first trade secrets prosecution in the Detroit auto industry. In 2011, an engineer who stole information from Ford Motor Co. was sentenced to nearly six years in prison. Xiang Dong Yu, also known as Mike Yu, admitted copying thousands of documents with details on engine transmission systems and electrical power supply before leaving Ford to work for a Chinese competitor in 2008.

CSIS Director Richard McFadden Was Right About Pernicious Red Chinese Spying in Canada

This report highlights red Chinese commercial spying in North America. However, it calls into question the loyalty of many Chinese immigrants. China is a cohesive society , possessed of a sense of mission, a desire to regain its dominant position in East Asia as hegemon. It sees as its major obstacle to Pacific and perhaps even World dominance. North America. north America, especially resource rich Canada.. North America, and Canada in particular, are, by Chinese standards, empty and relatively uninhabited and a magnet for conquest.

This calls into question ANY agreements by the Harper Government to let the Red Chinese, especially their parastatals, to buy into key areas of Canadian resource industries.

Paul Fromm
Greece to sell Turkish - Erdogan: "sank and sell out '
Tuesday, December 25, 2012 - 10:31

Sensation caused by Erdogan's statements that "Greece is sinking and sells its islands", which was if anything terribly offensive to our country. In these statements he rushed to answer the MFA, D. Avramopoulos, in style as characterized by Greece and the Turkish media sharp. Yet what is the bitter truth that column Artistic Views do not have the local media?

The truth is that Erdogan said something that everybody knows how it happens and Avramopoulos' threw a flare "in order to play local media to ypostylothei mnimoniaki the crumbling coalition. Crossings, moreover, before the time of grant of the tourist port Mytilene to a consortium involving a Turkish company. So read a few days ago and the concession of Marina Flisvos in Turkish company Dogus. these two examples so purely indicative, because if one starts counting the "investment" which progresses through Ziraat Ankara in Thrace, but also elsewhere, the list really will not end.

It is true, unfortunately, so what says Erdogan. Indeed, the coalition mnimoniaki selling off our islands and our ports. What is really infuriating is that the Greek Foreign Minister dares leontarizei already for the cameras, when it is widely accepted that everything offered by the Tripartite sellout gang domestic troika. Has not passed, moreover, long ago since the Erdogan made "archigiki" appearance in Athens, accompanied by one hundred Turkish businessmen.

One way, therefore, the degradation of the coalition and its partners for a new Golden Dawn Hellenism.

Leaked U.S. Army Document Outlines Plan For Re-Education Camps In America

Political activists would be pacified to sympathize with the government
Paul Joseph Watson
Thursday, May 3, 2012

The document makes it clear that the policies apply “within U.S. territory” and involve, “DOD support to U.S. civil authorities for domestic emergencies, and for designated law enforcement and other activities,” including “man-made disasters, accidents, terrorist attacks and incidents in the U.S. and its territories.”

The manual states, “These operations may be performed as domestic civil support operations,” and adds that “The authority to approve resettlement such operations within U.S. territories,” would require a “special exception” to The Posse Comitatus Act, which can be obtained via “the President invoking his executive authority.” The document also makes reference to identifying detainees using their “social security number.”

Aside from enemy combatants and other classifications of detainees, the manual includes the designation of “civilian internees,” in other words citizens who are detained for, “security reasons, for protection, or because he or she committed an offense against the detaining power.”

Once the detainees have been processed into the internment camp, the manual explains how they will be “indoctrinated,” with a particular focus on targeting political dissidents, into expressing support for U.S. policies.


Prominent Russians: Varlam Shalamov

Shalamov met with Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, but had an ambivalent feeling toward him: he recognized Solzhenitsyn as an inferior writer but envied his fame. He commented on Solzhenitsyn's “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich” saying: "The camp described here was one in which you could happily have spent a lifetime. It was an improved postwar camp, nothing like the hell of Kolyma." Unlike Solzhenitsyn, who propagated that camp experience could be positive and purifying, Shalamov claimed it would turn a human into an animal, a lowlife creature with no standards. In his own books, Shalamov wrote that people’s moral and physical potential was limited and it could not be subjected to a ruthless exploitation. In a letter to Solzhenitsyn he stated: “The concentration camp is a negative experience from the first till the last day.”


1.The extraordinary fragility of human nature, of civilization. A human turns into a beast in three weeks of hard work, cold, starvation and beating.

10.Seen what a forcible argument a simple slap could be for an intellectual.

29.The lust for power, for unpunished murder is great — from big shots down to regular police operatives with rifles (Seroshapka [3] and his ilk).

31.Learned that world should be divided not into good and bad people but into cowards and non-cowards. 95% of cowards are capable of any meanness, lethal meanness, after light threatening.


In 2005, offending rates (homicide) for blacks were more than 7 times higher than the rates for whites

From 1976 to 2005 --

14% of white victims were killed by non-whites
6% of black victims were killed by non-blacks

Crime Rates
• Blacks are seven times more likely than people of other races to commit murder, and eight times more likely to commit robbery.
• When blacks commit crimes of violence, they are nearly three times more likelythan non-blacks to use a gun, and more than twice as likely to use a knife.
• Hispanics commit violent crimes at roughly three times the white rate, andAsians commit violent crimes at about one quarter the white rate.
• The single best indicator of violent crime levels in an area is the percentage of the population that is black and Hispanic.

Interracial Crime

• Of the nearly 770,000 violent interracial crimes committed every year involving blacks and whites, blacks commit 85 percent and whites commit 15 percent.

• Blacks commit more violent crime against whites than against blacks. Forty five percent of their victims are white, 43 percent are black, and 10 percent are Hispanic. When whites commit violent crime, only three percent of their victims are black.
• Blacks are an estimated 39 times more likely to commit a violent crime againsta white than vice versa, and 136 times more likely to commit robbery.
• Blacks are 2.25 times more likely to commit officially-designated hate crimes against whites than vice versa.

Calls for Racial Profiling Of White Guys

OY Vey, skin pigmentation never made anyone violent.

Are Most Mass Murderers Privileged White Men? - YouTube
WASHINGTON -- The U.S. State Department has issued a revised Haiti travel advisory, warning Americans planning to travel to the Caribbean island nation about robbery, lawlessness, infectious disease and poor medical facilities.

"U.S. citizens have been victims of violent crime, including murder and kidnapping, predominantly in the Port-au-Prince area. No one is safe from kidnapping, regardless of occupation, nationality, race, gender, or age," the department said.

The new travel warning was released Friday to replace a less strongly worded advisory issued in June.

Dr Revilo P Oliver (Pt 5) 45 years now.

Sad, that not even 10% of White's could hear him, thanks to the enemy alien fanatical media in 1968.

No the nightly news was constant propaganda race war on White's, with anti-war/YT Vietnam hot war reports.

The jooish "fact" owned controlled media of 1968 showed US the counter culture war with Whitey being the bad guy. The cry was stop the war that the Rostow brothers promoted, but no one knew that LBJ the big liar with Gulf Of Tonkin horse ****, was promoted to do it. The war in Vietnam was a war on US, and a giant distraction for the elimanating any resistence to cultural/race that was laid against US based based out of Hollywood and public coolieges.

Elected office holders.

How can it turn out differently any where they are the puppet rulers ?

China, only has to wait.

China is in Africa big time today.

China is legally sending miner's to Brithish Columbia Canada. 1964 warning to the West.

Media has incited this pathology at large over the last 50 years, with no apologie's, but they deny it of course.

Jim Summers January 2, 2013 - 10:29 am | Permalink Jews dislike rural Whites but unfortunately rural Whites love Jews because instead of reading websites like this one they are watching Fox News cheering for Israel and wondering why those “ragheads” overseas hate Jews so much.

Kevin MacDonald January 2, 2013 - 11:17 am | Permalink That’s a very good point. Mainstream conservative media is a disaster. They will be okay on gun control but never have an honest discussion of who is behind the move to take away guns and what their motives are.


Evanjellycull's are the reason alone that Ron Paul did not get the "repukelican" nomination period, as they are 2/3's of a party that is anti White IMO.
Chicago: America’s Gun-Free Killing Field

by Karen De Coster

Chicago, one of America's most anti-gun cities, has just recorded its 500th homicide. This is another banner year for Mayor Rahm Emanuel's tightly controlled non-gun "paradise." Breitbart recently reported that 440 school age children were shot in 2012 in Chicago's paradise. Breitbart's Awr Hawkins writes:

These numbers are well above those for the 2011-2012 school year, in which 319 Chicago students were wounded and another 24 were killed.

Nonetheless, it has been noted that the school where Rahm's children attend to their education has an armed security guard. Additionally, his children also have the benefit of an armed escort to get them to and from school, just like those Hollywood celebrities who clamor for gun control for their admiring fans while they enjoy full-time, armed bodyguards. And yet, the citizen gun control puppets continue to lap up the "wisdom" of their Masters and spew their hyper-emotional pleas to be controlled and enslaved.

Oh - and what appeared in the Chicago Tribune just a few days prior to the Chicago murder report? An article by Laura Washington, written in the usual Oprahified manner, stating that gun control would be the best present ever for those of us who lack Chicago's glorious standards for a peace paradise. In fact, Miss Laura openly calls for totalitarian decrees on the part of the Napoleonic branch of government:

Obama can do more. He can issue executive orders that will bypass the congressional sausage makers. He can deploy his White House bully pulpit to back similar state and local efforts.

If we don’t take action for the little angels of Sandy Hook, now, America will be forever haunted by the demons of gun violence.

In addition, Miss Laura also states that:

During the 2012 campaign, he avoided confrontations on gun control. When Obama was asked about gun control at a presidential debate, he punted. He was terrified of the People of the Gun, particularly in election swing states like Pennsylvania and Virginia.

People of the Gun? How cutesy. Actually, Obama and Rahm Emanuel both quickly realized, upon Obamanuel's first election victory, that they could not win the federal battle for gun control because so many states of free and law-abiding peoples are still heroically immersed in a gun culture, unlike their murder city. Like all of us, politicians pick their battles, and after Obamanuel realized this battle could not be won, Emanuel separated from Obama and took his schemes back to the city that gave us both of these megalomaniac buffoons. Sorry Chicago, better that you have Rahm all to yourselves rather than the rest of us.

Following the Connecticut school shooting, Emanuel has begged the media to listen to his appeals for nationwide gun control, in spite of the carnage in his own state. Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy, the guy who resides over Rahm’s killing fields, appeared on WGN News to tell the media lapdogs that the U.S. has an "overproduction" of guns, and that we [the collective people of the United States] are "the only economy on earth where supply outweighs legitimate demand." McCarthy, who wants stricter gun control for his killing fields, as well as an "assault weapon" and large ammunition clip ban, is fond of repeating his "legitimate demand" theory, as if subjective demand is somehow legitimately disqualified when the Masters have been empowered to determine what their serfs can legitimately demand.

In 2009, I reported this statistic about Chicago’s stunning success with gun control:

While the median violent crime rate for the United States in 2008 – the last year for which statistics were released by the Federal Bureau of Investigation – was 4.7 percent, Chicago’s median rate was 12.12 percent. In addition, the United States overall experienced 49.6 crimes per square mile, but Chicago witnessed 766 crimes per square mile.

Additionally, I wrote about the 2009 overall slaughter rates for the city of Chicago. The summer of 2009 was a bloodbath in the city, and that’s not including the armed robberies, burglaries, and home invasions where the criminals carried out their crimes with guns they apparently have to access to in a gun-controlled city. As Alan Gottlieb of the 2nd Amendment Foundation reported back in 2004, when Chicago won the title of Murder City, the cities with the nation’s strictest gun laws - New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles - continue to outpace all others in terms of their high crime numbers.

Throughout all of this official drama on the part of Chicago’s uniformed officialdom, not once has any city bureaucrat linked Chicago’s years of murder orgies to its gun control policy that puts so many guns into the hands of criminals while robbing law-abiding people of the ability to defend themselves in the city’s gangland.

Chicago, feel free to revel in your gun control authoritarianism and ignore your city's violence, murder, mayhem, and perpetual terror, but you aren't going to import your political enslavement and perverted twist of logic to the rest of us anytime soon.

January 2, 2013

Karen De Coster, CPA [send her mail] is an accounting/finance professional in the healthcare industry and a freelance writer, blogger, speaker, and sometimes unpaid troublemaker. She writes about libertarian stuff, economics, financial markets, the medical establishment, the Corporate State, health totalitarianism, and other essentially, anything that encroaches upon the freedom of her fellow human beings. When she has a few moments of spare time she engages functional fitness, adventure cycling, photography, conversations with friends, and visiting wine regions. This is her archive and her archive. Check out her website. Follow her on Twitter @karendecoster.